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The Wedding Ch. 07

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Wardrobes, Witnesses and Weddings...
11.7k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/20/2020
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The Wedding

(Patti Cake part 3)

Chapter 7 -- Wardrobes, Witnesses and Weddings...

"Good morning sleepy head! It's just after 6a.m -- time to get up, we have a lot to do, come on now, it's you big day so up you get Gabby..."

Sitting up in Carol and Darren's big very comfortable and still not really with it or awake, I didn't even realize that it wasn't Carol rousting me from my wonderful slumbering dreams at such an ungodly hour as this, but rather -and quite surprisingly it was instead my Mom!

"Mom..? What are you..? Where's Carol..?" I asked, groggy and surprised, squinting with Mom leaning down, tuning on the bedside lamp beside me.

"Oh and good morning to you too.." She answered sounding mildly annoyed that I was more concerned with Carol's whereabouts than seeing her, which wasn't true, I was just sleep and confused. I mean I went to sleep with one woman and woke with a different one!

"Carol has gone over to help Patti get ready and that's what I'm here to do with you, now come on -- up you get..." Mom said to me, telling me how she and Carol had mysteriously changed places while I was sleeping and how not seconds before I could have sworn it was Carol waking me with a smile...

Not quite with it and wondering why we were starting so early, somewhat begrudgingly I made my way out of the bed still wearing the silk nightie Carol had dressed me in right before she let me do something I would have believed unthinkable -- let alone actually happen -- Carol, letting me fuck her...

Remembering the whole thing and smiling to myself and saying nothing to Mom, I slipped out of my nightie while making my way back into Carol's huge en-suite...

"Run yourself a bath and then let me know when you've finished you morning routine, I'm afraid your wedding day isn't going to start off all that nice..." She said to me as I went in closing the door behind me and wondering what she had meant -- once again the women in my life -- controlling me while speaking in riddles...

"Why? Why is that..?" I asked as she pull out what I recognized as a hot-water bottle with a long tube attachment... Otherwise known as an enema bag...

"Oh God..." I said then, seeing the answer to my question, turning with a grimace, I went in doing as I was told, I ran the bath and then had me morning constitutional...

Finished with my routine, I washed my hands then stepped over to check on the bath while calling Mom telling her I was ready, not that I was all that keen on starting my day with an enema but again, I knew there was no way around it, so why fight her when I'd rather just get it over with...

Coming in, Mom placed a small stool near the bath, telling me to get in while she filled my enema bag at the sink, watching I climbed in, having a deja-vu moment form the night before while bathing with Carol in this very tub... Her big claw-foot bath tub...

Sliding into the warm water while thinking of my night with Carol, I kept my eye on Mom, watching as she filled the bag with what I hoped was warm water at least, and then curious, I kept my eyes on her as she casually crossed the room, carrying the bag not over to me but to a closet where opening the door, she rolled out one of those hospital hook things for an IV. to hang on...

Settled in and getting myself wet, I watched then as she hooked the very full looking enema bag onto the metal stand before rolling the whole thing over to me. Wide eyed, my biggest wonder was in how Mom knew such a thing like that was here, ready and waiting... Where strangely enough it looked like the same type of rolling stand Ms. Star had at her boutique...

But of course as I thought of it -- it was just another part of this scheme these women had cooked up and planned behind my back... That's how Mom knew that thing was in the closet, ready and waiting...

"Okay sweetie, sorry to disturb you but over you go, up on your knees, you can lean over the bath while you take this -- a real enema this time and not just that little bulb you've been using for a quick rinse..." Mom directed then as she stood over me in the bath and following her orders I did so, sitting up I laid myself over the rounded lip of the big, ornate bathtub.

"Oh! Ohhh Mom!" I gasped as she pried my cheeks apart sliding the slippery, lubed up nozzle into my backside, no pomp or ceremony and with no warning either, Mom had the tube in me held with one hand keeping it in place while with the other she released the valve clamp with a click.

"Relax sweetie, here come your waters -- can you feel it yet..?" Mom asked as I felt the first rush hitting me, entering my body and flooding my anal passage...and as she was asking... Yes -- yes indeed I could certainly feel it...

"Uhhhh... Ohhh it feels weird... Uhh like I -- Oh like I really need to uhh poop..." I said back as the weight and enormity of this full enema began to show its effect, filling and washing me from the inside, the water, gravity fed -but still pushing into me with greater discomfort than I could recall... To put it blankly, it felt awful -- and in these moments, so did I... I felt awful, terrible, sick almost...

Leaning my head down on the edge of the bath, I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing as my only means of coping, while behind me and still holding the tube in my ass, Mom talked, asking me about my own little version of 'Free-Willie' -- or to be more specific, my un-caged little dickie...

"I see Carol has left you unlock all night...Tell me, were you temped to sneak off for a quickie-wank..?" She asked almost sounding miffed again and then proving this she began squeezing the enema bag, mauling and manipulating the last of the water, forcing it into me, the added pressure causing my head to come up and my jaw to gape open, sighing out my continued discomfort...

"Ahhh... Mom..? Do you have to do that..?" I asked, then going on... "Why are you mad at me..? It was Carol who let me out -- so please -- go easy, it's -- it's my wedding day..." Finishing my complaint, and using my 'wedding-day' hall pass way too soon I'm sure... Yet anyway, Mom heeding my call, she released her grip on the near empty water bottle...

"You're right honey, I'm sorry; I do get carried away... Well your bag is almost empty so don't move, I'm going to switch the tube for a small plug. This is a deep cleansing enema so you'll have to hold it for 20-minutes or more... Sorry... Okay ready..?"

"Uhhh! Ahhh-Oh Mom..? You call that a 'small' butt plug..?" I said back then, gasping again as she gave me little respite, moving quickly, she had the tube out of me and this different, pink rubbery gel butt-plug going in, all in one fast, jarring and very eye-opening movement, but then with a last push and an "Unnggg..." from me... Mom had the butt-plug in me firmly and securely holding back the 2 litre enema she had just filled me with...

"Ahhh... Ohhh Oh Mom, I'm cramping here... O.. Ohhh it huuuurts..." I moaned feeling over-full feverish and ill... Sick to my stomach to be exact...

"Here, let me help you sit back, try to relax and I'll rub your tummy for you, it should help with the cramping..." Mom said then, taking me by the arm but I was reluctant to move, I felt spacey and unsteady but soon, she had me how she wanted me, sitting on the butt-plug in the bath water 'relaxing back' if you could call it that...

With her rubbing my full belly, basically moving the water around inside of me I didn't feel any better and even my little dickie, free from his confines, he wasn't liking this enema treatment either, looking shrunken, tiny and as ineffectual as ever, reduced to nothing through weeks of conditioning, it made me wonder if he didn't feel safer this way, wanting to be locked up, hidden and safe from the harm of being exposed.

"Uhhh -- Ugggh this feels terrible..." I moaned again, complaining and even feeling a bit faint, but Mom, she wasn't having it...

"Be good Gabby, we're almost there... Try not to think about it... Now tell me, did you enjoy your time with Carol and Sally..? Your hair looks great" She asked while trying to distract me and thinking for a second, I wondered, what did she know? How much of my night with Carol should I talk about?

"Ye-yeah... I love my hair but ummm yes, Carol and I had f-fun..." I replied stammering and not wanting to say too much, then asking if they had spoken yet today...

"Did... Did you talk to her this morning..? When you came in..?" I asked, my voice pained but trying to sound casual, wanting to get any info out of her that I could...

"Yes, we talked a little, she said you we're VERY good for her last night... Why did anything happen between the two of you..? Did she milk you of your little cummies like we'd asked her to..?"

Stopping I knew now that Mom didn't know the finer details, I felt bad for lying but I didn't want to get Carol into any trouble. Especially since she actually let me fuck her, let me put my little dickie inside her and cum... 'Milking me' indeed -- with the velvet walls of her wonderful warm, wet pussy instead of using that awful anal-probe, that 'wand' thing...

After doing that for me and making me feel so good, and so 'normal' if you will, there was no way I could do that... I wasn't going to rat Carol out, not just to save my own skin...

Carefully I replied... "Ye-yeah... Sh-she milked me alright and -- and she even had me cleaning it all up for her too I promise, nothing else happened..." I offered this time, throwing in how I cleaned up after myself, licking up my own cum and hopefully bringing an end to this topic altogether.

Offering this last bit I hoped to throw Mom off this trail, I wanted out of this conversation and the constant cramping in my distended, bloated, over fill tummy became my way out...

Or so I thought...

"Ohhh Uhhh Mom... Can I please get rid of this? It's been forever and it's really starting to hurt..." I said in a complaining whine, hoping to end this different and very real torment of having my bowels filled with so much warm, enema water.

"Hmmm... Okay well, I guess you're about ready to come out, here let me help you over then I'll leave you alone for a few minutes... I'm not convinced about this milking... You go get yourself emptied and cleaned up, I want to call Carol and have a little talk with her, something tells me you're not telling me everything that happened last night..."

Helping me out of the bath all I could think was "Oh God! I'm in trouble now; she was going to call Carol..."


Left alone, I took care of the pressing business at hand, pulling the plug from my ass as I hovered over the toilet and then with an embarrassing but oh-so relieving 'Whoosh" the waters cramping my insides were evacuated and soon gone...

However... With this pain removed, let go and flushed away, I still had to contend with how and what Mom was going be armed with coming back... How much did Carol tell her and how much trouble was I in?

Emptied and relieved, I decided to jump into the shower for a quick rinse, just to make sure 'everything' was clean and while doing so, rinsing myself off and loving the warm spray, I let my mind drift a little picturing what the day ahead had in store for me. Smiling and wanting to focus on some of the positives, I wondered and imagined how Patti was going to look... What her dress might look like and how cool was my tux going to be alongside her as we stood together at the outside wedding altar the two sisters had put together with the help of the grounds staff -and a big wooden arbour to be used as our altar...

Smiling and day-dreaming under the steamy mist, I was enjoying the moments of solitude, left to my own thoughts and imagination when suddenly then, the shower door was swung open, pulled sharply and swiftly by my Mom, the quick motion and rapid burst of cold air hitting and shocking me with gasping alarm...

"Uhhh! Mom what are you---- Uhhh! Hey! What gives..?" I cried then as Mom stood there at first, looking quite pissed and then, grabbing my arm she all but ripped me from the shower, pulled out naked, wet and now cold, I didn't know what she was doing or what was going on...

"Come here you... Do you think you can get away with lying to me..?" She hollered at me, not really loud but her voice was raised making it was easy to tell that I was in trouble -- but for what, I still wasn't absolutely sure -- although of course I had my ideas...

"Wh -- What? Mom! What did I do..?" I cried, feigning my innocence, not wanting to admit that I knew what this was about...

It was about Carol who had undoubtedly told Mom the truth that she had indeed milked me the night before...However -- and this part I had omitted... I'd left out telling Mom that she did so with my little dickie buried so wonderfully inside of her pussy, miking me and draining me of my pent up cum all while riding on top of me with 'pretending' to get off on my 4-inches of hardness...

Dragging me naked and wet across the cold, tiled floor, Mom unceremoniously pulled me down over her knee as she sat at Carol's vanity table -- and something I had neglected to noticed at first was that with her left hand grabbing and holding on to my upper arm, I'd hadn't spotted the leather strap she had clutched in her right...


"Aaahhhh! Ooohhhh! Oh Mom? Owww! What are you..? Why..? Ooohh! Owwwww!"


"Oooooohhhh! Pllllease..!" I cried out begging a sputtering as she continued to wallop my bare, wet ass, the leather strap biting and tearing into my soft ass-flesh making me scream and beg for her to stop.

"Stay still and take you punishment... Oh I'm so mad at you... How dare you lie to me..? Your own Mother..!


"Owwwwwww.! But... But I didn't... I didn't lie... Ohhh Pllllease Mom stop!" I cried back wailing and hollering, that strap, it looked and felt just like the one Ms. Walsh had used on me, and fuck me did it ever hurt -- especially with me being wet after being yanked from my steamy hot, shower.

Tossing the long strip of worn leather Mom had me standing, crying and rubbing my very sore, red stripped ass.

"So if you didn't lie -- why did Carol just tell me that she let you out of your cage and that you had sex with her..? That -- is how she milked you..." Mom said then as she stood crossing her arms in front of her, still looking quite pissed with me but at least the horrible stinging pain of the strapping had ended.

I didn't know what to say to her, I was caught but what I could I tell her about the night before? It was Carol who had instigated everything... All I did was lay there and let her ride me until I came --which didn't take long... But still, I didn't tell Mom that, I was too afraid to tell her, I didn't want to get into trouble...

Yeah well... For all the good that did me...

"I -- I was afraid you'd get mad -- and -- and it was Carol -- she --she said she could 'milk me' however she wanted... I'm sorry Mom I -- I didn't mean to lie -- or not tell you what we did... But Geeze! Did you have to use that strap? And where did you get that thing? Ms. Walsh had one just like it..."

Moving away from Mom I rubbed my sore ass while stepping over to a long mirror to see how much damage it felt like she had caused, whipping me with that evil strip of leather...

"Patti gave it to me, she said I might need it today but I doubted her... Well, it turns out she was right... So are we going to have any more trouble? Are we finished lying to our mother..?" Mom came back saying putting me further in my place and I was no position to argue, I'd had more than enough to start my day.

"No... No Mom and I'm sorry, I just -- I just didn't know how you would react... I promise, I won't be any trouble today, I want this to be special too -- so can we please put this behind us..?" I said to her in apologizing and hoping this was the end of it...

"Yes of course I want this to be special as well, but you have to be honest with me, I won't tolerate any deception, this is too important... Now come on, here's your robe -- I have breakfast for us on a serving tray out in the hall, be a dear and bring it in..." Mom instructed then after dressing me down one last time as I slipped into the short satin robe before doing as she had asked, I stepped out into the hall where, there on a serving frame was a covered tray, like the kind you get with room service.

Looking up and down the long corridor, I didn't see anyone but from down below, I could hear a bustle of noise, probably the catering staff setting things up for the reception later on in the afternoon. However, in not wanting to linger half naked in the hallway, I picked up the tray and went back in to Mom where we had coffee and scones... Lots of coffee...


"I know that Patti had a little practice with you, a dry-run of where you're going to stand during the ceremony but something we haven't discussed Gabby is who is going to stand with you... Who is going to be your best man..?" Mom asked as she sat on the bed drinking her coffee while me, I chose to stand for the time being with my ass still feeling a bit 'hot' -- to put things mildly...

But Mom was right, it was something I couldn't believe that I'd missed or that anyone had made mention of... Indeed? Who was going to be my best man?

Thinking, or trying to anyway... The first person that came to my mind was of course Darren...

"What about Darren, he'll do it won't he? Do you think he'll do it Mom? On such short notice..? I can't believe we're only talking about this now... I haven't even invited anyone; I don't have a lot of friends, plus with all of you girl's running everything, I just never thought..."

I was in a bit of a panic for a moment there, I felt like I'd missed this huge thing and it was my fault because well... He is 'my' best man... Whoever that may be...

"No sweetie, Darren can't be your best man, he's walking Patti down the aisle, you know very well that both of their parents have passed on and Darren is the only father figure she has so..." Mom explained, letting me know that Darren was already spoken for -- but the way she trailed off at the end... I knew she was thinking of something -- or someone...

"I was thinking your Uncle John would be perfect..." She came out with and right away I thought... "Oh Christ No!"...

"Oh Mom please... Please, not him -- not Uncle John... He's already trying to steal Patti away from me and make me her cuckold-husband, which -- is a whole other kettle of fish I'd rather not think about right now -- or tell you about -- the ideas Ms. Walsh was putting into Patti's head when she came to visit us..."

Mom looked at me a little strange with that one, but I don't know why, I mean she was right there when Uncle John was saying all of these things, being so rude and blatant in front of everyone, telling me -- and everyone else that he was going to fuck Patti -- or that he was going try to anyway...

Rolling her eyes then, she sided with me on this but also, as she put it, at this stage of the game, on the morning of my wedding..? I was going to be rather hard pressed to find a best man to stand with me...

Of course, I also offered up Dean's name but with a wrinkle of her nose Mom pointed out that Uncle John would be up-set that I hadn't chosen him -- a blood relative.

"Damn... Okay..." I cursed, conceding...

"I'll ask Uncle John to be my best man -- but I'm telling you, he's going to try and get into Patti's panties before I do on our wedding night, and I already have enough to worry about with -- with -- well with you guys having me pierced is what..." I said coming back at Mom with this warning and also, letting her know that thanks to Carol and her honesty, I was savvy to their little piercing-ceremony to be held after Patti and I are married.

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