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The Video

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Young adults expose their elders to new ways.
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This story is a work of fiction. Some real places and institutions are mentioned or implied, but they are used fictitiously here. As far as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those places or institutions has done anything akin to what is described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


I met Fiona Fitzpatrick when we were both in college in Chicago. I'd gotten a partial wrestling scholarship, or I couldn't have been able to afford the university. One of my teammates was dating a woman on the lacrosse team. Fiona was one of the woman's teammates. I met her first quarter of my junior year when my friends and his girlfriend got me to go with them to a lacrosse team party.

Fiona stood out. The first thing you noticed was her copper-colored hair. That was easy to see because, at just under six feet tall, Fiona was taller than her teammates. The hair framed a beautiful face that had very light freckles on her high cheekbones and a wide mouth that smiled frequently. It was still warm in Northern Illinois so that party was outside, and everyone was dressed in lightweight clothes. Fiona's shorts made her long, firm legs and tight ass very noticeable. Under her polo shirt were breasts that were a bit larger than perfectly proportional to the rest of her body. In short, Fiona Fitzgerald was, I thought, a stunner. I'd always thought of lacrosse as a rather rough sport. I was surprised someone this beautiful played and, as I later found out, played very well.

My buddy's girlfriend introduced us, and, to my further surprise, Fiona and I talked for a long time at the party. In addition to being very beautiful, Fiona was smart, articulate, funny, and not at all restrained about saying what she really thought. I also learned that we were both from Ohio, although Fiona was from the northeastern part while I'm from southwestern Ohio. After I left the party that night, I could not get Fiona Fitzpatrick out of my mind.

I saw Fiona walking on campus a few days later. It was around noon. I summoned my courage, went up to her, and asked if she'd join me for lunch. A wide smile broke out on her face. "I was wondering whether I'd hear from you again," she said. "Yes, I'd love to get lunch." I led her to a sandwich shop off campus. As we approached the door, Fiona asked, "Who told you this is one of my favorite places to eat?"

"No one," I answered. "I just like their sandwiches." I'm not sure Fiona believed me, but we clicked again over lunch like we had at the party. We went out that Friday night and were soon dating regularly. We became lovers just before first quarter exams started.

We both contrived to stay in Chicago the following summer. We were together any time we were both off work. The more time I spent with Fiona, the harder I fell for her. I also learned that Fiona liked to try new things. A couple of weeks into summer break, Fiona said, "there's a national park on the lakeshore over in Indiana. Someone told me that there's an area where people skinny dip and nude sunbathe. Want to try it? I've never been naked on a beach."

I'd try almost anything with Fiona. That weekend, we drove my old beater to the national park. We had to hike a distance before we rounded a small point and saw maybe fifty nude people spread over a segment of beach. We stopped on an edge of that area, put down our things, and spread out a beach towel. Fiona and I looked at each other for a moment. Then, Fiona whipped off her tee shirt and dropped her shorts. She was nude underneath. I quicky stripped off.

I'd never been on a nude beach before either. I was surprised at how nice it was to be naked outdoors. The two things I remember most about that trip were how beautiful Fiona looked naked in the sunlight, and how pleasant the other nude people were to us. Fiona and I went back several times that summer.

Fiona and I were both committed to going to grad school; Fiona for an MBA and me for law. We tried to get into programs at the same university or, at least, schools close to each other, but that didn't happen. Fiona got an opportunity to attend a renowned business school in Philadelphia and I got into a pretty good law school in North Carolina. We couldn't turn those opportunities down.

Fiona and I stayed in touch after we started grad school, but our schedules never gave us time to get together. Over time, the calls and e-mail became less frequent and eventually stopped altogether. I had no doubt Fiona could have her pick of any man in Philadelphia and that she probably thought she'd traded up from undergrad.

Coming out of law school, I was fortunate enough to have several job opportunities. I finally decided that I was a Midwesterner and took a job as an associate at a large firm in one of the three big cities in Ohio. I dated some through law school and my first year out. My problem was that I mentally compared every woman I met to Fiona, and, in my memory, Fiona was incomparable.

On Fridays, several of the young lawyers in our firm would usually go out for a drink after work. We typically went to a bar near our downtown office. One Friday early in my second year at the firm, someone suggested that we drive to a new bar that had opened in an upscale area northeast of downtown.

As you'd expect for a new bar after work on a Friday, the place was crowded. As we walked in, I noticed a tall woman across the bar. She had her back to us, but her dark red hair reminded me of Fiona. We got drinks at the bar and found some space to stand a rehash our weeks. I couldn't stop myself from continuing to look at the redhead. After ten minutes or so, the redhead turned around. She looked like Fiona, only even more beautiful than I remembered. Our eyes met across the room. I could see recognition register on her face. Holy shit! It was Fiona!

I didn't bother excusing myself from the group. I just started working my way through the crowd across the room. I'm sure I spilled beer on a few people. I was oblivious. I just had to get to Fiona.

Fiona looked amused as I approached her. Nodding her head in the direction from which I had come, she said, "You left a wake behind you."

"Exigent circumstances," I said. "How are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm fine," Fiona replied. "I work at a wealth management firm a couple blocks away. What are you doing here?"

"I'm at a law firm downtown," I said. "Some of the people I work with wanted to check this place out."

"And what do you think?" Fiona asked.

"Right now," I said, "I think it's the greatest place in the world."

Fiona's smile widened. "Dating anyone?" she asked.

"No," I said. "You?"

"Now," Fiona said, "why aren't you dating anyone?"

"Well," I replied, "there was this woman I went out with in college. She seems to have spoiled me for any other woman."

"And" Fiona asked, "what was it about that woman that was so special?"

"Her beauty," I said, "and her intelligence, her personality, her sense of humor, and the great sex."

Fiona didn't say anything right away. Instead, she put her arms around me. I hugged her and we had a long, passionate kiss in that crowded barroom. When we broke our kiss, there seemed to be moisture in Fiona's eyes. "Damn Peter,' she said, "I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

Fiona and I married a few months later. That was the smartest thing I've ever done. Together, we made pretty good money. We bought a house in a municipality just outside the city, that was known as a bastion (or den) of progressive open-mindedness. The house was at the end of a cul-de-sac and there was a county nature preserve behind us. We installed an inground pool which we almost always used nude. In spring, summer, and fall, it was not unusual for Fiona and me to make love out in the backyard. Fiona insists that our daughter Leonora (named for Fiona's grandmother) was conceived in our backyard.

The skinny dipping and outdoor sex stopped, of course, once Leo was old enough to understand what was going on around her. Our municipality had its own excellent school system. By the time she was in high school, Leo was almost as beautiful as her mother. She was an excellent student, played three sports, and was a talented singer and pianist. Sometime in her junior year, she started dating Kevin Moore. Kevin was a high achiever like Leo, and Fiona and I were friends with his parents, Evelyn and Rich. In their senior year, Leo and Kevin seemed to spend most of their spare time with two other couples from their class. They were great kids too, and all the parents were friends.

Leo had been accepted at a very prestigious (and expensive) east coast university. Fiona and I had mixed feelings about becoming empty nesters. On one hand, we'd miss our daughter. On the other hand, we were both still in good shape and could resume some things at home we'd stopped when Leo was born.

About six weeks before Leo's high school graduation, Evelyn Moore called Fiona at work. Fiona called me. Evelyn had something which we needed to see that affected both of our children. Could we be at the Moore house at 6:00 p.m. the next night? If it affected Leo, we certainly would. That was a Friday evening, Leo's tennis team had matches at a school up near Lake Erie. She wouldn't be home until late.

I was more curious than worried as we entered the Moore's home, a couple of streets from ours, that night. I knew Leo was a good kid. She couldn't possibly be in any trouble. I was surprised that the four couples who were parents of the kids Leo and Kevin hung around with were also there.

Rich led us into their entertainment room. Evelyn, an attractive blonde, stood in front of their big screen TV holding a flash drive. When we were all seated, she held up the flash drive. "My car was in the shop a couple of days ago and I was using Kevin's car while he's out of town at a track meet," Evelyn explained. "When I first got in, I noticed this sitting in the center console. I notice it was high capacity and wondered whether it was something he needed. I went back in the house, put the drive in my laptop that night and saw that it had one large video file. I watched the video and, well, you'll just have to see it for yourselves."

Evelyn put the drive into a port on a computer connected to their huge TV, made a few mouse clicks, and the video started on the screen. It was recorded indoors somewhere. At first, we just saw an image of a room with a table in the center. There was a sheet over the table. A female voice said, "this is the video of our very special senior class project."

The video paused for a moment; the operator had apparently stopped the camera. I, and I think, most of the other parents, were wondering what the big deal was. That question was soon answered.

When the video resumed, we heard voices but the only one that was clear was a female voice saying, "I'll go first." A lovely young brunette walked in front of the camera and faced it. We all knew her, Glenda Logan. Glenda's parents, Heather and Jack, sat up a bit straighter. On the video, Glenda was saying, "we're all going to graduate in a couple of months and go our separate ways. Before we do that, I want you, my best friends, to see the me you haven't seen before." Glenda reached behind her back and unzipped her dress. She shrugged her shoulders and the top of her dress fell forward. She pulled her arms out of the sleeves and pushed the dress to her waist. Glenda was not big-chested, and she still had a bra on. We could see her smile as she pushed her dress down from her waist and stepped out of it. Glenda had a very compact, athletic body that looked good in the bra and panties she still had on.

I expected what came next but was still shocked when Glenda took her bra off and stood facing the camera topless, with a grin. I was a little uncomfortable being in the room with her parents as Glenda pushed her panties down, stepped out of them, turned her back to the camera, and bent over. She held that fully exposed pose for a moment before straightening and turning back to the camera. Glenda Logan was a very attractive young woman naked. With a broad smile, she said, "now you've seen the real me." We could hear people clapping on the video.

On the video, we saw the back of a young man come into the picture. He hugged Glenda and she walked out of the frame. The young man turned to face the camera. He was Ryan Stroud, Glenda's boyfriend. Wordlessly, he took off his shirt and slacks. When he took off his underwear, we could see he was erect. Ryan was a well-endowed young man. I glanced at Ryan's parents. His mother, Pat, seemed to be suppressing a grin.

Ryan stood facing the camera, completely nude, for a moment before a blonde came into the frame and hugged him. Ryan walked out of the picture. The blonde wore a knit pullover top and slacks. When she faced the camera, we recognized her as Chelsea Conway, senior captain of the school's cheerleaders. Chelsea smiled and pulled her top over her head, disclosing that she wore no bra. Chelsea had two firm-looking, reasonably large, breasts. "Should I stop there?" she asked.

We heard a female voice on the video reply, "of course not! Everyone gets naked."

"That's fine with me," Chelsea responded on the video. She undid the top of her slacks, pushed them down, and stepped out of them. She was wearing a very small pair of panties which she quickly took off. As Glenda had done, Chelsea turned around and bent over, exposing herself to the camera. After she had straightened up and turned around, a young man, her boyfriend Evan Waters, came into the picture.

Evan hugged the naked Chelsea. She left the picture. Evan proceeded to strip. He also had a hard-on, which I could understand from a young man seeing lovely women like Glenda and Chelsea naked.

I didn't need her to turn around to recognize the young woman who came into the picture and hugged Evan. It was Leo. Fiona gripped my hand. Leo faced the camera wearing a dress I recognized. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time," she said. Leo's dress had buttons up the front. She slowly undid them. When her dress was completely unbuttoned, she let in hang partially open as she gave the camera an almost challenging look. Leo suddenly flung her dress off and stood in a very sheer bra and panties. She took her panties off first, revealing that she had shaved her mound, and then took off her bra. Like her mother, Leo's chest was a bit bigger than proportional to the rest of her body. Leo also turned and bent over, spreading her legs slightly so the camera had a clear shot of her vagina and anus.

The part of me that was a traditional father was shocked. However, there was something about the confidence with which Leo had stripped that was very appealing. Fiona leaned into my ear and whispered, "she looks great naked." Fiona was right. That was another trait Leo shared with her mother.

The last part of the video, we thought, was Leo's boyfriend Kevin stripping off. The video paused again. Chelsea's parents, Diana and Tom, started to stand up. "There's more," Evelyn said. Diana and Tom sat back down.

When the "show" resumed, the camera was apparently being hand-held by the operator because the perspective changed regularly as if the operator was walking around. What we saw first were Ryan, Evan, and Kevin standing side-by-side, naked with erections. Glenda, also still naked, entered the right of the picture. She cupped Kevin's balls in her hand and then stroked his dick several times. Glenda moved on the Evan and began stroking him. Chelsea came into the frame, also still naked, and began stroking Kevin. Glenda and Chelsea moved on to stand facing their own boyfriends as Leo came into the picture. She too was naked. Smiling, the three young women looked at each other and nodded.

As the camera operator walked from behind the young women, they got on their knees. They each took their boyfriend's dick in their mouth and began to blow them. The camera moved to Kevin's left so we could see down the line of three heads bobbing on three dicks, with our daughter's head and nude body in the foreground.

The video paused again. When it resumed, we saw the three young women were on their knees on the table, side-by-side, with their backs to the camera. They leaned forward in unison and thrust their hips up, exposing their pubes and assholes again. The camera went down the line, lingering for a moment on the intimate parts of each young woman. When the camera reached the end of the line, it turned around. We saw Ryan, with the two other young men behind walk up. Ryan stopped at the first young woman, Leo, and finger-fucked her for a moment. He moved on to Chelsea and Evan came into view and fingered Leo. Both Ryan and Evan moved behand their girlfriends, and Kevin appeared behind Leo. The men knelt, kissed their girlfriends' assholes, and began eating them.

The video paused again. We had no idea how much time had really elapsed or whether anyone had orgasmed. When the video resumed, Glenda walked into the picture, naked, and lay on the table on her back. Ryan walked up, gently spread Glenda's legs, got on the table, and entered her. The camera circled around the couple on the table as they fucked. This time, there was little doubt in our minds that Glenda and Ryan had both come. "Thank God she's on birth control," Heather Logan said.

Glenda and Ryan were followed by Chelsea and Evan, who also fucked on the table in missionary position. As Leo and Kevin came out, I knew as a father I should not watch. As a man, I was interested to see a young woman as gorgeous as Leo have sex. Leo got on the table on all fours. Kevin got up on his knees behind her and entered her from the rear. The camera moved around so that we had moments of Kevin's dick sliding back and forth inside Leo, but it mainly showed us Leo's face and swinging tits. From the expressions on her face, I concluded Leo was having the time of her life. The similarity between Leo's facial expressions as she came and Fiona's face when she orgasms was striking.

When Leo and Kevin finished, they got off the table. Their four naked friends came into the picture. The six young people bunched tightly into what I'd call a naked group hug. The video ended.

There was a moment of silence in the room before Heather Logan asked, "What do we do?"

"Peter, you're the lawyer," Rich Moore said. "Do we have any legal trouble here? God forbid that we're supposed to turn our kids over to the cops."

"Do we know when the video was made?" I asked.

Evelyn typed on her computer and the date April 15 appeared on the TV. "April 15 this year," she said.

"Leo turned 18 in February," I said. "Was everyone else in the video 18 when it was made?" Heads nodded. "Does everyone agree with me that everything on the video appeared to be consensual?"

"Consensual?" Denise Conway said. "They looked enthusiastic." Again, the heads in the room nodded.

"Ok," I said, "I don't think we need to involve the authorities."

"It really was a hot video," Fiona said.

"Did any of us seriously think that our kids weren't having sex with each other?" Pat Stroud asked. Of course, none of us did.

"Well," Evelyn Moore said, "that's why I wanted all of you to see the video. I frankly wasn't sure whether this is something to get upset about or not. The kids could have done exactly what they did without videoing it and we'd never know."

"As Peter pointed out," Melissa Waters said, "our children are all legally adults. They can have sex with whomever they wish, and it's not like this is kiddie porn."

"Actually," Perry Conway said, "our kids all look pretty damn good naked." That drew more head nods.

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