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The Tutor Next Door


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"Well then there's no way I'm going to tell you what happens if you get another perfect five."

Nancy saw him adjust his cock in his pants again and wished that she could do it for him. She watched him swallow.

She began slowly, letting him find his focus, waiting for the time between glances at her chest to extend to where she knew he was concentrating.

"I think if you get more than one wrong you should pay a price," Nancy said as she handed him the next set of questions.


"I don't know we'll have to see what I come up with."

"Um, ok," Brad replied.

He took the questions and worked at them. Nancy knew he would struggle. They'd moved to a much harder section of the course work and since it was the first time she'd explained the concepts, she wouldn't be surprised if he only scored 2. He managed 3.

"Hmm, I think that the penalty will have to be your tank top."

"What? But like I only get one button for a question," Brad said without really thinking about it.

"Yes, but you have no buttons."

She saw him hesitate before reaching a decision and quickly pulling his top off.

Nancy stared at the perfectly formed pecs. His chest was clean and smooth apart from a light little strip of hair down his ripped stomach that she wanted desperately to run her fingers over. She could imagine just how tight his abs were. Instead she removed her blouse again to stand topless before him. They stood facing one another, each admiring the other's body, each wanting to touch it, but neither of them quite game enough to do so. Neither was quite ready to take the game the next step. Nancy glanced down at Brad's crotch. The bulge spoke to how hard he was. Even more than she wanted to trace her fingers over the ripples of his taut stomach she wanted to run her finger down the length of his cock. She took a half step toward him before chickening out. She pulled her blouse closed and told him that time was up for the day.

Brad groaned.

"I sure hope you can help me again soon Mrs. Wirth, I have my exam in two weeks."

"Come by tomorrow after school Brad."



When he came by the next day he found Nancy dressed in a pair of cut off denim shorts and a white tank top. He swallowed hard. There was no way his mother, or even any of his friends' mothers could pull that look off, but Nancy looked awesome.

As soon as he walked though the door it was evident she wasn't wearing a bra. He felt his cock swelling before he even managed to get his books out. It wasn't going to be easy to concentrate. Hell he'd been up way too late the night before dreaming about the sight of his older neighbour's tits. Its not that they were perfect; they sagged more than the girls he'd been with, but there was something about the fact she was older, the fact it was so secret between them.

"Ok Brad, let's go back over that stuff that you had trouble with yesterday," she said, snapping him back to attention. He listened as Nancy re-explained the concepts and went through the problems that he hadn't managed to complete correctly the day before. Then she gave him his five problems.

"You have no buttons today," Brad observed as he took the paper from her.

"Then you'd better make sure you get them all correct, hadn't you?" Nancy told him.

He set about working the problems while Nancy made tea. When he announced he was finished, she took the book from him and checked his calculations.

"Congratulations, they are all correct Brad."

He grinned in excitement, as pleased by the fact that he'd achieved it as he was with the potential reward. He watched as she stood beside him and grabbed the bottom of her tank top. She pulled it up over her head, her large firm breasts bouncing freely as they were released. Brad salivated. His fingers twitched as he wondered just how good they would feel in his hands. As a footballer he'd had fun with his fair share of girls and some of them had even bigger breasts than Nancy, but there was something so naughty about what he was doing that it made it even more exciting than when he'd managed to touch his first tit.

Nancy was very close to him. He dropped his pen from his hand in his nervousness. They both went to pick it up. Their hands made contact and Brad imagined that there was almost an electric shock of excitement between them. He felt his hand captured before he could regain the pen and stared in amazement as Nancy brought it to her left breast. Brad's palm closed around as much of it as it could. He heard her sigh as he gave an experimental squeeze.

He couldn't believe it! He had his hand on Mrs. Wirth's tit. It felt amazing. Not as firm as most of the girls' tits that he'd felt, but amazing none-the-less. He squeezed and pulled gently. Then Mrs. Wirth reached for his other hand and put that on her right breast. She just stood there as he fondled her. He could feel her nipples hardening under his touch. He had to drop one hand to his pants to adjust his rock hard cock. Sadly for Brad that seemed to break the spell. Nancy stepped back and put her top on again.

"Next set," she said to him. "You have to keep learning if you want more."

Brad nearly choked when she said more. He'd dared to hope, but to have her say it out loud ... damn!

"Yes Ma'am," he replied with a grin, turning back to the books.

They went through the next part and then Brad was again presented with a new set of problems. He got four out of the five correct.

"Four is good Brad, but we know you can do better than that," Nancy replied. She pulled her top up to expose her breasts but when Brad went to feel them again she quickly pulled it down. "Four isn't good enough," she admonished him.

He answered five correctly on the next set and his face broke into a wide grin. Nancy's top was quickly removed. He reached for her tits and played with them happily. His cock ached from the excitement of what he was doing. He wanted more. He dreamed about going all the way with her.

Nancy sighed and Brad released her breast, thinking that it was time for more math. Instead Nancy stepped even closer to him. She took his head in her hand and guided it to her breast.

"Suck it Brad, I need my nipples sucked," he heard her say.

Brad quickly overcame the shock of the request and opened his mouth and took the large nipple inside. He sucked deep and hard and then let the nipple slowly slip from his mouth. He sucked it back in and then just suckled gently, using his tongue to tease at the tip trapped in his mouth. He heard Nancy moan with pleasure and she moved so that her other breast came to his mouth. He gave it the same loving treatment that he'd given the first.

A car horn sounded on the street and Nancy stepped back quickly causing Brad to cast his eyes about in panic. He saw her put her top back on.

"Back to math!" she declared. "Another five right and you can see my underwear."

Unfortunately for Brad he only managed four again.

"Pity," Nancy said. "I was kind of hoping you might get that far today. When can you come over again?"

"I have football tomorrow night and I need to study for some of my other subjects, so I don't think I can come over until Saturday?"

He was surprised when Nancy groaned a little. Apparently she wanted it almost as much as he did!

"Well, we have one more critical set of concepts to get through. If you can spare three hours on Saturday I think we can cover it all and leave you with time before your exam to study some more and have it all sink in. What do you say?"

"I think I should be able to. Thanks so much, Mrs. Wirth. Like, for everything!"

Brad couldn't help but look down at her tits when he said everything. He packed his gear into his bag and was almost out the door when Nancy called for him to stop. He turned back to see what she wanted.

Nancy undid the button and zip on her short shorts and slid them down her legs. Brad stared as she revealed a lacy black thong.

"Good work today Brad," she said with a grin. She turned a full circle and then reached down to pull her shorts back up.

"Thanks again!"

Brad went straight to his bedroom and furiously pumped out a load of cum. He buried his head in his pillow as he exploded, calling out Nancy's name, trying it on his tongue as his seed exploded from him.

Nancy was in her bedroom with a large vibrator deep in her pussy and a smaller one massaging her clit.

"Fill me Brad, fuck me and fill me," she said as she reached her own climax. She lay for long moments after she was sated, staring at the ceiling, wondering and wishing; planning.

"Last session Brad. Do you think you're going to be ready?" Nancy asked after giving Brad time to check her out. She was wearing a light floral patterned summer dress that clung nicely to her torso and then flared out from the waist. Ten buttons secured it down the front. They weren't really meant to be undone, but they would serve the purpose.

"I really do. Thanks for all you help, Mrs. Wirth. I mean I thought I was going to fail this class but after the last couple of weeks, I know that I'll pass. I even expect to get a much better grade than I could ever have dreamed of!"

"Well I'm glad to hear that."

"Maybe if someone had found a way to inspire me like you did at the start I wouldn't have even needed a tutor. Of course then I wouldn't be sitting here so that wouldn't necessarily be good either."

Nancy laughed at him and told him to get his books out so that they could start. She spent a lot of time going over the first set of concepts as she knew that they were going to give Brad more trouble than the work that they'd been doing previously. After 20 minutes his concentration started to wane so she gave him a break.

"Would you like a drink Brad?"

"Sure that would be great thanks Mrs. Wirth."


"Yes please."

As she fetched the drink from the fridge for him, Nancy explained her plan for the day.

"How many buttons are on my dress Brad?" she asked as she put the drink down.

"Ten," he replied without hesitation. Nancy laughed at the fact that he already knew.

"Very observant of you. Now here is how today is going to work. I have three 10 question problem sets for you. For every question you get right, one get's undone. For every question you get wrong, I do one back up."

"So if I get eight out of ten you end up with six buttons undone?"

"You really are getting the hang of this math," Nancy laughed.

"And what happens after all the buttons are undone?"

"I dare say that my dress will fall off. Which would leave what I'm wearing underneath. Each of those requires five correct answers to remove them. So if you get every question right, we'll have to find something to reward you with for the last 10 correct questions."

Brad looked excited at the prospect, but Nancy thought back to how rarely he managed to get them all right on the first go. She wondered how far he might manage to undress her. If he did well enough to get her panties off ... what would she allow?

After a five minute break they returned to the lesson. Then it was time for the first test.

"This is almost as nerve-wracking as a real test," Brad muttered as he turned his attention to the problems.

"Well then that probably makes it good practice. If you like I could make it even harder?"

"Um, no thanks. As much as I'm curious about how you'd do it, this is hard enough thanks."

"Call me when you're ready," she told him.

Nancy left him to it and went out into the living room. She knew that she'd have a bit of time and that she wouldn't be able to do what she wanted in the kitchen. She was distracted. The crazy situation she'd put herself in had her turned on. She kept wondering whether it was likely that he'd get her naked or not. She found the thought of stripping to nothing in front of him incredibly sexy. She sat on the sofa out of view of the kitchen and hiked up her dress. She was wearing a bright yellow thong from Victoria's secret and matching demi-bra. She pulled the thong aside and her fingers danced over her pussy lips. She was already wet just from sitting so close to the young stud and thinking about what she might be doing for him.

She thought back to having his mouth and hands on her tits and wanted so much more. Her fingers slipped inside, gently teasing her slick pussy, sliding in and out. She lubricated her fingers and then teased her clit. Her fingers rubbed gently, circling around and moving back and forth. She resisted the urge to be more forceful. Cumming would require it, but that wasn't her intent.

"Ready Mrs. Wirth," Brad called out from the kitchen.

Nancy looked at her watch and was surprised by how much time had passed. She settled her thong back in place and then stood up and smoothed her dress down. She glanced at her hand and saw moisture glistening on her fingers so she quickly sucked them clean. Hoping she wasn't too flushed in the face, returned to the kitchen.

"Right let's see how many buttons you've won," Nancy said happily.

Brad watched his tutor as she went through the questions. Her face was flushed. Her light complexion did little to hide it when she came back into the room and he wondered what she'd been up to. Maybe she'd been cleaning or something, though he hadn't heard any noise that may indicate that that was the case.

"Seven," Nancy announced.

"Which means four," Brad said, disappointed.

"Correct." Nancy quickly undid four buttons. That opened the dress to the bottom of her sternum which gave Brad a good view of the bright yellow, lacy demi bra, but she doubted it was as much as he would have liked.

After giving Brad a minute or two to enjoy the view, Nancy did the buttons back up again so that he wouldn't be too distracted for the next session.

When he was presented with the next series of questions he took a moment to work it out. He would need eight correct to release 6 buttons and have the dress removed. He set himself that target. After all, if he received 80% for his exam he'd likely drop dead out of shock.

Nancy released the four buttons he'd already 'won' and gave him a good glimpse down the front of her dress as she slid the questions to him.

She saw him peering intently, no doubt trying to maximise what he saw, but the dress clung too tightly to her torso for him to see much beyond her bra and cleavage. With a sigh he took the questions from her and Nancy retreated to the living room.

Nancy resumed pleasuring herself. She simply couldn't resist. Her fingers teased and danced as she imagined standing naked before the hot young student in the next room. She wondered if he'd be brave enough to make a move to touch her. Would he want to finger her? Would he want to lick her? Had he ever even done that to a girl? She doubted he was a virgin. She'd seen the progression of girls in and out of the house next door over the last couple of years. It was likely that he'd managed to sleep with some of them.

Brad was taking longer this time. She could imagine how hard he was working to ensure that he had at least eight of the questions right. She decided to check on him. She straightened her dress and sucked her fingers clean and went back to the kitchen.

"How are you getting on Brad?" she asked.

"Good Mrs. Wirth, I'm just finishing the last one." Nancy went and sat back down at the table to wait. She rested her chin on her hand and caught the unmistakable scent of her pussy on her fingers. She wondered if Brad would catch the scent as well.


"Did you check it well enough?" Nancy asked.

"Yeah, I think I did."

"Ok then, let's have a look." Nancy took the paper from him and worked her way through his answers.

"So how many do you think you got right?" she asked, dragging the process out and teasing him.

"I want 8 but knowing my luck, probably only 6."

"Don't think about the buttons; just tell me how many you feel confident you got right."

"Seven then," he replied, frustrated.

"Nine," Nancy told him, enjoying the look of happy surprise on his face.


"Yep. Top effort Brad, that's really well done." She stood up and undid the four buttons that he'd already released after the first test.

"Eight more buttons. Pity there's only six left," he said with a grin.

"Do you want to undo them? A reward for exceeding your target?"

"Um, sure." Brad stood and moved to close the gap between them. Nancy could see his fingers trembling as he reached for the first button. It was tight against her abdomen and he pulled the fabric away from her slightly in order to address it and it was soon released. As he worked on the next one (the sixth from the top) she saw him take a good look down the front of her dress. She found his lingering gaze intoxicating. She could feel her body reacting to the inspection. She imagined his anticipation had to at least match her own. The remaining buttons followed. One by one they revealed even more over her body until she stood exposed in her underwear, her dress hanging wide open from the shoulders.

"Damn," he said. "You look so hot Mrs. Wirth."

"Why thank you Brad." She rolled her shoulders forward and then back, tossing the dress from them. It fell to the floor of the kitchen leaving her in her underwear.

"Can you turn around for me?" Brad asked hesitantly.

Nancy blushed at the thought of parading for the younger man but did as he had asked. She turned slowly, feeling his eyes sweep over her body.

"Time for the last section Brad. You need at least 9 right again if you want it all off."

She heard Brad groan. Such pressure! She knew how desperately he wanted to succeed and have her stripped naked. She smiled as he went and picked up her dress and held it out for her to slip her arms into.

"If I need nine there's no way you can sit there in your underwear," he lamented. Nancy did up three buttons down the line of her bust; just enough to keep things modest. When she sat back down though, her thong was exposed. She shuffled forward in her seat so that Brad couldn't see a flash of her distracting yellow panties.

"Ok Brad, this is it, the last ten questions. Do me proud," Nancy said, sliding them across to him after he assured her that he thought he had the concepts sorted. She watched him take the questions and begin to attack them.

Nancy watched him do the first one and saw that he had it right. She squeezed her thighs together as she started to again think about stripping out of all of her clothes for him. He was on the right track with the second question when she decided she needed to retreat for privacy. She left him in the kitchen and again set about pleasuring herself in the living room.

She was more aggressive this time, working her clit harder, driving herself much closer to the point of losing control. She whimpered and writhed on the lounge, legs spread wide, wishing that she had Brad between her legs.

By the time Brad announced his completion, she could feel her juices running down between her butt cheeks. Her thong was going to be soaked. She pulled it tight against her pussy, settled her dress, cleaned her fingers and returned to the kitchen.

As she reached across in front of him to take the answers, she saw Brad's eyes flick to her fingers, a surprised look on his face. Had he caught the scent from her fingers?

Aware of the sudden increase in scrutiny, she graded the questions. The longer she took, the more his gaze roamed over her body and the hotter she became.

"You really have been paying attention haven't you?" Nancy smiled at him. She pushed the paper back across the table to him. She had ticked the questions that he'd got right but hadn't provided any sort of total. Brad flicked through them, looking for any crosses. It wasn't until he got to the second last question that he saw one. He flipped the page for the tenth question and broke out in the biggest grin of his life when he saw it ticked.

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