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The Weirdest Day

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My wife grows a new appendage.
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Its days like this I think about other couples I know. I think about their wives and girlfriends and how they probably have their own idiosyncrasies, flaws, and strange habits. I'm sure they complain about the toilet seat being up, how a stray toenail clipping catches their foot in the bathroom or how they have to make the choice of where to eat even if they don't really care. At times like this I wonder if other couples go through the dry spells, sexually speaking. It's funny how your mind wanders when your bent over a Liberator and your wife is balls deep in your ass, fucking you like she's getting paid for it. Ya I'm guessing right about now you're asking yourself if you read that right. Yes, yes you did. My gorgeous, voluptuous wife went through the change about 2 years ago.

Kind of a happy coincidence considering our relationship was on the rocks. We had always had a lot of sex, especially when young and in love. Everything new and exciting and then one day you wake up, and the spark is just not there. The ordinary is just that and nothing seems to excite you the way it did. Don't misunderstand love was never the issue, we loved each other and loved hard, but the physical attraction just seemed to drift away. Not sure exactly the moment it happened, I think it was like watching two ships slowly drift farther and farther apart, too subtle to notice until it's too late. Well as I said that's how it was but that was until the day I'm going to tell you about, what I would call my sweet Delilah's rebirth and I think what saved our relationship.

It was an average day in July, not too hot not too cool, in Alaska. Seemed like a weird place to move too but work is work and gotta go where the money was. Dahlia found a job working with animals at a shelter, she loved animals, the fur babies she called them. Work can be a stresser in itself, especially when you work fluctuating hours for salary. Not sure why people think they can work you for sixty hours a week just cause they pay you that way, so frustrating. I think this was another huge stresser that had forced us into our predicament of lack of intimacy. I would come home late, around five or six and have to be back in at five in the morning to do it all over again. She was always understanding, her job was equally stressful, sometimes, but hers was that way because it was demanding not of her time but physically. You ever try to give a saint bernard a bath and toenail trim if he doesn't want you too? It isn't gonna happen. But she loves her work. Me it varies. But I digress.

On this particular day in July, Delilah and I were at the mall on 5th ave. not a large mall in the sense of space occupied but it's all, about 5 floors of shops with the food court on the top. We liked to come here on the weekends and walk around, combination of people watching and window shopping. Well this particular day, I remember like it was yesterday. I was wearing my favorite grey flannel shirt and a particularly comfortable pair of jean, that had a few stains from grease and whatever else, Delilah hated she couldn't get them out and that I insisted on wearing them. She was in my black hoodie, a pair of size 15 jeans that she filled out like they were poured on, same with her "fake nerd girl" embossed tank top. I swear she says she hates the attention but when you're wearing shirts like that people are gonna notice how big your tits are. I didn't mind though, the view was always pleasant. Her black hair was done into two french braids running down the sides of her scalp and their ends resting on her collar bones. I loved it when she had her hair like that and I think she knew i was in a grouchy mood and was trying to cheer me up.

"Oh my god look at this little pikachu, it's so cute!" We had entered hot topic and they were having a sale on pokemon merch.

"Ya it is but you know I think Bulbasaur is the cutest." She laughed making the Pika Pika noises. I loved this woman.

"So what are you thinking, Mexican, Chinese or?" She already knew the answer, the only decent place for food in the mall was the china buffet. Great food for pretty cheap. But the froyo shop was pretty good if you wanted something sweet.

"Is that even a question?"

We went up the escalator, holding hands all the way to the top floor. Every now and again I could feel D bumping her ample chest into the back of my arm but she knew how to cheer a guy up. We made it and did our usual pick three deal. I had noodles, sweet and sour chicken and spring rolls and a green tea. She got rice, bourbon chicken and the orange chicken and a diet DR. pepper. I grabbed the chop sticks and we got ourselves a table near the window so we could look out and see the city. We were starting to finish our meal when D seemed to become visibly distressed. Her face was flushed and she seemed to be breathing pretty hard, almost like she ran up a flight of stairs.

"Babe, you okay?"

She looked at me with this look like she was going to puke or pass out. "I think we need to go home."

"Sure, let's go." Taking her hand I could feel how cold and clammy it felt, I knew something was wrong and I watched her like a hawk. Holding her tightly when we went down stairs or crossed the street outside. I unlocked the door to her Prius hatchback opening her door and helping her to her seat. He breathing seemed to be getting more and more labored and now her cheeks seemed to be turning redder and redder. I pulled out of the small parking lot taking a backstreet all the way back to Marvin street to our apartment. I didn't say anything but D's whimpers and breathing made me think we should skip the house and go to the hospital.

"Hey I'm going to take you to the hospital."

"No. Just take me Home please, babe just take me home I'm sure if I lay down I'll be fine, but I really need to go to the bathroom so please hurry." We were turning onto ridge view and then I crossed onto our street and then into our apartment designated parking spot, next to my green GMC jimmy. Before I could put the small compact into park Delilah had bolted out of the car and made a sprint for our apartment door around the back side of our building.

I entered the small kitchen, living room area that was our living room hearing the bath running in our small bathroom. I turned the corner and the door was shut. You know you've hit a major point in your relationship when you can be really comfortable with your significant other, and using the toilet with the door open was one of those. The door was never shut, except in extreme instances, mostly Mexican food and tequila.

"Babe, you ok?"

"HHHHmmmmm. I'm fine just running a bath." Her voice was obviously strained, but I didn't know why.

"Hey open the door, you were really leaning on me at the mall and I don't want you to slip in the tub."

"No I'm fine, OH GOD!"

"What what's going on?" I could hear her crying from the other side of the door and I kind of lost it.


"NO don't come in, JESUS AWWWW!"

I'd had enough Listen to this was too much so I made one last plea before acting. "DELILAH OPEN THE DOOR OR I'M GOING TO KICK THE FUCKER IN!"

I could still hear her labored breathing but I could also hear the sound of our toilet shifting back against the wall. When it was installed the guy didn't level it properly so when you stood up it made a sound. I had assumed she was moving to the door and I was right, the lock clicked, the knob turned and D was peaking around the door like a frightened kid. It was almost freakier than hearing her cry out, her face was covered in sweat, red cheeks and her eyes were puffy like she had been crying. The only time I had seen her like that was when we would workout together and I pushed her too hard on squats or leg press. "Babe, Delilah, are you ok?" She just shook her head. "Okay, whats wrong?"

I looked to the right and could see through the cracked door and into the mirror, she was stark naked. This just added to my confusion. "Why are you naked?" D didn't say anything she just stared at me with this look like she was about to break down crying. "Babe what's going on?"

Delilah looked down at her feet and moved away from the door with her back to me. I pushed the door open and it gave me a gorgeous view of her plump ass, I fell in love with her ass actually, but that's another story. I took in the view for a few seconds trying to make sense of the situation. "Ok you're naked and not looking at me, kinda weird." She didn't say anything and I was kinda hesitant if I wanted to comfort her or give her some space. I was probably only a few seconds but it seemed a lot long before she started to speak again.

"Something really bad and really strange is happening and I don't know why it's happening but it did and I'm not sure what's gonna happen."

"You're rambling hun, I mean there's nothing we can't figure out. I'm just worried about you that's all. I just wanna know what's going on and that you're ok?"

She started laughing and that was almost scarier than her yelling and screaming. "I'm pretty far from fucking ok, I'm so far from ok I don't know where ok even is on the map right now." Mid way through, her laughter tuned back to sobbing into her hands. I got closer to her rubbing her back as best I could to comfort her but I still didn't wanna get too close.

"Babe I am really out of the loop here, I have no idea what happened. We were eating then you got sick, then you sprinted in here like a bat out of hell. and now you're naked and I don't know what. I have no idea what happened to you. You need to tell me."

Delilah took a deep breath and seemed to regain some level of composure, even looking over her shoulder at me. "I don't have any words for this, just close your eyes and I'm gonna turn around and show you." I obliged her and closed my eyes, didn't even peek. "Are they closed?"


There was a long pause before she said. "Open." I did and was greeted with a pretty nice site. D was crossing her arms and by action squeezing her 36DD tits together. Her face still looked super concerned but Looking at her like this made me smile. I tracked down to her stomach, that had a little pinch but it was cute, and she carried the little extra weight she had very well, in all the right places. But that's where the train ran off the tracks so to speak. Delilah didn't have pubic hair, shaving clean, and I could usually see just the very top of her puffy little pussy but now something was in the way. Not just a little something, a big something, a huge something. You ever see something that just doesn't make sense like something impossible, something that is so crazy and out there that it couldn't be real. This was one of those. Between her legs "Hung" what looked like the biggest dick I had ever seen. Probably twelve inches long and as big around as my wrist.

Now a normal person might run screaming for the hills if they were faced with this situation but to be give you a little more background of myself and Delilah. We aren't or weren't above exploring stuff, pretty adventurous in the bedroom and outside it. Different tastes and have experimented with this and that. One of those was a think I had for trans girls and futa hentai and manga. Kinda been curious of it since I was in my teens. Well telling D this made her kinda just shrug or laugh and say "Okay", she was very accepting like that. Just thought I'd mention this, now back to the story.

So I'm maintaining my composure pretty well I think, just examining the situation and trying to make sense of what I'm seeing. D and I are silent while I'm rubbing my chin examining what I'm seeing. I finally look up, making eye contact with her. "Um that's a dick."

"Well no fucking shit, It's not a tail." I had to muffle a giggle before I broke into actual laughter, I guess it irritated her a little. "This isn't funny!" But I broke into actual laughter when she threw her arms to her side. The motion caused her "New appendage" to kinda flop from side to side and I couldn't help but laugh at the scene, this just irritated her more. "This isn't funny!"

I regained my composure, slowly but I did. "I know babe, I know. I'm not laughing at it I'm just laughing. You know how I am when things get stressful I can't help but laugh." This is actually 100% true and I have a habit of laughing at work at inappropriate times, even at work. I begin to look back down at this monster of a dick again and make the first move, squatting down so it's eye level.

"What are you doing?" Delilah asked, a little shocked.

"Well I'm looking at it, This is too weird. It' doesn't look human." I kinda noticed D's dick didn't look normal, I mean as normal as this could be. It was long and veiny like a normal dick but it was a dark red color and where it met her pelvis was dark, almost black and there seemed to be a ring of some kind about three quarters of the way down the shaft. "Hey I'm gonna touch it, ok?" She swallowed hard but nodded a yes. I slowly grabbed the thing and pulled it forward moving it out of the way of where her vagina should be. As I did I noticed her head, her dick head, was round but not like a normal penis and it suddenly hit me, I had seen this before. "Babe, um I know this is just gonna add another layer to this whole whatever is going on but I think you have a horse dick."

To say Delilah looked mortified would be an understatement and then she almost turned to mad, really mad. "How the hell do you know what a horse dick looks like?"

"Well the things you see on the internet can never be unseen, but I know this isn't a normal dick and it looks like a horse's cock." I was just being honest but i turned my attention from my wife's new phallus to see if my worst fear had come true. I pushed her dick to the side and looked in between her thighs up and to my relief her vagina was still present. "Thank God."


"Your pussy is still there."

"Thank god." I smiled at her relief. Looking more closely I realized that this monster dick was actually her clit. The placement of it was undeniable.

"Ok babe." I said standing back up and letting her cock flop back in between her thighs. "This is gonna sound nuts."

"More nuts than I just grew a dick?"

"It's not a dick, well it is but it's your clit. Not sure why but you went through the world biggest growth spurt probably in the history of man and now you have that." I said motioning to her flaccid dick.

"My clit, well that's just fucking awesome." She rubbed her face in frustration. "Do you think it'll go back to normal?"

"I'm not a doctor babe and to be honest things that get bigger usually don't just shrink back."

"Great I'm a chick with a dick, like the trannies you like so much."

"HAHA I think this is a little different, not even close to the same thing. You have a vagina and no balls." The more we talked it seemed to become a little easier.

Delilah eventually sat down on the edge of the tub as we talked. "Ok, so what do we do know?"

I shrugged and ran my hand through the still warm bath water. "Take a bath. I'll get you a glass of raspberry framboise. Then when you're done and a little more relaxed we are gonna chill on the couch and figure something out. Right now I think we just need to chill."

"You know that's what I love about you. You never get shaken by anything do you? Like your inoculated from stress or something."

I just smiled, looking over my shoulder as I turned, exiting the bathroom. "Part of the job i guess."

True to my word I got her a large wine glass of her wine and brought it to her in the tub. Examining her body I could tell she had tucked her clit in between her legs in an attempt to hide it. I handed her the glass, she thanked me and I went to the living room to turn on the tv and ps4 to find a show or movie to try and at least give the appearance of normalcy. After some looking I found the old Halloween and thought what the hell. Before sitting down I grabbed a hard cider from the fridge, Alaska has a lot of micro brews and cider is no different, apple pie was this one's moniker and it tasted like apple pie made with tangy apples, like granny smiths. Taking a sip I sat down, kicking off my shoes and putting them up on the hassock. The movie was only ten minutes in when D came and sat down in her bathrobe, sipping the last of her wine.

"You want some more?"

"Yes please." She replied and I poured the last of the bottle into her glass, setting the bottle on the floor next to the couch. We sat there for a while watching Jamie Lee Curtis get tormented by the masked serial killer Michael Myers, spoilers, it's her brother if you didn't know.

Everything was going fine, I had almost forgotten about the elephant in the room but you know how it is, when you least expect it, WHAM! The only sex scene in the movie filled the screen and I could feel D beginning to squirm.

"You ok?"

"Ya I'm fine."

I could tell by her flushed cheeks she wasn't ok. "Seriously babe, whats wrong?"

"Other than I have a dick?"

"Ya other than that."

She let out a long sigh. "I think I'm getting a boner."

Just the way the words came out of her mouth had me rolling. The ridiculousness of the situation was just mounting. "You're getting a boner?"

"Yup." Delilah opened her legs, which i guess she had been tucking her dick in between but now her bathrobe was obviously tented by her rather large dick, it looked pretty funny to me, her not so much.

"Wow, HAHA, what do you do?" I didn't exactly mean to sound or ask anything dirty but in hindsight it definitely came off that way.

She gave me a raised eyebrow. "Well you're the one that has a futa fetish what would you do with it?"

"Well being a gentleman, I'd feel obligated to take care of his girl's needs."

"Really?" D slowly pulled her bathrobe to the side revealing her full erection. To my relief the damn thing hadn't gotten bigger it just seemed to become firm and stand up. 'Jesus, what if it had gotten bigger?' The thought came and went once her words hit my ear. "So you'd take care of your girl, huh?"

I had considered what it would be like with a trans girl or a anime futa girl, actually. But I knew they weren't real, well at least I didn't think they were. I had imagined everything that would transpire from the meeting to the actual act of sex and now that I was face to face with it I was for a lack of a better word, stupefied. So I just let instinct take over and do what I would when D was horny and wanted to fool around. "Well Ya. I mean if she's with me I think it's my responsibility right?"

Delilah swallowed the lump in her throat, knowing what I was implying and she wasn't sure how this was going to go, but that didn't stop her from wrapping her hand around her new phallus. "Well if it's your responsibility, I guess you should take care of this then?" She sounded almost meek but there was a sensuality in how she said 'take care of this'.

I looked at her rounded tip and the small drop of what I could only assume was pre cum, but that me think 'no balls, where would cum come from?'. I looked at D's face and could see she was becoming uneasy with my staring. Taking a deep breath I reached out and grasped her, she winced almost like it hurt her but I think she was just hypersensitive. She removed her hand as I slowly worked my hand up and down, moving closer to her face. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers as she began to moan into my mouth. "I love you. All of you."

I could feel her hand running over my cheek and see the love in her eyes. "I'm gonna try something ok?" She just nodded. I had never done this before, thought about it but never done it, so I had to remember how it felt to get head from a girl and try to replicate that. I took a deep breath and slowly lowered her girth into my mouth. Wasn't bad actually, the bath probably helped. It tastes just like flesh, not really different from licking her clit before, it was kind of a relief really. I began to bob my head up and down looking up at her face to make sure I want hurting her. D's face was a mix of shock and pleasure. I think she was too weirded out and tense to fully enjoy what was happening but as she slowly relaxed her moans began to slip from her lips, Delilah wasn't really a moaner so I thought I was doing pretty well for my first time. I began to test the water and start to push a little deeper, I knew slipping this whole thing down my throat was impossible but feeling D's body shiver when her head hit the back of my throat told me she liked it.


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