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The Thankless Job Ch. 02

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Rod must protect himself from Britney.
5.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/08/2008
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True to her word, Britney did not come to me on Thursday. She was not home all day. Friday, she was home for a while but still she did not come to me. The weekend and then the Monday holiday, she did not call or come to me. I'm too old to wait long. Her body was magical and her taste was worth years of my life. But she was not surrendering. It was too much of a change after twenty-nine years of being a spoiled princess.

On Tuesday, four guys and I were working the bath and bedroom of her new addition. I owed her a bill for a progress payment. The room would be a show place like I had hoped. About noon, a lovely, less than five-foot tall contortionist/stripper I know brought lunch for all of us. She was dating one of my crew. We had been an item for a short while and she still flirted mercilessly with me. When she left, she jumped into my arms, wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me passionately. She rubbed my cock as she slipped out of my arms and whispered, "Remember me?"

I whispered back, "Yes, I do, Tina. It has been more than three years, but I still dream about positions to get that body of yours into and licking you until you scream."

I noticed Britney watching from an upstairs window. Secretly, I hoped she was jealous. I should not have wished for that.

After my crew left, an uptight Britney cornered me, "How many women do you see at a time?"

"Little Girl, I've been waiting for you to come to me since last week."

"Fuck you. I want you out of here. You are fired."

"I've missed you too. I'll send you a closing bill, the blueprints and anything else that I have to help you get another contractor."

"No, bring all that by tomorrow at four. I'll pay you off then."

I did not like the sound of that but I was happy to be out of the drama. As I was ready to drive away one of the maids flagged me down. "Mr. Thomas, she goes crazy like this before her period each month. She has fired all of us before. We all like you and your crew. You are making everything so pretty. Please give her time. She will come around."

"Thank you, Maria. No, I'm too old to put up with hormonal bitches again. If she is lucky, she will find someone to tame her."

"You tamed her pretty good last week. We all watched from the window. You have a big dick, Mr. Thomas. I bet you really know how to use it. We all would like to see that."

"Thanks again. Mrs. Jaminson is a beautiful young woman. I like her but she is too high maintenance for me. Tell everyone I said, "Goodbye"."

I was running way early the next day and decided to try to drop everything off at three instead of four. A technical set-up TV crew was leaving, two cars were moved around the block and I saw three people go into the house. I waited until closer to four and called on my cell phone.


"Mrs. Jamison, this is Rod Thomas. Are you still expecting me at four today?"

"Yes, I'm here alone waiting for you. I have your check."

"A family emergency has arisen. I will not be able to come by at four. I will send one of my guys over with all the materials I promised. Will you please send your final check to my office?"

She pitched a fit on the phone. I watched from across the street while her witnesses left and the TV crew removed their equipment. Britney was cursing loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

After two weeks, I had no check. One morning I called and left a message. "Mrs. Jamison, this is Rod Thomas. I hope you have found a good contractor and everything is progressing well. Maybe you overlooked mailing my check. Please, get your payment to me this week or I'll have to file a construction lien on the property."

After lunch I had a message on my desk, "Mrs. Jamison asked that you stay in your office until six tonight. She is bringing your check here. P.S. the nasty bitch called you an asshole -- you should have the cops here."

I had had enough of Mrs. Jamison. I would be ready.

Ten till six, Britney slammed the door of her BMW and took long strides toward my office door. She had one hand in her purse. When she came through the door, I saw the butt of a revolver sticking out of the back of her hand so I dropped her with 50,000 volts from our office taser. Her purse spilled on the floor as she fell, out-cold on the floor. I picked up the gun and all her junk, bound her and gagged her. Luckily she did have the check. I left a note with the check,


Please deposit attached check. Make out payroll and pay everyone. I'm going to use the big box truck and take some furniture to the cabin. I'll be fishing for a few days. Call on cell if you need me. See you Monday.

Have a great weekend, Rod

I did have furniture in the box truck but there was also enough room to drive Britney's BMW into the truck. On the way to my cabin was a construction site that we stopped work on while we were still working on the foundation. I took a full day to bury the BMW below where the slab would be poured in about a week. Then I headed on to the cabin. I had not bothered to untie Britney to feed her or anything else. She had peed all over herself and had cried for half the thirty-eight hours since she brought me her check and gun.

The cabin is a nice 1600 square foot, log structure, remote and difficult to find. No one I know, has been to it. Cell service was one or two bars at best - often no bars. I cut Britney's smelly clothes off her, doused her in the small lake and burned her clothes and belongings, except her cell phone and credit cards. I had thrown the gun in a river we passed, two hours ago. She was shivering, hungry, stiff and exhausted.

I had a three-time looser female friend that owed me big time. I covered for her on a felony so she could avoid life in the pen and could stay with her kids. I called her. "Dotty, I need you to do something for me and you need a vacation. Put on a long red wig and ................." I told her in two days at four pm, to call a taxi from a phone booth, have it meet her at Britney's and for her to take it to the airport and fly to Mexico for a week. That a cell phone and credit cards would be there waiting for her under the name of Britney Jaminson. I also told Dotty to loose all the ID stuff and fly back using the cash and a fake ID and passport that I would put in the package.

I prepared a can of chili for Britney. Enticed her security codes from her with the food, then put the bowl on the floor and had her get down and eat it with just her mouth. Her hands and feet were still bound and hurting mightily. She licked the bowl clean and was a mess again. I took her back to the lake and threw her in to splash around, shit and clean up the best she could while I used her blackberry to purchase tickets, set up reservations, notify all her friends and tell her divorce attorney where she was going.

Now, I was ready to deal with Britney.

She was wet and shivering in the cool mountain air when I pushed her down onto a stump, lit a fire, handcuffed her to a chain around the stump and started talking to her while I cut away the tape that was binding her.

"Listen carefully Britney. The woman you saw jump on me, dates one of my workers. She is not my lover. She is a stripper at a local club and very friendly as you saw. You flipped out and tried to hurt my reputation and then tried to come to my office and shoot me. You're nuts. Blame it on hormones if you want, but you are nuts. I cannot trust you and I have not decided yet what I am going to do to protect myself from you. However, while you are here, you are officially in Mexico on vacation.

I called in and stayed at the cabin for another week. During my call, I asked Diane, "Did the crazy woman call or cause any more trouble?"

"Haven't heard from her but her check was good."

"That's great. I'm going to stay here another week just in case. She ranted and raved when she dropped the check off. You know where I am, if you need me."

Over the previous weekend and during the next week, Britney and I talked. She went through her period. I made her space into a large secure room. It had no windows but a chemical toilet, secure door, two-foot-thick log walls, vaulted ceiling, skylights and heavy split log floor. The furnishings were comfortable. No metal of any sort. I stocked MREs, irradiated plastic packaged foods from Wal-Mart, bottled water, flannel shirts and jeans for her. I softened enough to add a brush, toothbrush and shower shoes.

I liked Britney. She was easy to talk too and seemed to be enjoying my company by the end of that week. "Britney, I won't be back for five days. I'll bring some stuff back with me to make you more comfortable. You can use the towel-etts for cleaning until I return. For a while, you will only be able to shower when I am here."

"What if you don't come back or someone else finds me while you are gone?"

"In the first case I guess you will starve. In the second, ask whoever finds you."

I left her crying.

When I returned a week later she had laid a trap for me using the chemical toilet. I saw her through a peephole flap above the door that she did not know about. I tasered her through that same peephole.

I had her cuffed to the bed when she woke up. "You are not the brightest bulb in the box are you? Look at all that stuff in the next room that I brought for you. You won't get it for another week, at least."

She relaxed and we began to talk again -- all day Saturday. Why was she so crazy?

"Anyone asking about me?"

"No, you are in Mexico, remember?"

"What's going to happen to me?"

"Officially, you will check out of your small town hotel in Mexico and begin driving to the Zihuatanejo International Airport. Your rental car will be found, but you will never be found. The newspapers will guess that you were taken and used by bandits, then killed. In a month or two, no one will be looking for you.

Tears were flowing freely. "How about my life, all my stuff, all my dreams?"

"You gave all that away by being so nasty to everyone. You tried to take all that away from me because of something you made up in your head. If you live, somehow, you must carve out a new, real life for yourself where you are nicer to everyone."

"Nice to who, you?"

"I'm all you have right now."

"How stupid, be nice to my jailer."

"No, how stupid, not being nice to the person who should have killed you and disposed of you a week ago. Don't you realize all that is playing out in Mexico could be played out if you were really dead? I'm not sure why I'm doing so much to take care of you. I guess I like you or I'm a glutton for abuse. You certainly have not earned what you are getting."

She started to say something nasty again. I restocked her room, locked her in and drove back home a day early. I never said goodbye or when, or even if, I would return.

The next Friday night her hair was combed and she sat quietly on the bed when I opened her door.

"Hi, Britney. You are as beautiful as ever."

"I wasn't sure you were coming back. I was frightened all week."

"Maybe this weekend and next week will go better for you."

"What do you want from me? Do you want me to surrender to being your sexual slave? Or what?"

"I do not know. You are a burden and big responsibility right now. If I gave you four choices -- live with you ex in a foreign country under situations like this; be sold into slavery; live like this here with me; or die. Which would you choose?"

"Those are my only choices?"

"For now, that is all I can think of."

"Of course, the first one. Jon wouldn't take me back and certainly couldn't keep me captive."

"He really loved you. I think he would take you back after I taught him how to keep you under lock and key in a country that would help and allow him to kill you or sell you if you caused trouble."

"You really hate me, don't you?"

"You know better. I've told you how you entice me and how I was hoping you would come to me before you flipped out. You are getting close again. I think you will flip out three days before your period and then use that anger to stay mad most of the month. I think that is your way and you go with it each month and don't fight it or take balancing hormones. I think you find some identity and power when you flip out and intimidate people around you."

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Maybe. Let's change the subject or not talk. I'm really tired tonight. We'll have a few days to talk this trip."

After a week of silence, Britney still did not have anything to say. I guess I would be self-centered under the same circumstances, but she started self-centered and now was totally so.

The next morning, I brought a hot breakfast to Britney. Her room smelled of pussy and her body was dirty.

"Played with yourself last night. I hope it was a wonderful satisfying fantasy. It makes sense that you would be horny if your period is close."

"Go fuck yourself."

"Today, I'm going to bathe you and begin building a shower in your room for the future. I've never tasted a woman who tasted better when you are clean, without perfume smells."

She started to curse me again, but I guess it did not seem to fit with my compliment.

"Please, enjoy breakfast. I'll eat in the other room, so as not to anger you."

"Would you eat in here with me?"

"Come on Britney, let's both eat at the kitchen table."

She ate, eyed the metal utensils, the layout, the door and windows.

"Little Girl, don't risk losing your little freedom by challenging me again. I'm trying to let up and be nicer to you."

For the next hour, we ate and talked. "Want to help me clean-up after breakfast?"

"No. That is what maids are for."

She sat looking bored while I cleaned up.

Later I got her into the shower in my bedroom, stripped her and watched while she bathed.

"You really want some of this pussy don't you?"

"Do you really want some of this cock?"

She rubbed her clit and pushed two fingers into herself. "Not if you were the last man on earth."

I watched as she taunted me, got close, couldn't cum and quit in frustration.

I had brought more feminine clothing this time. She like the shorts, sandals and halter-top.

"How did you know my sizes?"

"I cared. I looked when we were enjoying each others company during better times."

She was quiet while she dressed in front of me.

"Want to go out for a walk in the woods?"

"Aren't you afraid I will run away?"

"Not too worried. A city girl in the high mountains wouldn't last long. Besides you will only have shower shoes and I'm going to chain your waist to mine."


"Wouldn't it be better if you insulted me after you enjoyed your outing?"

I always became a big kid in the out-of-doors. I pointed out the squirrels, the hawks, the bugs and the fish in our stream. She tried to look uninterested and bored but I think my enthusiasm was growing on her.

We stayed out for a long time. About sunset, I pulled her to me and said, "I still want you."

"I'm your captive. You can force yourself on me and rape me anytime you want."

"Not what I want."

She stepped close. Her hair's fresh scent filled my nose and my hands went to the side of her face. She tilted her head toward me and I kissed her, forgetting to be vigilant. Her rock wasn't big enough. Oh, it hurt and I saw stars but its loud thump on my hard skull just made me mad. Very, very mad. I threw her down. Ripped her new shorts away, flipped her face down onto a large jagged rock and pushed my pants down. My cock was rock hard. She was wet and I raped her. Just like she said. My thighs slapped into her ass and I spanked her with each thrust leaving red handprints on her ass, legs and lower back. When she struggled I filled one hand with her hair, pulled and continued my assault, battery and rape. She started to cum.

"Damn you, Britney. Don't you dare cum."

I erupted in her while she was still riding high.

I sat back and she turned to sit facing me. I felt like shit. She knew it and fought dirty. "I knew you would eventually rape me. I knew that is why you kept me here. I knew you wanted a sex slave. I knew......"

I reached out and slapped her face hard and she went down. Soon she rolled and looked at me but did not sit up.

"You win Britney. I'll make a decision about what to do with you. I'll get you out of my life and maybe you can survive in another situation." I stood, pulled my pants up and pulled her up with the chain, turned my back on her and started walking back to the cabin.

In the cabin I pushed her into her room, locked her in and went to clean up and wash the bloody cut on the side of my head.

A few times the next day, I heard her call out to me but I ignored it and went about my business. I had turned all my work over to others and officially retired from everything. Britney did not know that. Now, my home was wherever I wanted it to be. I had to decide what to do about the albatross around my neck.

Day after day, went mostly like that. I did not try to talk to Britney. I finished her shower and toilet. She could live forever now in her room, as long as I kept it stocked for her. I felt sorry for my would-be assassin. I was ashamed. I had actually raped her. She came but that was no consolation. I had no desire to play, seduce or have fun with her. I only had a desire to escape from her.

One morning I left early to talk to her ex, my contacts in South America and a black-market pharmacist. Her ex was with another woman now; South America was possible but I would have to relinquish total control and never check on her again; I got the pills I wanted.

"Britney, I'm coming in to your room, we have to talk. She looked worse than I felt. You can help me decide your fate. I kept you alive instead of killing you like you tried to do to me. Now, we have a problem. Your ex has moved on and is with another woman. There are several places around the globe where we could place you but we have no control of what would happen to you -- you might be forced to be a hooker in filthy conditions or you might become someone's treasured wife and property. We have no control. You would have to make the best of whatever happened."

I put two pills on the table. "You could take these and not wake up in the morning. I have no other ideas. You can put in your two cents or I'll decide without you."

She was staring at the two pills -- in shock. The reality was finally setting in. "What happened to the option of staying here? How about you letting me go?"

"I could not trust you in either case. You have proven that, time and again."

"Give me another chance. Let me stay here. I'll do anything you want."

"At a minimum you will have to take low dose hormones to level you out."

"So you can poison me?"

"Britney, I provide you every bit of food you eat, every drop of water that you drink. Don't you think I already have plenty of opportunities to poison you? For a smart woman you talk a lot of times before you think. I would never have a day of peace with you. You know the options. We'll talk again tomorrow."

The next morning I unlocked her door and called out, "Breakfast time Britney. Come on out and eat at the table."

She came out, hair combed, clean, totally nude. "I'll be good Rod. I'll take any pill you want me to take. I'll do anything you want; let me stay with you. You can do anything you want to me, just don't send me into some unknown. Please."

"For now, things will stay the same. Sit down, eat. I have a killer head ache and it has your name on it."

"Don't you still find me attractive? Don't you want me?"

"You are as desirable as ever, but I do not know if I want you."

I went outside, leaving her alone in the house. When I came back in she was holding a knife, pulling at her chain. She had not eaten.

"The chain's key is in the drawer next to the refrigerator."


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