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The Virtual Meeting Ch. 02

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Virtual and in-person fun.
6.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/19/2021
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This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities between any characters in this story and any real persons, living or dead, are unintended and completely coincidental. Some real institutions are mentioned in this story but, insofar as the author knows, no real person associated with those institutions has acted as my characters do.

This is a continuation of my story "The Virtual Meeting." I strongly recommended reading the first chapter of the story before you read this chapter to put this chapter in context.

I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


About two hours before the next Friday's virtual meeting, I stripped down and put on an apron I had bought that week. After all, Nancy and I had agreed that we'd only wear aprons. Nancy arrived at my house about an hour later. "Sorry," she said, "some things came up at the office that kept me late."

It was a cold January evening, and I was a little surprised to see bare legs below Nancy's overcoat. She put her purse and what looked like a case for a laptop computer on the floor. She took her coat off, revealing that she was wearing an apron underneath. The apron covered her from below her shoulders, also bare, to just above mid-thigh. At most, she could only be wearing panties underneath it. Nancy was smiling as she asked, "like it?"

"Very much," I replied.

"Let's see if you like it from behind," Nancy said. She turned her back to me. The apron tied just above her ass, giving me a view of her bare back and gorgeous bare ass. It was beautiful and very sexy.

"I love it," I said. "Is that all you wore over here?"

Nancy turned back to face me. She smiled. "Of course," she replied. "We said only aprons." She paused and looked me up and down. "I'm not taken with that apron of yours," she said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"It's too long," Nancy replied. "It covers your dick." She bent down, opened her large purse, and pulled out a small bag from a local cookware store. "I got you this," she said as she pulled a short blue and white striped apron from the bag. "Try it on."

I reached behind myself and untied the apron I was wearing. I lifted the apron over my head and stood nude in front of Nancy. Nancy looked me up and down again. I must admit that it felt good to be standing nude in front of such a beautiful woman. "To hell with an apron," Nancy said, "I like you better that way." She grabbed my apron out of my hand and tossed it onto a table in my front hall and tossed the apron she had brought for me on top of it.

"I'll stay this way," I said, "provided your apron comes off too."

Nancy's smile widened. "I thought you'd never ask," she said flirtatiously. She reached back, untied her apron, and pulled it off. She balled the apron up and tossed it on top of the other two. The she squared her shoulders, put a hand on each hip, and stood nude in front of me.

I knew from having seen her professionally that Dr. Nancy Henderson was a beautiful woman clothed. I also knew from having seen her on my computer screen a week earlier that she was more beautiful nude. I was not, however, prepared for what she looked like nude in person. The computer image I'd seen last week, although live, failed to capture the subtlety of her body in three dimensions, the texture of her skin, or the aura of sexiness that emanated from her. I looked at Nancy quite a while before uttering one word: "Wow!"

"You said exactly the right thing," Nancy said with a chuckle. "Now, would you please pick up the black bag and lead me to where your computer is set up?" I picked up the thing that looked like a computer bag. Its weight convinced me that's what it was. As we walked back to my home office, Nancy said, "I brought my laptop. If we both log in with our own computers, we can provide two views to the rest of the group and," she chuckled again, "I've got some ideas about that."

In my office, I put Nancy's bag on a table opposite my computer table. Nancy set up her laptop and then pulled out a small cylindrical object with a long lead. "This," Nancy explained, "is a small webcam which you hold. We bought it for the practice with the idea that it would give us greater flexibility to transmit images of something on a patient's skin to other consulting physicians. We haven't used it much, but I thought it might come in handy tonight."

"How so?" I asked.

Nancy connected the small camera to her laptop and brought up the appropriate application. An image of a wall of my office appeared on her screen. "Sit down," Nancy said. I sat in my office chair. "Spread your legs," she directed. I did that. Nancy knelt in front of me holding the small camera. An image of my dick and balls appeared on her screen. She touched a small button on the camera, and it zoomed in on the head of my dick. "What I'm thinking," Nancy said, "is we can position this camera, so it shows everyone your dick in my cunt and use your webcam to show people our faces."

That sounded fun. I swapped chairs to get one without arms and we spent twenty minutes or so figuring out where to position the mini camera to showed dick in cunt if we fucked with Nancy in my lap. That turned out to require taping the camera to me just above my hip bone and a bit towards my mid-line. "Don't lean forward," Nancy said.

It was time to log in when we had that worked out. I logged in on my computer and Nancy logged in through her laptop. We were the first ones to join the group. Amanda greeted us with, "Two computers, but you're together in the same place?"

"Yes," Nancy replied. "Look at my feed and you'll get the idea." As she said that, Nancy wrapped a hand around my dick and began stroking me.

"That's nice," Amanda said. She paused and then giggled. "I think I know what you're planning," she said. "I love it!"

Christy, Louise and Ed, Patsy, and Jan joined the meeting. We all chatted for a few minutes. Nancy was continuing to stroke me, and I'd started fingering her. Suddenly, Jeff put the image of Nancy's hand going up and down my shaft on everyone's screens. Amanda said, "we wanted you all to see what Nancy's been doing while we talked."

At first, I was a bit embarrassed that seven people I barely knew were looking at a live picture of my erect dick. That passed very quickly. Nancy whispered in my ear, "you like them seeing you, don't you?" She was right. Being exposed like that was a turn-on.

After a moment more, Nancy stopped stroking and announced to the group, "I think I need to get more involved." She straddled me, re-took my dick in her left hand, and guided me into her as she lowered herself into my lap. The computers were set up to my right and left. If I looked right, I saw on Nancy's computer the image of her slowly sliding down my dick. If I looked left to my computer, I saw both of our faces. I hadn't realized I was smiling.

Nancy began riding me. I leaned forward to suck one of her nipples. "Keep your back against the chair," Nancy instructed. "Otherwise, you'll move the small camera." I glanced at her laptop. She was right, leaning forward aimed the camera down towards my thigh instead of at her sliding up and down on my dick. When Nancy leaned forward to kiss me, her mid-section covered what we wanted the others to see. So, we kept our upper bodies apart and just looked at each other. That was ok with me. Nancy became more beautiful as she became more aroused.

I'm not going to claim to have had extensive sexual experience prior to that night, but I had previously had sex with a few women. My prior experience had been that the first time with a new partner was a little awkward as you both needed some trial and error to learn what the other liked best. There was none of that with Nancy. From the moment I was in her, I was more intensely stimulated that I had been with anyone else. From Nancy's face, I guessed that it was working well for her too. Of course, she was in control and doing all the work.

Nancy had me close to coming much quicker than I thought proper. I tried to hold back and said, "let's slow down."

"No," Nancy replied. "Let it go. I'll be right there with you." She shifted position slightly and sped up. I had never felt anything quite like that before.

Very quickly, I felt myself about to shoot. "I'm coming," I said.

"So . . . am . . . I," Nancy replied. She threw her head back and thrust her tits out and up. That incredible image, coupled with the sensations she was giving me, sent me over. As I shot inside her, she raised her legs and wrapped them around me and the chair back. That small change of position was, apparently, what she needed. She yelped and shuddered. Then, she relaxed her legs, leaned her tits into my face, and kissed the top of my head.

We held that position, letting our breathing slow, until we heard Christy over our speakers say, "that was pretty hot."

"Well done," Jeff said.

"I think our group has a new couple," Amanda added. At that, Nancy leaned back. We looked in each other's eyes for a moment. Then, we kissed on the lips. That was our way of confirming that, at least for this group, we were a couple.

Nancy finally stood up and let me slip out of her. She sat back down in my lap. We watched as Ed fucked Louise from behind. Louise and Ed were both a bit overweight and not, in any standard sense, physically attractive. But it was endearing to watch them pleasure each other. After they came, the group watched Christy get herself off with a new vibrator.

After Christy came, everyone took a break to get something to drink. I learned that Nancy shared my preference for red wine. Drinks in hand, everyone talked about a variety of subjects for over an hour. The session ended with Patsy, a beautiful woman, doing herself with a large white dildo. The contrast between the dildo and Patsy's dark skin made her self-pleasure seem more erotic.

Nancy and I did not fix the dinner I'd planned for that Friday night. Instead, we talked for a long time. "Mom and dad were pretty casual about wearing clothes as I was growing up," Nancy said. "My body developed relatively early. One summer while I was in my teens, we took a family vacation to a Caribbean island. There was a nude beach on the island that Mom and Dad wanted to try. They wanted me and my sister to stay at the resort, but we were both incredibly curious and made a big enough stink that our parents relented and let us go with them."

Nancy took a sip of her wine. I had dimmed the lights and lit a candle. The way the candlelight played on Nancy's face and body convinced me that she was the most beautiful woman alive. I was perfectly content to just look at her and listen to her story.

"Part of it, I'm sure," Nancy said as she continued, "was the beach itself. It was gorgeous. It wasn't packed, but there were a lot of people already there when the four of us arrived. Almost everyone was nude. I hadn't seen anything like that before, but it made perfect sense to me. It was the few people with suits on who looked out of place, almost, to me, like someone wearing a Halloween costume in a cathedral. My sister Alicia didn't want to take her suit off, but I had to."

Nancy took another sip of wine. "It was exquisite to be naked in the warm sunshine in such a beautiful place." She grinned, "but, I noticed something else. Alicia and I took a walk along the beach. People, especially men, were looking at me. The way they were looking at me was exciting. Instead of being embarrassed that people were looking at my naked body, I was getting turned on. When we got back to where our parents were lying, I could see that Dad was looking at me too." Nancy gave an almost shy smile. "Anyway, that's how I became both a nudist and an exhibitionist. When I got married, I tried to put that behind me, pretend that it was just a youthful phase. That didn't work. I need to be seen. My husband did not understand or sympathize, so we divorced."

I said that I had been to nude beaches a few times in Florida a few years back, but I hadn't thought of going nude or being seen nude as a significant aspect of my life.

Nancy giggled. "So, I awoke the exhibitionist in you? You have to admit that it's pretty hot to be fucking knowing that other people are watching you." She was right about that.

"How did you hook up with Amanda, Jeff, and the virtual group?" I asked.

"I started doing yoga after my divorce and got into one of Amanda's classes," Nancy replied. "We became friends. I guess Amanda sensed my inclinations because she asked me once after class if I enjoy people seeing my nude body. I admitted that I do. Covid hit just after that. Amanda had to stop in-person classes, but she had set up virtual classes by last August. I guess that gave her the idea for our group. She called me in September and asked me to join. Everyone in the group except you and Ed has either done yoga with Amanda or used Jeff as a personal trainer."

Nancy stayed that Friday night, and the next night, and most of Sunday. We both stayed nude the entire time. Our relationship began due based solely to physical/sexual attraction. By the time Nancy left on Sunday evening, it was a lot more than that. She was intelligent, funny, kind, and patient. We also had several shared interests, beyond wine, ranging from a love of sports and mystery novels to Bruce Springsteen.

Our relationship deepened with irrational speed. Within a couple of weeks, Nancy was spending more nights at my house than her condo. She moved in clothes, toiletries, and books because, she said, my house was about twelve minutes closer to her office than her condo in the city. I was thrilled to have her. It very quickly reached the point that the house seemed empty when she wasn't there. The rules on restaurants being open kept changing, but we did manage to go out to dinner together a few times.

At the end of one of our Friday night virtual sessions in February, Amanda announced that she was starting a virtual nude yoga class on Wednesday nights. That led to me clearing part of another room to create space for Nancy and me to do yoga together and buying another computer to set up in that room. I'd never done yoga before and, honestly, doubt whether I'd have stayed with it had I not had Nancy's gorgeous nude body next to me and Amanda's almost as gorgeous nude body on the computer screen in front of me.

The set up for Amanda's nude yoga classes was interesting. Those of us in the class could only see Amanda, but not the other virtual class members. Amanda, however, could, apparently, see everyone in the class. She would regularly give someone advice or instruction by name.

Nancy and I were too young to be eligible, yet, for the Covid vaccines that were becoming available. However, we were both getting tested regularly and both consistently tested negative. That fact, I hope coupled with my improvement at yoga, led Amanda to make a proposal to Nancy and me. "I'm building a good group in the nude yoga class," she said. "Depending on the week, I've got between 35 and 45 people in the class. Yoga is better in the nude and people don't mind stripping down in their own homes." Amanda smiled. "But" she continued, "I don't want people to get bored with just me to look at. Since we're all negative, and so is Jeff, why don't the two of you come over to our place and take the class in person. That way, everyone taking the class virtually will have the two of you and me to look at." She smiled again and added, "I won't charge you for the class if you take it in person."

Doing yoga nude for an audience of 35 to 45 people was an opportunity that Nancy and I simply couldn't turn down. We were at Amanda and Jeff's house the following Wednesday evening. Amanda and Jeff had what amounted to a webcam studio in their house. Amanda gave clothed yoga classes, and her nude class, from it and Jeff used it to lead fitness classes. The room had cameras mounted just about everywhere but the floor. In a corner was a desk and a console from which Jeff or Amanda could select the image or images fed out to the class participants. However, the images of the people in the class only appeared on a screen mounted on a podium at one end of the room. You could only see the people taking the class virtually if you were at the podium.

Amanda had Nancy and me strip off in another room. We waited outside the studio while she started the class and came in on her cue. She introduced us to the class and explained that we were friends whom she had asked to join the class in person. On the wall opposite the podium was a large monitor on which we could see Amanda and ourselves. Next to it was a slightly smaller screen displaying a list of first names. At a glance, it seemed about equally divided between male and female names.

As we were standing being introduced by Amanda, another name, Brittany, appeared at the top of the list. Amanda, who was standing beside the podium, interrupted her introduction. "Brittany," Amanda said, "I'm disappointed. This is nude yoga, not thong yoga. Come on, get the thong off. You're at home. Who can see you?" Amanda paused for a moment, then said, "doesn't that feel more comfortable?"

Amanda led the class through about a half hour of positions before we took a break. Given all the cameras, and knowing that Jeff was controlling the feed, I was sure the people in the class had seen all of Nancy and me. That made me feel good for some reason.

During the break, Amanda came up to us. I was worried that I might piss off Nancy because Amanda looked much better nude in person than she did on a computer screen that I couldn't help but look. "We're going to do another half hour," Amanda said. "When we finish the class, I'd like the two of you to hug. Hug like you are really into each other."

Nancy looked at me, smiled, and said, "that won't be difficult." Those words made me feel good. As Amanda went to Jeff, Nancy smiled and softly said, "I think she's hot too."

Per instructions, Nancy and I ended the class in an embrace, each with both hands on the other's bare ass pulling our bodies together and kissing. Amanda and Jeff liked our performance and we enjoyed being exposed to people we couldn't see. Nancy and I became regulars on Amanda's nude yoga class feed.

On the Friday after our third in-person nude yoga class, I had to go to court in person. My client felt that the company on the other side of his case had violated a court order. I had filed a motion for sanctions against the opposing client. The judge wanted to see us all, including the clients, in person. On our side of the case, there was only my client and me. The other side appeared through a half dozen people: two company officers, three lawyers, and a paralegal.

The hearing lasted several hours. At the end of it, the Judge took our motion under consideration. My client had to be somewhere and left the courtroom immediately. The two older male lawyers on the other side left with the two company officers, leaving the mildly attractive female associate attorney and the more attractive female paralegal to pack up their papers and exhibits. The only people left in the court room were me and the two women from the other side.

I hadn't brought as much stuff as the other side, but I too had some things to pack up. As I was doing that, the paralegal came over to my table. "Mr. Benz," she said. I turned to face her. She was a pretty woman. "I just wanted to tell you I enjoy seeing you in Amanda's yoga class. You've got a great body and so does your friend Nancy."

I didn't have time to decide whether to be embarrassed or flattered because the young woman attorney stepped across the small distance between the two counsel tables. "Danielle," the attorney said, "you're in Amanda's yoga class too?"

"The nude one," Danielle replied.


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