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The View From the 23rd Floor Pt. 09

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Adventures with Jenny and Rebecca.
9.4k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/08/2022
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(fetish, FLR, cross-dressing, feminization, chastity)

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Read the previous chapters, first.

Synopsis: Daniel's cross-dressing fetish is discovered. Adventures with Jenny and Rebecca.

Sitting there, in Jenny and Rebecca's kitchen, Danni felt terrible. Audrie had just outed her to the two women who had become their best friends, and who hadn't had a clue that she used to be a guy. She was angry with Audrie, too. Her lover knew she didn't want to be exposed to anyone, even to Jenny and Rebecca. Hell! Especially to Jenny and Rebecca who had become their best friends.

"Wow. I really find that hard to believe. Danni, you're such a perfect girl." Audrie said in awe.

Rebecca, who was still holding Danni's hand, actually gave it a reassuring squeeze. She was staring at her, and could see that her girlfriend was upset and embarrassed. "Relax Danni. We won't hold it against you. You're a girl as far as we're concerned."

Danni, still dismayed, did begin to calm a bit, as she heard her two friends' encouragement. But still...

Audrie was relieved. Jenny and Rebecca were handling the news well, and Danni hadn't exploded in anger or humiliation. This may work out, she thought.

She reached over, and massaged Danni's neck and back, lovingly, trying to help her. "There are very few people on the planet who know. We've worked hard to keep Danni's secret. Only a couple of others know."

"We won't spoil things." Rebecca said, caringly.

"We'd appreciate that. You see, during the week, Danni dresses as a man, and goes into her job. Her career could be ruined if anyone there ever found out about her sexuality."

Danni still hadn't said a word. She didn't know what to say. So, she just let Audrie speak for the both of them.

"Oh, I understand." Jenny said. And she too sounded supportive and understanding.

"Good. You have to understand that Danni is a girl, who pretends to be a man. In fact, even I have never met her when she is dressed as a man."

"Really? Never?"

"Nope. And that's why she's so good at being a woman."

"She is. She's very good. But she still has a cock? She hasn't 'transitioned', as they say?"

"No, she's always been a cross-dresser, and with my help she's settled into that pretty much full time."

"Wow." Rebecca said, and she still held Danni's hand, squeezing it gently.

"Now I understand why she's always so well dressed. So fashionably and sexily. I actually thought she might have been one of those fashionista, internet influencers."

Audrie smiled, "no, she loves feminine things, and I like her to look sexy."

"And she's wearing a corset, too. Right? I can tell from her posture." Jenny asked.

"Yes. It helps with her figure." Audrie confirmed.

"It looks pretty strict."

"It is. And she whines about it, but I love it, and I think deep down she does too. It fits right in with her fetish." Audrie replied, looking at Danni for confirmation.

Danni didn't want to agree, but she knew that Audrie was right. The corset, as uncomfortable and restrictive as it is, did turn her on, and make her look and feel more feminine. And that's what she enjoyed.

With everyone staring at her, she felt the need to respond, so she smiled shyly and nodded, her agreement.

Jenny chuckled and then turned back to Audrie. "I have one more question for you. I can see that you are the more dominant and Danni is the more submissive partner. Are you two into the DS scene? Are you, her owner? Does she call you 'Mistress'?"

Audrie thought for a moment, as the others looked at her. She was getting tired of the questions, it seemed like a tennis match, with the crowd looking back and forth.

"Well, she does call me mistress, on occasion, and I am in control of her cock, but I don't really consider myself her owner." Audrie said, carefully, as she met Danni's eyes.

"Hmm. Could have fooled me." Audrie chuckled.

"Well, are you Rebecca's Dom? I haven't heard her call you Mistress." Audrie responded, a bit testily.

Jenny reached over and rested her hand, possessively on her wife's shoulder.

"Yes, I am the dominant lover around here, and when we're alone my Rebecca calls me mistress. And it's more than just the way I own her pussy."

Rebecca blushed and hung her head, embarrassed. Danni felt she was uncomfortable with Jenny's description of her status, but the girl didn't protest the portrayal.

The question had stirred some confusion in Danni's head. She knew that she was submissive. At least where it came to love and sex. But she'd never imagined herself as being into the BDSM realm. Her fantasies had always centered on cross-dressing and chastity play. And Audrie had taken control over the fulfillment of both of those fetishes, with her and for her.

But it was becoming clear that they had migrated, slowly into a lifestyle where she was the submissive girl, and Audrie was the dominant woman.

And when she'd called Audrie, 'Mistress' in times past, it had been for fun, not for real. But she could sense that it was for real, now.

It was a revelation that both frightened her and excited her. She truly was her Mistress Audrie's sub.

All four of them sat quietly for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts, focused on the fascinating disclosures they'd just shared. Danni and Rebecca were still blushing over the humiliating aspects of the revelations.

All of them, though, were turned on by what they had heard.

"But Audrie, the other day we were joking about cocks, and I thought you said that Danni didn't like them." Jenny asked. Leave it to her to detect that inconsistency...

Audrie chuckled. "I was playing a little game there. I enjoy Danni's cock, and she enjoys it when we put it to use. Which isn't all that often. Usually, she makes love to me like a woman would."

"Oh? So, she doesn't like men." Rebecca asked. "She's a lesbian in that respect." And she sounded relieved.

"Yes, she only loves women."

"But you don't use her cock, all of the time? You're bi, right? Why not?"

"Well, Danni also likes being in chastity. And I have the key." Audrie told them, happily.

That surprised the two of them, for a second time, and they again sat speechless for a few minutes. Before Jenny smiled fiendishly. "So, she wears a chastity belt?"

"Yes, a cage, under her girdle, it hides the bulge."

"And she wears it always?"

Audrie sighed, here we go again with all the questions. "Yes, I keep her that way. I'm her keyholder. And she can't get out."

She then watched as Jenny, giggled. She was perplexed when she noticed Rebecca fidgeting and blushing. And Danni was disappointed when Rebecca lifted her hand from hers, and dropped it into her own lap.

"Wow. So does my Rebecca." Jenny said, with a smile.

"What?" Audrie gasped. Both surprised and interested.

Rebecca, upset, turned to Jenny, "Jenny!" she cried.

"Well, my love they'll find out if we decide to have some fun, anyway. And I really want to see Danni's cage. So, hush." As she spoke, she reached over and grabbed her lover's hand and held it tightly.

Rebecca still looked unhappy, but she sat quietly and a little sullenly, as Jenny resumed.

"You see, when we first met, my dear Rebecca was kind of confused. She had been living with a guy who abused her, and she put up with it because he was G-I-B. She loved the sex."

"I rescued her from the ass hole, but she still missed the cock, so although it took a while, I broke her of that habit, by locking her away."

"How did you do that?" Audrie asked, in awe. Now this is a fascinating development! She thought

Jenny chuckled, and to Danni she sounded kind of evil, or perhaps just very dominant. She, though was now also intrigued. How was Rebecca locked up?

Jenny glanced around, smiling, proudly. "I had her pussy lips pierced, and ringed. And I have a little fork-like device that slips through them closed. I padlock it in place and it prevents any penetration."

"But..." Audrie stuttered.

"Oh, she can still orgasm. Her clit is accessible, to vibrators, fingers, lips and tongues; all of the good things. But cocks or dildos are out. Isn't that right my love?"

Rebecca sighed, "yes." And she looked miserable.

Danni wasn't sure if she was upset because of her inability to be fucked, because she didn't like being locked up and controlled, or if it was just the information being shared. She knew that in her case it was mainly the latter. After all, Daniel's chastity fetish had always been a major turn-on for him. As it now was for Danni.

Jenny nodded, pleased, and continued. "The arrangement is discrete enough that she can even wear a swimsuit and it's mostly hidden. Enough anyway that people don't generally notice. So, at the beach or even in our hot tub, she can hide her chastity arrangement. But when it comes time for sex. She gets embarrassed."

"And frustrated, I imagine." Danni finally spoke up. And Rebecca gave her a wan smile.

Jenny smiled and nodded.

"I had the rings soldered closed, so she can't free herself by taking them out." Jenny said, delightedly.

"How often do you unlock her?" Audrie asked. She let Danni out for sex.

"Only once in a while to allow her to stay clean. She can douche, during her period, easily enough, a little nozzle fits in. But otherwise, nope."

"So, no cocks for Rebecca," Audrie said.

"Never. She's my perfect lesbian lover."

"Just like Danni is mine."

"But you let her out." Jenny replied.

"Of course. Her cock is one of my favorite parts." Audrie said, laughing.

Danni was humiliated, but she forgot all about her own body and began wondering about Rebecca. Her pussy was locked closed!

She was never allowed to enjoy a cock inside her? That seemed awfully mean. If she actually wanted sex with a guy, that is. It pretty much forced her to be a lesbian.

At least her own cock was allowed out whenever Audrie felt the need, or took pity on her. It didn't sound like Jenny ever unlocked Rebecca. But did Rebecca need to be unlocked. She could still orgasm anytime she wanted. Did she really miss never having a cock inside her?

Damn! Danni was suddenly so aroused that for the first time in a while her cock was straining in its cage, so badly it hurt. And hurt terribly. It was all she could do to not violate rule one. She felt the need so badly, she moaned, and everyone looked at her, quizzically.

"What's wrong with you?" Audrie asked. She was both curious and irritated by the distraction. She had been fantasizing about Rebecca's locked pussy, and how that must feel. She knew how she'd hate something like that. That was her favorite aspect of her love for Danni. With Danni she could love a woman, but still enjoy a cock.

Danni didn't answer her. Instead, she turned her attention to Rebecca, forgetting about herself and her depraved arousal. She liked Rebecca a lot, and the thought that her sweet girlfriend might be miserable by being deprived of sex with a cock, or even a dildo, saddened her.

Audrie gave up waiting for a response from Danni, when Jenny spoke up.

"This is all so cool! We have so much in common. Now we really do need to get into the hot tub. I'm dying to see Danni and her cage, and you can see how I've fixed Rebecca. Come on."

And she stood up and one-by-one hauled the other three onto their feet. "Rebecca, go get more towels and meet us out there," she ordered, as she herded Audrie and Danni out the back door onto the patio and then over to the big, in-ground, hot tub.

It was still raining but the big gazebo caught the downpour and also provided a little privacy. The tub was bubbling and steaming under the covering.

Once there, Jenny just began to strip, as Audrie and Danni watched uncertainly. They were both still damp from their drenching, and still a bit stunned by everything they'd shared and heard.

Audrie was the first to decide to just go with it. She was excited and aroused by both Jenny, and Roberta. She'd never realized that Jenny was so very aggressive, if that was the appropriate word. But as she watched Jenny reveal her body, her libido took over and she began to strip, herself.

That left Danni standing unmoving, and undecided. The glimpse she got of Jenny's very nice body, as she removed the last of her clothes and slid comfortably into the tub, had her leaning toward a dip in there with her. But she was still unhappy about revealing her secret and in particular her caged cock to two more women.

"Come along Danni, dear. You need to get warm, and I think we're going to have a lot of fun. So, strip!" Audrie said, giggling.

Danni hesitated, but for just a moment, because just then Rebecca came out with her arms full of towels, and her body naked. And she was gorgeous!

Although Danni couldn't see her breasts, she could see the glint of silver metal at her crotch. And that alone convinced her that she should join the party. Standing there, she began the laborious task of stripping off her dress, corset, bra, gridle stockings, shoes and finally her panties.

When she finished, she realized that everyone else was already in the tub, and all of them were sitting there, watching her.

Terribly embarrassed, she quickly stepped over and climbed in next to Audrie, who gave her a hug and a kiss to encourage her to relax. It, and the warm water, helped but she remained disturbed and shy.

"She's hairless.," Jenny said, as she smiled excitedly.

"Yes, we like her body that way. Much more feminine."

"She really needs breasts." Was Jenny's next comment.

"I agree. And she'd like them, but they would pose a problem when she's in her man costume."

"Ah, I understand." Jenny replied, thoughtfully. But then she laughed, "I think it's so very cool that she's more woman than man. You're doing a great job, Audrie, my dear."

It was Audrie's turn to smile, proudly. "I'm just giving her what she always dreamed of."

"Can I see her cock?"

"I think that would be okay," Audrie said looking over at Danni, who just shrugged. She knew it had to happen, and as her secret had already been exposed, she had nothing to hide, literally. And, as she had relaxed in the hot water, she had become hornier, too.

"Danni, my love, why don't you sit up on the edge for a moment. So, Jenny and Rebecca can see?" Audrie asked.

Danni didn't really want to leave the water, which was nice and warm, and hid her body, but she climbed out anyway, blushing and shivering.

Jenny slid over, and she dragged Rebecca over too. Although she was curious, Rebecca didn't really want to see the cock. She hadn't seen one since she'd been with Jenny, and she missed them. The feel of them. Inside her.

Jenny nudged Danni's legs apart as she got near, so that she and her lover could get in close.

"I've never seen a caged cock, up close before." Jenny said, fascinated. She reached out, but then paused and looked at Audrie. "May I?"

"I don't mind, but you'd better ask her." Audrie said, indicating Danni.

"Oh. I thought she belonged to you."

"Well, she does, but..."

Jenny paused, and smirked. "Oh, well I guess Rebecca and I are a little more clear in our relationship. Our DS relationship. She's the submissive and I'm her owner. The dominant one."

Danni didn't like Jenny's tone, and didn't want to hear Audrie's answer, so she said, "you can." Quietly and self-consciously.

"Oh good, thanks."

She then reached out with both hands, cupping Danni's balls with one, and grabbing hold of the cage with the other.

She used her fingers to feel around and massage the exposed skin.

"It's soft, but I can feel it trying to push its way out." Jenny said, clearly captivated.

Audrie chuckled. "That thing has a mind of its own. It's almost always horny and anxious to get out and get hard."

Janny giggled. "And the longer it's locked away?"

"The hornier Danni becomes, and the more compliant, too." Audrie answered. pleasantly.

"The more submissive." Jenny confirmed.

Audrie just smiled and nodded.

All the while Danni was squirming, as she sat on display. She had mixed feelings. There was no doubt that she was horny as hell, and her cock was enjoying the attention. But she was also humiliated, and annoyed by the way Jenny and Audrie were talking about her.

When she looked down at Rebecca, it got even worse. She looked like she was dying to get her hands on her cock. She was spellbound and her tongue was gently licking her lips.

"Rebecca," Jenny said glancing over her shoulder, "come here and feel this thing."

Rebecca sighed. "I'd rather not."

"Get over here!" Jenny ordered, sternly. "Even though you have no chance of enjoying it, I know you want it."

Rebecca sighed, and lowered her eyes, but she did as she was told, nudging her way in between Danni's legs, next to her mistress. She reached up tentatively and slid her hand over the top of Jenny's on the cage.

Jenny quickly slid her hand off, but her other hand remained holding and fondling Danni's balls. Rebecca wound up holding the cage, and feeling the compressed flesh inside.

Danni, unable to stop herself, moaned, as her cock pushed painfully against the inside of the bars.

Jenny laughed. "I think the silly thing wants out."

"I'm sure it does. It's been a week and I'm certain it's ready for relief." Audrie said. And she reached over and ran her hand lightly down Jenny's bare back.

Audrie was getting turned on by the whole scene, and was beginning to think about sex with the other occupants of the nice warm tub. Why not? It had been really fun when Mandi had joined them. Why wouldn't this be?

And she still couldn't get her mind off of poor Rebecca with her locked-away cunt.

After a few minutes of that attention, Danni was really beginning to shiver as well as squirm. And Jenny actually took a little pity on her. She herself was starting to contemplate sex, and she wasn't sure how she wanted it to go down. She knew she'd be happy to make love to Audrie. And Rebecca was always good. Danni, though was really intriguing, in a bizarre sort of way. Jenny hadn't been interested in cocks since high school, and her experiences then hadn't been wonderful. But, she thought, Danni's hairless prick might be worth a try. If Audrie would unlock it, that is.

"Alright Rebecca, hands off. now. You'll never be able to ride that thing. Danni, you look cold, come back into the water." And she used her grip on the girl's balls to pull her down off the edge.

Danni groaned. It hurt, but she was happy to get back into the warmth.

Rebecca stepped back, to make room. Her imagination had been running wild, dreaming of fucking the poor, needy cock, she'd been holding. It was torture, as she knew Jenny would never allow her to feel that particular pleasure, ever again.

Once Danni was in the water, Jenny released her hold and turned to Rebecca. She kissed her, and whispered in her ear. "That's as much cock as I'll ever allow you." Before nudging her toward the spot where Danni had been perched.

"Your turn Rebecca, show them your pussy, and its lock." she instructed. "Sit up there on the edge so Audrie can get good look."

Rebecca sighed, and boosted herself up out of the water.

She sat just like Danni had, with her legs dangling but her ass on the deck, and her legs spread, exposing herself.

Audrie chuckled, delightedly, and slid over to get a good, close-up look.

Danni, unable to resist, and thoroughly turned on, also waded over and wrapping her arm around her lover, looked over her shoulder. When she looked up at Rebecca, the girl was clearly uncomfortable and humiliated. And when their eyes met, Danni felt bad for being such a sleaze.

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