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The Wedding Ch. 01

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Proposals, Penis Prisons and Pink Dresses.
20k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/20/2020
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This is the continuation in the life of Dale Horn and the never ending saga of both his pleasure-- and his plight while living in this new world of sexuality and discovery brought about through the hands of his caring, supportive Mother and as well, his long lost love Patti... Where we left off -and with every ones encouragement our Dale saw himself taking a fishing trip of a very different kind with another long-lost friend-- Dale's early 'man-crush' Darren Lynch...

In this section of this very long, continual story -- I wish to pay homage to a wonderful writer named "Stefani" who, having only published a few stories in total, never the less she still had an impact on me with her subject matter and story telling... In this continued tale of Dale's engagement and marriage to his beloved Patti Cake -- I do not wish to plagiarize or copy any of Stefani's words or ideas; however I may lean towards borrowing a suggestion here or there in more of a -different running on the same theme- if you will...

All errors spelling, grammatical or any others -- are entirely my fault...

And on that note, just a final thank you to Stefani... Wherever the stars may find you...

The Wedding

(Patti Cake Part 3)

Chapter 1 Proposals, Penis Prisons and Pink Dresses...

After my long weekend with Darren and Dean, where I had completely immersed myself into a different world, one that I had known existed, but never in my wildest imagination could I have ever believed that I would not only take part in -- but would in a matter of hours, I would become a sought after and rather well paid Internet gay-porn-star...

However, as amazing as this tale is, and as incredible as that weekend was... Still, I couldn't wait to be home again and held in the arms of my true love... My Patti Cake...

Pulling into the driveway I sat up feeling like an excited dog going to the park, I knew we were home and as Darren steered us down the long, winding driveway, at last I could see Patti's Gate-House and I breathed a huge sigh of relief... We were back, I was home...

No offence to Darren or Dean but after three days of being their gay little fuck-toy and the unwitting star of their pay-per-view movies... I was feeling very much in need of the feminine touch -- and I don't just mean me in a clean pair of panties...No... I wanted Patti and my Mom... And just then as the house came into view, nothing made me happier than to see their cars pulled in alongside one and other in Patti's wide, spacious driveway.

"Okay little buddy... Here's your stop!" Darren said to me as the big SUV came to a rest at the end of Patti's driveway, where I then climbed into the front seat and leaned over to give Darren a kiss on the cheek and once more I thanked him for the weekend, batting my eyes at him and smiling.

As scary as it had been at times, I knew I needed to go through something like this, this past weekend spent as I had, in the arms of these two 'real' men... I'd had these old skeleton rattling around in my closet for far too long, and the feeling of having it out there, out in the open, it was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I felt light as air and ready to take on just about anything...

Standing alone at the end of the driveway, I took a moment and few breaths as I wondered just what kind of reception to expect, especially knowing that Patti and Mom had watched the videos before Dean had posted them on their web pages...


"Oh Dale...You're home!" Patti called out as she spotted me slipping in through the front door with my little red suite case in hand.

Rushing to the door and throwing her arms around me, she nearly took me to the ground she hit me that hard, but I didn't mind because I was also hit with her wonderful female scene... Wrapped in Patti's arms her wonderful natural, feminine bouquet had me instantly swooning and remembering what it is I love about woman...What I love about Patti...

And it was just in time too, because believe me, after that weekend with nothing but a steady diet of either being fucked or sucking cock, tasting and swallowing 'real' men's cum... I needed now more than anything to be around as many women for as long as I could.

"Ohhh I missed you so much Patti..." I said to her as I held onto her tight, never wanting to let go...

"And we missed you too baby didn't we Jen..?" Patti replied between kissing me all over my face, lips, nose and even on my chin, and then as I looked up I could see my Mom standing there in the kitchen doorway, leaning on the frame and smiling.

"We sure did Patti... Hello Dale... Do you have a hug for your Mother or are you too much of a big movie star these days..?" Mom answered, teasing and smiling -and also making me blush like crazy as I wriggled free from Patti long enough to put my arms out as Mom came in to greet me.

Hugging her as well, I basked in her powerful, feminine aura, breathing her in..., Mom felt familiar and reminded me of home more than anyone... She has been a constant in my life and I loved her -and my life with her -and wouldn't want to change that for anything...

"Come in Dale, leave your bag there, come and sit with us, we have something important that we need to talk to you about..." Patti said taking my right arm and leading me in with Mom at my left as we stepped into the living room... Suddenly my suspicions went up -- I felt like I was about to be set-up -- again...

Sitting me on the couch, Patti sat beside me with Mom then taking up her seat in the recliner across from us, Patti's arm, still locked in mine. "What..? What's going on..?" I asked confused -- even more so as Patti turned and knelt on the carpeted floor by my feet.

"Shhhh... Listen..." Mom said hushing me and directing my eyes back to Patti, signalling me to be quiet and making me feel like I was in some sort of trouble...

Looking to Patti, first to her eyes and then to the velvet covered box that had somehow appeared in her hands, from where it came I had no idea... It just didn't register in my head right away, I was still lost in the confusion of believing that I had committed some wrong -- or that there had been some bad news -but in reality I must have been an idiot because I honestly had no idea what was going on... None what so ever...

I watched as she slowly opened the box while speaking to me... "Dale sweetie... Dale Horn..? Will you please -- please do me the honour of marrying me and become my ever loving husband..?" Looking to me as she held up the open box containing not one but two silvery looking rings, my head was spinning, I felt like I was in a vacuum. I couldn't comprehend what Patti was saying what she was asking me...

I might as well have been in outer space with my helmet off...


Until that is, after a good long pause of five or ten seconds or maybe more... I finally clued in. I finally understood... I still couldn't believe it -- but at least now I was starting to see... Patti as it would seem... My Patti Cake -- she had just asked me to marry her! She asked me to be her husband..!

"Say something Dale! Don't leave the poor girl hanging!" I heard Mom say from some other dimension as I tried to grasp what was happening... -or -- well, I knew now what was happening, my head however was stuck in some sort of tunnel vision as I looked from my Mom to Patti, then down to the two silver wedding rings in the black velvet box -- and then back to Patti...

"Y-Yes! Yes of course... Oh my God..! Yes Patti..! Yes I'll marry you -but what..? What the heck is going on..? Is this for real..? How did the two of you do this...?" I stuttered out feeling like my space helmet had been screwed back on and at last I was able to speak and try to grasp what was happening...

Yet I was able to say 'yes' -- Yes of course! Absolutely I would marry her!

I just felt so stupid sitting there looking like a dummy... But I just couldn't believe it... It all seemed too good to be true...

Smiling at me and taking one of the rings out of the box, Patti then took my hand and slipped it onto the ring finger of my left hand - and again I was left utterly stunned...

"Patti is this for real..?" I asked as she settled the silvery, diamond inset, shiny-chrome coloured ring onto my finger...

"Yes it's for real..! I just asked you to marry me and you said yes... So congratulations Dale sweetie! We're engaged..!" Patti answered beaming back at me as she closed the box, curiously leaving the second ring inside as she again threw her arms around me, kissing me and knocking me back in my seat.

Sitting up and wiping my chin after Patti planted one on me -- our 'engagement-kiss' I looked first to my Mom and then back to Patti I was caught a little off guard when she took up my chin in her hand and kissed me again, in a more happy, playful manner.

"Mmmmwaaa..!" She went, making the kissing noise as she pulled away, looking into my eyes as she leaned in again and kissed me much softer this time, relaxing her grip on my jaw, kissing me in more of a sensual, loving way that finally had me believing in this dream... This ultimate dream of marrying Patti -- it was suddenly coming true...

Granted the ways and means of how this had come about were not so much in my designs but none the less, here I was 'reverse-engaged' to Patti McCabe -- or Patti Lynch I mean... I keep forgetting about that weird set up she has with Darren where he made her change her name after bailing her out for the second time in her life.

And the 'reverse' part of this engagement means it was Patti who had asked me,,, And it was also Patti who went down on her one knee and proposed, like I would be expected to do -but seeing how things were working out in our world of the Alpha vs. beta dynamic -and where I belonged -- I shouldn't have been so surprised with Patti asking me to marry her...

But of course I was surprised... I was incredibly surprised!

"You don't know how happy you've just made me Dale... Here stand up, show your Mom how the ring looks on you, she helped me pick it out in Las Vegas..." Patti said to me then as I took her hands and we stood together as Mom also rose from her chair to join us.

"Oh it does look pretty on him just like we said..." Mom began as she held my hand at my fingers, looking at my ring and saying it looked 'pretty' on me, which had me blushing again as I suddenly found myself in the middle of a three-way hug with both Mom and Patti surrounding me, embracing me and congratulating me on our upcoming nuptials.

"I'm so -- so happy for the both of you Dale and for Patti, honestly I couldn't be any more proud... You are both just so perfect for each other -- and I know we're all going to be very, very happy together..." Mom said then as we all stood, held tight rocking in place.

Locked in our three-way hug with me breathing in as much as their shared womanhood and femininity as I could, I was loving this moment of closeness and the feelings of being so wanted and so loved. I was becoming emotional...

"Oh baby what's the matter..?" Patti asked as she noticed me beginning to shake and cry in her arms, her hand going to my head, pulling me down on to her shoulder as I stayed between her and Mom in our continued group hug.

""I'm just -- I'm just so over whelmed! I --I can't believe this is happening -- and --and you think I just made you happy..? Oh Patti..!" I whined, half crying and sobbing, not sad, not sad at all...

"Patti... You -- you have no idea..!" I bleated out again as the real water works came on this time...

Letting me cry some while hushing me, rubbing my back and cooing in my ear, Patti held me there as I let out my last, gaining some control of myself as Mom then stepped away for a moment, returning with three small flutes of champagne ready for her to toast our happy occasion, our 'engagement' I still couldn't believe it, even as we all raised and clinked our glasses together in the celebration.

"Here's to the two of you and the beautiful life you'll live together, free of judgment or constraint... Just pure love, the two of you --as the beautiful people that you both are...My pretty son and his even prettier future wife and my lovely daughter-in-law -- Patti..." Mom said in her short toast that had me nearly back in tears with her beautiful sentiment, even her calling me her 'pretty-son' didn't upset me.

I understood what she meant and I also knew that this wasn't what anyone would call a 'normal' union either... But we didn't care, it was love that matter and we had more than enough to go around...

Drinking down our toast in one, we all resigned ourselves back to our seats, Patti and I on her couch and Mom in her recliner where we refilled our glasses and talked of our time away and of our future... Or to clarify rather, it was more like when they told me about my future...

"I still can't believe this is happening..." I began, sipping my second glass of bubbly.

"I mean after this weekend and knowing that you saw the videos we made -- I -- I didn't know what you were going to think of me when I came back..." I said to the pair of them, the two most important women in my life, telling them of my fears in feeling somewhat shameful after what I had allowed myself to do with Darren and Dean.

It was true, because after we had made the video out on the boat, I couldn't help but wonder if Patti wouldn't see me differently in some way. I know it was an irrational thought, especially after seeing the short video the three women had made and sent to Darren's phone with each of them telling me how they all got off watching me sucking cock and being fucked -- even Carol...

And yes, I did know that everyone was all for me 'testing myself' this way, letting my guard down low enough to not only try but to end up thoroughly enjoying full-on-gay-sex -- but still, after the fact and with so many miles between us, in my mind I began to have doubts.

"Oh no baby, you have nothing at all to worry about there... Uh-uh..!" Patti began, reassuring me...

"It was so hot seeing you with both of them, Darren and Dean, seeing them there with you so much smaller and weaker as they fucked you and made you suck their cocks... Oh God I'm getting wet just talking about it..!" Patti went on, trying to reassure me but really, all I felt was more embarrassed with her recount of what I let the two men do to me, turning me into their gay fuck toy in front of the cameras...

I was finding this to be such a strange feeling that I hadn't anticipated -- when I was on the boat 'fucking and sucking' as Patti so eloquently put it... I was 'in it' --I was in that zone -- the sex was all I thought about, it was all consuming but now, even days later I felt myself burning with the mention of me being ass fucked by both of them. I supposed it was just going to take more time to get used to what I was capable of and accept it as a part of me.

And something else I thought was funny, or something I was learning -- was finding out that people are much more comfortable talking about 'your' sexuality than you will ever be...

Strange but true, and it would seem that was the case for just about everyone around me -- every one that I knew... They were all fine with me playing the sissy-fag servicing two men, whereas with me? I guess I was the only one struggling with it all.

But then again, it was my mountain to climb -- not theirs...

"In fact baby, seeing you like that, being their little play-toy -and you were being very co-operative I might add, but it was seeing you Dale... Watching you on my lap-top in the hotel room where we were ALL getting off... That's when I knew baby... That's when I made my decision that I was going to marry you... Tell him Jen..." Patti went on and again, leaving with my jaw hanging as we both turned to my Mom, waiting her to confirm Patti's story...

"It's true Dale, all three of us were doing it..." Mom said smiling and winking at me, or Patti, I'm not sure which, but anyway -- she feared no details as she described the scene...

"We were all naked on the two beds, masturbating while watching you in your starring role -- and -- Oh my baby! Were you ever good!" Mom began, telling me how she, Patti and Carol were playing with themselves while watching me having gay sex in a video and looking to Patti, she confirmed this by winking at me as Mom had, yet also blowing me sexy kiss at the same time. I gasped aloud then, imagining the three of them, naked in their hotel room all getting off with each other, it made my little dickie twitch.

"It was when Dean had you practically upside-down, fucking you so hard, it was so beautiful -- that's when Patti turned to me and asked me...'Jen? Can I please marry your son..?'-and of course I said yes..." Mom agreed, telling me more of how this all came about.

"And honestly Patti..." She went on; letting me in on something else that had happened between them...

"You didn't have to do what you did in thanking me, really, it was truly wonderful but honestly, it wasn't necessary..." She said then, looking to Patti and bringing up this 'other' shared secret...

Curious of course, I asked...

"What did she do..?" -smiling like a fool as they both shared another knowing glance, with Mom then continuing to tell me the story, letting me in on what had happened -and thankfully this time not leaving me completely in the dark-- for once...

"Well darling, you're future wife here set it upon herself to thank me for giving you her hand in marriage... and she was very insistent so I had no choice... I had to let her go down on me right there in the hotel room... She just wouldn't take 'no' for an answer!" Mom happily admitted, pretending she was serious and throwing her hands in the air, feigning her exasperation while Patti beside me chucked under her breath.

Honestly though? I shouldn't have been too surprised if something like this had happened while they were away. I mean Dean and I did watch Carol going down on Mom at the pool party so... I'm sure it was only a matter of time... But still, to have this picture drawn for me, it was a bit shocking none the less...

"And I'm sorry Dale sweetie but I have to say this..." Mom went on, sounding like she was taking a more serious note, for real this time...

I sat up, listening...

"If you don't marry this girl and her very eager and talented tongue... I might just be the next one to steal her away from you, leaving you crying in your panties for the next decade and half!" She said to us in a joke that had the two of them laughing yet leaving me staring at her blank faced.

Of course I knew she wasn't serious now, she was just messing with me while paying Patti a compliment... I joined in with a weak chuckle, because with all of that past well behind us, I could sort-of see the funny side of what Mom was saying.

However, her telling me this, adding in that if I'm not careful I'm apt to lose Patti all over again, that thought did put a shiver of fear running through me... Not so much with the thought of losing her to my Mom, no... I was worried about losing her in general -and as far as I was concerned, there was no way on Earth I was going to let that happen... Not again...

My eyes however, they were left a little wide and awed with what they were telling me... My Mom and my girlfriend were having sex... But I guess the worst part wasn't that they were 'doing-it'...

No... It was that they were 'doing it' - Without me!

Part of me could have been hurt, but honestly how could I be jealous or mad? I mean so far my track record in being the jealous type hadn't ever really worked out for me and beside; didn't I just come home from a weekend of completely gay-infidelity? Where essentially, I had spent the entire weekend cheating on my girlfriend, my future wife -- with not one -but two -big strong, 'real' men who put me through my gay paces both on the boat -- and on dry land?

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