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The Triumphs of the Past Ch. 02

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Women find his restored classic car simply irresistible.
9.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/19/2019
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A hot Saturday a couple of weeks later. A really hot July day (they happen some years). Lovely to see Heulwen bending over and into the engine of the Triumph 2500. I was momentarily reminded of that Wednesday when I had sat in my office and the cum had poured from me as I had watched the girl bending over. If she had no overalls on, as she bent into the bonnet, I would be able to see almost as much as I had done then, though, pleasingly, 'undecorated' by Paul. A shame I had not taken a photo of that bending! Nonetheless the photos I had taken were pretty first rate. Blown up on my home PC screen, rather than the small screen of my Samsung, I had been more than delighted. It can be imagined I'd not been wearing a lot when I had downloaded them that evening, nor when I brought them one by one up on the screen and nor was my penis relaxed either! It had clearly been going to be a second wank and ejaculation -- and why not before bed?

Only five pictures -- I should have taken more but I had had other things to do with my hands... And all five crisp, detailed and erotic. It could so easily have been, out of a dozen, there would have been only one good one, yet here I was with five. I had had the megapixels set high so there was no loss of detail if -- or as - I zoomed in. The first of the two of them standing, not touching, right in front of the car: the long smile of the Triumph and its gleaming paintwork and spotless windscreen forming a nice backdrop. Two naked young people in profile. Heulwen's conical breasts so there, and even her dark pubic hair tufting -- and it did tuft - I had not appreciated that before that it grew with a definite upwards slant. If I zoomed in, I could see the individual hairs!

So erotic in its accidental composition, neither of them touching the other, but all the implication of what would happen there in the photos. Paul in profile. A young man in good health and fitness, no unnecessary fat and with a very fine stand. I'm not a great judge of penises -- still less erect ones -- but it looked firm enough to me and at a much better than forty-five degree angle up towards Heulwen. I'd have liked to stand facing Heulwen like that.

The next of them just starting their chase. A surprising action shot with Heulwen almost moving out of shot and Paul about to leap after her. As a photograph it certainly had movement. And then there was the one of Paul fucking Heulwen on the bench, very much his bottom centre stage, him drawing in his cheeks so they hollowed as he applied himself to her. In a way not much to see, rather as I had thought at the time, but all the implication of the young man very clearly joined to the young woman, his penis hard up inside her body. Almost not pornographic if you discounted the thoughts it aroused. Certainly, I was happily stroking away as I examined the photograph and my thoughts were most definitely aroused. I was not hurrying, I only had five to view.

The next was stunning. You have to give it to these little 'phone cameras, they can take the most amazing pictures. This was the one of Paul carrying Heulwen whilst copulating with her. His hands under her thighs, her arms around his neck, a slight turn of her torso so you could just see one breast and the wonder of her spread cheeks and thighs. I zoomed, I most certainly did, and there in colour and detail the sexual connection. Perhaps more of Paul's penis than I really wanted to see but, there again so easy to imagine it as my own, the detail phenomenal. I could see every vein and wrinkle. Half of its six or seven inches (I don't know, I had not applied my Vernier calipers to it. Perhaps Heulwen had...) were visible and clasped so tightly by the ring of her vaginal entrance. I could well imagine what that ring felt like --and it would feel a lot better than my rather substantial, oil ingrained, rather rough, finger and thumb clasped around my own cock. Paul's penis obscured the sight of her clitoris, of course. A trade-off between seeing Heulwen's sex in detail and seeing it in use, stretched and penetrated. And I could see her tight little bottom hole -- every wrinkle! Delightful imagining Paul offering that to me, perhaps saying he was finding Heulwen's weight a bit difficult to support and could I 'prop' her up a bit, give her a bit of 'support' under her bottom? Naughty but arousing thoughts. Incredibly unlikely, in reality, but very pleasant to imagine, sitting at my PC, pyjama fly open, cock in hand and looking at these wonderful 'stolen' snaps of the couple.

The last photo was little different from the one before, not quite as good, if anything. It caught Paul on the inthrust. Heulwen's bottom as lovely as before but all somewhat a portrait of Paul's hanging gonads. I smiled recalling how they had swung as I had peeked through the knothole, no doubt getting ready to do their job: a task I had, unfortunately, missed carried out on the, hidden from view, back seat of the Triumph.

First rate photos indeed. So, there I was a hot Saturday, a couple of weeks later, looking at Heulwen bent over the bonnet and recalling what I had seen. No Paul there, just the two of us. I walked over to talk. As we discussed the car my eye rested on the leather of the back seat. Yes, I had been sure the next day after their love making, when I looked, there had indeed been a new stain to the leather, just where I thought Paul and Heulwen's sexual connection had been. Heulwen was talking about brake fluids but my mind was on her and Paul's sexual fluids. I found myself erecting and hoped all was well hidden in the folds of my overalls. Not really the done thing to get an erection whilst discussing brake fluid with an apprentice mechanic.

"The 2500's such a classic, isn't he?" Her hand was stroking the paintwork of the wing.

'He?' Where did she get that from? "Would you like to have a drive. You're insured." My policy allowed for clients and others to drive.

"Oh, could I? Yes, please."

I did not add superfluous words about 'being careful,' I knew she would be. I opened the garage doors and smiled to myself as I very deliberately watched her hand putting the gear into reverse. It was my penis thinking really. I wanted to see her hand on his 'knob.'

Was my motivation in letting her 'have a go' simply to give her the pleasure of driving the car, letting her get the feel of the machine, or was it something else, a suspicion that she would find the experience sexually arousing? Whichever it was, there was undoubtedly a flush to Heulwen's face when she nosed the car back into the garage. I closed the doors.


The discussion was about driving characteristics, acceleration and braking, but as she sat in the driver's seat and I talked through the open window I could see she was not quite herself. Did I like seeing her left hand, perhaps, or probably, unconsciously, touching that big gear stick knob? I think so! If I moved closer to the door I could feel the hardness of my erection through the cotton fabric of the overalls. I was, as usual wearing nothing underneath, not even a tee shirt in the hot weather. It was, actually, hot enough to work naked. What an idea, Heulwen and me working starkers, perhaps with streaks of oil and grease across our bodies, rather than the overalls. I was not, though, going to suggest that!

Heulwen shook her head as if trying to clear it, "It's hot in here."

It was hot in the workshop, probably no hotter in the car. I stepped backwards, opening the car door as I went.

Heulwen went on, "It was going to be a hot day. I knew it. I didn't bother with anything under this." Her hand touched her dark blue overalls, at her breast as she got out of the car.

"Don't blame you. Err, sensible." What was I to say? This was sexual talk -- I was sure of it. One thing to talk about how hot it was, quite another to mention a lack of underwear and draw the attention of a man to that lack.

"A pity they don't do workshop skirts or dresses. Good wearing a skirt in the summer. Nice and cool..." she looked me in the eye, "...without panties."

I swallowed -- where was this leading? "Not very practical in the workshop when crawling under cars, might ruck up and..." I tried to make a joke of it, "...distract the other mechanics."

She turned, a little coyly I thought, and stroked the car's paintwork. "What about you? Do you wear anything under those?" She looked up for the answer.

"No shirt," I said. She kept looking at me. "No... like you, nothing..."

"Would you mind if I worked with my overalls rather open? A bit skirt like only open down the front. You could too, if you like..."

"I... of course... only if I did, I might, um, embarrass myself..."

Crikey! Heulwen was looking directly at my waist, could probably discern a vague tenting within the loose cotton.

"I doubt you've anything to be embarrassed about."

It came to me forcibly that something was about to happen. This was not a mere wanking fantasy in my bed but the real thing. It had to be that car: what was this effect he seemed to have on women? I watched, well, stared more like, as Heulwen's hand came up and pulled her top popper apart. I swallowed again. I had seen -- peeked at her breasts twice before, had wanked happily at photographs of them -- but this was going to be different.

And then she stepped towards me, reached and pulled my top two poppers apart. I really did not know what to do. I stood as if rooted to the spot, my erection rearing up inside my overalls. Was I meant to reach and undo another of hers, or rip the whole front of her overalls apart, more than bodice ripping, poppers popping all the way down?

Seemingly not. One by one, Heulwen undid and rejoined the snap fasteners but not to their own garment: rather, because we were standing facing each other, my male press studs on one side of my overalls faced her female ones and vis a versa on the other side, she slowly joined the two sides of our two overalls together, moving gradually downwards, undoing one pair of her overall's press studs at a time and rejoining them to those on my overalls. And so, at the end of that slow re-arrangement, there we were, open to each other's naked bodies within the overalls but all closed to the workshop. The two of us, as if in one pair of overalls albeit our legs and arms in different trousers and sleeves but undoubtedly within the same space as regards our torsos. Nothing of the other was revealed, all was hidden inside the clothing -- not to eyes anyway but touch was a different matter. So close together that inevitably my standing penis touched the smooth skin of Heulwen's opposing stomach, just a touch and then she pushed her stomach against me and I found myself pressed against young female flesh. My erection hard against her stomach, her little conical breasts pressed against my chest. I could feel the hard points of her nipples. What a feeling, what a surprise -- what was going to happen next? I was happy to go with the flow. Would it be just rubbing, might I make a wonderful mess with her inside the overalls, my penis just spurting away up her stomach, perhaps running and gathering in her tufting pubic hair, my balls being tickled by that hair as they rose and fell, pumping out my semen?

"Mmmm nothing to be embarrassed about at all." I felt her stomach rubbing against my erection. "Lift me up, onto the wing. Yeah, like that. Don't kiss me. Just..."

I had brought her up, reached under her overall covered arms and lifted her up under her armpits, up onto the car's shiny wing, bringing her face up level with mine and moreover, yes, her sex level with my own sexual organs.

Her face to the side of mine, her lips close to my ear, she whispered "...fuck me. I'm ready, really ready."

I hadn't 'fucked' for three or four years but, like riding a bicycle, you don't forget. Wonderful to nose with my penis, feel my knob brush against her tuft, slide it along her sex -- so delightfully slippery -- and feel for her entrance with my knob. A gentle push with my buttocks and it slipped in. Unbelievably, I was copulating with my young, female, mechanic friend. One moment we had been discussing the car: the next... Was I breathing hard as I felt her muscle tighten, holding me just at the point knob becomes shaft? Was I? A tight grip, possibly enough to have prevented me breaking the connection -- as if I would have wanted to!

"Piston rod," Heulwen breathed again into my ear. "Go on, fuck me."

Despite the clamping, I was able to push in, slipping up her well lubricated channel and back down again. The lovely motion of sexual intercourse and, as it happens, the motion of the piston in its cylinder. "Double acting," I replied to her, as I pushed back inwards.

"Stuffing box," she breathed in my ear.

Sexual phrases for mechanics and engineers. So good to feel her rubbing her nipples against my chest as I fucked her. Perfect, normal sex -- if you discounted the age difference. Nothing could be said about me having taken advantage of the young girl, no 'payment in kind' for tuition or payment to her: nothing like that. She had initiated it all and was seemingly really enjoying what I was doing, clasping her arms around me and breathing deeply and sexily in my ear. Luckily, I am not a man who 'comes too soon,' I'm 'up' easily enough but it takes some work to get to orgasm -- I see it as my feminine side! Wonderful to be able to just keep fucking, but there came a point.

I stopped. "Do you want me to..." I searched for the right phrase.

"I'm on the Pill, not yet, but when you want to."

"Not too hot, are you?"

"Pretty hot and steamy in here!"

I think I got Heulwen there before I knew it was all too late to stop. Some really deep thrusts, my penis curving up into her, and then I came. That delicious feeling as you build and then the release and the spurting. So savouring what I was doing into the young girl. Wow, wow, wow!

I stood there, rather overcome with what had just happened, but Heulwen kept wriggling away with her bottom on the wing, sliding around on its smooth paintwork as I held her, squeezing and moving on my still standing rod. But that wasn't going to last and pretty soon she dislodged me out of her, as I lost my firmness. Time to separate, we could not stay popped together like that. Again, Heulwen slowly unpoppered us, rejoining the studs a pair at a time so neither saw anything of the other -- it had all been touch and, indeed, penetration.

And on we carried with the work as if nothing had happened. 'Bye' she said at the end of the day, leaving me standing, wiping oily hands on a rag and looking at the Triumph 2500 Mk 2. What other situations was he going to get me into -- if it was the car, that is?

I wondered quite what Heulwen would be like the next time she came to the workshop. Regret, embarrassment, not wanting to talk about 'it' or what? Would she come at all? What would she think about Paul: about 'cheating' on him?

But she was there the next Saturday, actually was there before me, and as I stepped from the 'office' to the workshop she came skipping across the floor to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She was not wearing overalls, not that she had taken up my (unmentioned of course) idea of working naked, but was in workshop blue dungarees and nothing much else that I could see.

"You don't wear those at the garage, do you?"

Heulwen pouted, "Yeah, with tee shirt and bra. But not a need with you, is there?

"Well, I suppose not." I was delighted. No embarrassment, no uncomfortable silences or monosyllabic replies. Heulwen was as bouncy and jolly as usual -- and were her little conical titties bouncing away behind the bib of the dungarees!

We were not working on the Triumph but a related TR6 -- same overdrive switch as the 2500S as it happens. Heulwen was learning well, quick and very definitely interested. Good to work with her, a real pleasure, right through the morning. It was late morning, lunchtime, when we had gone over to the 2500 to make a comparison, when she asked,

"Shall I get coffee and sandwiches for lunch?"

"That'd be kind of you. I'll pay. You'll, um, need to put something more on to go out."

"Course I will, you're like my dad and what he used to say about my hemline!"

Well, I didn't really want her stared at, and I suppose, these days, almost anything goes but that little denim bib with the straps over her shoulders clipped to brass buttons on the bib was a little too overtly sexual -- it certainly was for me. The more so when Heulwen reached and unclipped preparatory to putting on a tee shirt. I couldn't help staring as I, once again, saw those lovely little cones. Did she look a picture with the bib dropped down, and she there before me, topless in denim?

"You're showing more than you should." It was Heulwen speaking, not me, which seemed peculiar as she was definitely showing more than she should -- delightfully more. I was in my overalls.

"You're poking out," she added.

I looked down to where her eyes were pointing, and I was! My erection had sneaked out between the set of pop studs, my knob was there on show. "Sorry!"

"Don't be. It's nice. Did I cause that? Would you like me to... before lunch."

Can you imagine it. She stepped over from the Triumph, knelt and pulled my overalls apart fully exposing my genitalia, yeah, poppers popping.

"Mmmm, I like sucking cock."

Really? Lucky Paul.

"Shall I?"

"What? You don't have..."

"Course I do. Suck your cock. Make you come."

She was doing it before I answered. A hand reaching, a hand directing it into her open mouth, and then it was in. All so much better than being just pulled out of a trouser fly, I was hanging there free, fully exposed to the young girl and she could, and did, fondle my hanging 'nuts.' Yeah, she'd slipped her 'washer' over my 'bolt' and had reached for the 'nut(s).'

Wonderful to just stand there and be fellated -- and with the bonus of really being able to see it all, see her lips clasping and working -- moreover, see her little titties because her bib was still hanging down. And it didn't leave her mouth until she had made it 'work.' No let-up of the suckling or fondling until, actually, a whole week's worth of stored cum, poured out of me into her mouth. And the girl swallowed! I watched her. No porn flick like showing me the cum in her mouth, no spraying it over her face or dribbling it out of her mouth, just a swallowing with a smile on her so pretty lips. She had been effective and neat -- no cum on her lips or anywhere else but in her stomach.

"Nice cock," she said. "Does that feel better?"

"Much better. Um, thank you Heulwen, um I think the swelling will go down now."

A giggle and she was pulling on her tee shirt. What on Earth had made me lucky enough to have this young thing fall into my lap or rather my workshop? Hmmm, actually 'lap' was probably right -- or groin!

I looked from Heulwen to the Triumph and that big, cheesy grin just smiled back. I turned again and watched her denim clad bottom leave the workshop. My cock was still hanging out of my overalls.

What a delight to have young Heulwen around the workshop but I was also thinking of other women, indeed a woman somewhat more in the middle of the age spectrum. The very much older Jane, indeed. I had not seen her since that 'gear knob' incident, when I had been somewhat put out by the less than warm reception I had had later in her house. That had been much more the severe and rather uptight woman I had known when Rob had been around. If I had thought, half an hour before in her garage, there was a chance of friendly sexual relations becoming a feature of our lives, rather than perhaps a full blown 'relationship,' I was clearly disabused of that notion by her manner. She proved no better when I went around to see her the next time to work on the cars and see how she was 'getting on,' or on several subsequent times. There clearly was no interest in me at all.

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