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The Witch's Slave

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A male-to-female transformation story.
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My nights are spent as I assume most twenty year old male's nights are, playing video games and watching porn. I usually seem to sleep better when I get a good load out before bed. It's hard, because I still live with my family, which is why I can only do certain things at night. Or when I'm home alone, those are the best. Sometimes my family goes shopping, or has some school function for my sister to go to, but I always choose to stay at home. It's very rare that I get a good chunk of time alone, so I always do my best to enjoy it. My family was away in Michigan visiting some family, and naturally, I didn't want to go. It was a whole three days by myself; and I was planning on enjoying every minute of it.

The first day, I helped them load their luggage into the car in the morning , then promptly locked and deadbolted the door behind me. The last thing I needed was someone barging in unannounced and me sitting on the couch wearing nothing but a blanket. I sat around doing some homework and cleaning up the house for about half an hour. I've always found it important to give yourself a little time before getting into trouble, because people have been known to come back for something they forgot and take me by surprise, especially when going on a long trip. Plus, if I got my homework and chores out of the way early, that's more time for uninterrupted fun.

I finished with everything in just about 45 minutes, and figured that was just enough time for my family to be well out of range. I closed my books, and drew the blinds to the three big windows on the second floor of my house. They face the road, and while I don't think anyone's eyes are good enough to actually see anything, I didn't want to take any unneccisary risks. I went back downstairs, turned on my laptop, and stripped down. Usually, I put all my clothes in the bathroom, so if anyone ever came home unexpected I could just run to the bathroom and get dressed, no questions asked, but today I figured I could play it a little more dangerously. My family would probably text me to ask me to look for anything they forgot anyway, so I'd have some heads up.

I was what you would call a nerd, but not too nerdy, I just never had very good luck with women, they always went for the jerks and I happened to be a pretty nice guy. I didn't think I was that bad looking either, and most of the girls I talked to online thought I was really attractive; I just couldn't get anyone in real life to think so. Except one girl, who I met through work. We had started dating and had been official for only a couple months, so things were still pretty new. I was tall and thin, pretty skinny actually, with plain brown hair. It was my baby blue eyes that usually won people over. Everyone loved them. I was average down there, in my opinion, which I'm only mentioning because I'm naked for most of this story, and I know you were dying to know. I'm not a big fan of body hair, and I just started shaving down there a couple years ago. Once I did I found it quite nice, although shaving my balls was always a challenge.

There's a little, cheap side-table I always use to set my laptop on when I'm sitting on the couch which I set up after I grabbed my webcam from the other room. A little smile crept across my face as I sat down on the couch; I always loved the feel of the fabric on my bare ass. I had a yahoo account under an alias with which I had signed up for a skype and yahoo. I didn't want anyone I knew discovering me and my secret life. That's what this was, after all, a whole other life. A life where I could be anyone I wanted, and I sure made it interesting. In my real life I was a 100% straight male, but in my secret life I was a little bi-curious, (you pretty much had to be if you wanted to talk to a real person in the chat rooms, most of the people in there were males). It was strange really, I felt more at home with my secret life than my real life. I always looked forward to the time I'd get to spend in this new life I had built.

I checked my yahoo messenger list, which had about fifty people on it, most of which I had only talked to once or twice, and saw there was no one on worth talking to, so I headed to the chat rooms. Even though I was twenty, I had started saying I was eighteen when I introduced myself in a room. Freshly legal curious guys always seemed to get more attention. I turned on my cam and invited people to watch. The way I acted depended on the mood I was in. Usually, I just dirty chatted with people, which only ever lasted twenty minutes or so, because I always got bored with them. Sometimes though, when I knew I had a lot of free time, I would invite people to dress me up in my sister's clothes. She was two years younger than me, but about the same size, just a little shorter. On one hand, I loved every second of it, especially the feel of her tight clothes on my skin. Dresses were so much fun too, especially her homecoming and prom dresses. On the other hand, I always felt really dirty, wearing my sister's clothes, and was always worried about stretching them out, or her finding out what I did. (Although secretly, I think I always kind of wanted to get caught, just to see what she's do. But she was an innocent girl, not a curious bone in her body, so I doubt it would have been very fun.)

Tonight I was feeling very feminine, so I broadcast a message to the room asking if anyone wanted to dress me up in my sister's clothes on my cam. I had done this before and would get a couple responses every time. But once people realized my sister didn't have any thongs, or sexy/risqué clothes, they usually stopped talking to me. Every once in a while though, I would get someone who would really turn me on. That was the case this evening. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say I ended up in a beautiful black sundress with white and yellow flowers and swirls. And since I knew I had plenty of time to do laundry before anyone got home, I let my load off into a nice tight pair of black panties. It was one of the best cam sessions I had had in a while.

Throwing the clothes in the washer, I went upstairs to wash up. I turned the light on upstairs and the first thing I saw was my naked body in the full length mirror at the end of the hall. I crossed my legs, tucking my still kind of hard penis and balls between my legs, making them disappear. Then I put my hands on my hips and popped my hip to the side. I had to admit, I'd be a sexy girl. I brushed my hand over where my vagina would be and felt a little tingle shoot through my body; I was starting to get hard again. After committing the image to my brain after a minute, I went to the bathroom to wash up.

Normally, I would get dressed and go about the rest of my boring normal life. Instead, I decided to stay naked and go down to play video games. I had gotten hooked on the new Call of Duty game. On the multiplayer section, you could customize a title, emblem, and clan tag. Lately, I had been customizing it with girly stuff, and even set my clan tag to "GIRL." I really enjoyed pretending to be a girl, and I was hoping that some pig of a man would message me and start talking dirty to me, but it never happened. Normally after I got off, my hormones would go back to normal, and I'd be okay with being a boring straight male. But today was different, I still felt very feminine. There was one friend that I had met just half a year ago who knew just about everything about my secret life, all my wants and fantasies. Her name was Jenna, and I had met her in a films class at the local community college I had been attending. She was beautiful, kind of short, long black hair, nice big breasts, and she was fun to talk to. The best part was that she didn't judge me. It was amazing that I was so comfortable and trusting with someone I had hardly known half a year, but it just felt so right to tell her everything. She actually thought it was hot that I wanted a girl to force me to crossdress and fuck me with a strap on. We had had long talks on the subject, and it was wonderful to have someone to talk to about a cute bra I saw, or other "girly" things. And she liked me! The only problem was I met her the day after I had started dating my girlfriend. Things were great with her, but she wasn't as sexually adventurous as I would have liked.

I hadn't talked to Jenna in a while, and she didn't always text me back. But she was off at a big college now, about an hour away, so I understood that she might get busy and forget to text me back. I considered inviting her over, but I figured that wouldn't go over too well with my girlfriend, besides, she probably had big college parties to go to. Instead, I just sent her a text that said, "Sometimes I wish I was a girl." (I always preferred skipping the pleasantries and just jumping into the conversation.) I knew that if she didn't text back right away, I most likely wasn't going to hear back from her. But that's just the way life is sometimes. So I played my video game, eventually went up to eat dinner, watched a crappy movie, then went to bed, thinking about all the trouble I could get into tomorrow. I went to bed naked because, let's face it, I wasn't putting any clothes on the next two days.

Usually I can't remember my dreams, which makes me wonder if I ever dream at all. But that night I had nightmares, and the worst part was they seemed too real, and physically painful! The first nightmare I felt a horrible pain in my groin, like someone was pulling my penis and balls back into my body. The second one the skin on my chest felt like it was expanding, and I was so worried it was going to rip apart. There were many strange sensations that night, most of which I couldn't place a finger on. Finally at around four in the morning, I woke up with a scratchy throat, and decided to get a glass of water. Swinging my legs out of bed, I cleared my throat, it sounded a little higher pitched than normal, but I didn't think anything of it. Feeling the way through the darkness, I made my way to the bathroom. I felt weird though, my body seemed heavier than usual. When I got to the bathroom I didn't even bother with the lights, I just turned on the faucet and put my head under. Strangely, it felt like my hair was in the sink, I could even feel it getting wet from the water that didn't go in my mouth. This was weird.

I turned off the sink and reached for the light. The intensity of it blinded me for a second, but I slowly regained my sight. I was stunned by my reflection; I thought I was still dreaming! Standing in the mirror in front of me was clearly a girl. A girl with long, shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, and a average looking nose and mouth. And...damn! "Look at that rack!" I thought, "Those are double dees easy!" I put my hands on my stomach and looked down. Overcome with shock, I realized the girl in the mirror was me! I picked my hair up in my hands and held it in front of my eyes, because it was long enough to do that now. I ran my hands down my cheeks, and down the sides of my torso, to the cheeks on my ass. Squeezing, I found I had a nice firm ass, not huge, but not small, it was perfect. I turned my eyes back to the mirror and brought my hands up to cup my new breasts. I was still thin; I just had some new, rather sexy, curves. "This has to be a dream!" I kept telling myself. That was the only explination. Then I had my most wonderful thought yet. Sure, maybe this wasn't real, but if everything else about me was female, that meant...

My hand, shaking, made its way down my body, down to my crotch. They felt around and found nothing, no balls, no penis, just a soft, smooth mound. One of my fingers started playing with my new lips, working its way inside. It felt so good! I had never felt anything like this before, and it was so incredibly tight! I could feel a sensation rising up inside me and knew at once what it was, I was already starting to orgasm, mostly from how sexy this situation was. I fell to my knees and took my hand away from my vagina. My arms reached up to grip the sink, and my body was trembling. I couldn't control what was happening, I didn't know how. After what seemed like hours, but was probably just ten minutes, I regained control of my body, took one last look in the mirror, then headed back to my bedroom. I assumed that was the only way I could go back to normal, to end the dream. Within seconds of laying my head back on the pillow, I fell asleep.

The Sun shone through the cracks in my curtains and woke me up. Day two of complete freedom, and I was still waking up at eight in the morning, looks like no sleeping in for me. My body still seemed to be shaking a little from my dream last night. I threw off the covers and my eyes widened as I saw the breasts were still there, as was the vagina, and the hair. I was still a girl! I was really freaking out now. There was no doubt in my mind that this wasn't a dream, I pinched myself several times just to make sure. But I couldn't explain what tricks my mind was playing on me, everything seemed too real. I pinched my nipple and it hurt, this had to be real. Who could I tell though? Who could I go to to ask what was happening to me? There was no way I could just walk into a hospital and expect an answer; I'd probably get shipped off for tests. I couldn't tell my girlfriend, or my family, they'd think I'd lost my mind. No, the only person I could tell was Jenna, and even then she'd probably have to see it to believe it.

Reaching over to my nightstand for my phone, I dialed Jenna's number. It went straight to voicemail, but I didn't bother leaving one. I just sent her a text that read, "I need to see you today. It's an emergency. I'm driving down there. See you in a bit." I had to put my hands on my head to keep my brain from spinning as I got out of bed. It looked like I had to put clothes on now, I couldn't drive down there naked. Doing the only thing I thought reasonable, I went to my sister's room. I found a plain pair of white cotton panties and pulled them on. It was a very tight fit. My hips seemed to be a bit wider than hers, and my ass a little bigger. I realized I was going to have a problem when it came to the bra. Just glancing down at my breasts I could tell my sister or my mom wouldn't have a bra big enough for me. This thought was confirmed when I tried to fit into one of my sister's. It was an A, and way too small to fit me. I supposed I really didn't need one anyway, I'd just let them hang.

I was surprised at how well I was taking all this. After the initial panic went away, I actually started enjoying it. This body felt right, and sexy. I found the biggest fitted tee my sister had and put it on. It too, was incredibly tight, but I loved the way it hugged my curves. After trying for several minutes to pull on a pair of jeans, I realized it wasn't going to work, once I got them around my waist I couldn't get them buttoned, plus they were about three inches too short. I was a little shorter than I had been yesterday, which I was thankful for. I didn't want to be too tall as a girl. Hanging up in her closet I found a knee length black skirt. It perfectly matched the deep red tee I had on, and I was just barely able to get it zipped up all the way. It would make do for now, I decided. Putting on a pair of her socks, I noticed that my feet had gotten smaller, and I could probably wear her heels now. I tried on a simple black pair with a four inch heel. It took me a little bit to figure out how to walk in them, but once I did I was strutting up and down the hallway checking myself out in the mirror.

Once I had finished looking over every inch of my body, I figured it was probably about time to go see Jenna and see if we could come up with any solutions. Clearly I couldn't keep living like this, no one would know it was me. I grabbed one of my sister's purses and threw in my phone and wallet. I wasn't going to bother with makeup, because I had no idea how to apply any of it. As I left the house and drove down the highway, I thought to myself that I really wouldn't mind living in this body, I was getting rather used to it. The problem was that all the ID I had said I was a male. Even if I did leave my old life behind, I'd have to get fake IDs. Plus there'd be no college record, so I'd have to start over, which I really didn't want to do. Then I had the best thought I'd ever had, and a smile crept across my face. "I could always work in porn," I thought. I had always wanted to, and now that I was, in my professional opinion, a very sexy female, I was sure I'd have no trouble getting a job. I figured I'd mostly do lesbian porn. Everything about me mentally seemed the same as I was before; I assumed I was still mostly attracted to girls.

Halfway into my drive, my phone went off telling me I had a text. It was Jenna saying, "Okay, let me know when you get here." I felt a little comforted knowing she finally acknowledged that I was alive. I relaxed a little and decided to enjoy the ride. Turning on the radio, I realized I hadn't tried out my voice yet. I had no idea what I sounded like. When I was still a guy, I was a pretty decent singer. I had even started singing falsetto to You and I by Gaga and Ke$ha songs, which I had gotten pretty good at. I couldn't help but wonder if all of my skills carried over in this new body. There was only one way to find out. Katy Perry's California Gurls came on and I figured this was as good a time as any. I waited until the chorus because I didn't know the lyrics real well, but once I started singing I couldn't believe how good I sounded! I was a little shaky at first, but by the end of the song I had really gotten used to this voice and what it could do. I thought I could probably outsing Katy Perry, live at least, (I had heard her live and thought she kind of sucked.) It was about a fourty-five minute drive to Jenna's college, and I planned on spending every minute of it singing along to the radio and breaking in my new, sexy voice.

When I finally arrived outside Jenna's apartment my throat was a little sore and I regretted not bringing something to drink. The whole car ride here my brain struggled with what was going on. Part of me knew this couldn't be real, and I was still in bed dreaming. I wanted to love every minute of this sexy transformation, but I knew I couldn't live like this forever. Maybe it was only temporary, and some higher power was playing a cruel joke on me. Maybe I'd wake up tomorrow and be completely back to normal. All I could do now was go knock on Jenna's door and try to explain to her what had happened.

I knocked three times and heard footsteps on their way to the door as someone yelled, "Coming!" The door swung open to reveal an average height girl with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a tee shirt and short shorts. She placed one arm on the door and leaned on it. "Can I help you?" she asked, with a bit of attitude.

"Okay, this is going to be a little hard to believe," I said, "but I'm Jon. Something happened to me last night and I woke up looking like this. I need help and you are the only one I can trust."

She stared at me blankly for several moments, looking me up and down, then she looked at my eyes and said, "Alright, come in. Sarah, (her roommate), isn't home, so we'll have some privacy for a while." Shutting the door behind me, she ushered me to the couch. "Is there any way you can prove to me that you are Jon?"

I pulled out my cell phone and my wallet. "Is this enough proof? If not, I can go on and tell you about the class we took together, and tell you things about you that only I could know."

"No, that's good enough. Well looks like you got your wish," she laughed as she joined me on the couch. "You look really good though, but I think we need to go get you some new clothes, those look a little tight and...are you not wearing a bra?"


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