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The Twelve Zenati Pt. 36

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Hidden Heroes.
10.2k words

Part 37 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/10/2018
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Authors note: Hello everyone. I am told that I worry too much when I write these days, but I should recognise the traditional owners of the Kriol lands and people. I am no expert and mean no disrespect with my work of fiction.

Again, I am grateful to MsSensualiT for her continued help to be my second set of eyes. I hope those of you who enjoy this series continue to do so.


Chapter 36

Marcella struggled into a pair of soft boxer shorts and a tank top, ignoring how the fabric teased her skin with gentle caresses as the plastic still wrapped around her lower leg crinkled out its discomfort. Since being taken to the clinic, all she had done was shower and gather more red dust and dirt from the interminable desert that was part of life in the Northern Territory. The fact that Noah was not yet back offering to help her with her shower made her grumpier than her injury's awkwardness.

If she was honest with herself, she knew she was grumpy because she was frustrated and horny. Bloody Noah had gotten her so worked up so many times, and they had been interrupted each time. Now, it seemed he didn't even have time for the foreplay. So, she used her crutches to make her way to the kitchen in search of scissors to release her leg from the plastic surrounding it. Now that the shock of the crocodile attack had worn off, she had expected to feel the pain more acutely, but it was nothing more than a dull throb beneath the bandages, which was manageable with the pain relief she had been given.

Deciding she would be fine; she went in search of food. It was dark outside now, and after an adventurous morning, she had been poked, prodded, stitched, wrapped and thrown in the car for the longest drive of her life to yet another foreign land or place or whatever this was. Not once had she thought about food until now, and now, she was starving! The kitchen was surprisingly well-stocked with items meant to last. She pulled two frozen pizzas from the freezer and an extra salami from the refrigerator. Tomato and cheese were not options, but she guessed dairy wouldn't keep long in the heat of this place. There was powdered milk in the cupboard, which she thought would work for coffee if she needed it in the morning.

When the pizzas were nearly done, she felt large hands cup her hips and pull her back against a hard-muscled body. She relaxed into Noah's scent, a little wild and dusty, but still his. She turned in his arms, peering up at his handsome face. Her fingers twined into the hair hanging at his nape, not for the first time, and she wondered if it was getting long enough to pull back into a messy ponytail? Not a man bun, but a messy ponytail could be a look that would suit his tanned skin, marked by a few scars here and there, making him look more rugged than pretty with his beautiful dark brown eyes. He leaned down, smiling as he pressed his mouth to hers gently and then straightened, sniffing the air.

"Smells amazing, Marcie. I'm starving," he murmured low in her ear, letting her know the food wasn't the only thing he was craving. She smiled, turning back to the bench where she had been setting out plates with his hands touching at her back, her shoulders, her hips. She laughed lightly, smacking his hands away, "How about you do something useful like getting the pizza out of the oven for me."

He grumbled plaintively and pulled her back against him, showing that pizza was not what he wanted just then. She scowled slightly when he turned the oven off but didn't take the pizza out after opening the door just a sliver. He didn't seem to notice her scowl; however, as he lifted her onto the bench, she was pushing the plates out of the way.

"I thought you were starving?" She whispered against his chest as he started to pull up her tank top. Of course, she was horny too, so what the hell, but it still irritated her that he felt he could take advantage of her agreement to stay with him away from Konrad's machinations. He would learn eventually that she would and could never be a good submissive wife for him. He'd change his mind, and this honeymoon fuckfest would be over, so she might as well enjoy it while she could.

"I am, and I've been waiting all day for this. All fucking day," he groaned, pulling her top from her freeing her unfettered breasts. He leaned her back so that her head hung off the other side of the island bench, upside down. It sent a pulse of arousal through her, unable to see what he was doing, and he gently led her hands up so they too hung. He rumbled deep in his chest, his hands gliding up her stomach to the fleshy orbs of her breasts, cupping and massaging them. He felt her shudder under him, her chest rising and falling a little quicker as she mewled for him. He pinched her nipples lightly and rolled them between his fingers, plucking at the pink tips. His mouth brushed over her ribs, tongue flicking out over the skin. Her thighs trembled, and she made to move, but he set a hand on her ribs, just under her arm, "Stay."

It was a quiet command, powerful in its intensity, and she found herself battling her inner need to rebel against any demand and obey him. Hung out like this, she could feel her pulse pumping and racing all through her body, sending tingles of electricity from wherever he touched. His fingertips slid down the line of her stomach before sliding back up her side to her breast. He pinched her nipple again, pulling on it until he heard her breath hitch, and she wriggled slightly. He rumbled deeply and leaned over her, his jean-clad hips forcing their way between her thighs, pressing tightly against her core as he lapped up her ribs. Her injured leg hanging safely to the side of his out of harm's way.

He caught her nipple between his lips, tugging slightly as he held her hips tightly so she couldn't escape. She mewled softly and panted, remaining still under his attentions as he suckled at one nipple and rolled and pinched the other one.

"Noah, I need more. I can't take any more teasing!" Her thighs twitched around him, and she gave a soft sound underneath him as she pushed back, finally sitting up.

"You're leg he said gruffly," as he caught her around the waist, pulling her up tighter against his body as he panted softly. He had to lean down to press a kiss on her again, hard enough that their teeth met, and he grunted, pushing his tongue into her mouth. She whimpered; and her arms wrapped around him as she tried to push back against him again so she could answer his concerns, but instead responded with her heated response to his kiss.

His hand slid up her back tangling in the hair at the nape of her head, pulling and tugging her head back. He attacked her throat with his tongue and teeth, groaning at the taste and feel of her soft skin. She let out a soft heated breath. Her fingers worked through his hair as he worshipped her. He stood back up, pulling her against him again with a firm grip around her waist. He started to shove her boxer shorts down her hips, pulling her panties with them. Her eyes went wide as he pushed her thighs apart. He was having trouble being gentle with her, possibly because of all their interrupted moments earlier in the day.

Noah's hands worked furiously at his belt, trying to get it open, and he cursed softly under his breath, finally getting it undone and was unbuttoning his pants when his name rang out. He went utterly still, and Marcella saw a dark shadow cross his face as he bared his teeth and growled. They remained silent for several long moments, and there it was again.

"Noah! Marcella! I'm coming into the room in ten, nine, eight," Hector continued to count.

Noah let out a roar that made Marcella jump, his hands coming to rest on the edge of the bench, gripping the edge so hard his knuckles were white. She could see he was hard as she leaned up, looking around for her discarded tank top with a smile. He growled and then turned a mournful expression towards her as he passed her the top. He wrestled his jeans back in place, pulling the belt closed as he sighed longingly. There was a hard knock at the door, and Hector walked in as Noah watched Marcella pull on her top and slip off the counter to gather another plate for the pizza.

Hector, Noah, and Marcella spoke about their plans while eating pizza and ice cream for almost two hours. The frozen pizza had never been a favourite thing to eat, but it was okay for filling the hole in her belly that seemed to be massive by the time she got around to eating.

"So, you think he had a mole inside your family property?" she asked as she took a spot on the couch so Hector could remove the bandages and examine her leg. "One of the watchers?"

"We don't know for sure, but if he has contacts in the Battaglia, we think he has people everywhere he can get them except perhaps the Papillo who take their isolation to extreme levels. The guys who were with you this morning and got you to the clinic so fast will go through a secondary vetting process before becoming your personal security. Until then, we are with the only people I trust to watch our backs aside of my family," Noah explained.

"Whipper and Kylie might as well be family," Hector agreed. "Now about this leg, I tease Helena, but she was right to be worried about infection. I'm starting you on a dose of oral antibiotics tonight, and you must keep it covered for at least a week while we are on the muster. I'll spray on some second skin which will help as you go in-country. How's the pain?"

"It's just a dull ache, really unless one of the stitches twinges," she admitted.

"Okay, I'll be close by if you need me, but I think Noah can handle the bathing and changing of bandages for you," Hector said. "Don't put any extra strain on your leg during the muster. Stick to four wheels or the birds, okay?"

"A muster?" she looked up at Noah, alarmed. Then took the tablets Hector pressed into her hand and the glass of water from the table in front of them.

"We'll be on the move for a few days. It will be harder for Konrad to locate a moving target, and I will keep you safe, I promise. We're taking a few quads and two small helicopters known as birds. It will be a challenge, but you thrive on challenges. I've seen you do it," he said with a slight grin.

"I'll leave you two to discuss this further. Let Marcie get a decent night's sleep," he waggled a finger at his cousin with a smirk. "I'll check in with you before you leave in the morning."

"Thanks, Hector, this can't be your idea of fun either," she pulled a face. "I appreciate everything you and Helena have done for me."

"Thanks, Hector," Noah said, walking with him to the door. "She will get some sleep. You have my word."

"How much sleep is the question," Hector chuckled and walked down to the Doctors residence at the end of the wing.

Noah picked Marcella up in his arms, cradling her and burying his face in her hair. He held her tightly, turning his face to kiss her. He smelled like sweat and the red dust that permeated everything out here. She didn't seem to care as she kissed him back and winding her fingers into his hair again. He sighed against her skin and then shifted her tighter up against himself.

He pressed his mouth to hers, his tongue flicking out across her lips, tasting her as she tasted him. She pulled him closer, her legs gripping his sides tightly. He was trying to say something against her mouth, and she pulled back to hear him murmuring, "I love you" against her mouth, her cheek, her neck. Her first instinct was to react and pull away, but this wasn't a new thing. He had been claiming to love her for weeks, if not months. The buzz of his lips murmuring the declaration of love ran through her, and honestly, she was tired of being alone, just like Chella said. She may not be ready to accept the words as gospel, but she wouldn't push them away right now either. She arched to his touch and then pulled her shirt off. She needed this fuck just as much as he did.

Noah marvelled at her for a moment before his gaze turned hungry, and he kneaded her ass. She wriggled up against him, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it open, her tongue swiping across his collar bone before he groaned, setting her on the dining room table, seemingly unable to continue through to the bedroom.

He pulled at her boxers. Hesitation over her injury dropped from his movements in his desperation. She worked at his belt buckle, in turn, pulling it free and then pulling his jeans open. He grabbed her hips tightly, pulling her towards himself. She let out a loud whimper of need, staring down her body at his cock, straining towards her. It hadn't been easy between them the first few times they'd had sex. But in the last few days, she couldn't imagine anyone but him touching her, tasting her, making her moan in ecstasy. She would never be an easy woman for him to handle, but something had definitely shifted in their dynamic over the weeks and even months since he forced his way into her life.

She guided him against herself, feeling the thick mushroom head slide against her folds, ready to take him inside without further foreplay. Instead, his hand slid over hers, holding it in place as he thrust against her, groaning at how hot she felt. His head slid over her clit, rubbing and grinding against it, driving her insane. She wriggled and whimpered, rocking her hips to show her need for him to stop teasing her and just fuck her already!

Noah groaned loudly, the vibration rolling through his chest as he found her entrance and pushed into her. She let out a sharp cry, her back arching as her lashes fluttered closed.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," he moved to check that her leg wasn't bumping against the table or him. "Tell me, what hurts, kitten," He went still, and she shook her head, her brow creased, and she rocked against him as if not understanding why he stopped.

"Noah, if you value your balls, you will stop being a dick and fuck me now!" she demanded. Her nails dug into him as she tried to push herself on him as he gaped at her. "Any other time, you'd be begging for me to scream for you and tell you how big your cock is!" she accused angrily. Noah slammed forward, making her take all of him without preamble. He was so incredibly hard! Her head rocked back against the table as he grabbed her hips, pulling back before slamming back into her again.

"Fuck! Kitten! So hot!" His pace was fast and hard, slamming into her while ensuring her leg was stable against his own as he moaned louder. Her breasts were bouncing as she held onto the edge of the table, aware it was creaking in protest. He knew this time that her cries and screams were all for him as her body rocked against his. He loved it more than he thought possible that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her, even if she couldn't admit it to him beyond sex yet. Her voice rang beautifully with each thrust and filled his ears with her individual melody. Something he would never tire of hearing. He pumped into her petite body harshly, holding her in place as his hips met her thighs, the sharp slap of skin-on-skin ringing through the room. He ended up having to hold onto the edges of the table to keep it from sliding away as he snarled in need and effort, leaning over her.

"Say, you want it, Kitten! Tell me you want me just as much as I want you!" he growled against her. He knew to ask her for a declaration of love would be too much, but it was not out of the realm of possibility for her to admit she enjoyed fucking him.

"Oh fuck, yes! Give it to me," she shouted as she looked down her body from between her bouncing breasts. He grunted and groaned, snapping his teeth as he shoved into her arching his back with the effort, reaching down her body to swirl a thumb around her clit. Her eyes snapped wide open as she threw her head back with a squeal. She bucked wildly underneath him, and he had to grab her hips again to keep her from pulling away from him. Her body tensed as ripples of pure please began to circulate through her. She whimpered and mewled, feeling her climax build as she shook her head, panting harshly.

Gritting his teeth, Noah grasped one of her bouncing breasts, squeezing harshly as he pounded into her. She was too tight, too hot, just too much! He gripped her ass, lifting her off the table and holding her at the perfect angle to titillate them both. She suddenly arched her head, banging it softly on the table as she screamed wordlessly, her nails digging into his arms, the only part of his body she could reach in that position. He nearly dropped her as she shook, but he grasped her tighter against himself, slamming home in an awkward rhythm as he fought off his own orgasm.

Marcella's pussy pulsed tightly on his shaft, squeezing and massaging him, trying to draw him deeper as she squealed and screamed. He continued to pound through her orgasm, forcing his rock-hard cock in and out of her pulsing pussy, his teeth clenched tightly with control. When her orgasm slowed, she was left shaking and gasping for breath. Finally, he groaned loudly and pulled out of her, and carried her to the bedroom. He sat her on the edge of the bed while he pushed his boots and jeans off of his long, muscular legs before climbing onto the bed with her. He flicked his tongue off of her nipple, drawing it into his mouth, his possessive gaze taking in all of her. He groaned softly, dipping his fingers into her hot wet pussy.

Marcella shuddered as he swirled his fingertips around her clit, her bottom lip trembling with anticipation. He shifted back slightly, showing off his large cock shining from the wetness of her, and she looked up at him with wide eyes before she laid herself over his thigh. She stroked his cock before leaning up to lap at the head of his cock eagerly. She mewled softly, her tongue working a pattern over his stiff arousal. Finally, she wrapped her lips around his head and suckled at him, drawing a deep groan from his chest. He stroked her hair, panting and then raised his hips towards her, needing to feel more of her wet warm mouth.

She took his hint, lapping up and down his cock, sucking here and there before wrapping her mouth back around him to bob her head and take as much of him as she could. It was uncomfortable for her while her leg was bandaged and aching, so she leaned back, looking up at him in apology. She allowed him to pull her into his lap, setting her hands against his chest for support as he guided himself against her, pushing slowly into her again. His hands smoothed her legs out alongside his hips and behind him. He groaned as he leaned back, his hands coming to rest on her waist to help her as she leaned forward, riding him in slow torturous drags. Groaning louder, he panted hard and tried to push up against her harder, his heels digging into the bed as she leaned back against his thighs.

She leaned back, changing the angle again and threw her head back, sending her hair flying and bouncing as Noah fucked her and her leg angled awkwardly. His legs kicked slightly as he tried to hold on to her, gripping her hips with large hands as he tried to pump into her before rolling them over. She screamed, and her hips pushed up against him as her nails dug into his chest. He slammed into her harder, his brows knit as he bared his teeth, and she cried out for him.

Noah was in heaven. Marcella felt slick and tight and amazing. He was so close! He looked her over, the half-pained, half-lust-filled look on her face, her breasts dancing as he slammed into her, the roll of her belly and hips with each of his thrusts, her welcoming body, her pussy lips puffy and pink, wrapped tight around his thick shaft. Her wetness encased him in slick pleasure, and he moaned louder.

"Fuck, Kitten!" He tried to pull away from her, but she moved with him.

Her head was thrown back, refusing to let him go as he pumped into her just as hard. She came again for him, squeezing him tightly as she rocked forward, her entire body consumed with the need to have him lose himself inside her. His cock pulsed and twitched inside of her as he bucked, gripping her tightly while he slammed into her one last time before going still within her. It felt like the pressure was going to make her fly apart, and she squeezed and spasmed around him, giving a deep mewling cry, panting hard, her breasts heaving with the effort. He leaned against her, remaining inside her for several long moments. Finally, he let out a soft groan, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head.

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