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The Wallflower Ch. 06

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It's back to the drawing board for Lily.
7.5k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/04/2014
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Hey, Everyone. You've noticed by now that posting my stories have become infrequent of late. I'm a college undergrad, so I don't get to post like I used to. But even though I get called away by classes and stuff, I will finish this story. I plan for this story to last probably for a good year. When I have time I will try to write more than one chapter a week. Check my Author's page for updates. If you email me also, I'll keep you updated about if I submitted the new chapter as well. This chapter is about how Lily looks because I didn't give much of a body description for her. Remember to comment/rate/message. Thanks -BlessingAndCurse


Questions. Questions. And more questions. When we think we have found the answer to this mind boggling question and believe without a doubt that we now fully understand, the query rises again as if resurrected from the deepest recesses of the mind to remind us that finding the answer is never so simple. That we have only made one little step on the path towards the answer. And an even longer road to understanding. It is only the beginning.

The moment when Nicholas breathed no louder than a whisper of the meaning of her name did Lily's whole foundation of understanding of Nicholas all reduced to rubble. Her whole body became rigid from the inner turmoil that was happening inside her. Her stiff, unmoving hands that she had not realized were wrapped around his back, gripped him in a tight hold in order to keep her supported. The pulse that had quickened in such excitement when laved with his hot tongue now raced with absolute fear of what she was. She was wrong

The question that she had thought she had put to rest emerged to the forefront of her mind. The simple question had now turned into the most foreboding question to consume her thoughts.

Who was Nicholas Yates?

Lily continued to hold on to him. At this moment, she didn't know who she held in her hands. Neither did she want to find out. But there was no way to pull away from him without looking at his face. His body was lodged between her legs and his hands gripped her thighs. The only way for her to get out was if he moved first.

But he had no intention of moving. His head stayed near her ear, unwavering from that spot. As if he was demanding that she move her head back to look at him. One thing was for sure -he wasn't going to move.

Once Lily realized this, she hung even closer to his body. She didn't want to know who he was. Because if she looked, the rubble would then reduce to ashes reducing her mind to utter destruction. Nothing left could be salvaged. She would have to start all over to find the truth.

She felt his mouth pull into a grin against her ear and could hear the faintest chuckle. The utter turmoil of her mind must have amused him. She was prolonging the inevitable.

Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she pressed against his chest to lean back and look at him. When she opened her eyes, she found that his curly black hair was blocking his eyes. 'Why must life play with me like this,' she thought exasperated and defeated. 'I just want it over with already.'

She raised her hands and divided the curtain of black hair out of his sight. Peering into her eyes with the same intensity were those red luminous eyes that commanded her into attention every night. But in present day light, their luminosity was no more than a glimmer. His lips were arranged in a sly smile, happy for some reason. "Now you know."

Lily swallowed a large lump in her throat. She opened her mouth to speak, but all she let out was a ragged breath. Every part of her breathing system seemed like it did not want to work. Her tongue was paralyzed into silence. Her lungs felt as if there was not enough oxygen to breathe. Her very throat felt like it was closing up.

He guided his hand to her face and caressed the back of his hand against the side of her cheek which sent goose bumps down her body. The smile never left his face. "Aren't you glad to see me?"

Lily pressed her hand firmly into the center of her chest and looked away from his eyes as she fought to regain her breath. As she began to take increasingly more languid breaths, her voice was no more than a squeak as she said, "Why are you here?"

He leaned closer to her to a point where his lips were a breath away from kissing her. His red eyes captivating her in place as he said simply, "I just wanted to show you that you are desired."

"I-I-I get that." Lily inhaled another shaky breath. "I mean why are YOU here right now?! It's not night."

"You think that my comings and goings are dictated simply by the time of day?" He pulled his head away and gave her a pitiful look. "I come whenever I please. The mind is weak therefore the body is always willing to accept me. I just choose to make myself known at night. I make myself...a bit dramatic."

"So... I'm so confused. What does this all mean?"

"What do you think it means?" he countered.

Lily slumped back in the sink aggravated about this whole guessing game. What does this mean? What does that mean? She managed to answer one question while she was here, but that whole theory crumbled and burned up in flames in a week! Why couldn't someone just tell her what was going on?! She looked back at him and folded her arms, unwilling to play along with this game any further. She had made all these steps toward the truth. It was someone else's turn.

"Come on, Lily..." he said. "What does this all mean?" When his only answer was a defiant stare, he looked at her in boredom. "If you expect me to give you all the answers, you are sadly mistaken. You and I both know you're not stupid as you so often claim to be. What does me being here mean?"

Lily looked at him as she mulled it over in her head. She knew the answer, but she knew good and well it wasn't the answer that would answer her main question. "I know what it means...It just doesn't answer the question that I want."

"Sometimes, the answers to the questions that we want can be found by answering the smaller questions that we need. Now tell me." His hand reached up and held her chin in between his index finger and thumb. "Tell me, and I will let you know if you are on the right track."

Lily stared at him hard with her lips pursed. "It means you can take control of Nicholas's body whenever you want."

"Yes..." he crooned with a satisfied smile. "Like I've been doing ever since you've been here. Even during the day, without you knowing."

Lily's eyes popped open with shock. Since when?! This was the first time she ever noticed the Spirit during the day, and it was only because of the red eyes. All she remembered seeing was Nicholas's gray lazy eyes. "Ho-"

"Oh come now. Like it's really that hard to do it without your knowing." He rolled his eyes at her as if this was some common knowledge. "I've possessed this body for the last twenty-three years. I know his mannerisms and such to go about impersonating him. I'm able to control him without other people knowing. But you've noticed when I'm in control and when I'm not. You said so yourself. Think about what you said when you visited Nicholas at work."

Lily frowned as she looked at him confused. She said it? She said nothing about the Spirit being in control. All she remembered was Nicholas getting into a hissy fit when she asked about the Spirit. And how he got pissed at her when she questioned his changing ...That was it.

"His moods change when you take control."

"Precisely." He said with a wide grin. "I love watching your face while you're in deep thought, pure one. It's so cute." He caught her off guard as he leaned his face towards her and gave her a small kiss while gripping her thighs, pressing her body against his.

Unlike other times, Lily was too weirded out to get any pleasure from it. She let out a muffled sound of protest while kicking her legs frantically but it came to no avail. It actually spurred him on to deepen the kiss further. "Fighting.. .will do good," he said in between kisses. "All you're turning me on." To emphasize his point, he grabbed her hips tightly and pushed her body into his hardened member. When she made contact with her first touch, Lily began making loud squeaking noises against his lips as she twisted her body furiously to get free. The further struggling only caused a low rumble of laughter to escape from his throat.

Not being able to take anymore, he released his mouth from hers as he continued to laugh while clutching his middle. Lily dragged her forearm across her mouth to rub away all traces of the taste of his lips. Seeing her do this caused him only to laugh harder, making him double over. Lily's face burned with embarrassment and anger as she glared at him. "You sadistic bastard!" she gritted out through her teeth.

"You weren't calling me that earlier when I first kissed you," he said before wiping the tears from his eyes.

"That's because I thought that..."Lily clamped her mouth shut before she said anything else. Whatever she told the Spirit, Nicholas would know as well.

'Be careful, Lily. Think about what you say before you go running your mouth.' She tried searching for the correct words to say, but none of them were able to give an explanation without confessing her attraction to Nicholas. Confessing this nonsense was foolish anyway. It was best to just remain...well acquaintances, because they definitely weren't friends.

"You've become quiet," he said bringing her out of her thoughts. His face was back to the usual intense authoritative demeanor. He stared straight into her eyes, not breaking contact for a second "You stopped right in the middle of your sentence at that. What were you about to say?"

"I was about to say...that I thought that if I didn't would play more of your horrible tricks on me." Lily said. "That's the only reason why I let you kiss me."

"If your definition of letting someone do something is kicking and screaming whilst there doing it, then I believe your definition is screwed. And what makes you think I was talking about this time? Or any kiss we had today?"

Lily's eyes widened. "But you did only kiss me today." The statement came out more as a question than a fact. The luminous red eyes only gazed back at her, giving no sign that this statement was either correct or not. The intensity of his eyes grew as he stepped closer towards her. He encircled his arms around her, and ever so lightly grazed his hands over her back. The touch sent shivers up her body. She looked away from his eyes and down at her lap. "You only kissed me t-"

"Think about it for a moment, Lily," he interrupted. His fingers grasped her chin and pulled her head up to gaze into those burning eyes. "Think about every time you were in an intense physical circumstance with Nicholas. Think about the night he cornered you when you walked out of the bathroom. Think about the how he was so close to you that you couldn't escape his hold." Lily's mind began to drift as she recounted that night. His body was so hot and near that it felt like she was suffocating. She hadn't had much experience with boys so her body felt like it was in shock that she was feeling this powerful attraction. His hands were molded against her body as he maneuvered his hands wherever he liked.

"Think about that day when he had stolen your first kiss and how it had been so passionate and deep that it was almost the equivalency of making love. Both experiences giving you intense passion" The last few words he uttered came out as a whisper that ghosted across her face, causing goose bumps to raise across her skin. This experience as well caused her body to grow warm as she thought of his talented tongue caressing hers.

"Now think of the intense encounters that we have had." He said putting all the stress in 'we'. Lily felt his hand underneath her chin once again. "Open your eyes, pure one. I want you to look into my eyes when I say this." Lily felt her face grow hot as she opened her eyes. She had no recollection that they were even closed in the first place. A small smirk came across his face before he continued to paint further images into her head. "Remember when you had angered me and I dragged you from your bed by your ankles as you screamed and begged for mercy. How about the time you swore that I was about to plunge my knife into your chest when-"

"Please stop..." Lily interrupted. "I get it. Every time I've encountered you, you scare the crap out of me."

"Precisely. Believe it or not, the sexual encounters you've had with Nicholas share a similarity with the frightening encounters with me."

Lily looked at him as if he was insane. How the hell could experiencing attraction be linked with being scared nearly half to death by a sadistic spirit? And above all what does this all have to do with establishing when he kissed her first? Now that she thought of it, why the hell did it even matter? She had other things to worry about then thinking about when the spirit first kissed her.

A knock on the bathroom door took her out of her thoughts. Lily tried to look around "Nicholas", but she couldn't see who it was. But when she actually thought about it, did she really want whoever it is to see her with her legs draped over this guy's hips?


'Oh...shit.' It was Vanessa! She forgot she promised to go shopping with her to get some clothes for the party tomorrow.

An awkward silence reverberated throughout the room. The longer it lasted, the more heat Lily felt emanating from her body. Even though she couldn't see Vanessa's face, she knew good and well that her friend was staring at her with her jaw on the floor.

" seem...busy. Do you want me to come back later?"

Before she could say anything, he moved his body from in between her legs and gave Vanessa a devious smile. "It's OK. We weren't doing nothing anyway. Even though cowgirl over here has been trying to ride my dick since day one."

'NICHOLAS!'Lily screamed in her head. Lily lifted her hand and gave him a loud smack across the back of his head. Nicholas groaned as he turned around to glare at Lily while grabbing the back of his head.

"What the crap?! It's true!" he yelled, glaring at her with his blazing gray eyes.

'Yep, this is Nicholas. Only asshole I know who doesn't care about the shit that comes out of his mouth.'

"I checked his heart beat because compared to him, I might as well be a midget," Lily remarked as she tried to lift her body out of the sink. She strained her body forward, but her pants were snagged on the faucet. Lily silently cursed as she tried harder to get herself unhooked by leaning her body forward. Could this day get any more embarrassing? First she slit her finger, got caught checking out the knife by Nicholas, got caught by Vanessa with possessed Nicholas in between her legs, then real Nicholas chose to be an asshole, and now she can't get her ass out of the sink. Some day this turned out to be.

She felt a firm hand on her ass as she felt a tug on her pants. "You are so accident prone. Who gets their ass stuck in a sink?"

"Thick chicks," Vanessa said with her hands on her hips, daring Nicholas to say just one thing about thick girls.

"Well...she's definitely thick. In a good way." He hurriedly said the last part as he noticed Vanessa beginning to glare at him."Like...shit...she has curves in the right places like boobs, hips, and ass. She doesn't have the smallest waist-"

"Excuse me?" Lily said, turning around to glare at him.

"No! I mean you're not fat. You're in the middle. It's in between." Both girls silently glared at him. Nicholas let out a loud sigh as he continued to work Lily's pants from the faucet. "It's small enough where it shows off your curves, but it's also soft and feminine and not all toned and hard, if that makes any sense."

The room filled again with an awkward silence as he continued to try and pull her pants off the faucet. After a few minutes, Nicholas let out an audible "Thank God" when he finally freed her pants.

Lily jumped off the sink and made a straight bee-line out the bathroom to go get her purse. With Vanessa right behind her, she turned to walk out the bedroom. But of course, Nicholas had to have the last smart ass remark. "What? No "you're welcome, Nicholas"?" she heard him yell behind her.

Lily stopped in her tracks to look back at him. He had that mischievous perverted smile he usually had on when he was about to say something really smart assed. Part of her wanted to walk right out the door, but the other part just had to ask. She rolled her eyes and said, "Don't you mean "thank you"."

"No." Nicholas crossed his arms and leaned his hips against the sink. "You're welcome, Nicholas for giving you a peek at my ass," he s said, mocking Lily's voice before giving her his full blown shit eating grin.

"Screw you Nicholas!"

"You came close to a few minutes ago!"

With a frustrated groan, Lily slammed the door behind her and Vanessa. As she walked away, she swore she heard laughing behind the door.


"Well...that was...awkward."

Lily let out a sigh as she walked with Vanessa into the mall. 'Thanks, Vanessa, for stating the obvious.'

"Are you sure you aren't interested in him, hon? Because ya'll looked as if ya'll were about to go at it like rabbits."

"No. Not even close. I am TOTALLY sure that I don't want him." Lily turned to look at Vanessa to see that she was giving Lily a look that said she didn't believe any of that.

"Then how did you allow him to get so close?"

"He was bandaging my finger." She held up her right hand and sported her bandage wrapped index finger. Vanessa still gave her a doubtful look.

"So...let me get this straight. In order for him to bandage your finger, he has to basically grind you. And when you check his heart beat, you have to straddle his lap like he's a bronco." Vanessa sucked her teeth as she continued to think about it. "Sorry, cowgirl, but that don't make no sense."

"Not you too," Lily groaned as they went into the department store. "Can we just not talk about him, please?"

"OK... I'll let it fly this time."

'Thannk God.' Lily looked over the store they entered into to see if she liked anything at first glance. The place definitely had a club kind of vibe to it. The walls were a darkish purple that were illuminated by various bright colored lights. In the background she heard Anaconda by Nicki Minaj playing as the shoppers looked around. She guessed that this would be played at a party. Lily didn't get out at all. She only went to three places, and that was home, work, and the grocery store. Even in high school, she refused to go to any social functions, dances or parties. Hell, she didn't even go to prom. She spent that night in her bed reading a romance novel.

Vanessa looked beyond excited to go shopping as she hurried over to the first rack of clothes. Lily walked over, completely at a loss to look for. The dress that Vanessa was looking at had to be the shortest dress Lily had ever seen in her whole entire life. It was a dress that looked like it barely came down past a person's hips, let alone their thighs. It had a sparkly gold bodice that looked like it could mold to any form, showing all of a woman's curves.

"Who are you getting dressed for at the party?" Lily said quirking her eyebrow. Vanessa stuck her tongue out at Lily as she draped the dress over her arm.

"I just want to look cute."

"Vanessa, that dress is beyond just cute." Lily feigned interest in some other clothes nearby.

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