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The Thorns Upon the Roses Ch. 07

Story Info
Jess befriends Madeline, and reflects on the last month.
3.7k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/10/2023
Created 08/30/2022
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*** Author's Note ***

Welcome Back! (If you are still reading my stuff!)

I got a little busy this year, and ultimately, I started writing a ton of other stuff! Originally, I thought this story had ended in a sorta wack-o idea that Jess would just stomach it and push through, because really the story was about her coming to terms with....


I started another story, and people really liked it, but everyone kept saying across multiple websites that The Thorns Upon the Roses needed to keep going because it shouldn't just end where it did.

Alrighty then.

I started writing something else (a different trans erotica) and realized it was a perfect sequel idea to this story, so I double-realized I just need to finish this first!

I plan to write a lot more frequently, as moving twice puts a halt on things, so expect some more chapters somewhat frequently!

I hope you like it!


Chapter 7

Friday - Week 4

"You've become quite the celebrity. Your name comes up pretty regularly in these sessions."

Mr. Cooper was having our weekly therapy session, but around her it was known as 'The Saloon.' We were dragged in, poured a glass of bourbon, and he would ask us questions about how we were feeling. After the second pour, we were usually tossed through the doors like an actual western movie.

Needless to say, my first session hadn't been very fruitful for anyone. After our hour, I had said nothing and left without so much as a cough.

Mr. Cooper continued, "The other women have really taken to you."

"Yeah, I suppose a fresh face like mine makes everybody more excited."

"I know we are supposed to focus on you and your feelings in therapy. I recognize that pharmacy has their own time with you to discuss your dosages, but I'll ask anyway. How have you been feeling? Any new outbursts? Any frustrations when you are alone? Is it helping or hurting?"

I took a sip and spoke honestly. "You guys really did a number on me the first week. I couldn't think straight most days. I only half-remember my outburst at lunch, and if I'm being honest, the rest of the week has been hazy. The Doc switched some pills around for me. I'm feeling pretty good now."

"That's better."

"Do they make you take anything?"

Cooper laughed. "No, nothing beside some Aspirin after long days with you all."

"Sure... Sure. What have the other girls been saying?"


"About me. You said that my name comes up pretty often."

"I can't get into specifics. Doctor-patient confidentiality stuff."

"But you aren't a doctor."

"Then let's say I made a pinky promise with them."

We both sat in silence for a moment. Mr. Cooper began again, "I heard the book club is going well. What have you all started reading this week?"

"It's a pretty neat one actually. Not many horror books ever actually make my skin crawl, but this one does it. It's a zombie-book, but its sorta like Huck Finn with the plot."

"What's it called? I'll check it out." He clicked his pen.

"The Reapers are the Angels, and I bet you'd like it. You seemed to enjoy the horror movie we watched on Wednesday a lot more than any of us did!"

More bourbon.

Cooper laughed, "I'm usually picking them, so of course I like the movies!"

Cooper smiled through his pearly white teeth, and I'm devoured by the smell his musk. My groin flushed, and I felt my cage push back in denial. It had been over a month since I had been let out of my cage, and I was struggling. I shifted my legs and pressed my skirt flat and continued the session.


Madeline was waiting for me in her room with some soft music playing as she read a trashy romance book. She brushed back a bundle of her long blonde hair as she noticed me enter.

"Oh, I see the look in your eyes. Bourbon with Cooper?"

I crashed on her bed and rubbed the buzz out of my eyes. "I can't do it anymore. It's too much alcohol."

"It gets you talking though."

"Maybe, but I'd talk just fine without it."

"No, you would just be more sarcastic without it."

"Fair point. What's the plan for this evening?"

"Abby wanted to join us on a hike later. I found a cool cliffside for us to go watch the sunset. Takes about thirty to get there."

I don't groan, but Madeline hears the silence.

"You are going to have to learn to like her again."

"Not until they take her off those horny-pills I'm not!"

Madeline and I had gotten close over the last month, especially after Abby had only continued to become more aggressive toward me with her... desires.

I had tried to avoid Abby after our lake night together, but I could feel an attraction between us that would make me miserable without being with her. I would be in bed, struggling to fall asleep as my body cried out at night, begging for just a touch. Then I would knock on Abby's door to find her waiting for me. Despite all of the alarms going off in my body, I would never let things get past our hands, something that was difficult with a cage on, and something Abby fought desperately to go past.

Ultimately, I was inching myself off from Abby's power over me. I saw her less and less until it had been an entire week without a midnight rendezvous. While this first month took place, Maeline had taken to me after our first luncheon together. On one hand, we wanted to embrace these new feminine versions of ourselves - for fear of the Doctor's swift hand - so we would go together every week for a new set of manicures and pedicures. But we started to realize how much of our former interests would overlap.

We were sitting in the parlor as one of the dedicated stylists painted our fingers a rusted orange for the incoming autumn.

Madeline and I were quiet until she spoke up first, "I would really kill to be out there in the world right now. Some little indie video game I wanted to play was set to come out this season. Too bad I'm in here for another 6 months."

Then we started monologuing to one another with our love for video games. She had been more into smaller indie games. I was always engrossed in long and bombastic triple A blockbusters. I fell asleep on her floor around 4 A.M. that Saturday as we played through some horror games together. I would never forget our jokes about the horror games were nothing compared to what we were going through.

Now I was in her room again, laying on the bed as she booted up her new game that she had requested. I had never heard of it, but listening to Madeline talk about the game made me genuinely excited.

Maybe it was the colors and stories, or maybe it was the familiarity of playing games with someone, but Madeline and I became attached at the hip. I had filled her in on everything that I was, but it was painfully quick. Madeline had been incredibly similar, but it started to build a bigger picture of what was going on around here.

"I actually remember being taken by the Doctor," Madeline had told me a few weeks ago. "I was at a coffee shop filling out some job applications as I noticed that bright red hair of hers walk by the window. It had distracted me just enough to notice her, but I remember that hair color. Anyway, the Doctor came in and stood in line to order something, and then I noticed a few people eyeing me from outside. Later I would find out that it was Cooper and Kripke. They were watching me, and when I waved at them, they turned away and looked mildly alarmed. After that... It is all a blur."

Madeline was also extremely keen on sharing her more personal experiences that had been going on inside this place.

"Not only was I locked up and caged immediately," she said motioning to her crotch, "but they had given me a boob job within the first six weeks." Madeline took off her top too quick for me to protest, and her bra was pulled over her head. She lifted her medium-sized right breast for me to see, and sure enough Madeline had small scars underneath. "Sorry if that was a little much," she said as she started to slip back into her clothes. "They still don't feel like mine, and to my knowledge, I'm the only one here that went through the surgery. I go in regularly to talk with Cooper about it at therapy. Funny enough, they still put me on hormone treatment, so these tits have grown even more since they gave me them. I asked if I could get them reduced when I'm back in the world, and they said after five years. So at least I have that to look forward to..."

I tried to break the tension, "Oh please, who wouldn't kill for a chest like that!"

"Try living with the back pain, then call me."

We would laugh through most of the problems we didn't want to actually face. Madeline and I were pretty good friends together, and we had a good compatibility that I hadn't seen in many other people here.

Six o' clock approached, and we put the game on pause.

I said, "I'll go change and then meet you over by the front door."

She winked and said, "Be there in 5!"

I tiptoed past Abby's room, hoping she wouldn't hear to join us, and I closed my door quietly. I threw a long-sleeve shirt over some yoga pants, and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. It has been getting colder here - here being called Redwood Manor as I have learned in passing - and the autumn breeze would make me shiver before the sun goes down now.

I rushed back to the front door, only to find Madeline talking with the Doctor.

The Doctor's warm yet stern voice, "—and yet you are here, ma'am. I believe you've had the schedule for some time, so how is it proving to be so difficult to remember?"

Madeline saw me from the corner of her eye, but she kept her attention on the Doctor. "I'll apologize again. I'm sorry I forgot. If you are ready, then we can go now."

"Oh, I'm ready. Let's go."

"Just give me one moment to tell Jess that I've got to cancel."

The Doctor turned to face me, and her smile crept over her lips. "It'd be best to stay inside tonight. It's getting quite cold out there!"

Madeline mouthed, "Sorry" and the door closed behind them as they both went out into the forest.


I knew it was Abby knocking at my door by the pauses in between.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The door was ajar, so she pushed it open.

Fuck, I thought as I took in what she was wearing.

Black heels met thin fishnet stockings, and those disappeared underneath her trench coat, which was doing a good job of keeping my imagination wild. I may have started transitioning into a woman, but I still wanted what I wanted, and Abby had figured it down to a mathematical proof.

"Heyyy," she said casually. "I hadn't seen you in a while, and I heard Maddie was working with the Doc tonight, so I figured maybe you could use some company."

I stood up from my bed, still wearing the hiking clothes. "Some company, huh?"

She shrugged then looked at her outfit. "Subtle?"

I shook my head and said, "Abby, I don't want this anymore, well, I do, but not right now at least. I thought we were moving away from these hookups."

"What's wrong with a good old-fashioned make-out session?"

Abby walked her confidence across the room and met my weaning indecision. With one smooth movement, she palmed my chest and pushed me down to the bed. She sat over my cage, and I felt her balls rest from inside her panties against my pelvis. As she sat back, my cage began to push into her ass, but only the inch of the cage was able to enjoy it. Shockingly, my clit wasn't acting up or getting excited. The warmth on my cage was amazing to feel, but I couldn't feel the pulses of myself getting harder. Instead, I felt a want from inside. It was like a scratch at the back of my soul that demanded something beautiful should be exploring, and I wanted Abby to explore every inch of me.

Her lipstick pressed against my soft lips, and her hands began to run up the sides of my torso until they found my nipples as she started to massage me.

I moaned, and I wanted so much more as I kissed back...

But I had already made up my mind.

I moved to get Abby off, and she easily complied.

"Jess, what's up with you?"

"We've done this Abby, and I thought we were going back to being 'just friends.'"

"Yeah, what about it?"

I gestured with my hands as I stood up and faced the bed.

Abby said, "Oh, well, I thought you might have changed your mind. I guess you didn't."

"Believe me, I really do love doing this, but I miss you as a friend. Your dosages have been wild lately!"

"Well, that's the funny part. I've been off any meds for over a week now. Doc's orders!"

I half-believed her, as I heard this before, yet I still wanted to move away from this. "I was supposed to go on a hike with Madeline. So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going just go enjoy the evening sunset."

"Jessica, please stay. We can talk about it instead. All of this."

"No thanks," I said as I slipped on my runners.

"Would this change your mind?" Abby asked without elaborating.

"Would what?" I looked up and my jaw dropped.

Dangling from her small fingers was a little key, the very same one that the Doctor had used on me a month ago.

"How did you—"

Abby shrugged, "Sometimes they give us rewards. I was told to come and deliver this to you, but if you would rather go hiking..."

I hadn't seen my cock outside of its cage in over a month. I almost fainted at the idea of opening it, but something down my spine instead. Alarms went off through a haze of arousal, and I couldn't quite find the words to even think. Maybe this was a test! Yeah, that was what was going on... Right?

"Wait, who gave it to you?"

"The Doc did. About an hour ago." Abby smiled, "Don't overthink it, Jess."

"Abby, do I have to put it back on after?"

She winked, "I don't make the rules or enforce them." With a quick underhanded toss, the keys soared toward me, and I caught it quickly. Abby fell back against the bed and studied me. "The only thing I was told, and I'll say it exactly as I heard it, 'Make sure the key is on the edge of your desk by sunrise,' which to me doesn't say you have to be locked in it."

I held the key in my hands only for a moment before racing to pull down my leggings and panties. I fumbled too much, and the keys danced out of my hands and onto the ground. As I reached for it, I heard Abby say, "Please, Jess, allow me."

Her walk was graceful, and she heeled one step in front of the other as she bent down and knelt to pick up the key. Staying on her knees, one hand caressed my balls, and the other fit the key into the lock. As it clicked, she wiggled the gear off of me and set it on the desk.

I had expected my cock to burst forth and grow to thirty times what I remembered it as. Instead, it just stayed as it was, pathetically small. My hands went to grab it, and Abby moved her hands, but she kept her face close to my crotch. My shaft, if it could be called that anymore, wouldn't grow, and it stayed only one inch short. I tried massaging it slightly, but nothing would wake my cock.

"What the fuck?"

"It takes time," Abby reassured me. "Maybe it needs a kiss."

Her cherry red lips surrounded the tiny head of my penis, and she began to lick the head slowly. I could feel myself warming up to it, but my cock wouldn't grow. Instead, I just felt myself swim in a euphoria that I hadn't experienced in a long time. While my body sang and my nerves were electric, I felt so much different than I had felt a month ago. My fingers stayed on my nipples, and I felt a supreme sense to close off my legs and tighten into a ball.

Then, as quickly as I felt it, the feeling was gone. I looked down and Abby hadn't made any changes in her movements.

"Did I just come," I asked?

She moved her mouth back. "Um, no, not at all. Did it feel like you did?"

I bent down and started putting my thong back on and pulled up my yoga pants. "Um, can I just come talk to you tomorrow?"

Abby looked flustered. "Yeah, uh, sure."

She stood up in her heels and trench coat, and she made for the door.

"Abby," I said, "thanks for stopping by. I really liked seeing you."

She leaned against the doorway as it opened, "I'll see you around, Jess."


I had too much energy from the orgasm - was it actually a real one - so I decided to go for a walk outside.

The sun had set, but the light still trickled through the forest. Autumn whispered in my ears, and the hair on my neck stood up as I enjoyed the cool night inbound.

With each step, I felt my cock sit in my panties without the metal on it, and it was like I couldn't breathe.

I started giggling to myself as the feeling continued to make me smile relentlessly until a gunshot stopped me in my tracks. It was far away, but it was unmistakable. Its slow boom echoed out into the hills around me. The air fell silent, and the animals were quiet as well. Then, just as the silence overstayed its welcome, another shot. Then quickly again one more! BOOM. BOOM.

Hunters? I wondered. Could there be someone nearby? Is the outside world right here?! My legs carried me further than I could believe. I wasn't even aware of how fast I was running. Where was I even running to?

The climb became a descent, and I felt myself almost leaping and bounding down the hills as another BOOM echoed around me, but this time it was closer, unmistakable closer.

The sun was setting, and the darkness was descending. I needed to go faster! With the nightfall it'd be nearly impossible to find them. I thought about screaming, but I didn't want to be found by the wrong people!


Then I heard the muffled voices. They were still a distance from me, but I could hear voices!

I mounted over a crest, and just as I put my hands up to yell and signal for them, what little light was left illuminated the scene.

The Doctor stood in her normal attire, but Madeline was alongside her in a tactical black bodysuit with pockets, zippers, and holsters. Holsters!? Alongside her, a small array of firearms were laid out on a table that had been set up in the forest. The Doctor stood with a pair of binoculars in her hand, looking off into the distance at the valley below. I couldn't make out her words, but she was speaking to Madeline, who was leaning against a toppled tree, with a large caliber rifle, zeroing in her shot.


The crack of the shot hurt my ears, and I dropped to the ground, which grabbed the attention of both women, but after a moment they returned to their original focus.

What sort of practice is this? Why would the Doctor be so angry about Maddie being late to this?

I had to know what was being discussed, but I couldn't risk being spotted.

Another dozen shots were fired at targets below, ones I couldn't see from my vantage point. The rifle was traded in for a shotgun that kicked Maddie back as she fired. A small handgun met a large revolver. The Doctor would introduce each gun and showcase it before trading it off to Maddie to practice loading and unloading.

The light was all but vanishing, and my eyes started struggling to see much of anything.

If I was going to get back to Redwood without being lost forever in these woods, I needed to go now.

I crept back slowly, but not before watching the Doctor take one more look in my direction, peering out as if she could smell my very soul. After she turned away, I bolted.


I woke up a few hours later with a note passed under my door. I heard the footsteps go back down the hall, and from the direction, I deduced it was Maddie.

Sorry I had to split! Ugh, who doesn't love their Friday plans getting ripped apart... Come over when you get up and we can watch some tv or something. I'm free all day tomorrow, and I've got nothing to do now that I'm done with the Doc. Don't worry about her though. She was just chewing me out because it was my turn to clean the gutters and I forgot.


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