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The Valkyrie Project - Chapter 19

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Things come to a head, Val discovers an old foe.
11.7k words

Part 19 of the 19 part series

Updated 02/09/2023
Created 11/30/2022
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Jamie surveyed the crowds as they filed in from the balcony. Jesse doing the same up near the choir. Tina had assigned them to keep an eye on one of the branch churches of the goddess after Mei and Val had gotten intel from their networks of planned attacks. That morning counter-intelligence and counter terror had made some arrests, but some targets had slipped the noose.

Both were using their ability to hide their presence to make themselves neigh invisible while using presence detection to scan the crowd. This was an experimental technique, they had found out they could slip their vision into other spectrum as needed and both had added near infrared temporarily. This allowed them to see heat and arousal. Combined with their presence detection they'd found they could pick out people that didn't belong.

The doors closed as the last worshiper took their seat. A young lady stood out to Jamie near the back, another ten rows up catching her eye as well. Jesse sent that she had three up near her, the two had always been well-connected since their transformation, but they'd recently found they could communicate without talking. Well in all honesty it was Amy that had noticed it when Sandy and the girls had an entire conversation without speaking. Her sister was starting to catch on that things were different. But thus far had been patient.

Jesse reported their findings to Tina, who ordered them to stand by but only intervene if they spotted a known target or one of them tried to act. She sent a mental picture of the missing targets to the girls, their stomachs sinking together as their five seemed to be the missing group minus two. Tina cursed via their connection and told them to move. Jaime clicked her comms once, signaling Amy in the security booth to trigger the fire alarm.

The fire klaxons began blaring. The congregation getting up and beginning to file to the emergency exits as their five targets stood up. Each drew a long needle out of their clothing aiming it at their hearts before screaming death to the devil and her children. The girls already had shuriken out and ready. Each unleashing them at their targets as they leaped into the crowd. Jamie hit with both, already flicking a dart at the girl hitting her in the neck and injecting her with Ragnarok. The larger male was holding his hand but still held the needle, she raced towards him unleashing her full speed.

It wasn't enough, the shuriken had knocked the needle away from his heart, but it had been near his thigh and he took the half second of her taking out the girl to jam the autoinjector into himself. She cursed flicking a dart with Ragnarok into his thigh near the injection site as she saw it begin to rapidly heat up. The crowd was panicking now, but the sisters were doing a good job in preventing a stampede. Behind her Rachyle tackled the girl who had gotten up and pulled the needle out of her neck before diving for her own autoinjector. The two scrambling briefly before the Valkyrie got her pinned, cuffed, and collared.

Jamie ducked as Jesse yelled "Heads up!" on of her targets going flying over the Valkyrie's head before slamming into the wall next to a sister who promptly drove a Ragnarok dart in their chest. Before turning back to get the last of the worshipers out.

Jesse screamed for them to get out, lacking backup she hadn't been able to get Ragnarok into one of her targets. The nuns quickly ducked out as the Valkyrie flattened themselves to the floor and opened their mouths plugging their ears.

Then the explosion hit. Jesse went flying crashing through the altar and landing at the foot of the statue of the goddess curled up into a protective ball. The statue fell over her and protected her against the roof which caved in. Jamie was up in an instant shaking off the shock wave before she rushed up towards where her wife was. The last of Jesse's targets in that area started to get up, Jamie giving them a roundhouse kick sending them flying to the back of the church without even stopping. She didn't care at that moment if they died, her concern was on Jesse and any sisters in that area.

Jesse uncurled smiling at the visage of the goddess, the head of the statue had broken off and rolled next to her. She leaned over and kissed it and the breeder's mark on the statue before she kicked her way out of the wreckage. She kissed her concerned wife looking a bit singed but not that much worse for the wear. They looked through the wreckage using their presence detect and eyesight technique. A sister was trapped and impaled against the wall.

They carefully removed the wreckage. Amy raced up behind them "I need a medic over here!!!" she shouted as her wife collected and secured the attackers, preforming first aid to keep them alive. While also checking them for anything dangerous.

Jesse looked at Jamie both had come to the same assessment of the sister's injuries, "She won't survive that long" she said out loud for Amy's benefit.

"Can we?" Jamie asked as she recognized the sister, it was Kira; still smiling as she coughed up blood.

"We won't know until we try, the nano should be able to remove the beam too" Jesse said. They had seconds to act at this point and her wife just nodded, kneeling next to Kira and placing her hands over where the roof beam went right through the nun. Jesse followed suit.

The girls closed their eyes and prayed, focusing their emotions on love and compassion. They could feel as 'Battle Maiden' projected from them into the grievously wounded nun... and her unborn child, they weren't surprised the sisters were almost always pregnant, but Kira hadn't been showing yet.

Amy stared in wonder at the two as a silvery mist surrounded them and the sister, as the wooden beam seemed to melt away in real-time. She saw Kira struggle for a second and cough up more blood before her breathing steadied. Rachyle came up behind her and hugged her wife looking on in wonder at the miracle. The gaping wound closing beneath their very eyes. Kira stabilized, the mist divided into three returning to each of them. The Valkyrie rushing in as the girls collapsed against the sister, who placed a hand almost in benediction on each of their heads before she too passed out.

Jesse woke up in the hospital ward of the tomb, Tina's concerned visage staring down at her as Crystal and Cel moved around quickly, rushing up to change an IV bottle of nano going into her arm. She felt a butt plug and squirmed at the full feeling in her belly. Looking over to where her senses told her Jamie was. Her wife seemed to have also awoken at the same time, looking past she could see Kira floating naked in a healing cell.

Tina sighed at her daughters as Sandy came rushing in before collapsing with relief against the wall. Sandy looked both of them in the eye.

"I promise mom, we didn't do anything stupid this time. We knew we might collapse, but we were safe if we had to do so. Amy and Rachyle were there." Jamie tried to comfort her mother who was currently being swarmed by Amy and Rachyle.

Tina just sighed again and looked Jesse in the eye with half smile "Moving on from getting nearly killed to performing miracles?" she teased knowing precisely what had happened. "As for the plugs... no we didn't, Crystal and Cel decided to use a variant of your own technique on you." She explained nodding at the bags of nano going into their arms. "Every single Valkyrie in the tomb contributed but no we used the injectors to fill you. All five of you," her eyes glancing at Kira as her head titled to Rachyle and Amy "took every ounce that could be contributed and an entire stock of 'battle maiden' aside. Honestly I'm not sure if I should bonk you on the head for that stunt or promote you. The head of counter-intel counter-terror wants to pin a medal on each of you, but she'll have to wait in line behind the church and the president." She let that sink in for a moment.

Jamie cleared her throat "How many were hurt?" she asked, she honestly couldn't care less about awards, and she knew the same was true of Jesse.

Tina lowered her gaze "Two hundred and fifty casualties, twenty severe not including you five, and no deaths other than the two suspects near the altar. The one that exploded and the one you kicked on your way forwards." Both girls winced at that. They hadn't intended to kill either and had hoped to prevent any injuries. Tina shook her head "Don't feel bad, you did an amazing job considering the circumstances." She turned to Jamie "The one you kicked didn't have any Ragnarok in their system and thus wasn't able to recover from the blast. Speaking of... Ragnarok was a huge success here. Of the possible injuries the vast majority of injuries were mitigated even in the old genders..." she caught herself, was she saying that too now? "By Ragnarok, the severe injuries were with a few exceptions all worshipers that were not yet carrying or yet had a stable level." She smiled as she saw the relief spread across their faces. She leaned over to kiss both in their beds.

"As for how long you've been out" she continued. "Six hours and change. Long enough for me to explain to your sister what's going on in brief with 'Battle Maiden' and get her and Rachyle consent to onboard them. They insisted that Alicia also be onboard too... so we'll see what happens there." The general said with a raised eyebrow as Alicia peeked out at them from behind her 'Auntie Tina'. "Cel is off having chats with the prisoners, Val and Mei should be along shortly" she finished giving each a hand squeeze.

Val and Mei 'appeared' revealing their presence to all but the girls, careful to do so in a way to not startle everybody. The two collapsing into chairs looking tired.

"Have you ever seen Cel giddy as a schoolgirl?" Mei asked softly to no one in particular.

"Twice" Crystal said looking up from the data she'd been pouring over. "Once when we were accepted to work on 'Battle Maiden' the other when she finally got to become a Valkyrie. So what made my sister squeal this time?"

"Ragnarok" Val said as if it explained everything, before pausing to actually do so "apparently when it starts its repair work it also fixes brainwashing somehow, or at least makes it trivial to do so. Apparently all of our perps don't remember anything from the past year. They recall going to an interview for a job, then the next thing they remember was waking up in our cells feeling like the had the hangover of a century." Val paused and sucked her teeth. "Cel apparently had no trouble putting them under hypnosis to get them to spill the rest. An enemy intelligence office did this to them." Her face hardened and looked down. "My sister Ilya."

Tina's face blanched and Mei rested her chin on her thumbs, fingers peaked in front of her. The girls looked at each other, silently asking the older Valkyrie how bad this was.

Val looked up "When I defected I had to spend a full year with Cel deprogramming, so deep had they mindfucked me. Ilya has gone through the same if not more, she is a true believer in that rotten regime because she doesn't know how to think otherwise. I have had contact with her since I defected, notes here and there. She thinks I'm brainwashed by the Valkyrie. That the Valkyrie are the tools of the devil and that the goddess is that devil. The antipathy to the goddess started about the time Engels identity became known. She disappeared for a month about that time, so there is a good chance she went in for reinforcement. I'm just glad I was able to get our parents out before she had them arrested." Val paused and looked up at the girls' expressions "You've never met them because they are in hiding. If Ilya finds out where they are she will kill them just to get to me. She has tried several times now, and with this it looks like Boris" she said mentioning the incident prior "might have been one of hers."

"So what do we do?" Jesse asked the senior Valkyrie.

Val sighed and rubbed her face, looking and exchanging thoughts with her wife privately for a second. "We capture her, which will be extraordinarily hard. She will do her best to not come in alive. Fortunately we know where she is, she slipped up a few hours ago. So as soon as you two are ready, we move out." she explained.

The girls looked in a synchronized motion to Crystal whose look of 'Why do you even bother asking? If you're going to do anyway...' was writ on her face. She shook her head in resignation "Go, just... don't try to pull that miracle again for another few hours, the next batch of nano won't be ready until then. Oh, and please try to keep your explosion dodging to a minimum, you did take blast damage last time. Jesse in particular your left knee, it will need another...." she looked down at her pad "call it three hours to fully mend. During that time avoid major acrobatics as it may give out."

Jesse nodded as Crystal unhooked their IVs. The girls looking at each other with determined smiles.

An hour later they were on the roof with Val of a villa in a nondescript section of the city. Which was the entire point of a safe house. The presence of a high value person inside was given away by the guards with large and highly illegal weapons tucked in their coats. All three were stealthed and presence cloaked. All said and told there were enough Valkyrie around them to fight a small army, and they weren't sure they weren't going to need them.

Val clicked her mic, all the Valkyrie shooting darts with Ragnarok and a sleeping agent into the guards all at once after the semiregular patrol finished.

A door opened to the courtyard beneath them, a woman walking out into the courtyard with an autoinjector pressed against her neck. She looked up at the sky and screamed "Valentina Dmitriyevna, I will kill you in god's name and be blessed!" Her flame red hair and jewel green eyes marked her as Val's twin sister. The senior Valkyrie nodded, and they jumped quickly the hiss of the autoinjector echoing in the courtyard as Ilya began to scream as she turned into a bomb.

Jesse landed carefully, but her weak knee gave out leaving her on her belly the window shattering as Ilya's personal guards opened fire, bullet gazing her thigh as she shot back getting a dart into each of their necks taking them down.

Jamie's side was clear and fortunately all the bullets missed her. She turned quickly to dart Ilya.

She saw Val hugging her sister from behind tightly, one hand pointed up at the injector site. Tendrils of silver nano connecting the hand to the injection site as the heat of the bomb nano faded fast as Val cried into her sister's dress. Out of caution Jamie put two darts in Ilya's thigh anyway. She cued her mic as soon as the bomb had faded away enough, Ilya collapsing gasping as she tried to breathe. The bomb nano had consumed most of her throat and neck. "Clear it" she said softly as Val's eyes pleaded with them to save her sister.

Jesse looked up not even feeling the graze. She stood and tested her knee finding her nano had fixed it while she was down before moving to Val's side. As before Jamie moved opposite raising their hands above the wound. This time however it seemed easier, the two guiding their nano to repair the damage even working with Val's to repair Ilya's damaged lower jaw. Stabilized the girls stopped before they collapsed. Jamie picking up Val as Jesse took Ilya after clearing her clothes and wrapping her in a towel supplied by Amy.

They monitored both on the way back to the tomb. Jamie called for them to stop for ice as Ilya began to heat up again, but it wasn't the bomb nano this time. They carried both into the hospital, Crystal looking both relieved they were okay and worried about Val and Ilya.

"You didn't" she asked them with clear resignation.

"We did, but as usual, second time around we had better control." Jaime explained as she carried Ilya over towards the healing tube.

Crystal nodded "When we finish, both of you back in your beds for two bags of nano." she ordered.

Jesse shook her head no "We don't need it, I checked on the way back. Save it for Val." Crystal nodded and got the unconscious Valkyrie injected and plugged before attaching an IV.

They stood around Ilya carefully unwrapping the sodden towel from her. "Damn spitting images aren't they?" Crystal observed as she carefully slid a feeding tube and breathing tube down Ilya's throat as the girls got an autoinjector hose plugged into the red head's ass. Crystal strapped a mask to Ilya's face plugging in the oxygen and feeding tubes before they lowered her into the healing tube.

With as much 'Battle Maiden' as had been injected Ilya was going to transform whether she wanted to or not. What remained to be seen was what happened next.

Val woke up an hour or two later. The lights in the ward had been dimmed, and the girls were sleeping together still in uniform on a bed next to hers. Crystal and Cel were quietly monitored Ilya and Kira as they floated in the tubes. The nun had awoken with her, and while she couldn't see the smile around the mask she saw it in the eyes as Kira waved to her. She smiled and waved back. She got up, reaching around to pull the no longer necessary butt plug out. Her IV had been removed sometime before. She closed her uniform and wandered over to the two. She spied Cel quickly keying in an order for her favorite blackberry french-toast breakfast. Val yawned and gazed up at her sister; setting her hand on the glass as she looked at the goddess rod her sibling now possessed, balls clearly working as spurts of seed were sucked away in the flow of the saline and nano mixture. She felt arms around her waist as a warm bulge pressed against her ass. The Valkyrie smiled as she took Cel's hand in her own and squeezed.

"Beautiful isn't she?" The Brain Witch observed. Val chuckled, with Cel that could mean either Ilya's mind or body; or most likely both.

"Yes, she's my twin." Val said softly as she felt Tina's lips on her cheek, her wife having been alerted she'd woken up.

"Morning sleepy" Tina greeted her before looking through the glass.

Cel broke the hug "So you saved me probably six months with the nano injection." she yawned as the smell of food filled the room. The girls stirring and the lights going up slightly but still staying dim as everyone awoke.

"Oh?" Tina asked taking a cup of coffee off the cart of food before Val sat in her lap sharing her breakfast.

"Yeah... the nano did the deprogramming. But she's going to need at least six months of a year of therapy after what they did to her." Cel yawned again and grabbed a plate.

It was Crystal's turn to give details picking up from where her sibling had left off. "They tortured the fuck out of her. The nano has fixed most of the external damage now. But they had sterilized her in the most brutal way possible." The doctor said softly nodding at a rapidly fading scar on Ilya's belly. Most of the room except Val and Cel cringing.

Val just sipped her mug of tea and took a bite "They probably did it when they discovered I was a Valkyrie to punish her for having me as a sister." She sighed, "and they probably made her beg them to do it too."

Crystal nodded "Well it won't matter, 'Battle Maiden' has restored her fertility. I'm assuming you made a choice to use it instead of Ragnarok?" Crystal asked between bites of her own breakfast.

Val shook her head no. Crystal just nodded softly. If they'd discovered one thing about 'Battle Maiden' recently it was that it often acted on instinct. But never in a way that would harm its carrier. Crystal assumed that Val's love for her sister was deep as they were semi-identical twins.

Tina idly wondered if the reason Val had never gotten pregnant was her sister's womb. Twins were known to occasionally feel sympathetic feelings towards each other. Val saw her look and kissed her. "Yes... it's not that I didn't want children, it's that every day it ached as if my womb had been well" she gestured to the tube with her sister.

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