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The Task Pt. 04

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Overture, Curtain, Lights, This is it, the night of nights.
20.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/21/2022
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Hi! Welcome back to the final chapter of The Task! Apologies for the long delay but as you'll discover this became a rather lengthy episode that will hopefully serve as a fitting end to this tale. It might not be the end of hearing from Jack and Cassie, though, as new adventures (with better titles) may await them. If you're new to this series I would strongly recommend starting with Chapter One but you be you, my friend. This time there's action sooner rather than later as I went where the Muse led me (to sex. She led me to sex). Everyone involved is a consenting adult over the age of 18.

Thanks and *much* appreciation to everyone who takes the time to read my work. If you enjoyed your read please rate and/or leave a comment if you wish. May both your days and nights be filled with joy and passion! Like, just overflowing everywhere, on the floors and stuff, a glorious mess.


The final few days before the chosen night for my Task somehow managed to both fly by and drag at the same time, if that's possible. I'd reaped the benefits of the preparatory stages via my almost perpetually aroused wife - I swear, I'd never witnessed Cassie this excited about our sex life before. It had always been good, if a little mundane due to the hang ups gifted to me by my upbringing. Now, as I loosened up and the walls crumbled away I wondered why I'd ever tried to stay buttoned up like that in the first place. Okay, I knew why - ingrained guilt, ingrained shame, ingrained prudishness, and so on - but it was like I was discovering a new planet or something. Amazing that it only happened because sucking at fantasy football had made it mandatory and opened the way for Cass to work her wicked and wonderful magic. I was sad it had taken me so long to reach this point. The night before the Task I felt so bad about it that I tried to apologize to Cass about it, which earned me a baleful glare.

"You can knock that shit right off, Luke. It's not your fault your parents tried to make you into a cultist drone who should believe that sex was for procreation only." She shook her head before returning to the magazine she was browsing and muttering, "Keep that up and I'll slap a couple of nipple clamps on you and send them a picture."

I laughed at her bluff, quickly realizing my mistake as her head popped back up with an evil grin in place. Earlier in the evening she'd given me the low heels to try out and even though the spike or whatever you call it was only an inch or so high they made my calves pop in a way I hadn't anticipated. I'd felt sexy AF walking around in them and by the way Cassie was watching me I was pretty sure they were outperforming expectations. Maybe that low simmer was still going on when I called her out because a second later she bounced over the back of the couch and scampered into the bedroom. I'd barely untangled myself from the blankets I'd been under before she reappeared, one hand tightly clenched around something I couldn't see. Her smile was damn near feral now, and as I ran into the kitchen in mock terror she pursued me with a whoop.

We spent a few minutes romping around the house, stopping for select battles. At one point I thought I'd sufficiently distracted her when I spun as she closed in, gathered her into a bearhug, and began nibbling/biting the spot on her neck that usually turns her to jelly. She countered by first giving my already-hard cock a squeeze as a feint while her other hand darted in to press directly and firmly on the clothing directly over my ass. That caused me to both gasp and lose focus, leaving myself wide open for her follow-up strike. The moment her teeth latched onto the trapezius next to my neck I groaned and tried to keep my knees from giving way, and Cass pounced. Before I knew it she'd hiked the front of my t-shirt up and, judging from the sensation on my right nipple, had somehow affixed one of the clamps. That drew another guttural sound from me as the combination of pleasure and pain broke my fugue. Squatting down, I grabbed her again and tossed her over my shoulder, laughing as she made a surprised grunt. From there it was only a few steps back to the couch, where I tossed her down none too gently and followed her in, pulling at her leggings with what could be categorized as frantic desire. I fumbled for a few seconds before she popped her hips up and yanked them down herself, her hands then shifting to remove my sweatpants with equal alacrity. I yelped a little as the top edge snagged on the head of my cock, sending it smacking against my body as it popped free. Cass fairly ripped my tee-shirt off over my head with a hungry growl before leaning in to lick at my imprisoned nipple. I didn't bother with trying to get our respective pants all the way off, instead lining up our hips and getting myself into the proper position. She was more than ready for me, her pussy wet and inviting as I began to slide into her. She felt like a velvet glove worn by someone with a firm grip, and we both let out shuddering sighs as I buried myself to the hilt. Dimly I was aware of the sound of crinkling paper - her magazine was beneath us, the poor periodical - but it was clear neither of us cared.

As I began to move in and out of her at a deliberate pace Cass did some bicycling with her feet, managing to get her leggings off one leg and giving her the freedom to hook her feet over my calves while simultaneously giving my unclamped nipple a tug with her teeth. A HARD tug. My hands tightened involuntarily on her hips and she let out a low, earthy growl. Our mouths eagerly sought one another to lock into an active, passionate kiss. Cass broke away as her nails sought purchase in my back, her eyes alight.

"Look at what a filthy little thing you've become," she said between gasps as she began rocking her hips against me, doubling the impact when I bottomed out. "Now it's nipple clamps. What's n-next, scrotal piercing?"

Wiseass. And speaking of, I took one of my hands off her hip, wet my ring finger in my mouth, and slid it back under her so I could insert the tip into her ass. Filthy little thing, indeed.

Cass damn near leaped off the couch as I double-penetrated her. My finger wasn't very far in but evidently it was deep enough to send her well over the edge of the orgasm she'd been rapidly approaching. "Oh FUCK!!!!" she screamed at what might have been the top of her lungs, both her cunt and her ass tightening around me. As her mouth stayed open in a voiceless yell her nails raked up my back like lashes of fire, and I could feel my cock throbbing in response as I continued to thrust away at what had morphed into a much quicker pace than before.

Cass sucked in a deep breath before snarling, "Yes... yes... YES FUCK ME SO HARD LUKE!" I could feel her pulsing around my finger and slid it in a little deeper, eliciting a genuine whimper before her teeth locked onto my shoulder. Her body had frozen in place again, back arched off the cushions, as what I assumed was another powerful orgasm ripped through her. Cass released her bite to relocate to my earlobe and the sharp pain was a bit startling at first but the pull of her teeth combined with the warmth of her panting in my ear was more than enough to send me over the edge myself, our cries ringing out in unison as my motions became sporadic and spasmic. After what felt like a lifetime of pure pleasure I crashed back into awareness to find myself splayed atop my wife, who was still working on getting her breathing down to a less harried pace.

"Luke... Luke, I love you and I l-love what you did to me b-but please take your finger out of my ass now, okay?" She softened her words with a weary smile while letting her eyes fall shut, and as I pulled myself off of her I removed all insertions. I realized I hadn't bothered to remove her shirt, which didn't really matter now. Scrambling to my feet, I walked an unsteady route to the nearby bathroom to wash my hands, at which point I realized I was still wearing the clamp. With a goofy smile I headed back inside to kneel on the floor next to Cass. She didn't appear to have moved so much as an inch in my absence, looking every bit a rumpled, well-fucked woman. She stirred a bit as I kissed her cheek, my motion reminding me that she'd torn my back up a bit. Perhaps more than a bit. It stung, but in a good way. Her eyes opened in time to catch my grimace, and she reached up to caress my cheek.

"Sorry, babe. Pretty sure I tore furrows out of you. Like, 'you're ready for planting seeds' kind of furrows." She took in a long, slow, and deep breath. "In my defense you both shocked and surprised me, so by not ripping chunks of flesh off of your body I feel like my restraint was admirable."

I leaned into her hand, turning a bit to kiss her palm. "I'm sorry. Should I not do that?"

She sighed, shrugged. "I hate to say anything to dissuade the butterfly that's emerging from his staid cocoon. This, today? This was perfect. You both surprised me and caught me on a day when everything going on down there is in pretty good shape, which is great but the latter is a hit or miss thing, you know?" She shifted a bit to be on her side and facing me. "So for that particular thing I would say going forward either ask if it's something you want to do, or let me request it. The other day I uhm, knocked on your back door but didn't barge into your living room uninvited, right? Again, that's not to say that in this instance it wasn't *amazing* and I'm delighted that you took the initiative but going forward no more invasive surprises, okay?"

I nodded. "Understood. That makes perfect sense, I mean, what if that was the first time you'd had something, you know, in there?"

Cass smiled for a bit before breaking into giggles. "Oh, my dear, sweet summer child." She cleared her throat. "There was one time, back before you became a wanton, lascivious pervert and goddamn it am I happy that happened, where you and I made sweet, passionate love. As always it was a good time for all involved and you were unaware that your blushing bride had an anal plug in place." Her gaze moved upward. "Oh, more than once, actually. A few times, I think."

I blinked a few times, digesting that information. "How did I not notice?"

She laughed again. "It's not like I had one with a horse's tail attached to it, Luke. In those instances I'd cajole you into doing me missionary style - not a difficult task back then - and you'd have no reason to discover what I was, uhm, packing." Sitting up, she grabbed a stray napkin from the table and put it between her legs. "Sometimes that's a sensation that I want to have, and back then I think your head might have exploded if I'd told you. I feel a little dirty about it, like it's a lie of omission, and I'm sorry about that, but in my defense you were really, really repressed back then."

"You're not wrong. I wouldn't have processed that well, I don't think." I heaved myself onto the couch, intending to pull her into an embrace, but instead she dodged me and stood up.

"I need to drain your demon seed out of me before the couch needs a steam cleaning. And you owe me a new magazine." As she exited the room she turned back, dropping her head. "I forgot to take a picture! Damn, that would have made a perfect Xmas card for them." With a snicker, she headed out.


And then it was The Day of The Task. I decided against taking the day off from work as it would have given me more focus to direct toward my increasing sense of nervousness and dread. Don't get me wrong, I was still excited at certain levels but the immediacy of me being out there as a woman could no longer be viewed as something that was going to happen at some point in the future. Cass was also working but said she'd be home by six or so, which would give us plenty of time 'to pretty you up.' Since I worked from home anyway I skipped lunch in order to knock off a little early and thus was lounging on the couch with a beer - not my first one - when she burst through the front door.

"TIME TO GET YOUR SEXY ON, HUSBAND!" She bounced into the living room, a bundle of unbridled energy in bright blue scrubs, and started dancing in front of me while beatboxing as well. Finishing with a much-appreciated butt-shaking extravaganza, Cass spun in my direction before landing on me with a graceful straddle. After taking my beer and helping herself to a healthy swig, she gave me a quick-but-not-too-quick kiss before hopping back to her feet and grabbing my hand.

"C'mon, I got us Mexican from El Guapo's. Important to keep your strength up!" With a couple of tugs she coaxed me off the couch and into the kitchen. Given the cadre of butterflies in my stomach I hadn't planned on eating but the smells of seasoned flank steak and spicy queso changed my whole outlook. Between us we demolished everything she'd gotten despite Cass being unable to sit still for more than 30 seconds at a time. Her boundless excitement was contagious and despite my nerves I caught myself smiling more than once.

As soon as the remains were disposed of Cass kissed me again - longer, and more active than before - and dragged me off to our bedroom. "IT'S FINALLY HERE!" She pulled a bag out of her closet and gave me a look. "This is when you strip down to your underwear, Luke. Time to transform."

Under her eager gaze I peeled off my clothes, ending up in a pair of compression shorts with a colorful pattern. They were form-fitting and I hoped they'd keep my stuff in place. Cassie licked her lips and nodded.

"I've always liked those on you. I like them even more off you."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't realize we'd reached the 'cheesy lines' part of the evening."

"Hush, my darling himbo. I'm so excited about this that I'm shaking." She paused. "Good shaking, if that wasn't clear."

"Of course. My shaking is more of the nervous, 'oh what a huge mistake this is' variety but as long as we oscillate in the same frequency we should be fine." I laughed, but she tilted her head.

"You okay? You know you can back out if it's too much for you, right?"

I shook my head and held up a placating hand. "No, I'm good. Just nervous."

"Understandable. Well, just keep in mind that you can pull the ripcord at any point BUT I think you're going to be amazing and sexy and will totally handle it." She started to pull something out of her bag before bouncing the heel of her palm off her forehead. "Need to put your tits on before we do clothes. Everyone knows that!" Pushing me into a sitting position on the edge of the bed, she gathered the necessary items and affixed them with both speed and ease. The bra followed with her once again handling the locking aspect around the back. Already, I could feel my cock starting to stir.

After fussing with the results for a bit she flashed me a bright smile. "Now we can start the clothing." Reaching into the bag, she produced something white. "Here's your blouse. I hope it looks as good as I think it will."

I'm certainly no textile expert but it seemed like it was made of silk, soft and smooth in my hands as I held it out in front of me. It was a button-up with a vee-neck and had ruffles to make it less plain. I debated slipping it over my head before deciding to unbutton it instead, noticing the gentle kiss of the material as it slid over my shoulders. "That feels nice."

"Good! Silk is pretty awesome." She nibbled her lower lip. "Let's get it fully on and see how it looks."

The buttons were smaller than what I was used to and proved a bit challenging at first, but after a few fumbles I was locking the top one into place. The shirt fit well enough that the cut showed off a hint of cleavage without exposing the edges of my breasts. Transfixed, I looked down a few times and did a few shakes. "Looks okay, now?"

The smoldering of Cassie's eyes let me know that yes, it did indeed look okay. "Oh yeah, it looks good." She hooked a finger over the top button and pulled it away from my chest before letting it fall back into place. "It's perfect. Better than I'd hoped, to be honest. Does a decent job of minimizing your shoulders and the vee is perfectly placed, you sexy little minx." With a final approving nod she turned her attention back to her bag. "Next comes the stockings and oh man are they amazing. I'm legit jealous that I don't have a pair this nice." She presented them to me before pulling them back with a suspicious scowl. "Your toenails trimmed? You make a run in these and I will be most displeased."

I gestured toward my feet. "Groomed this very afternoon. Even used an emery board on them. Also, I borrowed one of your emery boards."

"The trials I have to endure to turn my man into a sexy woman." She handed over the stockings as she looked down. "It's almost too bad you're wearing stockings and close-toed shoes. Your toenails are big, they'd be a joy to paint."

I looked up from my examination of the stockings - holy shit, were they smooth and luxurious - and arched an eyebrow. "I didn't know that was ever under consideration."

"Not really, because of the aforementioned stockings-slash-shoes, but it does bring up something I keep forgetting to ask. Your fingernails - do you want to paint them or use the fake ones you glue on?"

"Uhm... "

"You don't have to do either, but at the very least painting them would help with the overall picture."

"Mmm... okay?" In for a penny, in for a pound. "Easier than the fakes?"

"Yes. And much less claw-like." She glanced at my hands. "We'll take care of them later. Now get those stockings on before my nether regions explode from anticipation."

"Yes, mistress." I started rolling them up, marveling at the silky-smoothness of the texture. I couldn't wait to get them on.

"Oh, 'mistress.' I like the sound of that." She shot me a feral smile. "Sounds like you'd be up for further expanding your horizons."

I started to pull the first stocking on. "I have no idea what you have in mind but consider me extremely interested. I'm..." I trailed off as I settled it into place. "Wow." I ran my hands up and down my sheathed leg, letting out a low whistle. "This feels *amazing.* Like I have, I don't know, a cat or something tied to my leg."

"You're weird," Cass said with a bit of a smirk. She squatted down and, after shooing my hands away, did some extensive fondling of her own. "Yeah, when it comes to stockings there's no substitute for quality. Better denier is like the difference between driving a Yugo and driving a Ferrari." Lifting my leg up while also pulling it out straight, she made an 'Mmm mmm mm' noise before letting my foot drop back to the floor. "Fully fashioned with a join instead of just a glued-on ribbon is so hot I should be wearing oven mitts. Not to mention the detailing on the welt. Fucking fantastic." She reached up and patted herself on the back. "Nice work, Cassie. Thank you, Cassie. You're welcome, Cassie."

A fond smile crept in place as I pulled the second stocking on. "Did you pregame with some gummies?"

That got me the stink-eye. "Yeah, I'm sure you're upset that your wife is frothing at the mouth with excitement over all of this."

"Is that where you're frothing?"

"I guess you really would rather go to the Extra Point instead," she said. "All those Chads and Hunters are right up your alley."

With both stockings on I scissored my feet near her face. "Look. I'm distracting you from that idea with my luscious legs."

"A base yet effective course of action. Well played." Grabbing my legs, she stepped forward and slid them to the sides of her neck. "I'm sure I had a retributive strike for your coarse, boorish behavior planned but now I find myself distracted by the sheer naughtiness slung above my shoulders and the threat of my simmering lust making itself known by trickling down my legs." She sighed as she released my legs and spun away. "Ha! I'm lying. Passed being 'just a threat' as soon as you put the first one on."

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