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The Vixen Ch. 01

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Enslaved by sexy Lexi.
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Jenni walked into a home I had for sale.

She was a stunning beauty, but demure, and utterly feminine.

I was thrilled she gave me her number; I called that night.

We arranged for a dinner the next evening.

She'd recently dumped a boyfriend, her only comment was "He was an Asshole".

My thought, "How could anyone be an A-hole to this devine creature?"

That very night, she'd worn this long scarf, and I playfully tied her hands, kissed a few times, and she announced, "That's enough," and I immediately untied her.

I'd dreamed, (actually obsessed) to be Sub to a beautiful woman, so the next date, I arranged to be the one tied up. I had pre-set slip knot ties from the corners of my bed.

I was shocked she actually came into my bedroom on our second date, but there we were, smooching on my bed, and I said, "I tied your hands last night. I have ties in the corners, if you'd like a turnabout."

She smiled, and I took off my shirt, pulled out the ties, and laid back, arms spread.

She slipped the loop over each wrist, and pulled them tight, and my dreams were coming true.

She wasted no time, and unbuckled my belt. I raised, and there I was, naked and tied, (while she was still fully dressed). She watched my cock hardening, then kissed me. Then she began to run her hands over my body, and I moaned.

She stood, and I watched her undress. It was soooo sexy. Finally she removed her panties. Her pussy was completely shaved, and her pussy lips were tight, dainty, and utterly feminine. For the first time ever, she had total say as to how this would go, which was comforting for her.

Little did I know, the typical female sexual experiences, she'd felt somewhat obligated, and then "taken", and she was left feeling unsatisfied, physically and emotionally. Now she had much more say in the process. She'd never imagined such a scenario, but welcomed and appreciated it. She got to be in charge.

I drank in her beauty. Back on the bed, she took her time, caressing, stroking, teasing, and kissing. I was fully prepared for her to not fuck me. It was only our second date; I was prepared to fully respect her wishes.

She grasped my cock, squeezed, and it "ejected" precum.

"Oh!" She giggled, "I've never seen that before."

Then she "explored", timidly stroking and squeezing and pumping, "I've never actually played with a cock. Men get so excited. They are so...."urgent."

"I love this, going at your pace. I want to please you. I want you to teach me, to train me. Train me to serve you, and always meet your needs first."

I continued, "The ropes have negated my "urgency", and you can tie me up any time you want, but I'll always try to be subservient even when I'm not tied up. It's my main fantasy, to be "owned" by a woman. To be her slave."

She asked, "You want to be my slave?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

She smiled, "OK, let's try it out. I've never had a slave. I never even thought about having a slave."

She had been straddling my thighs, examining my cock, and now she eased up, and placed my cock at her pussy.

She eased the head inside, at a pace much slower than I would have. She closed her eyes and relished the moment. For the first time in her life, she was having sex at her pace. She was the Fuck-er, and not the Fuck-ee.

Her pussy was incredibly tight. I later learned every previous sexual experience had been somewhat painful for her. She'd not really enjoyed sex. Now that she could dictate the pace, she loved sex. She loved the feel of her pussy slowly expanding, snuggly welcoming my cock. She believed my cock was made exclusively for her.

She believed that God created me exclusively for Her. One might want to question her theology, but my dreams were being fulfilled. I conveyed to her, I'd be her willing cuckold; for the rest of my life, I'd never look at another woman, but she could behave in any manner she wanted.

She revealed to me, she'd been sharing with her friend Lexi, everything.

She'd shared my secret with a stranger! I should be incensed! But I'd just committed to life as her slave. It was an unexpected turn-on. I found myself "liking" that another woman, a stranger, knew I was a Sub. I shared this truth with Jen.

Jen mused, "It excites you that Lexi knows? Nice; I want you to meet her."

Days later, we met Lexi in a restaurant. She was not stunningly beautiful, like Jenni, but attractive, articulate, and self-assured. Jenni was 5'-2", I am 5'-4", and Lexi 5'-8"; she looked down on us.

We looked like any other patrons, but it's doubtful that any other man was explaining his fetish to a female stranger, "I have been this way for many years. I can't just make my fantasies go away; they are part of who I am."

After lunch, Lexi pulled out a vile, "Jen and I have discussed this already. This vile contains a powerful truth serum, some of the contents are legal, some not."

Jenni added, "We want to cut to the chase. You have said, (during sex), you want to be my slave. This will reveal your level of commitment. Drink."

Lexi was a Bio-Chemist of some sort. "What was I signing on to?! What the heck," I downed the vile. (I thought the vile contained only a placebo, and they only wanted to see if I'd drink...I was wrong).

In moments, a powerful warmth began surging thru my body; nothing had ever felt so good! I was not drunk, but my mind was radically altered. I felt as if I was floating, and I was indescribably happy and content. I was compelled to be totally compliant; I would agree to any suggestion. There was no way I could tell a lie under these circumstances.

We drove to Lexi's house. (Jen drove my car, no way I could drive).

They told me to strip, which I did, with no inhibitions.

Lexi and Jen on the couch, I kneeled on the floor before them.

Lexi started, "Have you ever had any sort of illegal fantasies?"

"None, whatsoever," I answered.

She continued, "Any violent fantasies?"

I answered, "Perhaps spanking of myself, as punishment, but not toward anyone else."

"Tell us all your fantasies, starting with your biggest to smallest."

I launched into my innermost truth, (I noticed Lexi was now filming),

"I have dreamed of being slave to a female since I became sexual. I've masturbated exclusively to the dream of a woman who could own me, and train me to do their bidding, not only in the bedroom, but in totality. I have fantasized feminization, forced bi-sex, orgasm denial, cum licking, (mine and others), cuckoldry, anal, and utter slavery, where I spend the rest of my life in training to serve my Mistress's every wish."

I went into great detail and was hard the whole time. My cock pointed skyward and precum oozed out and rolled down my cock, but it was obvious I was not to touch myself. I'd unconsciously spread my knees and locked my hands behind my neck.

Lexi smiled, "Would you like to cum?

Oh, YES Mistress!"

We went into Lexi's bedroom, where Jenni undressed and laid back on the bed.

I was instructed to straddle her hips and lock my hands behind my neck. Lexi squirted lube into Jenni's hand and she began stroking my cock. It was ecstasy!

I professed my servitude for life. She smiled and nodded, and sensually stroked, "Mistress, May I cum?"

Lexi answered, "Of course, slave, and as you've always dreamed, lick your cum off her body."

"OH, YES MISTRESS!" I came like never before! Ropes of cum. Way more than anything previous. The orgasm lasted and lasted! I was compelled to utter servitude. Normally I was repelled licking my cum after my orgasm; this time I relished it.

Lexi filmed it all.

That was all I remembered; I passed out.

I awakened, and it was dark.

I heard the girls talking. I went out, naked, and a bit hazy, where they sat on the couch. Lisa smiled, "Coffee?"

"Please," I replied.

Lexi pointed to the floor; I sipped my coffee on my knees, before my Mistresses.

Lexi spoke, "How did you like the shot from the vile you drank?"

"It was divine," I replied, "But please explain?"

Lexi replied, "I designed a drug. The goal was to enable you to lower your inhibitions and make the process euphoric. It's a combination of experimental truth serum and a few other drugs. I'd say it was a success."

I nodded. Lexi began the video, it was on her TV, where I completely spilled my deepest secrets. Despite my new vulnerabilities, I got excited, and was panting by the end of the video. My cock was rock hard.

Lexi spoke, "This video is secured in various locations, and I can place bits of it, or all of it on the internet, or actually send it to your Contact list. I have interviewed a number of prospective slaves, and until you, none seemed quite right."

Jenni was watching, sipping on a drink. She was wearing only panties and a top, and her hand had slipped down to her pussy, lightly stroking her panties. She seemed excited with the idea that Lexi could now blackmail me.

Lexi looked to her, "You have done well," and Jenni replied, "Thank you Mistress."

Lexi looked back to me, "Jen is already my slave, "Aren't you Dear?"

Jenni blushed, "Yes Mistress Lexi!"

Lexi continued, "I wanted a top-shelf male slave, and gave Jen the job. Short, attractive, educated, no family obligations, and with our specific kinks.

Jenni's beauty opens a lot of (male) doors. You're just what I was looking for."

I began to feel a sense of euphoria, my coffee had been laced with the drug. Part of me wanted to rebel, but I simply couldn't; it felt so good to be enslaved. Plus, without a doubt, my fantasies would become reality.

I realized Jenni was also under the influence of the drug. I thought back to our early dates; she seemed so innocent and inexperienced. Turns out she was quite the actor.

Lexi spoke, "Here forward, I am Mistress Lexi. You'll refer to Jen as Ms Jenni. You will serve Ms Jenni, same as me, unless I say otherwise."

Lexi continued, "Consider this a gift. You have an opportunity that will allow for a unique and fulfilling sexual life. The fact that you have no choice actually adds to the excitement. Ms Jenni is living proof; she loves her slave-life."

"Yes Mistress," I answered, as the euphoria overwhelmed any fears.

"You will be my full-time, live-in slave.

You mentioned feminization; Jen will supervise your process. For years I have experimented with powerful Hormones. You have the perfect body for feminization; I can't wait."

Lexi was right; I'd never realized, but I had shapely legs, small shoe size, a pouty tush and hips, tiny tummy, no adams apple, thin arms, minimal body hair.

That day I (willingly) moved into Lexi's home.

My room was a "slave quarters" in her windowless basement, which had all one needed to live, a minimal kitchen with food, and bathroom facilities, and a small gym. I was to never venture out of my quarters without permission.

I learned Ms Jenni already lived with Lexi; her suite was on the second floor. She could seek me out, but I could never seek her. Ms Jenni was Lexi's slave, but also her companion and partner. I would have less status; I'd be her "pet project".

I called and quit my job and my boss merely said, "We'll mail your check," not even saying farewell. My home was sold, and all my belongings stayed with it. My new existence would be re-fashioned per Mistress Lexi's design. Even my car was sold; my driver's license was the only semblance from my past life. Henceforth, I'd drive a car owned by Lexi. Lexi took my phone and handed me a new one; I truly was owned by her.

The basement had a "Parlor", which had a massage table that was only one foot off the ground, requiring me to kneel while I gave Mistress massages. It was also where most of my transformations took place. I was instructed to meticulously clean my quarters every day, lest I be punished.

On my second day, five oriental women came down. They gave me a vile to drink, and had me lay naked on the table. Out came hair laser guns, and in a matter of hours, my body was permanently denuded, including my eyebrows, which were thinned to tiny feminine strips above my eyes.

Upon seeing myself in the mirror, I was shocked! My face was permanently altered! I stared and stared, and realized my cock was rock hard. I squeezed out some precum and brought it to my mouth. How I wanted to masturbate! But I knew better; knowing I'd never again cum without permission.

My skin began to burn and I filled the tub with cool water. Ms Jenni appeared and poured a divine smelling liquid in the water, and gave me another vile. Over the next hours, (or days?) I remember her changing the water, while I was in and out of consciousness. When it was over, my skin was hairless, and smelled wonderful, but also indescribably soft and sensitive.

The (male) clothes I'd wore to Lexi's were gone. I was totally dependent on Ms Jenni and Mistress Lexi. I was given panties to wear. They felt wonderful and made me hard. They contained my balls, and allowed room for my hard cock to go to either side. I was given beautiful silky camisoles, that matched my panties. That was it, no other clothes, but it didn't matter, I loved my panties and cami's. I stared at myself in the mirror constantly.

Ms Jenni gave me a fast acting laxative, which I was to take every day, then an enema, and once I was clean, a plug. The laxative contained a drug that kept my cock soft and tiny. I loved how it looked in the mirror, my little sissy bump.

Ms Jenni never said anus, or ass, always "pussy". I loved my cleaned and plugged pussy. My thong panties were made for my plugged pussy. My pussy throbbed! I loved my pussy!

I was dying for an orgasm. How I needed to cum!

Ms Jenni appeared in my quarters. (It occurred to me, I lost track of time. With no windows, I didn't know day from night, and was not sure if days, or weeks, had passed).

Ms Jenni strapped me to the massage table, wrists to the sides, and a collar around my neck, so I couldn't raise up. Then buckles around my knees and ankles, and I was completely immobile.

Ms Jenni began a tease, and my hairless clitty tingled.

A mere stroke and I would cum!

She straddled me and brought a nipple to my mouth, and I sucked and worshipped. Then the other nipple, and I did the same. Nothing existed but her beautiful breasts, with her puffy areolas, and hard, oversized nipples. How I wanted breasts like Ms Jenni's!

She said, "You are beginning to have nice feminine breasts; perhaps they will be as feminine as my breasts."

She continued, "Mistress Lexi wants you feminized, such that you will be more female than male, but you will never be fully female. You will be something in between. Mistress Lexi's creation."

I begged, "Ms Jenni, I need to cum!"

Mistress Lexi entered. Ms Jenni rose and kissed her lips, then kneeled next to me, and Lexi kneeled on the other side. She lightly stroked my soft clitty and smiled at me, "You are such a good slave. And such a good Sissy; my sissy."

"Yes Mistress Lexi! I am your sissy slave for life. Please let me cum!"

"Of course love. Lets see if you can achieve a sissy-gasm," Lexi smiled.

My knees and feet were brought back and lashed next to my hands, and I was wide open. My sissy pussy had come to crave the plug, so when a realistic dildo was inserted, I swooned. Ms Jenni eased it in and out, and I knew what sex was like for a woman.

I moved my hips and Ms Jenni responded.

I made sounds, girl sounds. Somehow my voice was changed; it must have been the drugs. Lexi made the slightest stroke on my sissy clitty and I jerked; it was so sensitive! "Oh, Oh, Oh! Please Mistress! Please stroke my clit!"

Lexi smiled, "Good girl," and continued her feathery strokes on my clitty, and her other hand stroked my nipples. They were incredibly sensitive! That took me over the top.

I whispered, "I'm cuming!" The sensation started from deep in my essence, and my sissy pussy clamped on the dildo, over and over. My whole body shook, and cum dribbled out of my sissy clitty; it didn't "shoot" cum. Lexi held a little dish to catch the cum, and brought it to my lips, and I uttered, "Oh, Thank you Mistress! That was so lovely!"

Ms Jenni squeezed the last drops of cum to her finger and into my mouth.

The entire experience took only minutes. My first "fem-gasm", and it only took a few minutes!

Lexi smiled, "Glad you liked it. You are my guinea pig. The hormones are changing you. You will never be "hard" again. This will be your method for sexual satisfaction."

The dildo was still in my pussy, and I gently moved my hips on it. I was not satiated; I wanted more!

Lexi read my mind, "As I hoped, you can easily achieve orgasm, but you will also remain slightly unsatisfied."

Subsequent nights, my wrist were tied to the sides of my bed, and a dildo was mounted on a pole and inserted deep into my pussy, and the other end secured to the footboard. I worked my hips every way possible, trying to induce orgasm. Ms Jenni fed me a dildo, working it in and out of my mouth, working it deeper and deeper.

She laid next to me and stroked my nipples thru my camisole, and I begged, "Ms Jenni, PLEASE TOUCH MY CLITTY!"

Eventually she would apply the slightest strokes, and I would orgasm. Cum would dribble out my clitty, but it was no longer a "penis" orgasm, but a full body orgasm, and then I would sleep like a baby. During this period, I was required to sleep with a "nipple" in my mouth. Because it would fall out during sleep, a strap held it in. Gradually the nipple size increased, and the strap became a "harness" of sorts, that was fitted on my head, and locked to a collar; I could not remove it.

Often, thru the night, I awakened to find myself "nursing".

Then the nipple was replaced with a small "cock", on which I nursed. The cock size was gradually increased. I would awaken at night, and realize I was working my tongue on the cock; which made me hard. Eventually the harness was not locked, I wore it voluntarily.

My breasts grew and grew, as did my nipples. I loved how my nipples poke thru my cami tops. I lived in front of the mirror, stroking my nipples.

I was never sure of the time of day. I was awakened by an alarm controlled by Mistress.

When I was awakened, I took my laxative and drugs, I exercised, showered, and applied makeup, and dressed in panties and a cami. My hair had grown long, below my shoulder blades. I was regularly visited by one or more of the Asian women. They gave me pedicures and did my nails. I was fitted for high heels, and was instructed to wear them all day, every day. I looked at myself in the mirror; I loved my high heels! Many different pairs of high heels arrived, and I wore them all.

The Asians started bringing a young man. I kneeled before him and removed his shorts and he sat on the bench. His cock would be soft, but he thickened the moment it touched my lips. He writhed with increasing ecstasy as he approached orgasm, sounding as if he was being tortured. When he came, he wailed, and then fell back on the massage table, panting.

Each visit I noticed he was altered similar to me. First hairless, then plugged in his "pussy". His body became more feminine; his breasts and nipples grew. He was tattooed in erotic themes, having more tats every visit. Seeing me, he panted in anticipation. As I sucked him, his wailing grew, and he came like a fire hose, sounding as if he was being tortured, but it was ecstasy like I'd never witnessed.

I gathered he was being trained for very specific tastes.

Lexi had a Notary friend and they legally changed my name to: Cissy Lei. They took a photo, and somehow acquired a new passport and drivers license; I was Cissy Lei.

In time, my old identity faded, and I identified as Cissy Lie.

Cissy Lie had been isolated in a basement for 18 months.

Soon, Cissy Lei would emerge from her basement, and embark on her life of servitude. She would exist as a sexual creature, equal parts male and female, both in mind and body, the creation of Sexy, (Mistress) Lexi.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love the story. Don't sell Cissy. I like your slave too. I am submissive. I have nobody to be a slave for. Darn it. Joyce

slavesindeeslavesindeeover 2 years ago

lovely story wish that was me

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Awesome story. I hope it continues so we can see Cissy get sold as proof of efficacy.

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