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The Tales of Serena & Sacha

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Sacha had no idea a normal nite out was to change everything.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/18/2023
Created 07/25/2021
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Her eyes met mine across the dance floor, at first I wasn't sure if I had imagined it but as she moved her way towards me, there was no doubt. She had big shining eyes that seemed to look a different colour with every movement she made and I could have sworn she looked me up and down more than once as she danced in front of me.

I'd gone to club with my friends, just as we had so many other Saturday nights before. I'd had a few drinks but was by no means drunk, just in that happy zone, lost in the music, letting it lead me as I danced.

You see I'm not a lesbian, or wasn't, maybe I'm still not, I'm not hundred percent sure any more what I am. But I couldn't stop looking at this woman in front of me, was it because of the intense way she was looking at me or was it something else? I'll never be quite sure.

I don't know how long she was there before she moved in slowly took my hands in hers, pulled me close to her and kissed me. Bam! I have no idea what happened but I found myself kissing her back fully and felt my body almost explode. It wasn't just a kiss, it was all consuming, mind blowing, breath taking, all those cliches people use that I had always thought were, well just cliches.

But there I was kissing a woman for the very first time in my life, on a dance floor, in front of my wide eyed, shocked friends and I never wanted it to end. Before I was ready she had pulled back, again those eyes scanned me with an intensity that was simply indescribable.

She had continued to dance in front of me, her hands in mine, every now and then pulling me to her to kiss me again and again. When she had reached out and traced her finger tips down my cheek the sensations that shot through my body were explosive, all consuming. Then when she had taken my hand and led me through the crowded dance floor, I didn't even look back at my friends, my eyes were glued on her.

I've never even checked a woman out like that before and here I was staring at her ass and the way her hips swayed. The figure hugging cut of her tight jeans highlighted the perfect shape of her rear and I found myself imagining stupid things. Like how it would feel to slide my hands over her ass cheeks and more than anything I wanted to kiss her again.

She led me back into one of those dark corners in the club, you know the ones, every club has them. Its semi private as in you don't see the people there until you stumble across them, but its also oh so public as well. Neither of us had spoken a word up till now and as she spun me around, pressed me back against the cool wall I couldn't see that changing very fast.

Her lips were on mine again, only in more urgent way. The kiss was deeper, stronger, rougher, her tongue forced its way into my mouth and her body pressed hard against mine. I could feel her heart beating, slow and regular, which had to mean she could feel mine and believe me mine was far from beating normally, it was beating almost out of my chest at this point. I remember the way her hands ran down over my body and as I reached out to touch her she had taken hold of my wrists and raised my arms behind my head, holding me tight, making sure I knew she was in total control.

Alarm bells should have sounded I am sure, but no matter what my head screamed my body screamed the opposite and I'm sure she could read that within me. It was like this woman had full control over me and for whatever reason I wanted her to have it completely. Even now thinking back it makes no sense, something about her connected with me in a way I couldn't control.

I wish I could say that kiss was where it ended in the club but it was far from over and I'm quite ashamed of myself really, or rather ashamed of the then me. even now when I remember it I blush a little. You see I have to tell you all this is not me, I've always been more of a quick snog on the dance floor and swap numbers type of girl, I'm the last person to be in this position really, or should I say I was.

There I was pinned against the wall being kissed like I never knew was possible, I didn't know then it was actually possible to get so turned on from a kiss. Of course I know differently now and understand so much more about myself and what does and doesn't turn me on, but then I hardly knew my own body, let alone how reactive it could be to the tiniest of touches.

When she lowered one of her hands and moved it slowly down over my body again the mixture of shivers and shocks that shot through me was truly electrifying. The way she pressed her palm against my breast before cupping and squeezing made me gasp, I knew my nipples were hardening, no doubt she could feel that too. Then when her hand had moved further down my body my breast felt the loss of her touch immediately, but that was soon replaced by a new feeling as she forced the short skirt of my dress up over my hips and her thigh pressed between my legs. I swear I saw stars at the contact and it did nothing to improve the confusing thoughts and reactions happening uncontrollably between those said legs.

I knew I was wet down there, I could feel it and the moan that escaped my lips at the first contact from her thigh was way louder than it should have been. She had smiled into our kiss, although I'm not sure why I say our, I really had no real say in what was happening between us.

She bit down on my lower lip which caused me to moan out loud again and seeming pleased with this reaction had pushed her thigh hard and fully against my sex, while her hand moved to the small of my back and she pulled me hard against her. I swear I almost came there and then, let alone when she finally spoke, well more of a whisper really.

"Mmm I do love a horny slut!" She half laughed, not really speaking to me, more at me.

I probably should have been offended but my reaction was quite the opposite, it was as if I knew I had to please her. As she released my wrists I had automatically wrapped my arms around her neck, tangled my fingers in her dark, soft, wavy hair and as we kissed once more I found myself slowly riding her thigh.

My panties were soaking now and the sensation of the material rubbing against my sex as I moved up and down her thigh intensified every feeling. I honestly didn't know my body could react this way and I know you are reading this and thinking she's just saying all this, but honestly my body was feeling things and reacting as it never had before.

I could feel myself getting close to orgasm and she must of felt it to because she suddenly removed her leg and pushed me hard against the wall again. My sex was pulsing, alive and wanting like I had never felt before and it missed the feel of her thigh, I probably let out a deep groan of frustration, I don't remember exactly. Her reaction was to break off the kiss, push me harder against the wall and then without warning her hand was inside my panties, she had spread my folds open and her fingers were working my clitoris. I can only say working because it wasn't gentle and the truth is I didn't want her to be gentle, my body was screaming from every pore to reach that high.

It was at this point she spoke for the second time, whispering into my ear, "Cum for me now."

You guessed it, to my total shock my body responded and I came. It wasn't a rip roaring orgasm in anyway but it was still my first ever orgasm with a woman and first one to command and I have to say, it was the most amazing, yet confusing thing to ever happen to me.

She had held me as my legs began to shake and as I had begun to regain some control she had knelt down in front of me and pulled my underwear down, instructing me to step out of them. I didn't even question her, just did as she said and when she stood back up and sniffed my damp panties and licked the crotch my mind was completely blown. I've never thought about it until now but it was one of the last times I actually wore underwear around her.

She'd pushed my underwear into one of the pockets of her tight jeans, teasingly licked her fingers, smiled and leaned in to kissed me one more time, while pulling my dress back down for me.

"I love a horny slut who can follow my instructions even more," She had simply said as she grabbed my hand and led me back to the dance floor.

The rest of the evening in the club is still a blur really, I know we danced, kissed and every now and then she pulled me tight to her to touch my now exposed sex. She kept me wet and she made me wanting, wanting her touch, wanting her. I now know this is one of her greatest skills but it was so new and confusing that night and for quite a while after.

That night I went home with her, she didn't ask me, I didn't offer, it was just known I would. In the cab she was sweet and loving, it felt like we were lovers, like we had known each other forever, the driver would have had to of thought we were a couple. Yet still we had hardly exchanged more than a few words and those few had been spoken by her.

Once in her apartment she had offered me a drink, which I accepted. She didn't ask what I wanted and I didn't question the glass of cool white wine she handed me. She led me through to a large lounge room, pointed at one of the sofa's for me to sit on. I simply did as instructed and watched as she sat opposite me on the other sofa. For what felt like forever we sat in silence, her eyes constantly seemed to roam my body, moving her head at different angles. For my part I couldn't keep my eyes off her either and the cool wine did nothing to cool the heat that was burning inside me.

"Put your wine down," she had ordered and of course I did.

"Pull your skirt up over your hips for me." Again I had simply did as told.

"Now spread your legs for me." You guessed it I did.

"Move yourself to the edge of the sofa.. Lay back keeping your legs apart.. I want to see your cunt at all times." At the use of the word cunt I felt myself blush deeply but still did as told.

Shuffling to the edge of the sofa's cushion, paying attention not to close my legs, laying back I found my neck hitting the back of the sofa in a way to bend my head so that I was still able to look at her. She smiled this smile that both excited every single part of my body and terrified me at the same time. I watched as she settled back in her own sofa, lifted her glass of wine taking sips in between directing me with what she wanted me to do.

"Touch yourself for me.."

"No not like that.. I want you see you arouse yourself."

Again I have to explain this isn't something I was used to doing, don't get me wrong I did occasionally get myself off but not often and afterwards I'd always felt embarrassed and even a little dirty. I'm not a virgin before you ask, I had boyfriends, even one or two one night stands but really I was quite naive and innocent.

"Don't you want to please me?"

I didn't answer, I assumed it wasn't an actual question, instead I started to touch myself, moving my hand over my mound, I was basically blagging it as I went. Slowly I pushed my middle finger down and between my folds and wasn't surprised to feel I was already wet.

"Show me.. spread yourself open.. I want to see everything."

Using the two finger either side of my middle finger I spread my folds open and continued to move my finger down through my slit.

"Spread your legs wider, use the table or edge of the sofa if you need to." Came the next order.

I tried to tuck my feet up onto the sofa but the angle was all wrong so instead I lifted my feet onto the table, spreading my legs as wide as I could.

"Nice," she had all but whispered, taking another long sip of wine.

I remember being surprised at my wetness, my finger slid freely up and down my slit, spreading my own juices around and then up over my fast hardening clitoris. At the touch of my clitoris I had let out a soft moan and the look in her eyes told me she wanted to see and hear more. I began to circle the tip of my clitoris, first one way and then the other, I felt it start to swell, I knew the sensations enough to know it had popped free of its hood and fully exposed to my touch.

Normally I would have moved my fingers away and avoided direct contact, I used to find the intense feelings too much. But I knew what was expected of me and for some reason really wanted to please her, so I bit my lip and continued to rub my clitoris. Adding the rest of my fingers I kept them moving, sliding through my now soaking slit when the feelings became too intense and then back up over my clitoris. Deeper moans escaped my lips as I began to feel my orgasm build deep, before I could stop myself my hips were moving and I closed my legs to squeeze my fingers harder against myself.

"Keep your legs spread open!" She snapped and for the first time I hadn't respond to her words and instead tightened the squeeze of my legs, beginning to really lose myself in what was about to happen.

I didn't see her put her glass down, I didn't see her stand up, nor bridge the gap between our sofa's. What I do remember was feeling her hands on my knees, all but ripping my legs apart as she stood behind the sofa leaning over me and the look in her eyes as she glared at me, a look almost of disappointment which then faded almost as fast as it had appeared when our eyes met. I know that look well now, but back then I shrugged it off, thinking I must have misread it.

She held my legs apart and even if I had wanted to stop it was all too late, my body had taken over and so I just kept rubbing my now needy clitoris over and over. She was now kissing my neck, or rather sucking, licking, biting I don't remember exactly but I do remember the marks she left.

Stars seemed to fill my head, my whole body jerked and bucked and my orgasm exploded around me. It felt like electric shocks of the most amazing, intense pleasure rushed through my entire body, like an out of body experience, that seemed to last forever. When I finally felt my body relax I was surprised to find myself still rubbing my rock hard clitoris and another wave building around me. The second orgasm hit harder and I felt sure I was about to black out, waves and waves of pure pleasure rushed to my brain, from my brain to my clitoris and everywhere.

I was a panting, hot, sweaty mess and could feel the feelings of embarrassment and shame begin to seep in my mind. My legs were shaking my head still fuzzy and yet my fingers remained between my legs, feeling the heat, the wetness, throbbing and pulsing of my sex.

I don't know if she had sensed something in me but she had then became soft, sweet almost, she reached down, took my hands in hers and as she walked around to face me she had pulled me up into a sitting position. She sat down next to me, tapped her lap for me to lay my head down, which of course I did, she reached over and lifted my legs onto sofa. I remember her touch feeling so soft and even when her hand slipped between my legs and cupped my still throbbing sex it felt natural and gentle.

"Never be embarrassed of what your body wants, I'm going to help you listen to those needs," she whispered as her lips covered mine and her fingers spread my folds and slipped between them into my wetness.

I don't remember how many times I orgasmed that night, but at some point we had moved to her bedroom and into her luxurious over comfortable queen sized bed. However I do remember she never once let me touch her and that frustrated me, not that I would really have known what to do anyway, I'd learn all that in the coming weeks and months.

I woke up the next morning, wrapped tightly in her arms, every inch of my body aching but with a strange feeling of total satisfaction. I felt her stir next to me and attempted to pretend to be asleep but she had sensed I was awake.

"Good morning you," She simply said kissing the top of my shoulder "Where were we before you rudely fell asleep on me?"

I didn't reply, there was no need to, it again wasn't an actual question and when I felt her hand slip between my legs, I willingly parted them and succumbed to her and the insatiable hunger that was growing inside me for her and her touch.

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