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The Voodoo that You Do

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Dan end up on the bad end of a voodoo hex.
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"Come on Dan," Megan purred. "Don't be such a pussy."

"But I feel funny," Dan whined. But funny was not what Dan felt. He felt shamed. A bit humiliated. Yet, strangely aroused at the same time. What guy woudn't? It had started so innocently at first. He was kissing Megan and it was getting hot and steamy. Then she ran her finger over his lips.

"You look so cute in my lipstick," Megan said. "Let me put some on you. Please..."

Dan said no at first, but it only took a few more kisses, before he relented.

It felt funny. Strangely funny. Not so much the lipstick. But sitting there and allowing it to be put on him. He should have been only humoring her ,but he could feel himself growing hard in response.

"You look so fucking hot," Megan said.

And Dan liked being hot for this cute little blond girl. Then there was more kissing. Only the kisses grew languid and more sensual.

Next came blush and eyeshadow. His lashes here painted. His hair...curled.

"I want to dress you up," Megan said. "All the way."

"No way." Finally Dan found his backbone.

But Megan merely smiled and took off her bra from beneath her blouse, then undid a few of the buttons. She would do whatever was necessary. She shuddered to think of the consequences. She opened her shirt just a bit to let him have a peak.

Dan licked his lips nervously, his eyes were glued to Megan blouse. He could see the shape of her breasts and her nipples stood out from the thin fabric. Her cleavage was right out there and he could almost look all the way down her shirt.

"You want more?" Megan said. "You want to touch them?"

"Yes.." Dan's reply was hoarse. Yes he very much wanted to see her breasts - to touch them. He wanted that more than anything.

"I'll give you something you want..." Megan purred. "But first you give me something I want."

"I...guess," Dan replied. Then thought better of it. "But you can't tell anyone. Not even your friends."

"Okay." Megan said. "It will be our little secret."


"Promise." Megan replied a little too quickly to suit Dan.

"Okay." Dan reluctantly agreed. But he didn't realize the extent of what he agreed to. Not until Megan reached beneath her skirt and wriggled out of a pair of skimpy lacy nothings.

At first Dan thought this was part of his reward. That he was going to get a chance to do much more than play with Megan's boobies. That maybe, he'd go further than second or third base tonight. But that was before Megan handed him the panties and the bra she'd already stripped out of.

"Then put these on." Megan said.

"I-" Dan hesitated as he realized that to comply with his agreement that he was going to have to get naked.

"Are you scared Dan?" Megan teased. "I didn't realize I was going to the prom with a chicken. I don't think I - want to go to the prom with a chicken."

But Marie wasn't going to the prom with him. Not anymore. Not since she'd been confronted by Marie.

"I'm not scared." Dan mumbled. But he was scared. Tee-totally and positively terrified. He was going to have to strip while Megan stayed clothed. Not only that, but she would see his cock. And by now his cock was in quite a state.

However, Dan felt he had to go through with it. He'd agreed to. Anything less and he wouldn't save face. But why was he so worried? She'd see him naked eventually. It was well known that you usually got lucky on prom night. Not to mention he'd seen guys dress as girls on some of the comedy sitcoms. There was even mix up day at his school back on Ohio and lots of guys dressed as girls.

It was no big deal.

Trying to still his trembling fingers, Dan stripped off his clothes. Then stepped into the panties and pulled them up. He blushed a bright red as he realized his erect cock was poking out of the top of her panties. He hid his manhood behind his hand.

"You are so sexy in my panties," Megan smiled, suppressing a giggle. "Now the rest."

The bra was next. Dan needed help in getting it fastened. Megan even took care to fill out the cups with tissue. Next came a skirt. A pleated mini that barely covered his bottom. A pair of white leggings with a bit of lace at the top hid his leg hair and gave them a feminine shape. A tight pink shirt was next. Dan felt his face grow hot as he read the the screen printed letters.

Girls rule. Boys drool.

God, was he ever going to live this down? Lacy socks. A pair of heels. He better get to do more than to feel her titties. He better get to do a whole lot more.

"Let me do your nails next." Megan said. She was smiling broadly now. It was almost impossible to suppress the giggle that threatened to burst free from her. God, what sort of boy let himself be dressed up like this. Worse, what sort of boy....looked so...much like a girl once done.

"But you promised," Dan reminded Megan. "It's your turn."

"Polish first."

"No," Dan demanded. Fuck it. He'd done enough. Now it was time for Megan to reciprocate. " will we get it off?"

"With remover silly," Megan said. "Now sit!"

"But.." Dan found himself sitting. He didn't know Megan was so forceful. She'd always seemed more of a quiet type. Moreover, there was something about being dressed in such a fashion that made Dan feel a bet less forceful, and a bit more docile. However, no matter how docile he felt, he refused to give her his hand no matter how hard she tugged.

Megan wasn't having much luck in finishing her job. She needed another plan.

"Fine," Megan said turning loose Dan's hand. "If you don't want to feel my titties, see if I care. Go ahead, get on out of here then. Who ever heard of a boy who doesn't want to feel a girl's titties?"

"Wait..." Dan said. He'd thought she wanted to put polish on his fingernails. Now he found out she wanted something entirely different. What sort of boy didn't want to feel a girl's titties? Dan certainly wasn't that sort of boy.

God, women were so hard to figure out.

He gave her his hand and held bated breath while she put it into her shirt.

"Do you like them?" Megan asked."They are sexy aren't they?"

"Yes.." Oh God yes. Dan could feel her warmth. Her yielding softness. The roundness of her breast. He paused briefly before touching her nipple.

Wow! It grew stiff to his touch.

"Not so hard," Megan said. "If you want to keep feeling, give me your other hand."

Dan eagerly agreed. However, there were plans for this hand. Megan took it and began to put on the polish. Dan bit his tongue. He wanted her to stop, but he dared not balk lest he have to move his hand that was feeling girl's breast - and touching her hard nipple for the very first time.

Once Megan finished the nails on Dan's left hand, she had to make a sacrifice to get his right. Not much of one. A raising of her hem. A spreading of her thigh. A bit of pussy and she no longer had to endure his fumbling groping.

The boy was an eager puppy. A moth to a flame.

He tried to cop a feel. His sweaty palm touching her thigh and moving higher. So close to that sweet pussy.

Megan slapped the back of his hand. "Be patient. Good things come to boys who wait."

Dan licked his lips. He didn't like waiting, but he liked good things.

Megan looked over at the clock. Shit! It wouldn't be long now, not if Marie kept her end of the bargain. She blew Dan's nails dry with a blowdryer.

"Look," Dan said, catching Megan looking at the clock, he suddenly became aware of what time it was. He had to get home, or he'd get in trouble. "Let's get all this stuff off. I gotta get home."

"Oh baby," Megan purred, sucking a fingertip in her mouth and making a show of it. "Already? But I thought we could do other things. Fun things. Or do you need to get home to mommy and daddy?"

Marie took Dan's finger in her mouth and sucked on it. Then she stood Dan up and captured him in her arms. She could feel his hardness pressing against her. It was a bizarre feeling. Looking all sweet and soft, yet that hard-on, so out of place with the rest of him.

Seeing him like this. She'd never be able to look at him the same way again. Not as a boy. She'd seen other boys dressed as girls on Halloween. However, that was always in jest. A caricature of a woman. Bad makeup and huge balloons for tits.

But Dan...Dan looked real cute. Too cute. So cute she didn't feel like this next part. She closed her eyes...and pictured Peter as she kissed Dan. She nibbled playfully bit his neck and ear. She kissed him forcefully, like her ex-boyfriend Rich used to kiss her. She kneaded his ass cheeks. She reached underneath his shirt and pulled at his nipples. It was gross, yet kinky at the same time. It was like making out with a girl.

For that was what Dan was now. Her girl. But Megan wasn't into girls. God, what was keeping Peter so fucking long? Marie had promised. He should be there by now, Megan thought as she sneaked a look at the clock.

Dan wasn't looking at the clock anymore. He was already late and would be in trouble for sure. But Dan was thinking that Megan was his girl. His first girl. A bit kinky, but God what a girl. He was about to blow his top. The feeling increased when Megan pushed him on his back on her bed, tossed her hair back, and then mounted him. He reached beneath her short skirt and felt the bare naked cheeks of her bottom. He reached even further. Curls. Softness. Wow! Fucking wow!

However Megan pulled his hand off her and pulled them up out of the way- using her weight to keep them trapped next to Dan's head. Kissing him and keeping him firmly in hand.

Dan pushed his hips up. Trying to find traction. If he could get his hard cock out from the confines of panties and skirt, he's be able to easily push it inside her. To fuck her. To lose his virginity. There was only one problem, he didn't have condoms. Maybe she did?

Pregnancy was a worry, but suddenly Dan had more dire worries to think about. There was an urgent rapping at the window. He looked over in alarm. There was a boy. A boy outside the window. Oh God. Fucking hell. Dan was busted. Dressed as a girl - made up like a little tramp. He'd never ever live this down.

"Wait - Megan!" Dan said in a hushed tone, as Megan clambered off him and practically ran to the window. "Close the curtains. Hurry."

However, Megan didn't close the curtains. She leaned over, grunted, and tugged.

And poor Dan couldn't appreciate the sight that had been granted him. The smooth perfect mounds of flesh flexing as Megan tugged up on the window. And there below - her cute little pussy.

But Dan couldn't appreciate these things. Instead, all he could think about was the sound of wood sliding against wood. The most horrifying sound Dan had ever heard. He did the only thing he could. He reached over and picked up the first thing that came to hand. It was a teddy bear, but it would have to do. Dan held it over the lump in his skirt to hide his embarrassment and true nature.

"What the fuck do you want Peter?" Megan said.

"Hey babe, I want to talk to you for a minute," Peter said. "See, I want to get back together."

"Get lost jerk."

"Hear me out," Peter said as he clambered into the window. "Come on Meg.."

"Fuck you." Megan said. "And what are you doing here anyway?"

"Me? What about you? Were you just making out with that girl?" Peter asked incredulously.

"So what if I was," Megan retorted. "We aint't together no more. Besides it's a free country. And maybe ..maybe I like girls now. Maybe because you were so bad in bed."

And Dan began to hope. Yes, what guy would stick around after being told that? Surely the uninvited bastard would leave now.

"You never complained about it at the time," Peter said, the began to undo his pants.

"What the fuck are you doing," Megan said. "You can't just come into my room after I break up with you for cheating on me with that slut Laurie and strip off and expect...and expect."

"I'm just getting comfortable babe," Peter said. "After watching you girls make-out; these pants are feeling kind of tight."

No matter what he said, It was clear that Peter did expect. He kissed Megan.

"Stop it Peter," Megan whispered,but didn't slap him - didn't even turn her head out of the way. And soon...soon she returned the kiss, albeit reluctantly. But her reluctance soon turned to greed and hunger. She moaned softly as he took her hand and wrapped it around his hard cock.

"Seeing you kiss your girl friend has really worked me up," Peter said. "Look what you've done to me Meg."

To Dan's horror, Megan didn't withdraw her hand. Instead she began to stroke the boy. With growing dismay, Dan realized she'd never be able to turn Peter away now.

Peter reached beneath Megan's skirt. Dan watched impotently as the fabric worked up and down. Watched as she didn't remove the offending hand as she had his own. Instead her slim thighs separated and her hips began to move. Up and down, working herself on Peter's hand. This was no longer the aggressive girl who had coerced him into her outfit and kissed him so forcefully. This girl docilely accepted kisses. She gave little mewling sounds.

Even of the drone of wet smacking lips and heavy breathing, Dan could hear the slight wet sound ... a little slurp..slurp as Peter finger-fucked his date to the prom. All while Dan was helpless to do anything about it. Trapped in a skirt. Stuck impotently on the bed with a damned teddy bear hiding his erection.

"Oh Peter I can't," Megan breathed, as Peter nudged down on her head. "You can see I've got company."

But her demand had no force behind it as it had with Dan. The girl was already going to her knees. She took the boy's thick cock and rubbed it against her cheek with practiced ease.

"It ain't like she ain't never seen a cock before," Peter said. "Come on Megan, I mean it. I'm in a real state. Don't be a tease."

"What about Laurie?" Megan asked. "I thought you were taking her to the prom."

"Not anymore."

"Are you sure?" Megan kissed the head of Peter's cock.

"Yes," Peter moaned. "I talked to a girl today. And she said that Laurie got the crabs twice this year and had to go get fixed up at the doctor."

Megan took the head of Peter's cock into her mouth and sucked it, before pulling off with a wet smack.

The sound was like a knife into Dan's heart.

"I don't want you to tell her." Megan said. "I want you to stand her up...then show up with me."

"What about that boy I seen you with?" Peter asked. "Are you gon' stand him up too?"

"Don't worry about him," Megan said, her eyes cutting Dan with a sly and evil look. "He won't much of a boy to begin with."

Then Megan took Peter's hard staff and ran her tongue along the base up to the tip, before pursing her lips and sucking it deep.

"Oh Peter I've missed this dick," Megan said with a husky voice, then sucked that thick dick down once again, gagging a bit, then going down once more.

Poor Dan looked on helplessly.

The little bitch. The little redneck bitch had tricked him into this ridiculous getup - had used him, and now had not only left him high and dry; she'd tossed him aside like a piece of trash and was making out with her ex right under his nose. It hurt. But God, why wouldn't his erection subside so that he could slink out in unnoticed?

Worse, Megan's ex Peter was looking at him and Dan didn't like the look in the boy's eyes. At first Dan thought the look was due to him being humiliated at the loss of Megan. However, now Dan was beginning to suspect there was more to that look. There was a hunger in the boy's eyes. And he wasn't even looking at the girl on her knees giving him a blowjob. The boy was looking at Dan. Worse, he seemed to be going out of his way to make sure that Dan had the best view possible.

"Suck that dick baby" Peter urged Megan. "Ain't that the biggest dick you ever seen?"

"Oh yes baby.." Megan moaned.

"I want to hear you when you suck," Peter urged. "You know how I like it."

Megan turned and glared at Dan. Why didn't the boy just leave? Hadn't she humiliated him enough? Did he have to sit there and watch her and Peter like they were some sort of side show for his enjoyment? And Peter was no help. Slapping his cock against her cheek. Against her tongue. Telling her he wanted to hear her.

Megan slipped her hand between her thighs. God, she was wet. She began to rub and she began to suck loudly, just like Peter liked. It was embarrassing in a way, but at the same time it was strangely exciting. With poor Dan watching, but unable to do anything.

And there was little Dan could do. If he wasn't dressed like a girl, he could at least fight for his honor or at the very least skulk away. But like could he fight in heels and a skirt. How could he fight without blowing his cover. Things were as bad as they'd ever been, but they only seemed to be getting worse. Peter was mouthing words to him. Both of you. At the same time. Let's go.

It was a measure of justice. The boy was back in Megan's life and already he was trying to cheat, even while the girl was heartily giving him a blowjob. She was noisy, squeaking and sucking. Much noisier than Dan had imagined a blowjob ought to sound. If only he were in Peter's shoes right now.

But he wasn't in Peter's shoes. He was in Megan's. And those shoes hurt because they were two sizes too small. Seeing her like that, Dan knew he'd made a mistake. What he saw as a worldliness, unlike some of the other small minded people at his school, was merely meaness. And what he'd mistaken for sexiness...and something baser. Was pure slut.

And Dan hated not just Peter, but Megan too. As a matter of fact, Peter had done him a favor. Megan? That bitch was pure bitch! A cruel little bitch.

Dan's desire waned as his hate grew. He put down the bear he held over his lap and stood up. He wanted to take his leave, but he dared not go out the door. Her parents had seen a boy and they'd expect a boy. So, Dan went out the window. Skulked away like a thief in the night.

Dan didn't get much sleep that night. He masturbated guiltily. He couldn't help himself. The bitch had left him with blue balls. And he tried to think of his usual fantasies, but even with all the bad stuff that had happened, he fantasied about what might have happened had Peter not come in while he was alone with Megan.

Later, Dan resolved never to talk to Megan again. He'd love to give the little bitch a piece of his mind, but if he did so, she'd might spill his secret. A secret that had to remain secret.

It had to.


At school the next day, Dan tried to forget what had happened the night before. And he thought he had till Pauli showed up.

"I tole' you beau," Pauli laughed and slapped Dan on the back. "You don' mess with no voodoo witch. Ha, but you told me didn't you Danny boy? Tole me there won' no such thing as voodoo. Now you dun got hexed up proper. It's all over the school. You a girlie girl. such thing as voodoo, right smart guy."

"What are you talking about?" Dan asked with a sinking feeling in his gut.

"That you got turned into a girl las' night," Pauli said.

"I don't know what anyone has told you," Dan said, praying he'd been able to get all the makeup off his face and fingernails last night. He'd scrubbed and scrubbed. "But they are full of shit Pauli."

"It was your girl that tol' Danny boy," Pauli laughed. "Said you went over to her house for a little hanky panky, but you couldn't do it. Not only that, she said you ended up bein' a girl. Said she was more boy than you were. Till she got tired of being with a girl and wanted some dick."

"She's just mad..." Dan lied. "I - I - we did it. Well we didn't do it. She gave me a blow job." Dan continued thinking fast, telling a tale only last night he was Peter and not Dan.

"And then I broke up with her after. she was pissed off. That's...why ...that's why she's trying to get back at me."

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