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The Unwilling Obedient

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Will Mary be forced to submit to Sue's urge to dominate?
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Sue was a bit of a loner, she had just turned forty years of age, and had landed a good job as a principal officer with with a team that had responsibility for communications and information technology with her local district council. Her boss thought that she was something of expert on computer technology, but it was her excellent organisational skills that had swung the job for her.

She'd been separated from her husband for two years, and was hoping that the decree absolute would come through in about a month's time. There were no children in the marriage and Sue lived alone in the three bedroom semi-detached marital home. A substantial inheritance, following the death of both of her parents in the last five years, had made it possible for her to buy out her soon to be ex-husband.

She didn't go out much, or have a new man in her life. She was a member of a local gym and, she'd converted a bedroom to a fitness room with an exercise bike and a weights bench. For a petite woman of five feet three inches in height, she was powerfully strong and fit. Her shoulder length brown hair framed a slightly weathered looking face with attractive blue eyes. Her body was taut, well toned and shapely.

Her other great passion was computers and she spent a lot of time surfing the net at home. It was 2005 and computer development was gathering pace rapidly. Sue spent hours on various browsers, and had discovered that there was a considerable amount of free porn available online.

Sue had always been sexually driven, she used to dominate her husband in bed; she was always the one on top. In fact, the last time they'd indulged in sex, she had wrestled him to the ground, stripped him naked, gagged him and tied him up and, left him on the lounge floor for two hours while she watched TV. Then, when it suited her, she had made him hard and ridden him to her orgasm. On such occasions, when he'd not consented to sex, she knew that she could make him have an involuntary erection that she could use for her own gratification. He was five feet ten inches in height, but he was lightweight and had little upper body strength.

After a previous similar act of sexual domination some months earlier, he had been in tears and she had promised never to overpower him and take him by force again. He told her then that he hadn't felt so humiliated since she'd beaten him at arm wrestling, in front of his family, during their first married Christmas together. Now she'd broken her promise and he'd been humiliated once to often; he left the next morning. She felt no remorse for her actions nor any sadness at his leaving.

About a year later, quite unexpectedly, she found herself being seduced by her female fitness instructor at the gym. The woman asked her to go for a drink with her after one of their fitness sessions, and ended up fucking her in her car. The fling didn't last long, they only had sex half a dozen times, but it introduced Sue to the reality of sex with a woman.

Afterwards, she felt unsure of her sexual identity, and her place in the world. After her husband had left, she'd been masturbating regularly to kinky fantasies of dominating men and forcing them to have sex with her. Her experience with her instructor had turned her thoughts to the appeal of strong sexy lesbians that she could emulate.

She turned to porn almost obsessively, her curious mind wanted to devour all kinds of lesbian kink. She was amazed at the graphic porn available for viewing. After several weeks of watching videos of women wrestling, and usually overpowering men, she graduated to bdsm sites and masturbated to femdom videos where both men and women were sexually humiliated by physically strong dominatrices.

Before long, she was viewing the type of lesbian domination porn that specialised in straight women were taken by force. She was surprised by just how much she was turned on by watching strong women, like herself, forcing straight women to submit, and be made to come. Men disappeared from her fantasies altogether as she became more and more obsessed with dominating women.

Twelve months of intensive porn viewing, several hours per day, had blurred the lines between mediocre porn acting and reality. She started to fantasise about women that she knew. One of those women was a work colleague called Mary.

Mary was thirty two and married. She was five feet six inches in height, but seemed taller because she always wore high heels to work. She had mid brown coloured hair, a fairly attractive face, slightly larger than average sized breasts and nice legs. She'd been a good tennis player and was still reasonably fit.

She shared an office along the corridor from Sue with three other women who had worked together for some time, and knew each other quite well. They would often chat while they worked, and could discuss all sorts of topics in an uninhibited manner. It would be going too far to say that they were good friends, they were all capable of sniping about one another when backs were turned.

Mary was seen as a little too sensitive, moody and self satisfied. She could be good company when the mood took her but, because she could be prickly, her colleagues rarely missed an opportunity to tease her and bring her down to earth.

One afternoon the four women were chatting about this and that, when Sue came into their office. She was looking for a file that she'd misplaced. She searched a four drawer filing cabinet at the other end of the office, some twenty feet away from the group of four women. They seemed to have forgotten that she was there but she was listening to everything they said.

"So is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?" said Christine.

"It's our wedding anniversary, so me and Alan have a slap up meal," said Mary.

"Are you eating at home or going out Mary?" Asked Christine.

"Oh eating out of course, I can't wait, it's a chance to dress for sex," said a smug looking Mary.

"Ooh, Mary you naughty wench, what are you gong to wear?" asked Joanne.

"A little black dress and stockings I'll bet," said Christine with a wink at the others.

"Well you know my Alan likes me to wear stockings all of the time," said Mary warming to her subject.

"Oh, talking of stockings, did you see that new series on BBC2 last night? It was a bit racy wasn't it? said Val. Mary glowered at her for taking the attention away from her.

"God yes, naked bodies everywhere, I can't wait for next week's episode," said Christine in a salacious tone.

"Yes but don't you get sick of seeing women kissing each other on the telly. I don't mind a good sex scene but woman on woman does nothing for me," said Mary in a haughty tone of voice.

"It was only a kiss Mary," said Joanne looking at the others.

"Yeah, just a kiss this week but they'll end up in bed next week you watch."

"Sounds like you protesteth too much Mary," said Joanne mischievously.

"Ugh no, I can't imagine anything worse than going with another woman."

"'Another woman' Mary, have you already been with one then?" teased Christine, they all sniggered at Mary.

"You know what I meant," said Mary before she flounced out of the office with an injured look on her face.

Sue had heard every word and, as she watched Mary make her way to the door, in her high heels, tight knee length pencil skirt and her breasts jiggling with every urgent stride, she knew then that she wanted desperately to teach her a lesson and take her by force.


That evening at home, Sue put together a plan to woo Mary, by appealing to her sense of self importance. She would praise her work, then invent a pretext for getting her to come and work at her house one afternoon, so that they could devote themselves to an important piece of work without interruptions. An ideal opportunity would present itself in the middle of the following week, when Sue would need Mary to do some complex financial work for her in relation to a bid for funding for an IT project.

In the meantime, Sue made a point of finding opportunities to engage in small talk with Mary. She passed her in the corridor on Monday morning and asked about her wedding anniversary.

"Hi Mary, did you and your husband enjoy your night out?"

Mary wondered briefly how Sue knew that she'd gone out with her husband, but the urge to talk about herself soon outweighed her inquisitiveness.

"Oh, yes thanks Sue, we went to Brown's, it was lovely."

"That's nice, were you all dressed up for the occasion?"

"I'll say, let's just say that Alan wasn't disappointed."

"Ahh, stockings and heels I'm guessing."

"He loves me to wear stockings," said a coquettish Mary

"Mmm, do you find them comfortable to wear all day long,"

"Oh yes, as long as you have a decent suspender belt it's no problem."

"I'll bear that in mind. I'm glad I bumped into you, we're meeting on Wednesday, but I might need you to work from home with me on Thursday afternoon, so that we can really get the grant application finished without interruption and sent off by Friday. You always produce good work, so I know that I can rely on you. I hope you don't mind, I would fully understand if you felt it inappropriate in any way."

"Thank you Sue, I don't mind at all, and I can't think why it would be inappropriate."

"Okay, see you on Wednesday then and we'll take it from there."

Mary was pleased with herself, and couldn't wait to boast to her colleagues that Sue had chosen her to do some important work.

"I won't be here on Thursday afternoon..." Mary paused for effect, "yes, I've got to do a special job for Sue, and she wants us to work on it together at her house so that we can get on without interruption."

"You want to watch her, there's something about her that's not quite right," said Val.

"A bit of an IT geek if you ask me, and fitness obsessed, she's always down at the gym," put in Christine.

"You've got to admit that she's got a nice figure though, I wish I had a body like hers," added Joanne.

"That's easily achieved Jo, all you need do is eat a diet of microchips and live at the gym," laughed Christine.

Mary looked vexed at having her thunder stolen by her three tittering colleagues.

"Well you can all laugh but she's obviously chosen me for a reason."

"That's what we're worried about," said Val

"Honestly, why do you always have to pour scorn on everything? Some of us take our work seriously," huffed Mary as she teetered out of the office on her heels with a face like thunder.

As planned, Sue met with Mary on Wednesday to discuss her input for a financial report to the Treasurer's Department. As the meeting drew to a close, Sue decided to prod Mary into being outspoken about lesbianism. It was her hope, indeed she suspected, that Mary really harboured latent desires, but if she could get her to say something strident and judgemental now, she would enjoy her humiliation all the more tomorrow, when she had her pussy at her mercy.

"Great, thanks Mary, well done, you're becoming quite indispensable. Oh, by the way, I couldn't help but hear you and your colleagues talking about that new drama on BBC2 when I was in your office one day last week. I seem to remember that you didn't rate it very highly, did you watch last night's episode?"

"God yes, it was awful, they shouldn't be showing that sort of thing on telly. It was quite inappropriate, women in bed, touching each other goodness knows where, it shouldn't be allowed."

"What, women having sex with each other?"

"Yes, well there's too much of it on tv anyway, it's not natural."

"Yes, there was quite a lot of lesbian sex, did you watch the whole episode?"

"Yes, and I... Oh, I mean er..." Mary suddenly realised that she was backing herself into a corner, "well it was on but I didn't really pay any attention to it, in fact, come to think of it, my sister phoned not long after it had started and so I missed most of it thank God," she lied.

"Did your husband watch it?"

"No, he went to mess around with his motorbike, he doesn't like anything like that, he thinks it's filthy."

"So he's just a straightforward stockings lover then?"

"I'll say."

"As long as they're not being worn by lesbians."

"Er, well yes, he'd probably think some of them looked sexy in stockings but he'd be put right off if he knew they were lesbians."

"And what about you?"


"Yes, the main characters are attractive lipstick lesbians in stockings, what did you think, could you get your head around the idea of straight woman being 'curious', you know, wondering what it would be like to go to bed with woman?"

"God no, no no no, I'd never, not in a million years, no, definitely not."

"I guess you won't be watching the remaining episodes then?"

"You're right there Sue, I'll give it a miss from now on."

"Okay, it's good to talk to a sensible colleague like you Mary. Can you make it to my house for one o'clock tomorrow? I've a feeling I'll need to keep you tied down and busy all afternoon I'm afraid."

"No problem Sue, I'll do whatever you want me to do."

"Oh you most certainly will," thought Sue as she smiled at her colleague as she left.

Sue knew she was taking a big risk, but her obsession of forcing a reluctant woman to have sex with her had proved to strong to ignore. She calculated that Mary was brittle enough to give in to her without much of a fight and, if her instincts were right, despite her bluster, Mary might well completely submit to her. Either way, it would be her word against Mary's, and she was sure Mary would be too embarrassed to make any allegations.

Sue phoned through to Mary's desk first thing on Thursday morning to ask her to drop in to her office, to collect some papers for later on. She really just wanted to see what Mary was wearing. Mary tapped on Sue's office door and walked into her office carrying her briefcase. She looked desirable in a pale pink blouse, and a tight mid-grey pencil skirt which fastened with six buttons along the outside of her left thigh. She also wore black high heeled court shoes, and barely black seemed stockings.

Sue had never seen Mary in this outfit, she was sure that the skirt and blouse were new. As she wondered whether Mary had unconsciously dressed for her benefit, she felt her pussy moisten and leave a damp patch on her panties.

She got up from behind her desk, so that Mary could get a good look at what she was wearing. Her black leather pencil skirt was very tight and her suspender straps were clearly visible through the material. Mary could see the top of her lacy black bra, peeking just above her crisp pale-blue shirt. Sue's five inch high black stilettos put her at almost the same height as Mary in her three inch heels.

Mary had hardly ever seen Sue in a skirt before but, this outfit was astonishing. Even more so when Sue took her fitted black leather jacket from the back of her chair and put it on. It gave her the air of a dominatrix, she looked formidable but she was careful to smile at Mary and put her at her ease.

"Oh thanks for doing this Mary. I'm going to go home now to get started, I'll see you at one, and thanks for taking these files for me."

Mary slipped the files into her briefcase.

"No problem Sue, I won't be late, see you later."

Mary watched Sue leave her office, and wondered again why she was dressed so sexily. Maybe she was going out somewhere after they had finished work. Whatever the reason, Sue began to feel that her planned conquest that afternoon might not be a one off. The idea of Mary as her long term submissive appealed to her enormously.

Mary went back to her office and told her colleagues in great detail what Sue was wearing, and how amazing she looked.

"Be careful Mary, she's on the pull, and she might just pull you, you're looking pretty hot today yourself" joked Joanne.

"Oh don't be stupid Jo, you always have to reduce it to sex don't you, I was only telling you what she's wearing, I didn't say I fancied her."

"You didn't need to," said Christine and all three colleagues laughed.

"Well she's chosen me for a special project, and I'm not going to pass up the opportunity," said Mary with a haughty air.

"Be very wary if she tells you that she wants to look at your figures," said Christine.

"Or if she says she wants to take a few of your details down," laughed Joanne.

"Maybe she'll ask you to give her figures a thorough going over," said Val as they three colleagues dissolved into laughter.

"Don't be so infantile, she's not like that at all, and she told me that I was sensible, there's no way she'd say that about you three."


Sue's doorbell rang at precisely one o'clock. She was in the kitchen opening a bottle of wine, she'd already rehearsed her plan in her head and made sure that everything was in place. As she walked to the door in her ferociously high stilettos, she felt an erotic, all consuming excitement in the pit of her stomach. She opened the door and there stood smug, self satisfied Mary, like a lamb to the slaughter.

"Come in Mary, welcome to my humble abode."

"It's really nice Sue, I love the way you've decorated it."

They stood in the hallway with the stairs on the right, a door through to the lounge on the left and a door into the kitchen at the far end. There was also a door from the kitchen, through the conservatory and into the back of the lounge.

"Come through and put your bag in the lounge then join me in the kitchen."

Mary left her briefcase next to a sofa, then she tip tapped in her heels across the oak floor of the lounge and conservatory and into the tiled kitchen.

"Oh what a lovely kitchen, is it new?"

"Yes, I had it done in April. Here, I've poured us both a glass of Pinot Grigio."

"Oh, right, well I suppose one wouldn't hurt."

"That's my girl, you'll need it before we're done" said Sue cryptically as she stood in front of Mary sipping from her glass.

"What do you think of the tiled floor? It makes a lovely sound when a woman walks on it in her high heels, don't you think?"

"Yes, I suppose it does."

"I heard you walking from the lounge just now and I recognised the pattern of your stride, I listen to it at work when you walk up the corridor, you've got a very sexy walk, did you know that?"

Mary took a gulp of wine but felt a very uncomfortable and confused, she hadn't expected the wine and she felt vulnerable because of the salacious way Sue was looking at her. She was completely thrown by Sue's question so she decided to invoke her husband.

"My Alan says I've got a sexy walk."

She immediately realised that this was not the moment to play up her 'sexy walk,' she should, instead have played it down and changed the subject.

Without her knowing how it had happened, Sue had backed her into a corner of the worktop and was standing so close that she couldn't move away from her.

"Are we going to get started?" asked Mary nervously before taking another gulp of wine.

"Yes, we're getting started right now."

Sue took Mary's already empty wine glass from her hand and put it down along with hers on the worktop. Then she put the forefinger of her left hand under Mary's chin.

"So, yesterday you were so keen to tell me that you would never let a woman anywhere near your precious little pussy, how do you feel now?"

Mary was shocked and speechless, Sue tried to kiss her. Mary turned her head to avoid Sue's lips but Sue placed a strong right hand on her back, and a strong left hand behind her head, and kissed her forcefully on the lips. Mary resisted and Sue played cat and mouse with her by allowing her to try to make her escape.

"I'd better go, I didn't come here for this, if I'd known you were going to molest me I wouldn't have come here."

Mary hurried through the to the lounge to retrieve her briefcase, her heels clip clopping as she went. Sue followed her with a measured stride that sounded an ominous ring on the hard floors. Mary bent to pick up the case, her tight skirt stretched across her buttocks and thighs revealing the impression of her suspender clips.

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