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The Trade Show

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How far would you go to satisfy work expectations?
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Let me introduce myself. My name is Samuel and at 23, I work for a funky new London company, within their marketing department. The aim of the new company is to take the website design and web hosting world by storm. We have only been going a year but already have a decent toehold in the market. The parent company though want more, much more.

As we beavered away in our offices in London, at one of the ideas sessions someone suggested we go to the latest trade show in Zagreb and rip up the copybook. We would do everything differently. These shows were always casual, so we would turn up pin sharp professional smart. These shows were casual affairs, that attracted just the I.T. techs generally. So we would turn up the wick with our knowledgeable sexy marketing girls and boys. It was going to be destruction on an industrial scale and put ALL the competitors noses out of joint.

Everything was planned down to the last detail. The nine of us going, me being the only guy, we were all given aspects to plan and deliver. The eight ladies were a mixed bunch. Four were in their twenties, three in their thirties and Mandy who was in her forties, but still turned heads when she chose. To be honest, they were all very attractive women, who I couldn't dream of going out with.

The section of the project I had been given was the outfits, as I had a friend who was a professional tailor and could give us quality time, smart outfits and at a good price. The company logo was of a bright red colour with black edging. So my mate sketched me in a black suit with red lining and the ladies in red suits with black lining. All was of Italian pin sharp styling, with fitted jackets and lovely design accents. Once the bosses had seen the sketches, all was signed off. One of the big bosses said to me, 'to make sure the suits had impact'. So the ladies suits were changed to skirt suits, with the skirt being just a little short. That would be ok wouldn't it?

We studied our potential market and our product base. I tried to help the girls with the latest on wifi, Bluetooth and future advances, but I was definitely the most knowledgeable on that subject, and in the tech world it was a very important sector.

When the uniforms arrived, everyone tried theirs on. The younger ladies were ok with the skirt, but the older ladies were pretty shocked. I don't know why, as all the ladies looked amazing in their outfits. What I didn't know was that, behind the scenes there had been a couple of urgent meetings between some of the ladies and managers. But I knew nothing of this until much later.

To make sure we all caught the right flight, we met the previous evening at a hotel near Gatwick. Every detail had been covered, and we even had spare suits. Equipment had been double checked. Leaflets, business cards and pricing structures had been proof read to within an inch of their lives. We were ready!

We all met at breakfast and the journey to the airport was no problem. Not wanting to mess up the outfits, we were all casually dressed, smart wear all carefully packed.

We arrived at Gatwick a good four hours before our flight and once we had all booked our luggage and extras in, we had time to chill before the flight. None of us dared have an alcoholic drink, we were that zoned into the job at hand. Most of us re-read our notes while sipping teas and coffees.

The flight to Croatia didn't take too long and soon we were waiting for our bags at the local Zagreb airport. Slowly but surely we got our bags from the conveyor, but two were missing. While one of the girls went off to find the minibus that was booked to take us to the hotel. Time passed and still the two bags were missing. As we went through what baggage had arrived, it soon dawned on me that it was my main bag and my spare smart wear that were missing. I just had the clothes I was standing in.

I was directed to the lost luggage and reported what was missing, the hotel we were staying in, plus other details they needed. Before leaving for the hotel, I did another check at the luggage conveyor to see if there was anything, but it was empty.

I was cursing all the way to the hotel, looking out of the window at the countryside passing us by, wondering what I was going to do.

That evening we had a meeting with a skype back to the managers in London. They were annoyed, but said I had to attend the show and I couldn't wear the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing at present. A senior manager I didn't really get on with, Donna spoke up from her comfy spot in London. "Did all the other luggage turn up?" which we confirmed. "If Samuel cannot find his outfit, the girls have spare and he WILL wear that! We need his knowledge in the show and there is nothing else for it!" All the senior managers in London agreed that was the only option. They really didn't care I was shocked and sitting there with my mouth wide open. The meeting carried on to other issues to make sure we were ready for everything else and at around seven in the evening, Zagreb time the meeting ended.

I rushed to the hotel reception to phone the airport for any news. It took an age to get through, only to find out there were no updates on my baggage.

Slowly I went back into the hotel to find the others getting ready for dinner. Over dinner we chatted about maybe me nipping off first thing in the morning to find a fresh suit, but the others were adamant, the managers wanted me there for the whole three days of the show.

After dinner Jen and Samantha grabbed a few bits from their rooms and were soon in my room where I sat dejectedly. They had brought the spare outfits and some of their own items. Plus thankfully the hotel was of such a size that in reception it had a shop with a chemist and salon.

Neither Jen nor Samantha were nasty, they were good work colleagues. They just wanted to help me. Taking the clothes out of their protective covers we surveyed what we had to work with. Before us were four skirt suits in the bright red material with black lining in two different sizes. I took a deep breathe and took one of each size to the bathroom. As expected the larger size fitted, but I looked absurd. I had to show the girls. Coming out of the bathroom, I stood in front of them, a slouched mess. They sat there taking notes and quietly discussing things.

They left the two larger sized suits in my room and said not to worry everything will be fine in the morning. We had agreed to meet for breakfast at 8:00am, to be at the pre-erected stand for 9:30am. With those times in mind, Sam said they would be at my room for 6:30am.

I had a funny nights sleep, just in my underpants. Some very strange dreams came and went. All too soon my alarm went off at 6:15 and I sorted myself a coffee, just as Sam and Jen came by with armfuls of things.

To them it was a military operation. From exfoliation cream through to cream to soften the skin, I was covered in it. Sam took out from a bag, a pair of soft pink knickers with lace on the front. Apparently the ladies had found the suit material quite lightweight and thin, so if I wore mens underpants, they would show through.

Once the knickers were on and I had done as instructed and tucked my bits back between my legs, I was then fitted into a bra that matched the knickers. My "chest" obviously didn't fill anything, but soon after some tissues had been stuffed in, it looked an ok outline.

I still slouched though and to combat this, they fitted a sort of corset thing, they called a wasp. I was quite slim anyway, so this thing just seemed to give me better deportment. They then set about my makeup. This took about half an hour and I was amazed at the skills they showed.

Putting on the soft blouse, skirt and jacket, I did look a fairly convincing young lady, apart from my hair, which was all "Samuel". As a surprise Jen said last night she had "borrowed" something from the hotel salon. In her hand was a light brown ladies wig. With quite a bit of brushing and styling it was soon stuck on my head with wig glue once the positioning was right.

The final act of feminisation was my feet slipping into a pair of black patent stiletto heeled court shoes. I looked in the mirror and was instantly drawn to how short the skirt was. "shit" I said to myself, had I gone too far. I had a good six inches of bare legs above my knees before the skirt covered what was left.

Sam and Jen looked at me and laughed, I had a face of shock as was worried that is what everyone at the show would do once they had seen me. Jen then quickly told me they were laughing as I looked really good and how amazing their skills were at makeup.

My stomach was a mess, churning about, did I need the toilet, or did I need a drink for my dry mouth? I was brought to my senses by the heavy application of perfume.

Sam then fitted a name badge to my chest that had the company name as well as Sam. It was her spare badge, and so for the next three days I was Sam rather than Samuel. No problem.

Once everyone was ready and breakfasted we headed for reception and the minibus to the venue. It was agreed our first act would be to work in a V formation and sashay our way through the various halls, handing out leaflets and business cards. The nerds wont know what hit them.

Problem one for all of us, was getting on the minibus in the stupidly short skirts, and then problem two, getting off the minibus at the show. We did the best we could and straightened up before the marketing offensive.

Doors opened for us and we were off. Every pair of male eyes, which was 99% of the stall-holders and guests, were like laser guided weapons. It was instant lock on and all conversation stopped. It was candy from children as we hit like a tsunami. Everyone took our leaflets. Everyone wanted to know more. And everyone wanted our business cards.

I completely forgot how I was dressed as I concentrated on walking the same rhythm as the ladies. It was a day of most pleasurable events. Every word being listened to by whole crowds as we answered their technical questions like pros of old. This wasn't just a visual experience for them all, it was the complete package.

For me, this had been a very strange experience. I had never thought about wearing women's clothes, for fun, sexually, or anything. Here I was though, enjoying how I was being treated, like an attractive young lady. In my head it almost felt like I needed to swing my hips more, pout more, be more touchy feely with men's arms, keep better eye contact, listen and laugh more. I literally felt a different person, a better person, a person wanted or dare I say even needed.

At the end of the first day we had already got firm meetings lined up with fifty six large and medium sized companies as well as over one hundred possibles and contacts. So we had already hit our target for the three days, and it was still only day one.

As we headed back to the hotel, we were all on cloud nine. This was massive and was soon reported back to London with laughs and cheers from there.

I entered my room to get changed for dinner, but something was different. Yep, ok, room service had made the bed and tidied up, but where were my clothes? My jeans, trainers and t-shirt were gone. There was nothing of mine left in the room.

After speaking to the others, I nipped down to reception to see what could be done. But they had no answers. It wouldn't even be worth putting in a claim for an old t-shirt, rubbish jeans and some non-designer trainers.

On getting back to the room, Jen and Sam were there waiting. On hearing what had happened, they insisted I get changed as the smart suit needed to be good for the next day. Leaving the bra and knickers on, I was given a dress to put on. It was a very nice dark red satin dress that was sleeveless and came down to my knees.

Soon the three of us had joined the others down in the restaurant and a great time was had by all. The evening went very fast as we had a lovely meal and then enjoyed the music and dancing.

That night, I slept in the knickers. It was a very strange experience as although I didn't feel sexually charged by it, I definitely felt I was at a different level. After all the exertions of the day, I slept like a log.

The next morning I was still buzzing about the success of the previous day. So when Jen and Sam turned up early to help me dress with fresh underwear and I was ready for them. After breakfast, we were on our way to the Trade Show, "day two". Even now, we didn't leave our guard down and managed to review notes and potential target customers. We wanted another good day.

Although the day was tough, my ankles were suffering with wearing the heels all day and my face ached from all the smiling. The number of times I had to readjust the skirt was really getting annoying and we all almost fought over the long mirror at the back of our stand.

As the sun set on day two, we were exhausted. Reporting back to London, we had done almost as well as day one. We were tired but in a party mood.

This time Sam brought me a rather short Cadbury purple shift dress. As well as the dress, Sam had brought me, "chicken fillets". I had no idea what they were, just that they didn't look good to eat. Soon the tissue was removed from the bra to be replaced by these things. This was weird as I had a little jiggle and my breasts now jiggled as well.

We drank a bit this night and probably relaxed a fair bit more. Mingling with the other guests that spoke English, I soon found a couple of the girls dancing with young men. I sat back at our table on my own to refill my wine glass and survey the scene.

The two that had been smooching with men had disappeared and even forty something Mandy was enjoying the attention of a far younger man, and I need not say HOW much she was enjoying his "handy" work, as her face told it all. Even Sam and Jen, who were pretty level headed and in relationships back home, were enjoying themselves.

Funny when you are having fun, your mind forgets much around you, as I completely forgot how I was dressed. So when two men came over to me with fresh bottles of wine and sat with me, it just didn't register. Even once we had finished the extra wine and ordered more, I had no idea. It was only when one of them put his arm around my waist and pulled me in tight, it gave me a start. I was now very awake to my surroundings. So why did I not push him away? Why did I let him kiss me?

His friend left us and went I don't know where, but we were now kissing quite actively and almost aggressively. Was this me suddenly being what I was meant to be? This thirty five year old man with thick dark hair and a Turkish accent. His hands, mouth, eyes, aftershave, everything just felt right. We broke for more drinking and to survey the restaurant to see if anyone was watching. In our dark corner though, we just looked at each other and went straight back to kissing and hands becoming more adventurous.

I knew at some point I would have to break this off. The last thing I wanted, was for this lovely man to know he had been snogging a bloke, a chap, a guy like him. Eventually I plucked up the courage and broke contact with his lips. Our eyes stayed locked together and then he realised, things were not going to go any further.

He became all questions, asking me how long I was staying, what was I doing here, what my name was, who did I work for? After going through his ever so polite interrogation, I left the table and headed to my room.

It must have been very late by now and I definitely needed a shower and a sleep. On entering my room I found a small package on the bed with an apology from the management. I opened it to find a satin night dress and dressing gown from their shop and a voucher for more, as amends for my clothes going missing. After a good shower, I put the night dress on and was asleep within minutes.

The alarm went off to sound the arrival of day three. This was quickly turning into a groundhog day experience. As Sam and Jen descended on my room with fresh underwear, the makeup routine and dressing. After breakfast we were off again to the Trade Show. Maybe we were all a bit tired, but we had trouble building ourselves for the day.

My stiletto shoes were hurting even more and I started to get annoyed at the damn cold breeze that was shooting through the trade show hall and around my bare legs. Until you wear these things, you never know what the implications are and I soon had ice feet, legs like cold ham and even my backside cheeks felt stone cold. I would need a month to get warmed up again, but still I had to put on the silly smile, greet people and show them our products. This was becoming a particularly tough day.

All of us worked our socks off and on this very trying day still managed to do ok, getting fresh contacts and prospective meetings arranged. This became prank day, as I found ALL the ladies started slapping my butt cheeks at every opportunity. Also because I had chosen the skirts, they made sure I didn't have a hot drink all day.

With just two hours left of the show, the ladies got together and decided, I needed to be punished. They quickly decided as it was getting colder and colder, I had to remove some of my clothing. Behind the stand I had to remove the bra and blouse. Jen then sellotaped the chicken fillets to my bare chest. Once I had the jacket back on, I was about come out, when Jen grabbed my knickers and made sure they were removed. What if I get an erection? The girls knew better and the ice cold breeze kept my manhood well and truly hidden. I had to stand the rest of the day though in fear of revealing something if I sat down.

As the trade show closed, we headed off for the minibus. Leaving the building the wind was definitely blowing for winter and through the buttons in my jacket and up under my skirt, I caught the full blast of ice cold winter. Funnily I remembered the first time getting onto the minibus in the miniskirt. Now either I didn't care or was a pro. We all just slouched in our seats for the ride back to the hotel for a skype debrief with Donna back in London.

We were all a bit deflated with the days results, but over the whole show, we had more than doubled what our target was so it was still a massive success. Then right at the end of the meeting, Donna in London looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Sam," Looking right at me "I hear you have done very well".

I thought, no better than anyone else, but Donna carried on.

"Sam, you have a new client in Turkish TGS."

They were a very big company in turkey that could bring literally millions to our company if it was true. But I had carefully taken notes of all contacts made at the show and none were from TGS. Donna saw my confused face.

"Seems the Managing Director of TGS was staying in the same hotel as you and in his words, he bonded well with you Sam."

I turned a bright red, almost as red as the skirt suit.

Donna carried on "As it has been a great success, we are letting you stay on at the hotel for four more days, expenses paid. There is one thing though." We all suddenly paid attention. Donna, looked at me again "Sam, you are going to have to stay as you are, just in case you meet the MD of TGS again. Understand?!! Plus obviously when you get back to London, we will need to make some special arrangements if this TGS contract comes off."

Before signing off Donnas final comment was "oh, and next time you are put in charge of uniforms, don't make the ladies look like tarts. Plus you will find your 'lost bags' in the office here!" With that I could see a special sort of grin on her face as she signed off the skype call.

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UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 4 years ago

Why did they blame him for t he uniforms. He had pant suits. Top management told him to change them.

BrendaNWBrendaNWover 4 years ago
new opportunities for a hot girl 😍

Exciting story, please continue, I would love to see how his (her) life progresses as Sam .. I bet that managing director will pop up again and maybe more international clients with a taste for what she has to offer .. quite knowledgeable and attractive with a special viewpoint in the business ..

BCTgirlBCTgirlover 4 years ago
Silly comments

I love when people who really should stick to a genre they actually can appreciate, comment how “unrealistic” a story is. Or, how “what really would have happened” is...

Jesus people, if not into it, stop reading and find one you do like.

Great story, could go further.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

when he got back to the office he turned in his resignation . Being that he had a lot of technical knowledge He got a better job offer from a another company. They lost a lot of business from that little trick they played on him, as he contacted a lot of those customers and they went with him. Seems this time the boss out smarted herself.

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