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The Young Lawyers

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Changing firms gives two young lawyers much greater exposure.
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This story is a work of fiction. Some real places and institutions are mentioned or implied, but they are used fictitiously here. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those places or institutions has done anything akin to what is described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


I went to Thomas, Sturdivant & Hillman straight from law school. I was not there long. However, the experience changed my life.

I had gone to a reasonably prestigious university in the Great Lakes region on a partial wrestling scholarship. I was an ok wrestler, fourth at the conference tournament at 197 lbs. my senior year. I was a better student, graduating with honors and getting into a top 15 law school in the South. Deciding I didn't want to stay in the South, I took an associate position with Thomas, a huge "full service" law firm in the capital city of my home state.

I couldn't help noticing one of the other young lawyers who started at Thomas with me. Vickie Stuart was about 5'7" or 5' 8." Slightly wavy light brown hair framed a wonderful face with bright blue eyes, prominent cheek bones, a strong jaw, and a delectable mouth. Vickie moved with the instinctive grace of a natural athlete. The dark jacket, light blouse, and knee-length dark skirt that seemed to be the uniform of women lawyers was meant to make them look professional rather than highlighting their figures. Despite that concealing outfit, it was obvious that Vickie had at least a decent body and possibly a great one.

A few weeks after we'd started, Vickie and I were assigned to a team of lawyers handling some emergency litigation in federal court. Being the youngest on the team, Vickie and I spent most of our time researching precedents to put in the legal memoranda being filed in the case on a daily, and sometimes hourly, basis. Except for brief periods to go home and change clothes, Vickie and I were in the office constantly. Most of that time, we were working together.

Working very closely with her, I learned that Vickie was articulate, witty, and a wonderful person. Despite the very long hours and constant fatigue, Vickie was never frustrated or short-tempered. She was, simply, a pleasure to be around. During my time working with her, I found out Vickie had been a tennis player in college and had gone to another well-regarded southern law school. I also learned that Vickie had recently broken up with her law school boyfriend, who had gone to a firm in New York.

The federal court case settled after three very intensive weeks. While there had been multiple hearings, Vickie and I had not seen the inside of the courtroom. We had not met the client. We had only brief contact with the senior partner who led the team. But we had gotten to know each other very well.

I must admit that I fell hard for Vickie Stuart. She was a physically beautiful young woman, and her personality was her stronger asset. A week after the case settled, I screwed up the courage to ask her out. I was sure she would turn me down. I was startled when Vickie said, "I'd love to."

We did the classic dinner and a movie first date. We'd spent so much time together already that it didn't feel like a first date. It was around 11:00 p.m. when we got out of the movie. As we walked back to my car, we passed on all night drug store. "You don't have any condoms, do you?" Vickie asked.

That question threw me enough that, instead of saying something clever, I simply answered "no."

Vickie gave me a smile I can still picture. "You probably want to stop in there and get some," she said.

As I've said, Vickie Stuart was beautiful even in her conservative office clothes. In her apartment that night, I learned she was exquisitely beautiful naked. (She still is). We kissed a lot and explored each other's bodies. We licked and sucked for a time before Vickie opened a condom packet and unrolled the rubber over my hard dick. She lay on her back, spread her legs, and used a hand to guide me into her.

As with any new lover, it took some time for me to learn what was most stimulating for Vickie. She gave me a lot of verbal feedback which I was grateful for. Up to that night, I hadn't thought that the physical sensations I enjoyed from sex were different with different women. However, being in Vickie felt better, a lot better, than I'd ever experienced before.

After some trial and error, I found the spot to push against that seemed most satisfying to Vickie. I stayed with that. She was very responsive. As her hips bucked against me more, I thrust harder and faster. Vickie started sucking air hard. The movement of her hips became faster and more forceful. She began a low moan that rose in pitch and volume. Her body convulsed and she made a sound I can't describe except to say it's the most erotic sound I've ever heard. I came an instant later.

Vickie held me in her with her legs around my hips and her arms around my back. Between gasps of breath, we kissed. The look on her face was excited and loving. As our pulses and breathing got close to normal, Vickie said, "You just earned yourself a girlfriend."

Vickie and I had to be discreet. In-office romances happened at Thomas, but they were frowned on. Someone, usually the woman, would be told to find another job if the senior partners found out. Vickie and I were very serious about each other, but neither of us wanted to be looking for work so soon after starting our first legal jobs.

We kept our relationship secret from everyone at the firm until the following summer. Vickie and I were assigned to an antitrust case. One aspect of the case involved reviewing tens of thousands of invoices the defendant had issued over many years. The invoices were in boxes inside disabled semi-trailers on a lot at a plant in western Virginia. Vickie and I, and one of the firm's paralegals, were sent to Virginia in August to go through the records in the trailers. We were in Virginia for five days. We stayed in a 1960's style motel at an exit off the interstate about five miles from the plant. It was the only place to stay in the area. Like many of that type of motel, this one had a small in-ground swimming pool between the parking lot and the rooms.

As we trudged to our rooms after our second day in the trailers, Vickie looked at the pool and said, "getting in that would feel great about now."

"We should," I replied.

"Sure, I brought a suit," Vickie retorted sarcastically.

I put a hand on Vickie's arm to slow her down and let Denise go ahead of us. When I thought Denise was out of earshot, I softly said, "this place isn't very busy. I think we could get away without suits later."

Vickie smiled and softly said, "good idea."

The motel was dead by 10:00 p.m. Denise was in her room doing whatever she did. Vickie and I left Vickie's room wearing only tee shirts and shorts. We very carefully opened the gate in the metal fence around the pool. We stood on the concrete pool deck for several minutes listening and looking around. All we heard were trucks on the interstate. Thinking we had the pool to ourselves, we stripped off and quietly got into the warm water.

We thought swimming would make too much noise. We just leaned against the pool wall at a point where the water reached Vickie's shoulders. I guess we were too engrossed in each other because we didn't hear a thing until we heard Denise's voice saying, "great minds think alike." We looked up to see Denise standing on the pool deck right where we'd left our clothes. We were busted, so we thought.

Denise was wearing a long tee shirt. I could only see bare legs below her shirt but assumed Denise had small shorts on. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it off over her head. Denise wasn't wearing shorts, or anything else. She wasn't breathtakingly beautiful like Vickie, but Denise was an attractive woman, more so in the nude. Denise got into the water and came over to us. We talked for a while. Among other things, Denise told us she knew we'd spent the previous night together in Vickie's room. "Don't worry," Denise said, "I'm not going to rat you out." Smiling at Vickie, she added, "I just wish I'd been able to bring more than my Hitachi to keep me company."

The three of us skinny dipped the remaining two nights we were in Virginia and Denise became a friend. Back at home, Vickie and I started having dinner periodically with Denise and her boyfriend Jeff. Jeff was a decent guy who'd played hockey at The State University in town and now worked for our city's NHL team.

A couple of months after our trip to Virginia, Denise asked Vickie and me to have lunch with her one Thursday. It seemed a little odd that she made a point of going to a place several blocks from the office. We walked past a dozen or so restaurants on route.

Once we had our food and were seated, Denise said, "I asked you to lunch because I want to suggest something to you. Let me say upfront, I won't be offended at all if you don't want to do this."

"What is it? Drowning cats?" Vickie asked jokingly.

"Jeff and I belong to a private club," Denise said. "It's sort of a spa, with pools, hot tubs, and saunas but it also has a bar and a restaurant. It's really very nice. We're going Saturday night and would like the two of you to come with us."

"Sounds great. Sure," Vickie said.

"Hold on," Denise said, "there's something else you need to know first, and I'd really appreciate it if you don't tell anyone about this."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well," Denise took a deep breath, "it's a nude club. Only the staff wear clothes. The members and their guests are prohibited from wearing anything except shower shoes on your feet."

Vickie and I were both surprised. We didn't say anything for a moment. "Since you went skinny dipping when we were in Virginia," Denise said defensively, "I thought you might enjoy it. I'm sorry if I've upset you."

"No," I said, trying to be reassuring.

"You're fine," Vickie said. "It's just something we hadn't thought about before."

I knew Vickie well enough by then that I could tell from her face that she wanted to try Denise's club. It did sound interesting. I gave Vickie a look meant to say, "Your call. I'll go with whatever you want to do."

Vickie got my message. "Thank you for asking us," she said. "We'd love to try our club." Denise showed a look of relief. "Have you ever taken anyone else from the Firm there?" Vickie asked.

"No," Denise said. "You two are the first people I've known at the Firm who I thought might enjoy it and who I trust." I was touched that Denise trusted us.

Vickie and I were a little nervous as we drove to Denise's apartment complex early that Saturday evening. We'd debated what to wear to a place where we'd be taking our clothes off. We finally decided to dress like we dressed the other times we'd been out with Denise and Jeff. When Denise answered her door, we saw they had done the same.

The club was in a northern suburb. It looked much nicer than I had expected. The locker room was elegant, with carpeting and wooden locker doors that were, or were meant to look like, cherry wood. Jeff opened a locker and he and Denise began undressing. Vickie and I were being tentative, so Denise and Jeff were nude before we had taken anything off. I opened a locker. Vickie took a deep breath and said, "We're holding things up." She slid off her shoes and began unbuttoning her top.

It was sexy to undress in front of Denise and Jeff. Denise had, sort of, seen us naked before but we'd been in the water or partially covered by a towel. When Vickie and I were both naked, she took my hand and we stood facing Denise and Jeff.

"Vickie," Jeff said, "you are very beautiful in the nude." He was right.

"Will looks pretty good naked too," Denise added.

It was thrilling, and a little scary, to walk out of the locker room naked. In front of us was a large pool. It wasn't crowded, but there were several people in it. We followed Denise and Jeff as they walked past pool to large bar finished to look like a British pub. The bar was busy. The only people wearing clothes in the bar were the waitress and bartender.

The bar crowd was about 50-50 male/female. I'm guessing the age range was from mid-twenties to mid-sixties. There were some men and women in stunning shape and some with pot bellies.

Denise pointed to an empty stand-up table against the back wall of the bar and said "there." It was impossible to reach the table without brushing against other patrons. No one seemed to mind. Vickie and I were very openly being inspected by the other customers as we wriggled through the crowd and as we stood at the table with Denise and Jeff. To my surprise, it was gratifying to have that many people taking an interest in my nude body. Even more people took an interest in Vickie, who looked especially beautiful. I'm sure she also enjoyed the attention.

I quickly realized I had seen some of these people before, clothed, either in court or on the streets downtown. Then, Brad Teller came in. Most big firm lawyers looked down their nose at Brad Teller. He represented "unsavory" clients, garnered a lot of media attention, and had his office in the burbs. Worse, he made more money that a lot of big firm partners. Vickie and I had met him at bar association functions, and he had spoken at seminars.

Teller was a tall man with broad shoulders, a thick chest, and a full head of expensively cut silver hair. I don't usually pay attention to dicks, but Teller's was so prominent you couldn't ignore it. He obviously kept himself in shape. Also in excellent shape was the much younger, tall blonde with him. She had fantastic legs but what you really noticed was her massive breasts. I suspected more than a little silicon.

With obvious surprise, Vickie said, "that's Brad Teller!"

"Yeah," Denise said, "he's been here every time we have. He's always with that same woman. I don't know who she is."

Almost immediately after he entered the bar, the waitress appeared with drinks that she handed to Teller and his companion. Teller obviously knew many of the people there. Notwithstanding that everyone was naked, Teller hugged most of the women and his companion hugged most of the men.

Teller and his companion worked the room. He stopped at our table, looked at Vickie and me, and said in a booming voice, "you're lawyers. I've seen you at bar events." We acknowledged that we were, indeed, lawyers. "What firm are you with?" Teller asked. We told him. "Damn!" he said. "I've never seen a Thomas lawyer here before. High time." Looking Vickie up and down, he added "and we got that Firm's most beautiful lawyer."

Teller suddenly seemed stuck, and it dawned on me that he didn't know or had forgotten our names. I introduced Vickie, Denise, Jeff, and myself. Teller introduced the woman with him as Stacey Rand, his office administrator and paralegal.

The conversation stopped for a moment. Stacey started to move towards another table. Teller gently grabbed her arm and said, "wait." He paused another moment before asking us, "have you eaten?"

"No," I said.

"Stacey and I are eating here," Teller said. "Will you join us? It's on me."

I glanced at Vickie. She quietly said, "up to you." Denise and Jeff nodded their agreement.

I thought dinner with Brad Teller might, at least, be amusing. "We'd be honored," I said, "but we can't let you pay for us."

"It's the least I can do in return for the opportunity to dine with such beautiful women," Teller said, including Denise in his look his time. I started to say something else when he cut me off. "I insist," he said. I shrugged. Teller waved the waitress over and told her to put our drinks on his tab. I glanced at Vickie. She just smiled.

I remembered that Denise had told us that the club had a restaurant, and that clothing was prohibited throughout the club. I still expected to be given a robe or something to wear while eating dinner. Nope, the six of us ate buck naked sitting on our towels. The food was surprisingly good. Over dinner, we learned that Teller's firm consisted of him, two younger lawyers, Stacey, and two secretaries. We also learned that Teller had played football at The State University. Teller quizzed Vickie and me about our educations, our athletic careers, and what we had done at the Firm.

At the end of the meal, Teller insisted on coffee for all of us. "The night is young," he declared. "Have to keep the energy level up." After we were done with coffee, Teller whispered something in Stacey's ear. She nodded affirmatively. "Would the four of you join us in one of the red rooms?" Teller asked.

"Jeff and I have been members here about a year," Denise said. "We've never seen the red rooms."

"Tonight, you will," Teller declared. "Come!"

We followed Teller and Stacey (who had a large but very firm ass) down a hallway and down a set of stairs. A young woman was sitting on a stool at the open door at the base of the stairs.

"Rooms open?" Teller asked the young woman.

"A couple," she replied.

Stacey and Teller were obviously in a hurry. They walked briskly down the hall until they came to an open door. The four of us followed. We were in a large room. Teller and Stacey had taken off their shoes, so we did the same. The floor was covered with something like red leather. The center of the room was occupied by a large circular piece of furniture that was about groin high. It appeared to be padded and was upholstered in a shiny red material. The walls were mirrored. The lighting wasn't bright, but we could see clearly. Different sides of our nude bodies reflected from different walls.

Stacey and Teller began kissing. Teller put his hand between Stacey's thighs. Stacey took Teller's balls in her hand. As Teller became erect, Stacey began stroking his dick. He lowered his head and sucked one of Stacey's huge nipples.

There was something erotic and seductive about the scene. What Stacey and Teller were doing seemed natural. Teller sat down on the furniture. He looked at us and said, "you only live once kids." He lay back. Stacey climbed on, straddled him, held his dick up with her hand, and lowered herself down on it.

The purpose of the red rooms was clear. Vickie and I had a choice: we could leave, or we stay in the room and fuck. I looked at Vickie. Her eyes were gleaming, and she was breathing a bit fast. She stepped to me and said, "like he said, we only live once." She took my dick in her hand. I pulled her face to mine and kissed her. Our tongues danced with each other.

Denise was on her back and Jeff had mounted her before Vickie and I took our places on the piece of furniture. As I slid my dick into Vickie's pussy, she said, "this feels wonderful." I hope she meant me rather than the furniture.

Vickie and I had been together long enough by then know what each other liked and to have developed variations for our lovemaking. That night, Vickie said, "slow." That meant we would take our time and I would not immediately target her favorite spot. That night was so extraordinary, like an erotic dream, that we wanted to prolong it as much as possible.

"Slow" also meant we were more aware of our surroundings. We could hear grunts, murmurs, giggles, and other sounds from the two couples with whom we shared the one piece of furniture. Those sounds of intercourse made a soundtrack for our own lovemaking.

It seemed like we had been fucking for a long time when we heard Teller grunt several times and Stacey moan "Ohhhh yessss!" Vickie sped up her hips to tell me we were moving from "slow" to "let's come!"

A bit later, we heard Denise's voice, an octave higher than normal, saying staccato "yes, yes, yes, oh yes, yeeessss!" Along with that, we heard Jeff expel several huge breaths.

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