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The Virgin Blowjob Queen


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Debbie said that she decided that she was only going to have oral sex with guys until she got married so that she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant. She admitted to me that she had dreamed of having oral sex for years by the time she finally went off to college at one the big state schools.

Debbie was beside herself with excitement when she went to freshman orientation. Her girlfriends were there with her, but she was looking for a guy. Some guys introduced themselves and one nice guy asked her to go to dinner with him the first night. Debbie said yes and went on her first date.

At the end of the date, they were sitting in the guy's car and Debbie was afraid that the guy was too shy or reserved to give her a goodnight kiss. So, Debbie took matters into her own hands and asked, "Would you like me to give you a blow job?"

Of course, the guy said yes and probably thought that college was going to be an unbelievable experience for him if every girl he met would suck his dick. Debbie said that she had him rub her boobs and pussy while she sucked. She sucked her first dick and had an orgasm almost as soon as he touched her. She swallowed her first cum.

Debbie loved it.

She came away thinking that her asking for what she wanted was the way to go. So, when she went on dates with three other guys that first week, she asked the question as to whether they wanted a blow job and sucked three more dicks.

Debbie's friends asked her about her dates. Debbie told them about asking the guys if they would like her to give them a blow job, how they all said yes and how she had sucked their dicks. The girls started to just call it "the question." Her friends were amazed that she had sucked four cocks in her first week away from home. They also told her that she was going to get a bad reputation if she sucked every guy who took her out.

Debbie didn't think the guys she sucked would talk bad about her, so she decided to keep doing it. Besides, Debbie loved to have orgasms while she sucked a dick.

She told me that "the question" became a running joke among her friends. If they saw a good looking guy, they would say something like, "I bet Debbie would ask him the question" or "I may ask him the question right now." They had a lot of jokes about the question.

She also told me that she had told this story to some of the women at work and that everyone thought it was so funny. She mentioned an older lawyer named Lisa who was a gossip. I suggested that maybe she shouldn't tell people at work about the question or the numerous blow jobs.

Debbie reaction to that suggestion was consistent. She said, "I am not worried about it. It is no big deal to give somebody a blow job."

I asked Debbie when she quit asking the question and she said, "I don't think I ever quit. I told you I would do it the first time we were at your house naked and kissing."

When we arrived at Debbie's apartment, Debbie promptly got on her knees and said, "This is the only dick I want!"

She put my cock in her mouth and gave me a tremendous blow job. She was unbelievably good and I now knew it was because she had so much experience with a hard dick in her mouth. I came in her mouth.

Then, I gave her a passionate kiss, took off all of her clothes and licked her clit until she came a minute or two later.

I loved to hear stories from Debbie about sucking dicks. I was amazed that her long term boyfriends didn't insist on fucking her.

I asked her about one guy she dated for a long time, "Didn't he try to have sex with you?"

"Oh, sure, for a while. But, as soon as he talked about having intercourse, I started sucking. The next thing he knew he had filled my mouth with cum."

"That worked with the guy you were supposed to marry?"

"Yes. He was crazy about me."

"And that worked with every guy you dated?"

Debbie laughed and said, "It worked with every guy I dated and a bunch of other guys too! Guys love blow jobs."

"I am surprised you did not want to try something else," I said.

"I let guys give me oral sex too. A nice girl probably shouldn't say this, but I love to have a dick in my mouth. It turns me on. Maybe I have some kind of oral fetish or something. I feel like I am in control when I have a guy's dick in my mouth."

She giggled and said, "You can get a guy to do just about anything when you are talking about putting his dick in your mouth!"

I found it incredible that this sweet girl was telling me she likes to suck dicks and did not seem to think that it was a big deal at all. I was so turned on by this, I had to hear more.

I asked, "Did a lot of people in college know what you were doing with your dates?"

"I am not sure," she said, "My good friends knew that I liked oral sex and pretty much never said no. Of course, all of my dates knew."

I continued to be astounded. I love a good blow job and like the sort of nasty, intimate aspect of a woman having her lips wrapped around my cock. However, I never dreamed that Debbie would have sucked a lot of cocks. She seemed like a steady girlfriend, long relationship sort of girl. There was no indication whatsoever that she was easy or a slut.

I think she could tell that I liked to hear her stories about giving blow jobs, so she told me a lot about what she did. She was pretty much unembarrassed by these stories.

About her college years, she told me, "I dated one guy from home and another guy at school for the first year or so. The guy from home never knew about the guy at school. I would suck both of them."

"Did you ever suck both of them on the same day?"

"Sure. The guy at school would have me suck his dick just before the guy from home would get there. I think he wanted my mouth to taste like his sperm when the other guy kissed me. It probably did."

"So you sucked two dicks in one day?"

"Yes. I had never thought about it, but I probably sucked one or the other of them more than once. That would make three or more blow jobs in one day."

Our secret romance continued along just fine for months. It was stressful trying to keep it secret from our friends, but we did a pretty good job. Debbie thought nobody knew or suspected anything. I was pretty sure that some people had strong suspicions. I didn't tell Debbie what I thought because she would freak out if she thought anyone had suspicions. I was afraid she would want to break up with me since she was so worried about being discovered.

Debbie had such a hot body I started going to lingerie stores and buying her sexy lingerie. She looked great in the new lingerie. I bought her transparent bras and panties and other sexy things. Some of my favorite items were thigh high stockings with garter belts. She looked unbelievably hot and she started wearing the sexy lingerie under her work dresses and flashing me in the office.

Debbie would walk into my office in the morning, close the door, lift her long skirt to her waist and show me her white or black stockings with the matching garter belt and panties. It was awesome. Sometimes it was so awesome, my dick would be hard all morning and I would take Debbie to lunch in my car and have her suck my cock before lunch.

We were falling deeply in love and were talking about marriage. However, even talk of marriage did not change Debbie's diligence in keeping our relationship secret.

Debbie had one setback on the secrecy front. Her friend from the firm, Lisa, asked her to join her after work at her gym to work out. Debbie said yes and brought workout clothes to work in a bag. Debbie did not think about changing clothes in the locker room, so she wore her stockings, garter belt, sexy panties and a transparent bra like she did almost every day.

As Debbie removed her dress in the locker room, Lisa looked at her and said, "Wow! You must be seeing someone hot to be dressed like that or are you dressed like that at work because you are sleeping with your boss, Joe?"

Debbie said she became flustered, but managed to tell her that she was not sleeping with me and wasn't seeing anyone because she wasn't ready yet.

Lisa told her, "You sure look like you are ready for something!"

Debbie told me that she thought that Lisa believed her. I did not have to tell her what a big gossip Lisa was around the firm. She was always spreading the latest rumors. I also did not mention that I was pretty sure that Lisa would not have mentioned me if she did not already suspect something was going on.

The firm had a week long training retreat for the new lawyers. Several partners, like me, would teach the new lawyers how to handle various types of lawsuits or transactions. The retreat was held at a nice beach resort and was always a lot of fun.

There was always a lot of drinking and usually some of the lawyers would slip off to make-out or fuck. At the very least there was a lot of drunken flirting. Spouses were not invited. It was great. There was an attitude around the firm that "What happens at the retreat stays at the retreat." People were expected to drink too much and fool around. I was always glad to volunteer to be one of the instructors.

Debbie as a new lawyer was supposed to go to the training retreat, so we had plans to slip off and fool around at night. As a partner, I would not have a roommate unless I wanted one and we figured we could fool around. Debbie packed her sexy lingerie and nightgowns.

We traveled to the resort separately. When I arrived, I learned that Debbie had been given a room with her friend Lisa, who was one of the instructors. Debbie thought it was great because they were friends, but I knew that nosy Lisa would put a damper on my plans for a week of nasty sex with Debbie. I was pretty sure Lisa would be trying to pry into our personal lives. Lisa was fun to be around, but she was always on the lookout for a new juicy story.

Debbie gave me firm instructions to only act like friends at the retreat even if we had a lot to drink. She wanted us to communicate mostly by cell phone so we wouldn't be seen talking privately very often.

On the first day, I went to play golf with some of the guys. Two of the new lawyers I liked best were Steve and Carter. Steve was a big guy who had been a starting linebacker at a major college. He was big, strong, funny and smart. Carter was a fraternity guy from a big Southern school. Carter was blonde, handsome and looked like he would be the president of his fraternity. He was smooth and reserved, but I found him to be pretty funny after I got to know him. We played golf together the first day.

Steve and Carter both asked if I was fucking Debbie. I told them that I wasn't and that I couldn't since she worked for me. Steve said, "Who cares! I would go for it anyway. She is a hot piece of ass and she is hanging around your office every day."

I told him that she was hot, but I couldn't do anything about it since I was the partner supervising her work.

Steve said, "Lucky for me, I don't supervise anyone, so nobody will care who I fuck on this trip."

I had to agree and told him that it was not uncommon for new lawyers to hook up on this trip. I had several times in the past.

Steve then said, "Carter, tell him what you heard from your friend.''

Carter said, "When I heard some of the stories about people hooking up on this trip in the past, I called a friend of mine who went to law school with Debbie to find out what he knew about her since she is the best looking new lawyer. He said that the word around the law school was that she loved to suck dicks and have cum shot all over her face. He said that all you had to do was take her out on a date and she would suck your dick. He said that there was intense competition among the guys in law school to see who could get her to go on a date."

I said, "Carter, you shouldn't believe everything you hear from guys about their sexual exploits."

He said, "I know. But, I trust this guy and he was one of the guys who took her out on a date and got a blow job. He said his date ended with his cum all over Debbie's face."

Steve said, "Joe, you may want to get in on this too. Debbie is the hottest woman here by a mile and we know she likes to suck cocks. We have decided to put on a full court press to try to get her to suck one or both of us this week. You should join in too!"

Carter added, "Every time I look at her I picture her lips wrapped around a cock. I can't think of anything else when she is around."

I told them that it sounded good, but I could not do it.

When I finished my round of golf, I went back to my room and called Debbie. She answered and told me she would have to call me back.

A few minutes later, she called back. I could tell she was now outside. She said that we had big problems. She said that she had been sun bathing at the pool with other female lawyers. She said that Lisa was cross examining her about our relationship, who she was seeing, who I was seeing and basically accusing us of having a secret affair. Lisa was doing this in front of the other female lawyers.

Debbie said that she denied having a relationship with me and said she was looking for someone to date.

Lisa then told her, "Great! This retreat is famous for allowing people to hook up. Nobody cares what happens here. Also, nobody at the firm cares about two new lawyers dating because there is no risk of sexual harassment."

Lisa then suggested that Debbie hook up with Carter or Steve. Debbie said she went on and on about how hot they were and how she wished she was single and skinny so they could ravage her. Lisa was neither single nor skinny.

Debbie said she played along with Lisa's suggestions, but it backfired because Lisa said she was going to privately tell Carter or Steve to give her some special attention this week. Debbie said she did not see how she could stop her.

Debbie said, "Lisa gave it one more try as we were going back to our room. She asked me if you would get jealous if those handsome guys hit on me. I told her that you wouldn't care."

She was distraught. "What are we going to do, darling? I think Lisa knows something and is looking for evidence that we are seeing each other."

I said, "There is nothing you can do except act like you might be interested in other guys. Carter and Steve were talking about you today and I bet they are both going to hit on you. Those guys flirting with you will be good cover."

"Those guys were talking about me? she said, "What did they say?"

"You don't want to know."

"Sure I do!"

"You don't want to know what guys say about you."

"Tell me! Please!"

"I won't tell you their exact words, but they said you are hot and they would both like to have sex with you."

"Steve and Carter said that about me! Wow!"

"Don't let it go to your head. Remember, they are just a diversionary tactic."

"I know. What exactly did they say about me?"

I said, "If you really have to know, they talked to one of your former classmates and learned that you gave quite a few blow jobs in law school. They want to convince you to give blow jobs to both of them this week."

She seemed pleased that Steve and Carter were talking about her and said, "I can't believe those guys both want me!"

Debbie did not seem to mind that the two handsome guys wanted to stick their dicks in her mouth. That worried me a little.

I again reminded her that they were just a way to throw Lisa and anyone else who was curious about our relationship off track.

She said, "I know. Don't get mad if I act like I like them to try to fool everyone. I am kind of glad there are two of them so I won't feel like I am going to be misleading a guy into thinking I want a more serious relationship with him. I will make it clear that it is just a casual deal here this week."

As we hung up, I was a little worried that Debbie would have a hard time controlling the situation when too attractive, aggressive young lawyers were hitting on her. The massive amount of alcohol usually consumed at the retreat did not make me feel any better about it.

I was confident that both Steve and Carter had seduced a lot of young women while they were in school. Although I had some luck with women, I attracted women by being smart and witty(and relatively rich). These guys were smart and witty and were also extremely handsome. Both of these guys had women they didn't know lusting after them. I don't remember that ever happening to me.

At dinner that night, Debbie sat with Carter and Steve. She was laughing and flirting the entire time. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her from across the room. I was having a hard time concentrating on the conversation at my table.

After dinner, we all went to a cocktail party near one of the pools. Everyone was drinking heavily. I started to have some fun despite the fact that my future wife was clearly intoxicated and was clearly flirting with Steve and Carter.

Lisa came by and asked if I was jealous since my girlfriend was flirting with other men.

I said, "Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend. I am saving myself for you."

Lisa laughed and said, "I wish! These retreats make me horny. Everyone is going to get laid except me. I may have to have my husband make an emergency trip to this resort to service me!"

I laughed and managed to avoid Lisa's questions about Debbie by making jokes or changing the subject.

Finally, Lisa asked, "Has Debbie told you about all of the oral sex she had in college and law school? She had quite a reputation as a girl who liked to have things in her mouth."

I said, "No, that hasn't come up. I thought all of those stories were about you , Lisa."

With Lisa now talking about Debbie's sexual history, I was worried that everyone at the firm was soon going to know that Debbie was a prolific dick sucker. Nobody would ever believe it if they just met her in a professional setting. The fact that it was so surprising that this innocent, conservative girl loved to suck cocks made her even more desirable. I was sure Lisa would tell Carter and Steve which would confirm what they had already heard from Carter's friend.

After a great number of cocktails, the young lawyers started pretending like they were going to throw some of the girls into the pool. It was mildly amusing. Then, after several close calls by others, Steve picked up Debbie and jumped into the pool with her in his arms. Of course, Debbie was screaming as he did it.

Debbie was wearing a white cotton blouse and a colorful skirt. At dinner, she looked nice, but not overtly sexy. However, with a wet white blouse, she looked tremendous. I could immediately see that she had worn one of the sexy bras that I had bought for her. It was white and had some light lace on the bra cups, but it was virtually transparent. Everyone could see Debbie's beautiful full boobs and her sexy hard nipples through the wet shirt.

Carter and many others soon jumped into the pool. Debbie became the source of a great deal of viewing pleasure for the crowd outside of the pool as Steve and Carter lifted her out of the water to expose her boobs. Debbie was fighting them, but I could tell she was not trying too hard to avoid being exposed.

She was not only trying to hide her boobs, she was having to keep her skirt from riding up to her waist. With both Steve and Carter working on exposing her, she was not able to hide her awesome body. I was pretty sure Debbie enjoyed flashing of the crowd. I had noticed that she loved to model the sexy lingerie I had bought her.

I was watching every move that Debbie was making and so I noticed that both Carter and Steve were touching her tits and her ass as they played in the water. I also noticed that Debbie did not do anything to stop them. Debbie appeared to struggle to get away for a while, but eventually gave up and started just playing and drinking in the water with Steve and Carter.

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