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The Twelve Vitali Ch. 25

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I do's and don'ts.
11.3k words

Part 26 of the 36 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/15/2017
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Authors note: Hello everyone. Thank to everyone who takes the time to vote and comment, as always I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the people who read this series. Thank you once again to Paul who continues to be my second set of eyes. ~ellie.

Chapter 25

The ceremony was long, but she didn't mind, this was the final hurdle, she would be Mrs. Matteo Vitali and all of the pressure of the last few weeks would slide away. She could start her new life with her husband and her lover, even as she thought it she smiled. When did all of this become so normal for her? She looked past Matteo to his brother, Ricco, and smiled softly behind her veil as their eyes met.

Matteo never took his eyes from Cat's veiled face during the ceremony, she was here, and finally, after what seemed an eternity, she was going to be his, now and forever. He could look after her properly and not be worried that the next fight they had would see her impetuously walking out of their home and his life. They would be bound together now for better or worse, legally, and if Ricco had his way physically as well. He allowed himself a small smile.

The thought brought welcome lustful images into his mind as he stood holding her hand, marvelling at how exquisitely beautiful she looked today. The bright blue eyes that he had first fallen in love with glittered through the veil, and he remembered the thin rain-soaked girl with paint smudged across her face that he had been so ready to dismiss from that apartment and his life. She had stubbornly stayed, despite his attempt to dismiss her, and he had never been happier that she hadn't listened to him then. It was a bad habit that she had retained, however, which drove him crazy at times. He had to admit, though, that he wouldn't have her any other way. The Bishop cleared his throat, jolting Matteo from his reverie, and he recited his vows clearly and without prompting.

"It is said that love can make the impossible possible. I know this is true because of you. I believed it impossible that an angel like you would come into my life and love me the way you do. I am devoted to you completely knowing that your love makes me a better man. I promise to try and be worthy of your love in every way, to climb mountains and swim oceans just to be by your side. I will be honest, loyal, patient, trustworthy, and I promise to love you now and forever." Matteo finished his vows and smiled, only half listening to the Bishop as he prompted Cat to do the same.

"When I hold your face in my hands or lean on your shoulder to feel you hold me, I know this is the place I am meant to be for all time. To be a soul mate doesn't necessarily mean a peaceful coexistence, it means someone who challenges you, who keeps you honest and who makes you the very best of yourself, no matter how difficult that can be... Or how difficult we can be. I cannot promise to complete you, because love is in the incomplete. It's in the places where we do not always come together in harmony and keeps us wanting and hoping for more. I promise to love, trust and cherish you in the hard places as well as the easy, because there is no place I'd rather be than by your side, now and forever." Cat's voice remained steady, despite her shaking hands while she spoke.

When Cat looked up, Matteo's eyes glistened at her, and she tilted her head, wondering if she had affected him so much he had become emotional in front of all these people. They weren't the most romantic or flowery words, she knew, but they were honest, and she had meant them with all of her heart. She felt him squeeze her hand, and then rings were exchanged. She had been dreading the part of the ceremony where the congregation was asked if anyone knew of a reason they should not be wed. It seemed to have been taken out of the ceremony, as far as she could tell, at least she hadn't heard it being said, and she didn't think she had been so lost in thought at any time that she would have missed it.

Matteo concentrated on her face below the veil and saw her frown as if in concentration before schooling her features again. He wondered what had disturbed her thoughts as he took the ring from the Bible presented to him by the Bishop. The plain gold bands had been what she wanted, so he knew it couldn't be that. He had pushed her to have something more decorative, but she had pushed back, claiming she wanted the plain gold band and nothing more.

At the Bishop's pronouncement, Matteo lifted Cat's veil and looked into her beautiful face for a long moment before stepping forward to take her in his arms and kissed her, deeply savouring the words husband and wife, as well as the applause of those gathered to witness the wedding.

"Hello, wife," he grinned as he released her. "You're mine now, forever."

"You have it all wrong," she teased. "You belong to me now, for all eternity," she grinned.

"I couldn't be happier about that," he murmured as they turned as one to follow the priest to sign the register as soft music played. Lucia and Ricco had accompanied them to be the witnesses, and after several long minutes they returned to face the gathered crowd and were presented as man and wife.

Their walk down the aisle was slow, as people stopped them with each step to congratulate them. At one point, someone she barely caught a glimpse of, pressed a letter into her hand, wrapping it around the stem of her bouquet. She didn't understand and couldn't catch more than a glimpse of the retreating figure as others took their place, so she held the letter, planning to look at it once they got outside.

Outside the church, both she and Matteo got swept up into photos with his parents and uncles and aunts before more of the bridal party. Not wanting to lose the letter in case it was important, she handed it to Matteo, asking him to put it in his pocket until they had a moment alone. He looked at it curiously, but said nothing as he slipped it into his pocket.


Vanessa stood with her siblings for the photos of the bridal party in the gardens surrounding the church, watching the guests mill around before departing for the reception at the HQ ballroom. Her eyes scanned the many men in dark suits for her fiancé, Mario. They'd finally set a date, and in six months she would be married and living in Sydney with the Martino family. She had been travelling between the two cities for years, building up contacts to reallocate her business. She let her mind wander as she stood patiently and scanned the crowd until she found him.

Mario was talking to one of the security men, he seemed to be looking around, scanning the area, and Vanessa assumed looking for her, though being part of the bridal party meant she wasn't hard to find. The two men walked away from the crowd together, and she lost sight of him. She frowned, thinking it odd, considering how elitist the Martino's were, that Mario would act so overtly friendly with a hired security man.

"You okay?" Zion asked, looking at his sister as she frowned in the direction Mario had gone.

"What? Yes, of course," Vanessa smiled, and smiled at the camera once again. It was only a matter of minutes before Mario and the security man reappeared at the front of the church, and, remembering this time to pay attention to the photographer's directions, she watched the man she loved as he walked toward where she stood with her siblings.

"Who was that?" Vanessa asked as the photographer released them and she was able to speak to Mario.

"Who?" Mario turned to frown at her.

"The security guy you were talking to," she looked around to where she had last saw the man, but he had disappeared.

"Not me, maybe you saw my brother?" he suggested, tilting his head.

"I was sure it was you. I think I know the difference between you and your brothers by now," she laughed lightly and wondered why he would lie to her.

"An easy mistake in this crowd. I'll see you at the reception," Mario kissed her lightly as Cobi approached her to gather her back into the wedding cars. She turned her head, watching as he moved away toward the row of cars and drivers patiently waiting for the last of the invited guests to leave the cathedral grounds. It seemed as if a security guard was about to approach him, but Mario flicked his hand as if waving him off in a gesture so small if she hadn't been watching so closely she might have missed it entirely. Something was going on with him, and she couldn't imagine what it was.

"What's going on? Zion's worried about you," Jacobi said, looking over his shoulder at the departing figure of Mario. The Martino's were his mother's family, and there was no love lost between the two families since her duplicity was exposed. Possibly even before that. They all worried about Vanessa joining the family, but hoped it would strengthen relations between them.

"Nothing," Vanessa said carefully, aware of her brother's opinion of her fiancé. Jacobi was the most judgemental of her brothers where her love life was concerned. "I was just distracted when I saw Mario, that's all."

"He's not that good looking that he could stop you in your tracks or make you frown, I think. What was he doing? Talking to another woman?" Jacobi chuckled.

"No, a security guard, not a watchman, but the extra security. Maybe they were friends from Sydney, it just seemed odd, that's all. It's probably just all the extra security around today making me see things that aren't really there." Vanessa explained. "I know you don't like him, but..."

"I like him!" Jacobi protested quickly. "If he makes you happy, what's not to like?"

"He does," she smiled softly.

"So, tell me what bothered you about seeing him talk to the security guard?" Jacobi said, taking her hand and helping her into the car they were travelling in.


Cat sat in the back of the limousine with Matteo and smiled as he leaned across to kiss her once again. It seemed like they had been kissing since the Bishop had given them permission in the cathedral.

"Do you still have my letter?" she asked, giving him a gentle push.

"Tired of kissing me so soon?" he asked with an exaggerated pout.

"No, I will never tire of kissing my husband," she laughed. "I'm just curious why someone would give me a letter like that instead of waiting for the reception, or giving it to one of the attendants to deliver. Maybe you have some deep dark secret I should know about now that we are married," Cat teased him.

"Well, in the interests of honesty, I suppose now is as good of a time as any to tell you..." he lowered his voice and looked at her seriously, "That I have a secret stash of sugary cereal that Lisa keeps for me to indulge in for midnight snacks."

"No!" Cat gasped and giggled. "Does Ricco know?"

"No, and don't tell him, I like being all superior about the junk food he eats," he chuckled, handing her the letter he had held for her. "I feel bad he isn't riding with us to the reception, but until the announcement tomorrow there isn't much we can do."

"We'll make it up to him. He understands, you know. He doesn't worry about stuff like that, or at least he says he doesn't," Cat said, inspecting the envelope with her maiden name in neat handwriting on the front.

"I guess we will," Matteo leaned over and nuzzled her neck, watching as she opened the letter and took out the single sheet of paper.

Everything went in slow motion for Cat after that as she sat staring at the words in big bold print. Matteo was on his phone demanding answers to a multitude of questions she barely comprehended as she tried not to scream in panic and terror.

"Find David," she whispered in a tremulous voice. "Please, Matteo, find David." She looked down at the note again and the horrible threat she had heard too many times in her life to ignore. *You were warned what would happen, now David must pay the price.* She read again and again. "How could Ned be out of jail so soon? How could he have gotten past security? Why would he be doing this?" Cat thought as her brain tried to focus on the hand that had passed her the letter and the glimpse she had caught in the church.

Matteo gripped her hand as he barked into his phone, then they were pulling up at the HQ building, and their car was surrounded by men in black suits with red shirts. It was a red specific to the family and not easily forged, nor were the coded words used to make themselves known to those they would protect. The watchmen of the Vitali were on alert that someone had slipped through their net to get to the bride on her wedding day and they were taking no other chances today.

"Cat, what's going on?" David asked as he and Mick appeared next to her car escorted by the same uniformed men.

"David! Thank God!" Cat leapt from the car and embraced him fiercely; finally succumbing to the dreadful emotions she had been holding at bay and weeping softly into his chest.

"Cat, what happened?" he asked in confusion, struggling to understand why she was crying and if it was Matteo's fault.

"We have to move," Matteo said, softly guiding her inside away from the paparazzi and taking her up to the penthouse, uncaring of the guests that waited in the grand ballroom for them. Ricco would meet them up there, and it would give Cosimo and his men time to secure the space and ensure nothing else went awry.

"Ned Kelso remains incarcerated," Cosimo said as he arrived within minutes with at least six men holding tablets trailing him as they gathered information. "This is a similar ruse to the one in which the woman claiming to be Nik accosted Catriona. The threat is still real, however, and an investigation is being undertaken into who gave her the letter, as well as how they got into the cathedral."

Ricco finally arrived and stormed into the suite, taking in the scene but remaining silent. He quickly scanned the small gathering before moving to pull Cat into his arms and holding her close. Cosimo continued to talk, ignoring the display of affection, and Ricco reluctantly let Cat go to stand beside Matteo, presenting a united front. Whoever was playing games with the people he loved needed to be stopped.

"Let's not take any chances. In the meantime, David and his friend, Mick, get shadows, they're the only family Cat had until today, and we don't want to risk either of them. Both of you move in with Frankie for a few days, he won't mind once he knows the seriousness of the situation," Matteo said. His voice was deep and impossibly low as he reigned in the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. It was rare that he let his emotions get the better of him these days, and his temper, though legendary, had not been seen since meeting Cat. He could be hard and ruthless; he had been on many occasions, especially in business. He vowed that when he found the people tormenting the people he loved, he could and would destroy them, not just them, but the people they loved as well.

"Gentlemen, two of you escort David and Mick downstairs, please. Say nothing about what has happened. Stay together and don't go wandering off alone. Ricco, help Cat fix her makeup, while I talk to Zio for a few minutes," he commanded and stared at them all until they moved, doing what he asked. Once Cat and her brother had left the room, he turned on his uncle. "What the fuck is going on?"

"The cathedral was surrounded, and security was tight. Even the paparazzi couldn't get through the gates or fences. It had to be an invited guest. We'll need to know where in the aisle the note was handed to her. We had cameras set up, we should be able to see who was around her, but, at first glance, no one looks out of place there," Cosimo said as if thinking it over. "The video doesn't show a note being passed at all."

"I hardly think she is making it up," Matteo said, his tone still deathly quiet and accusing.

"You need to step back, my boy, and remember who you're talking to," Cosimo growled. "We have been doing this since before you were born, and we know far more than you realise about the forces that would try and pull our family apart. Do not aid those forces by forgetting who you are and your place as a paragon to those who would follow you. That includes your other uncles and me."

"This is my life and my wife they are fucking with, I think that allows me a little latitude here," Matteo grumbled, but tried to calm his overwrought emotions.

"They are doing this to make her look weak and emotional in front of the family. To make you look like a tyrant, like you just were with Cat and her brother. That will not build trust and faith in you as a good leader for our family," Cosimo warned.

"Bullshit! People will know that I will do what needs to be done to protect what is mine!" Matteo growled back.

"At the moment they know nothing, and let's keep it that way. This is a day of celebration, tomorrow you can face the table and its future and do what must be done, but tonight you need to look after that young woman and make sure she understands what it is to be part of this family, to lead it by showing strength and fortitude. Reassure her that she and David are safe, that this was a hoax. There is no danger at present, you understand me!" Cosimo lectured in an angry tone.

"I get it!" Matteo hissed running his hands through his hair. "Tomorrow we make a plan to end this attack."

"Good, we will see you downstairs then, don't take too long," he said shortly, and turned to the men with him, "Two of you stay, the rest with me."

Taking a deep breath, Matteo walked into the bedroom where Cat looked at him with wide eyes. His anger dissipated and he smiled softly. She looked beautiful, more beautiful than he could have imagined on their wedding day. She was his wife, and he needed to protect her, but he also needed to ensure their wedding day was full of laughter and fun, just as he had planned for her.

"It was a hoax, Kitten. David is safe and will remain that way. Someone has a dreadful sense of humour, and I promise Ricco and I will get to the bottom of it tomorrow. We have a whole room full of people waiting for us downstairs right now though. Plus, you owe me a certain bridal waltz, I believe," he grinned and was relieved to see her answering with a small smile. "We are safe here, I promise."

"Ricco said the same thing, we have just been waiting for you to calm down," she said softly, moving toward him and stroking his cheek. "You're so bossy when you're scared," she teased.

"I wasn't scared... well, maybe a little. I just didn't want anything to happen to ruin our day. Are you ready to face the family?" Matteo asked, pulling her into his arms and looking with relief at Ricco, mouthing the word 'thank you'.

"I am," she said, taking a steadying breath. She knew what tonight meant for Matteo and his brothers and the creation of the new table tomorrow. It was a hoax, a bad one, but everyone was safe, and they were more alert than before for anything else that may happen.


The dinner and speeches seemed to go on for a long time, but as the master of ceremonies, Chase was a comedic talent, making everyone laugh and feel at ease. Cat felt the love of Matteo, Ricco and Roberto as they made their speeches, and declined to make one of her own, instead just sitting demurely and blushing as those around her spoke and congratulated her. Once the cake was cut, Matteo took her out onto the dance floor for the bridal waltz. He held her close and murmured into her ear.

"Are you happy?" Matteo asked seriously.

"How could I not be? I just married the man of my dreams," She purred softly into his ear as he twirled her expertly around the dance floor, making her thankful for all of the lessons Marco had given her during her trial.

"I took you dancing on our first date, we should do that again," he said softly, remembering that even then he had wanted her as badly as he wanted her now. He'd been such a fool to believe he could have a contract marriage, and he was glad his fathers and Cat had made him see that he loved her and that he had managed to win her back after she had left the contract and him.

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