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The Transformation Device Ch. 01

Story Info
Dr. Sanderson creates the ultimate Device for people's needs.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 11/21/2012
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Author's Note. A friend of mine dared me to write a story about a Transsexual so I wrote this story, he loved it so I have decided to share it with others who enjoy this kind of erotica. This story was written for fun and does not reflect the views of the author, nothing in this story is possible and contains fantasy situations. Let me know what you think and I will share the rest if required. Enjoy

Chapter 1.

Some call Dr. Sanderson a madman; he calls himself a genius, either way he is not to be trifled with. He is well on his way to becoming a billionaire all from his new invention, he simply called it, The Transformation device.

He is 5,9 with short brown hair in his early 30's. He is walking around a huge cylinder shaped device with various computer monitors and keyboards attached a clock on the device in counting down, 2 minutes left. He smiles and starts typing in various things. A door opens and in steps his new assistant Carl, he is 5,6 with long brown hair in a pony tail, he is in his early 20's and is also a Genius in his own right. His problem is he was so skinny he often got made fun of by bigger men, which makes him really insecure about his own ideas and thoughts. Even in School he was picked on the most for his short skinny frame by athletes and popular people, school was tough on him and it reflects in his day to day life.

Carl goes over to Dr. Sanderson and also starts typing things. Carl sees a photo of a young woman on the side; she is very short with dark hair and thick glasses on. He recognises her from the newspaper, some girl who got abducted last night. "Is this the girl that went missing? The Librarian?" He asks showing Dr. Sanderson the photo.

Dr. Sanderson looks over and smiles at the photo. "Yes she is."

Carl looked confused. "Well, where is she? And why do you have her photo?"

Dr. Sanderson looked at Carl then indicated to the Cylinder device. Carl looked at it and back again in confusion. "I don't understand, I thought it was to be used for helping people."

Dr. Sanderson laughed a sinister laugh and marched over to Carl and patted him on the shoulder. "We do my friend, we help our clients."

"So she is a client?" Carl asked hopefully.

Dr. Sanderson laughed again. "No, the Sheik is. You know what this device does?"

Carl thought back to his short but brief interview for the job and his requirements in helping to maintain the device in question. "Only bits and pieces, it changes people, it can make them better."

"Yes, exactly. Now Carl, it's time you learned another part of what we do here. This device is a Transformation Device; right now our librarian is inside being changed to suit the needs of the Sheik." An alarm goes off indicating the procedure is over. "Ah, ready?"

Dr. Sanderson types a few commands and the doors open, inside are various bits of equipment and a Chair, sitting in the Chair is a beautiful Blond DD breasted Girl with stunning Blue Eyes wearing a belly dancer costume of purple silk with gold patterns running through it. She smiles at Carl and Dr. Sanderson, she stands up and gets out of the Chamber. Carl stares at the girl then back at the photo in shock. "What the hell?"

Dr. Sanderson goes to her. "Hello my dear, state your purpose in life."

The girl smiles and speaks. "My purpose is to bring love and pleasure to my master. I must serve and obey him."

"And who is your master?" Dr. Sanderson asks smiling.

"Sheik Hassan. He is my master." She replies

Dr. Sanderson smiles even more. "Good, you may go with these men and be ready to meet your new master." Two men in security suits entered to take her away.

"Thank you Doctor." She turns and leaves with the men.

Carl feels like he is going to be sick. "What happened?"

Dr. Sanderson smiles like he has been looking forward to telling Carl about the device. "This device, using drugs, hypno therapy and various pieces of alteration can change a simple librarian into the perfect Sex Slave, Carl. That mousy haired brown eyed librarian is now the perfect Blond Blue Eyed big breasted pleasure girl ever created. She is not the first or the last. You don't want to know what happened to my last Assistant Carl, such a shame to lose her."

Carl shook off the shock and pressed on. "Wait, what about missing persons and..."

"Forget it, this device changes her fingerprints so they can't trace her back to her again, and besides, you wouldn't have even known it was her till I told you so, would you?"

Carl remembered something he read in a magazine before about how hypnotism works. "Wait hypno therapy? You can't hypnotize someone into doing something they don't want to do."

Dr. Sanderson smiled again. "True, but my device found a way. Over stimulation of the mind to accept the role through pleasure, and signals flowing directly to the brain. She has forgotten her past as a librarian, it's like she is born again. The true sense of control is that a chemical has been injected into her to make her constantly aroused. She must always be ready for sex, and as she is always horny, her horny little mind now only seeks pleasure from her master. As she is constantly aroused she constantly needs affection, so that keeps the control in place. It's perfect in its own way."

"So you just take women off the streets and..."

"Not just women, whatever our clients want, whether it's men or women. No children of course, I'm not a monster, only the legal age for sex."

"Well it's nice to know you have some kind of morals." Carl said angrily.

Carl felt pride that he finally grew a set and started to speak out for himself, it feels good. Dr. Sanderson looked angry at Carl and marched over and slapped him across the face. "Don't cross me Carl, my last Assistant ended up in the chamber, so you keep in line and accept what happens, plus you get a percentage of the profits. Stick with me, hide your morals and you will end up being rich my friend."

Carl feels a tear running down his face as the sting of the slap gets hotter across his cheek. So much for standing up to his morals, he hates feeling less of a man when people hit him or call him names. It took him back to his horrible time in school; sissy and girly boy were favourite insults from the assholes of his school. A woman walks in holding a clipboard. "Sorry to disturb you Doctor, your two o'clock is here."

"Thank you Shelly." As she walks out he turns back to Carl. "Shelly accepts it; her payment is I made her Husband a more appropriate husband for her. Everyone has a fantasy, even women and they will hide their morals to get it. So Carl, maybe a love slave is needed for you to change your mind, think about it."

Carl feels sicker as he watches Dr. Sanderson leave.

* * *

Dr. Sanderson entered his office and quickly checks his Bank details on his computer; the Sheik's payment has gone in, his current balance stood at $560,567,098.00. Soon he would be a billionaire. A knock at the door came sounded. "Enter."

A man in an expensive business suit walks in, he is 5,10 and well built with black hair combined to the side. "Ah Dr. Sanderson." He says reaching out a hand to shake.

Dr. Sanderson takes it and smiles. "Mr. Walsh, welcome to my office."

Mr. Walsh, or Gregory as he is named is a software Billionaire, made his first million with a new Software that could eradicate all Computer Virus' without the need for Security programs, all internet security firms are now near Bankruptcy because of him. He has now made Billions from making other pieces of Software.

"Thank you for seeing me, I must admit I m rather embarrassed to be here."

"Don't be Mr. Walsh. I get many clients here asking for their perfect Desires, whether it be Men or Women. Drink?"

"Coffee please."

Dr. Sanderson got Shelly to bring in Coffee and they sat and made small talk, computers and stock markets until Dr. Sanderson broke the tension. "So Mr. Walsh, what can we do for you today?"

"Well, tell me more about what your machine does." Mr. Walsh enquired.

Dr. Sanderson nods and clears his throat. "Well, my machine has in built systems to transform anyone who is inside. A few years ago I worked various different jobs, including an assistant to a plastic surgeon. I found the techniques to be so obvious and plastic. So I started to develop my own methods. I can make a breast growth look real and natural; I discovered a formula that works. I found a way to chemically alter a human body and to look more real than real. You know why it looks real?"

Mr. Walsh shakes his head. "No."

"Because it is real. My chemicals can naturally alter the body permanently and through mind altering methods I can change a personality to suit the needs of any customers. I can turn a straight man Gay, a lesbian to be straight and everything in between, whatever the needs of the customer, I provide Mr Walsh. So tell me, what is your fantasy? What can I create for you?"

Mr. Walsh coughs nervously. He then reaches into his inner pocket and takes out a sheet of paper and hands it to Dr. Sanderson and he reads it. He watches Dr. Sanderson's eyes as he reads it and then nods and puts the paper down. "Interesting. I have never had a request for that before."

"Is it a problem?" Mr. Walsh asks nervously.

"No, it can be done Mr. Walsh. But I will need to recalibrate the machine to do this. Tell me, why this fantasy if you don't mind me asking?"

Mr. Walsh sighs letting his nervousness go as Dr. Sanderson doesn't have a problem with the fantasy, then tells his reason. "Well, I was never into that sort of thing you know. I'm not Gay Dr. Sanderson I want to make that clear. I went on a company visit to Thailand, to open a new office there. I met a girl and we had some fun, big Breasts full lips, only she wasn't a girl, she had a bigger cock than me. But instead of disgusting me it turned me on even more. She gave the best blow job I have ever had and her Ass was so tight and firm. She never put it in me, I like to fuck them Dr. Sanderson. I don't want to wake up finding it fucking me."

"Don't worry, we can build in a command so they will receive but never give. That won't be a problem. How do you want it done, do we find a shemale, or turn a male into one?"

"Don't care; just don't let me see before pictures."

"No problem. I have read the descriptions of your fantasy's, the machine will need to be recalibrated and it will cost extra I'm afraid."

"How much?" Mr. Walsh asked.

"Well." Dr. Sanderson started to type. "We charge a million dollars for the person, plus an extra five hundred thousand to erase their past, plus equipment, tools, clothing and general brainwashing; it will cost about ten million dollars."

Mr. Walsh thought about it and wrote a cheque and handed to Dr. Sanderson, who took it and read it, $15,000,000.00. "Mr. Walsh you are generous."

"I just don't want a standard job, it must be the best. You read my statements and fantasy's, just get it done." Mr. Walsh demanded while smiling to Dr. Sanderson, he is fighting getting a erection just thinking about what he is getting.

"I will, I begin a search for a suitable candidate right away."

* * *

Carl is at home, he is drinking large amounts of alcohol trying to calm himself down. Why did he agree to this? Why put his life on the line for this? He is watching the news and checking his watch every few minutes, finally the phone rings and he answers it. "Hello?"

"Hey Sissy."

It is his sister, she had caught him at a young age trying on her clothing out of curiosity, he used to love the feel of the sexy clothes and he felt sexy wearing them. He used to do it regularly until he was caught by his Sister when she came home early from School, and his Sister teased him about it since she caught him but she loves her brother and promised not to tell anyone as long as he didn't do it again. A few years later, she came out of the closet, so he had a good reply. "Hey Dyke!"

"All right Carl I deserved that! But I'm Bi, not a lesbian."

Carl laughed. "Sorry Sara. Just don't call me that, it was embarrassing."

"I know it was, now what did you find out today? Anything?"

Carl is not Dr. Sanderson's assistant by choice, his Sister is a member of a Feminist Group and they had heard rumours that Dr. Sanderson is turning Girls into Sex Slaves, so thinking it wouldn't be safe to send a Girl in undercover, they sent Carl in as bait being a Computer Genius made him perfect to infiltrate the place. He told her everything; she was angry at the situation yet happy that he had found out what is going on. "Also, I may not be safe, they do guys as well. They can make a Guy a sex toy for anyone. Shelly who works for him made her husband a slave for her."

"Jesus, ok, can you hang on a little longer? We just need some physical evidence, can you get that?"

Carl's heart sank, he would rather run away but she needed him and innocent people were at risk just so a few rich perverts could get a sex toy. "Ok, I'll try sis. Call me daily; if I don't answer then something has gone wrong!"

"Ok." Sara Replied.

They said their goodbyes and hung up. Carl undid his Pony Tail letting his long hair flow then he gulped down his drink. He knew he was in for a long ride, he just prayed he didn't get caught.

* * *

2 days Later:

Dr. Sanderson is furious, not only that he is having trouble finding a suitable candidate for Dr. Walsh's fantasy, but he has just learned that files about the Device have gone missing! Designs, blueprints and files on how to change the settings and past candidates, and worst of all bits about clients, if the police got hold if those he would be fucked. There is a spy in his organisation and he needs to find out who it is quick. He is pacing his office at close to midnight trying to figure out what to do, he may need to refund Mr. Walsh's money and hide. If those files got to the wrong people it could go up in smoke.

A knock at the door shook him out of his thought. "Enter."

Shelly walks into the office in triumph holding some files, she then hands Dr. Sanderson a newspaper clipping. "Look at this; this is an article about a rally from some Feminists that got arrested for violence at their last protest. Look at the leader's name."

Dr. Sanderson read the name aloud. "Sara Duncan. So?"

She then hands him more files. "Well, I did some checking, she has a brother, a genius of a brother actually, named Carl Duncan, who is working for us under a false name, Carl Smith! He is her brother." The files she handed him confirmed her research. They had enough money to find these things out and with paying the right people confidential files could end up on your desks very easily.

So Carl is the spy.

"Remind me to give you a raise Shelly." Dr. Sanderson says while smiling.

"Forget it; my hubby is the best payment I could have ever got." She then pauses to think "But I could use another boy toy. Say an 18 year old boy."

Dr. Sanderson smiles at her. "Done, you may go now." She leaves the office smiling and Dr. Sanderson looks at the files again. "Oh Carl, you disappoint me. Let's check you out shall we?" Dr. Sanderson checks his files, he is the right age group, height and he has a skinny frame much more feminine than masculine, he is not allergic to any of the drugs or substances needed to convert him and his hair is long enough to no longer need to hair extensions if someone else was to be picked. "Well, I think we found Walsh's sex toy!"

* * *

Carl stepped into the building unaware he has been caught; unaware the machine has been calibrated overnight and loaded with the right materials needed. Carl opened the door and stepped into the big room where the cylinder Transformation Machine is kept, he saw Dr. Sanderson typing things in looking really frustrated and angry. "Piece of shit! Ah Carl, thank god your here."

"What's wrong?" Carl asked nervously.

"Something has gone wrong with the device, I tried to recalibrate it and it has fucking crashed. Something inside must be wrong. This is a two man job. I need to work this computer here; you need to step into the device..."

"What?" Carl interrupted sounding scared.

"You heard me, step into the device and read back to me the numbers that appear on the screen inside. Then I can fix it."

Carl looks nervously at the machine. "I'm not sure about..."

"Look, it's deactivated except for the computers, it's perfectly safe Carl. Look, do this for me and I'll pay you triple for the day, please just help me or we will lose a very valued client."

Carl tried to read him, he seemed genuine and the machine did look off, it is dark inside and the only source of light was coming from a monitor. "Ok, I'll do it."

Dr. Sanderson patted him on the shoulder. "Good man, now I will be typing stuff here, just read out the replies so I can re-programme it." He ran off to the computer on the other side while Carl nervously approached the door, he took a peek inside and tried to read the monitor from the door, but at a sideways glance it had a glare. He looks inside properly, there is a chair with straps attached, no doubt to force people to sit, a device that looks like it is a hairdresser's hair dryer that fits over the head. Also mechanical arms all coming down from the ceiling. "Come on Carl I'm waiting."

Carl took a breath and stepped in, his feet echoed as he walked up to the monitor. "Please input Key." It read.

"It's asking for an input key." Carl called out.

"Right doing that, what else?"

The words changed. "Command 678."

Carl read back the command.

"Ok, done." Dr. Sanderson called.

The screen went blank, then words appeared. "Good Morning Carl Duncan, are you ready to be processed?"

Carl turned to run but the door to the chamber slammed shut, he got to it and pounded it in a panic. How did he find out his real name? And Processed into what? Suddenly the lights came on, a bright pink light filled the room and the chair turned towards him. A soft reassuring female voice spoke out. "Good Morning Mr Duncan, please sit so we can begin!"

He pounded the door again. "Let me out!"

"I will not ask again Mr. Duncan, please sit or force will be taken." The Device said

"Fuck you, let me out."

As he pounded the door, he didn't notice the mechanical arm with the syringe approach his buttocks, it injected him, and he turned as the pain hit him. Suddenly he felt really weak and dizzy, his vision is blurry and as he began to fall, the arms grabbed him and placed him in the chair. "No." He weakly said.

"There, isn't that better Mr. Duncan? Now let's get you out of those clothes!" The arms shot out and ripped off all his clothing, his lab jacket, his suit trousers underwear, shoes and socks all removed. He is now sitting naked in the chair with no strength to get him out. He felt a little shame as his cock has been exposed, he is so disorientated he can barley grasp what he should be more worried about. Suddenly the chairs restraints on the arms and legs secured him in place, and then the chair forced him into a standing position. The back pulled away so he was securely standing. "Now, let's begin by removing your hair."

"Hair?" Carl asked confused.

"A decent lady Mr. Duncan doesn't have hair on their body do they?" The device asked sweetly.

Suddenly tubes appeared and started to spray a pink liquid on his body, on his arms, body, legs, ass and around his genitals. It was left until a burning sensation started. After what felt like hours, some hoses appeared and sprayed him with warm water, while other arms scrubbed him down. When they were done, not a hair is on his body except on his nut sack, but a razor appeared and started to take that off. Soon the only hair on his body is on his head. "When did you last shave your face Mr. Duncan?"

Still dazed, he answered. "This morning."


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