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The Transformation Device Ch. 05

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Finale to Candy's story.
7.6k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 11/21/2012
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Authors Note: Here is the fifth Chapter in the Transformation Device series. It has been a hell of a journey and I'm so proud so many of you love this story arc and I'm just relieved the Emails asking when it will be done will finally stop, lol. Sorry for all the delays, I have had some health issues recently and I have been trying to get a literary agent for my other works. Thank you all and I hope you enjoy this.

* * *

Dr. Sanderson looks through the window in his office enjoying the look of the six unconscious girls strapped to gurneys waiting to be put in the Transformation Device, the feisty one, Trisha she was called, is just being finalized. He hears high heels and turns to see Shelly enter. "Morning Shelly." He looks at his watch and sees it is 3 am. "Sorry to get you in so early but a new batch has arrived. That new security firm seem to have done the trick."

"I was awake already sir so it's no problem. And yes sir, so I heard."

"After Candy got in undetected I thought splashing out on a new security system was for the best. So we have this problem solved, what about the leader?" He asks.

"I have heard from the Security Firm that they are now dealing with it." Shelly tells him.

Dr. Sanderson hears the Device open and he turns to see the once feisty Trisha emerge, wearing a light blue Harem outfit, her dark hair now blond with bigger tits, and a smile across her face.

* * *

Candy is still awake; she has Sara asleep at her side. She lays there in the moonlight enjoying the stillness, the quiet. Candy feels truly contempt. Gregory never slept with her after sex, he always went to another room. Now she is enjoying the feeling of someone next to her relaxed and asleep knowing they are safe with you. Sara stirs and wakes up. "What time is it?"

Candy looks over at the alarm clock. "Ten past three."

Sara suddenly sits up and picks up her discarded jeans and pulls her phone out. "Shit."

"What?" Candy asks alarmed.

"I haven't heard from the girls. They should have checked in by now." She dials a number and puts the phone to her ear. "Shit, straight to voice-mail."

Candy gets out of bed. "Let's get changed and head down there. We better check on them." They both quickly put their cloths back on, as Candy is putting her boots on, she hears something. She turns to Sara who has also stopped. Candy slowly walks to the window and opens the curtain. A blinding light hits her as she sees a Helicopter heading towards the house. "Oh shit!"

Suddenly Sara tackles her to the ground as a barrage of bullets smashes though the window and walls. It seems to go on and on. Candy covers her ears as the bullets rip through the wall and destroy everything in their path. It stops suddenly and Sara pulls her up. "Come on, we have to move!" The both run out of the room as they hear more bullets ripping through the wall. They run down the corridor as the Helicopter turns and fires into the Corridor. They both dive down a turn in the corridor and crawl towards the stairs. "Keep going, don't stop." Sara shouts.

* * *

The Gunner stops firing as he talks in his radio. "Base, we have lost visual on the targets."

A female British accent replies. "Then use your missiles, burn the house to the ground."

"Roger." He flips a switch and the missiles arm themselves.

* * *

Sara and Candy are now running down the stairs towards the front door. "Wait, the garage has cars we can..." that's as far as Candy got, as a huge explosion hits the top floors. The force of it knocking them both off their feet. Candy is disorientated and her ears are whistling, she sees Sara getting to her feet in slow motion. Her head pounding, not sure where she is, Sara grabs her and tries pulling her towards the garage, but another missile hits the house, and then blackness.

* * *

Dr. Sanderson types away at the Transformation Device helping the team getting these girls ready for the Sheik. Time is not on their side as three out of seven are ready to go. Shelly walks in pushing a trolley full of drinks for the workers. "Coffee's ready."

"Thank you Shelly." Dr. Sanderson says.

"Oh, we have just received word that our other problem has been dealt with." Shelly says before leaving.

Dr. Sanderson stops to smile. "Excellent." And he continues to work.

* * *

Sound, some kind if sound. What is it? Talking, there are people talking. Her head, why does her head hurt. She can't move, why can't she move? Candy tries to open her eyes but that is taking tremendous effort. Her senses are coming back as she hears men talking and moving things. "Help." Candy calls. "I'm here." She calls again.

She hears frantic movement and she opens her eyes. She is covered in rubble and around her are broken beams and ash. The helicopter, Sara, where is Sara? Is she OK? She hears things being moved away and soon a beam of light hits her, she closes her eyes as the light is blinding. "Are you hurt?" A male voice says.

"I don't know." Candy replies. She can't feel any pain but she may be in shock.

"Hang tight, we will get you out."

She opens her eyes to see a member of the Fire Department. Soon men are moving more rubble and making more of a hole, a medic climbs down to check on her, but she pushes him off and forces herself up. "Keep still; you may have a broken back."

"I'm fine just get me out." Candy says and one of the firemen holds out his hand and helps her out.

"It's OK, we have you." He says.

The medic climbs out after her. "Anyone else in the building?"

Candy suddenly panics. "Sara, where's Sara?"

The medic grabs her to stop her panicking. "She is fine; she is just getting treated at the Ambulance, this way." Candy runs ahead of the medic. "Lady you need to stop moving about, you may..."

Candy turns suddenly. "Shut Up!"

Candy turns a corner and sees Sara sitting in the Ambulance as another Medic is trying to treat a cut on her head. "Please, let my find her, she's trapped." Sara says.

Candy just runs towards her, as she nears, Sara spots her and she gets up and runs to Candy and they both hug each other. "I thought you were gone!" Candy says crying.

"Me too." Sara says as they both just hug for the longest time. The paramedic seems to have given up and has walked back to the Ambulance.

The break apart and Sara looks at Candy. "You have a cut sweetie."

"Look who's talking."

They both laugh and go to the Paramedics to get cleaned up and checked over. After getting cleaned, band aids and a quick check over they are told it would be best to go to the Hospital.

"No, we aren't going."

"Miss, it would be..."

"She said no!" Sara says suddenly and they back off. They both move away from the ambulance and see the house. It is nothing but rubble, it is gone. "We're lucky we survived."

Candy wipes a tear away. "We need to go."

"Where? My place won't be safe now." Sara says.

Candy turns to Sara. "What about Carl's place?"

* * *

They enter Carl's old apartment with shopping bags full of a change of clothes and equipment. The whole apartment is covered in dust. "I kept paying the rent; I just couldn't let the landlord get rid of your things." Sara says sadly.

Candy is looking around remembering images of a past life here, living alone and being alone. It wasn't a happy place nor was it a sanctuary anymore, just a depressing memory. "They won't think to look for us here. But it won't be for long."

After getting the hot water to work, they both have a shower each and get cleaned up. Candy is surprised that the shower drain isn't clogged with building dust by the time they are done. They go through Carl's old things and find some guns that the feminist group left him in case things got ugly. So now they have a handgun each, not much but it's something. They are looking at Sara's phone with pictures of Sanderson's base plans on it. "We will enter via the stairway again. They must have been hit by an ambush." Sara says.

"Or a booby trap. They may have stepped up security after my little adventure." Candy says with a hint of guilt.

"So, they hit a security system. What could have taken them all out at once?" Sara asks, then realization hits her. "Gas!"

Candy nods in agreement. "It must be. Can't think what else could have stopped them all. We need gas masks."

Sara nods. "There is a military store nearby; we can purchase a couple there."

Candy has a thought and a plan. It is reckless and stupid but it's the only thing she can think of doing. "Listen, they don't know we both survived yet, so I'll go in on my own..."

"No." Sara says suddenly.

"Listen." Candy says hoping she will. "When they think I'm alone and if I get ambushed, you can then come in. You are too important, what else can they do to me?" Candy asks. It's true, they have already altered her into a sex toy, and what else could they possibly do to her?

Sara seems to show agreement n her facial expression but still hangs her head. "I don't like it."

Candy takes her hand. They both stare at each other properly since coming back to Carl's place. "I can take care of myself. Plus, I'll pretend you died, it will throw them off the scent."

* * *

They sit in a car outside the business building waiting. Candy, wearing nothing but black is going over her supplies. Gun, stun gun, gas mask and a smoke grenade in case they need it. Candy sees the last employee leave and the security guard locks up. "OK, I'll go in. Listen, wait at least an hour for me. I want to get my own revenge on the son of a bitch."

"Look after yourself and be careful." Sara says with a hint of worry. They lean in and kiss and then Candy gets out of the car. She makes her way to the door and knocks. The security guard walks over looking a little cautious. "Yeah?" He asks through the door.

"Hi, my husband left his briefcase here, he asked me to get it for him." Candy says with pleading in her voice.

"Why isn't he here?"

"The idiot is at a presentation with some very important clients and he can't leave them hanging high and dry now. Please?" Candy asks looking desperate.

The guard looks sympathetic. "OK." He unlocks the door and lets her in. "Sorry for being Cautious, some crazy girl shot me with a dart last night."

"Sorry to hear that." Candy says and fires her stun gun at him. He spasms and falls to the floor. Candy then hits him in the back of the head with the butt of the gun and he is unconscious. She then drags him to the desk but leaves the front door unlocked so Sara can come in later. After she is sure he is out cold, she runs to the door leading to the base. She checks the door and it is locked, she pulls out her lock pick kit and picks the lock as Sara taught her to do earlier and the door swings open. The stairway is dark but Candy pulls out a flashlight and down she goes. She reaches the door and pulls out her gas mask and puts it on, just in case. She opens the door and steps into the corridor. She carefully and quietly turns the corner and the receptions desk is empty and the computer is off. The door to Dr. Sanderson's office is open, Candy taking her chance runs to the office on tiptoe and puts her back to the wall, she looks inside and there is Dr. Sanderson, looking out the window with his back to the office door. She takes her mask off and walks in closing the door. "Shelly, the last girl is ready, get shipment ready." He waits for a response. "Shelly?" He turns and see's Candy pointing a gun at him, she has angry tears in her eyes. "Candy?"

"Hands on your head." Candy orders.

"Wait, what's..."

"I said hands on your head now!" Candy shouts. He complies. "On your knees."

He goes to his knees. "What is the meaning of this?"

Candy just laughs. "Revenge you piece of shit. First making me forget who I was, getting Gregory killed and attacking me and Sara last night."

Dr. Sanderson looks really confused. "What? Gregory's dead?"

Candy now looks confused as well. He should know if he called the helicopter to her house last night. But his confusion seems legit. "You didn't know? You ordered it, you must have. He outbid you for that age regression thing after I gave him your Transformation Device plans."

Again Dr. Sanderson looks really confused. "No, I purchased it, it arrived the other day. I never had him killed, I swear. I alter people I don't kill them." He says to her.

Candy now looks around the room to make sure they are still alone. "What about attacking my home last night with a Helicopter?"

He just shakes his head. "No, that wasn't me either. I heard you were being dealt with, I didn't know they were going to try and kill you."

"Who?" Candy asks.

"Some security firm, they installed the extra security around here. I asked Shelly to sort out the details." He explains.

Candy feels something hit the bottom of her stomach, a huge weight, something they had not foreseen. "What?"

"Shelly was speaking to the security firm. Shelly was in charge of getting the Age Regression Device. Shelly is in charge." As he says this he suddenly looks confused as a realization hits him, and it hits Candy too.

Candy takes a step back. "What do you mean, Shelly's in charge?" Candy asks, her heart pounding hard against her chest.

Dr. Sanderson looks more confused; he is looking around the office as if seeing it for the first time trying to piece a puzzle together. "I...don't...know...I...don't...don't..."

Candy didn't hear her enter, she was too distracted. It wasn't her voice either; the American one was gone, replaced with a British accent. "Command override, Freeze." Candy is frozen to the spot, she can't move, and she can see that Dr. Sanderson is also frozen and looking worried. "Candy, stand next to him and drop to your knees and face me." Candy walks without any control over her body and she stands next to Dr. Sanderson. She then turns and falls to her knees and there is Shelly standing at the door. Who closes it after Candy gets to her knees. "There, you can now ask questions." Shelly says with a thick British accent.

Candy's mouth can now move. "What is going on? Who are you?"

Shelly smiles and paces the room. "Well, I'm controlling my slaves is what I'm doing. As for who I am, I'm Dr. Shelly Sanderson. Founder of this company and inventor of the Transformation Device." Shelly smiles as she says this.

Candy looks sideways at the man next to her. "If you're Dr. Sanderson, then who is this?"

Shelly laughs. "Oh that is a fun story. You see, I invented the Transformation Device some time ago. As a teenager, I watched my Dad get more and more sexually frustrated as Mother stopped having sex with him. It changed him; he got angrier and harder to live with. So, after studying hypnosis, I hypnotized Mother dear to be Daddy's sex slave. He didn't know of course and Mother kept trying to break the hypnosis but I learned ways of keeping the control. Father became a better person and I was amazed how regular sexual intercourse changed a man's perspective. So my goal was to create the perfect slave, the perfect sexual being for my clients. Society runs on the idea of getting laid, we base our whole existence on getting our next fuck. Men earn more money to attract women; they clean and make an effort to attract a mate, so I take out all the hard work for them, at a price.

But I had a problem; Men don't want to go to a woman to order their slaves, so I had to create an alter ego. I found this pathetic man begging for cash in the streets, so I put him in the device, changed his appearance and implanted the idea he was me. I gave him a history, knowledge of the device the works, everything he needed to run this company. He did an excellent job but I'm fed up with a man getting all the credit. Now I am the only one offering these services it won't matter to my clients what sex I am. I can now show my true face at last."

The other Dr. Sanderson is now openly weeping, he looks down on himself. "Then, who am I?"

"Nobody, you never were an anybody. Slave will be silent; Candy and I need a girl chat." Shelly says to the other Dr. Sanderson.

He tries to talk but no words come out. Candy however looks at Shelly with hatred. "It was always you. You found out who I was?"

"Yes, for years I made him think I was staff, I even implanted an idea that he made me some slaves as a reward for my services. After I found out about you, I made him turn you into Gregory's slave. Then I found out the bastard Gregory was trying to steal my design. I humored him by playing dumb and letting him order you a slave. Then he outbid me for the Age Regression device that this worthless piece of crap..." She points to the other Dr. Sanderson. " actually discovered before me. I should reward him for that I suppose. I cancelled the deal with you and then I ordered the hit on your Master." She smiles and laughs at Candy's expression.

Candy feels anger rising but in her paralyzed state she can't do anything about it. "You bitch, I'll..."

"Do nothing Candy. How can you? You see that feminist group has always been a thorn in my side. When you were placed in the Device, I implanted a suggestion that you found your sister to be very sexy. Knowing you would eventually cross paths I waited till you made the order. Then this idiot overcharged you and you ingeniously made him give you discount. That was fun by the way." Shelly says.

"Wait." Candy says. She looks confused as she remembers that day. "When you were in my power, you kept your American accent, how?"

Shelly shrugs her shoulders. "I'm not sure, maybe it was a subconscious defense mechanism making sure I didn't reveal my true self. Fascinating really, I should write a thesis on it." Shelly says with a smug look on her face.

"How did you do this without him noticing?" Candy asks indicating the former Dr. Sanderson next to her.

"Simple, I control him and made him forget anything suspicious. I simply hold his hand and twirl my thumb around his hand and he is open to suggestion and instructions."

Candy has a sudden thought. "Wait; are you really the true master? If this man came from the Device and believes himself to be the true Dr. Sanderson, then how do you know you're not a product of the Device?" Candy asks with hope she is right.

Shelly's face drops. "I...I...don't'..." Candy smiles then Shelly laughs, Candy's smile fades. "Oh please. I put in a memory interface. Embedded in that device is a record of every single person to have ever stepped foot in that Device. Entry one, Homeless subject 01, aka, that man next to you. Also includes before and after photos. Guess who is the only person who can access that function? Me, that's who. I am the real Dr. Sanderson sweet heart. The one and soon to be only. Slave will stand." The male Sanderson stands up. "Slave will follow me to the Transformation Device, time to test that age regression add on."

His eyes widen as he follows Shelly out the door. Candy tries to move but she can't, somehow Shelly's control is still in place, she closes her eyes hoping to beat it.

* * *

He is so scared and confused; he is Dr. Sanderson, isn't he? All this time he believed he was in control only to find out his secretary was always in charge. He follows unable to control his actions as she leads him towards the Transformation Device. To the side the team of scientists are loading up the girls from the Feminist group into a truck, they turn to see Sanderson following Shelly in a trance and they look confused. "Continue with your duties. Don't worry about this." She tells them.

They follow her commands and continue. "Please...don't." He manages to say as she types commands at the device computer screen.

"You wanted this thing, so it's fitting your reward is that you should be the first test subject. Slave will remove his clothes." He starts to strip down in front of Shelly and the other Scientists and his face goes red from shame. His lab coat, shirt, tie and pants are soon all off. He shakes taking off his underwear from the shame of it. Soon he is completely nude and Shelly presses a button and the door to the Device opens. "Slave will enter and sit on the chair." She says with a smile.

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