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There Is More To Being Blacked

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...than meets the eye, a lot more.
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This is an interracial story with a touch of black on blond lesbianism. To those critics who just don't like me, please, move on. These stories's are the figment of my imagination, please read them as such and have some fun, please?

Maria Anna Schaefer was stood at the lectern finishing her acceptance speech. She had just been elected the city's first lady mayor. The 40, soon to be 41 year old blond beauty was a real high.

The reason she had won the election was solely down to her stance on drug use and gay rights, she was against both in public, but not against gay rights in private. The defining strategy had been her willingness to 'out' high profile people, be they stars, or celebrities, even political opponents for their drug abuse. Some had gone to jail, some had lost everything, and the public loved it.

Miguel Anderson was stood at the back in the door way waiting to drive her home; her day had been a long one. He had seen off her regular driver with warnings of serious personal hurt if he showed his face again. He had gone to a flash store and tried on the navy blue suit he later went back and stole, the brilliant white shirt too, along with the socks and shoes, his cap had come from the previous driver as he no longer needed it.

The pin in his lapel was her personal tag of recognition for the driver, he had stolen the driver creds, had them reproduced in his titles and he was all set. The envelope was sat on the floor next to the driver's seat, waiting for the commencement of his actions.

He was a large black guy of West Indian heritage, a goatee beard adorned his handsome face, 6ft 4" of rock solid power, but his physical prowess was outweighed by a very agile mind. He could assess almost any situation in a second. And his propensity for turning such situations to his advantage was legendary. And the reason he was here tonight had been one of them.

The lady he as looking at was about to have a bombshell set off right under her elegant feet. She was going to be his ride to the ultimate wealth he had been looking for. He had money and a certain amount of power, but not enough. Mrs Maria Anna Schaefer was going to be his ticket, although for the moment she wasn't aware of it.

Maria Anna Schaefer was an extremely beautiful woman, brash, hard faced, uncompromising, and didn't suffer fools gladly. In fact she didn't suffer them at all, once it became apparent to those around her that she was a winner. Her star rose, she became No 1, and what she said went, only those that were able to keep to her standards remained with her, the others had been discarded.

She was hated and feted in equal measures; she was a good friend, but a terrible revengeful enemy. Maria was what men could never understand or get their thick collective heads around, she was the ultimate beauty in every way, and had a brain as sharp and as intelligent as any man. She was married to a leading national politician. He was tipped as a future leader, and Maria was on his shirt tails, like it or not.

She had two children, Robert who was still a teen and in boarding school, and her equally beautiful daughter Rebecca was at college. Maria stood at five feet nine inches tall and made full use of high heels and piled up hair to good advantage. Her face was her main asset; it was in any ones words astonishingly beautiful, her complexion at forty was still flawless. And it was fully complimented by her lustrous sleek mane of honey blond hair.

She didn't pay much attention to her body, she didn't need to, it kept its perfect shape without any help from her. The only blight in her life was the lack of ample sex, in her position, having an affair was a definite no no. An indiscretion on her part would ruin her life forever. Her husband spent a lot of time away from home, as did she on occasions. But she stayed within the boundaries of her marriage, even if her husband didn't, that was one of the reasons for lack of good sex.

He swung both ways nowadays; he had met a young faggot, a rent boy, and after a night on the wine had tasted the other side, and found he had a liking for it. So now at home he was the epitome of a normal family man, but on the QT he was actively engaging in homosexuality. Thus his sex life at home with his wife had dwindled to almost nothing, he ha never been a very active lover from the start, but now it was almost non existent.

She had chosen him at college, not because of his boyish good looks and charm, but because he had a similar mind to hers, and she knew he would go far. She would show him the way, and being as intelligent as she was, Maria went with him, waiting in the wings for her turn.

And Maria to her credit had got him to the top, or near it, he was nearly there. Then he would go along too. She had remained a steadfastly faithful wife, never once straying from the path of righteousness. She longed for normal sex, good rough house loving, a passionate night, for just once in her life, she thought often to herself, but she knew it would never happen, it wouldn't be allowed to.

She had put up with it for her future; her enforced abstinence was worth the price of sexual frustration. She had a very expensive, very adept rampant rabbit, that didn't use battery's, it was rechargeable. And while it did the trick, it didn't provide the closeness of physical love and contact. But in her lower moments, she would often wonder how on earth he had managed to father two beautiful children, especially Lisa, who was a younger and equally beautiful version of her mother.

Miguel smiled as he watched the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The world could be at her feet, it would be! Maria wrapped up her speech, took the plaudits, and walked though her adoring supporters as they parted like the Red Sea did for Moses. He made his way out to await her. She arrived on the steps, posed for the photo's that would adorn tomorrows papers, and strutted elegantly to her now open rear door of the stretch limo, as Miguel held it for her.

She slid inside, he closed the door, the locks engaging, the tinted windows blocked any more views of her and she laid back, kicking off her shoes and undoing her blouse. She sat there and gloried in her success. Miguel set off to take her on the hour long journey home to her expansive mansion.

He glanced through the glass divider separating her from him. He then glanced at the A4 envelope on the floor next to him. After 20 minutes of driving which got him out of the city and into the country, he reached out and picked it up. He had rehearsed this several times, so that when he got to the appointed spot on the trip, he would be where he wanted to be. It all depended really though on her reactions.

He spoke into the mic above his head. "Mrs Schaefer," he said, I have something of extreme importance that you should see. It is politically explosive and really needs your urgent attention." Then he held up the envelope.

Her interest piqued, she told him to hand it to her, the divider slid down. She took the envelope and opened it. Maria pulled out the contents; he saw her face in the rear view mirror blanche, her mouth drop open and her eyes widen. It was going well, his timing was spot on for the moment.

"What the hell," she gasped. They were photos of her beautiful beloved daughter in bed with another woman, and she was snorting what looked like coke! Both women were naked, the unknown woman had her fingers in Lisa's shaven pussy and the look of pure enjoyment on her lovely face was obvious for all to see.

Maria was absolutely shocked rigid, she couldn't speak, she looked at them all, there were ten of them and all super explicit. Various sexual poses, but it was the drug use that hit Maria. She was the country's leading advocate against drug use, and called for harsher and harsher penalties for those who used it, and those who supplied it.

She looked into Miguel's eyes in the mirror, managing to say.

"What is this, where did you get these," then she said, "What do you want?" Her razor sharp mind clicked into gear, blackmail, that's what this is, she told herself.

"Shall we chat about it maam?" was his reply.

"I think we had better," she told him.

And up ahead, 400 meters away was the turning he wanted.

He turned down it, 200 more meters was the hidden glade he had selected, as he pulled to a stop he turned out the lights, now they were in darkness, he turned on the rear interior light. Maria was staring wild eyes at the photos in her hand. Now, he thought, this is where it works or it doesn't.

Pressing the override on the rear door locks they popped to the open position, and he knew that once he was in there with her, she would give in. He climbed out of the car, undoing his belt as he did, and unhooking the top of his trousers. He opened her door and got into the massive rear compartment. There was a lot more room than he needed, but more space for fun, he had said in his mind.

He took the photos from her and dropped them to the floor, pressed the button to relock the doors. For the first time in her life she was not in control. Her mind was already a wreck, her daughter; her own daughter was having a lesbian affair with an obviously older woman who, in all probability had seduced her precocious offspring. But the drugs, Oh God no, not drugs Lisa, she yelled at her in her mind.

"I have money, lots of it, how much do you want for these?" she said to him, she was in bargaining mode now. Get them and get him out of her life, was all she thought and wanted. Protect her daughter, herself, her husband, Oh Jesus her husband, and of course her son too.

"We'll get to that later," he told her, "you have something more important that I want, much more important Mrs Schaefer."

"What, please tell me, I'll give it to you I promise?" She whispered, she was afraid of him.

"Yes you will," he said, as he cupped her breast, found and squeezed her nipple. Maria recoiled, her surprise total, she hadn't expected this, her mind hadn't even gone there. She slapped his hand away.

"Don't you touch me you filthy black pig!" she shouted. Miguel put his arm around her and forced her to him, and growled in her ear.

"Listen to me you clever beautiful bitch, you will do as I say or those photos, and the DVD they came from will be posted to, first your husband, his political masters, your agent, your own political masters. The city fathers, the college your daughter goes to, and the school your son goes to. Have I missed any one? Oh yes, Facebook, and You Tube, are you with me yet?"

Maria drowned in her sudden derailment; her life's train was off the tracks and no way to get it back on. Miguel again cupped her breast and squeezed her nipple. Maria didn't try to stop him. He loved this, the power over a person, especially this one. This woman was every walking mans wet dream, and no doubt others too.

Maria Anna Schaefer was dead in the water, but she hadn't realised it yet. She was a helpless captive, and would be made to do his bidding in every way. He was more than overjoyed that his expensive ploy had worked as well as it had.

He had taken a year to find the right person for his plans, and that person was Lisa Schaefer. And when he had found out whom her parents were he went into top gear. It had cost him a lot of money, he had paid the dark skinned Caribbean beauty to seduce the girl, she had moved in next door to her apartment and captivated her.

Soon she was leading her gently to bed, and then into the coke. But as per her instructions, that had been a one time thing. Just enough for the photos and the woman had been warned of severe repercussions if she did it again. Her sexual liaisons with the girl were her business, but not the coke.

The fact that her daughter might or might not be a lesbian was of no consequence to him, but her becoming a drug addict did. He also thought that maybe later he could get to her the same way he had got her mother. And Lisa, unknown to her, had a guardian angel watching over her to make sure she didn't do it again.

He gently squeezed and rotated Maria's nipple, while telling her she had better behave herself, she was in, she was staying in and she would do as she was told. And he finished his mini speech saying, "Do you understand Mrs Schaefer?"

The light went on, "yes," she whispered.

"Good, now get on your knees and face me," he told her. She looked at him as if she was going to challenge him, but she slid down off the seat and knelt in front of him. He pulled his zip down and nodded his head at her.

She reached and fished out, and saw what to her, was a very impressive cock, and to top it all, it was a black crinkly one. She had never handled another mans cock since meeting her husband, so this was very different. She moved it in her hands, preparing herself for what she knew she would be doing in a moment or two.

It twitched and grew between her fingers, it made her blink quickly. Maria went into submissive woman mode, it seemed to hypnotise her, it took control of her mind. She was willing it to grow bigger, harden, and make her stare at it in wonderment. It was far bigger the John David's cock, her husband. It grew as she was expecting it to do, it became hard and stiff, proud and erect, the head was shiny dark pink, the shaft was thick and veiny.

At the base peeking out, was a mass of dark shiny curly hair, and then she noticed the smell, the musky odour drifted to her nostrils and she breathed it in. It assailed her senses. Miguel just sat there and let her take all the time in the world. It couldn't be going any better than it was, he said to himself.

He wasn't going to have to make her, or order her to do what nature was making her do naturally, to please the dominant male in her life, who was now right in front of her. She leaned forward and touched the tip of it with her tongue, then pulled back as if she thought it was going to chase her.

She returned to it a few seconds later, this time her tongue stayed in contact with it. Then her fabulous pouted lips made contact, Miguel sighed in anticipation. Maria heard the sigh and this prompted further ministrations from her. Her eyes lifted to his and she peered up through slatted eyes into his. He gave her a small smile of encouragement and Maria's lips slid right over the end of it.

It was years since she had done this, her primal needs took over, the sexual denial she had forced upon herself broke. It swept her off the pedestal she had stood upon for the last twenty years. Her lips slid over it, Maria Anna Schaefer the paragon of virtue was kissing and sucking another mans cock. It belonged to a total stranger, and it was a black cock. She had never ever gone near a black man in her youth or later years, her future that was mapped out in her head, and it didn't include anyone but a white male.

She was being blackmailed into this. This person was an unknown black thug. It was wrong, he should go to jail. Be held to account for this heinous crime he was forcing on her. These were her thoughts as she completely engulfed the hard prominent black pole and sucked.

Maria went for it, the dam of virtue was breeched, the life long stress was being torn away from her. The sexual frustration she had endured of her own volition was running off like water down an open drain. Her hands clasped the black member like a life giving saviour. Miguel was happily surprised to see her doing what she was. He had no idea that she was sex starved, he had assumed that a woman who looked as good as she did, would have suitors hanging off her like raindrops.

But, he thought, business first, he let her savour his well drilled tool, one that would bring her the immense satisfaction that a woman feels when a real man has fucked her long and hard, and Miguel intended to do just that. She gradually became an almost appendage to it herself. Then he pulled her off. He could almost see the disappointment in her face.

He made her look at him, then he spoke forcefully and meaningfully.

"Listen to me Maria, and listen well, your life as you know it has changed. You will be for as long as I want you be, my personal fuck toy, I will make love and fuck you whenever opportunity presents its self. I will not, nor ever will, interfere in your life in any way except for this. But I will be at your side wherever you go; you will hire me as your personal bodyguard. And believe me I will guard your body. Unless you accept these terms I will reveal the photos. Do you concur or not?"

She looked up at him; her life had changed that was for sure. This man had captured her, and unless she capitulated to his demands her life as she knew it would be over. Her mind raced over possible scenario's, and decided he was right, she had no option what so ever.

Maria said to him, "yes I agree, I will do what you say, but if you don't keep your word about not interfering in my political life I I will stop you one way or another." He smiled at her, it showed her he agreed. Maria dropped her mouth back onto his still hard projectile and sucked him. Her inner feline pleasure made her attack it with a fervour she had long forgotten. Her object was to make him cum.

Miguel laid back and allowed her the ownership of his rampant prick, as he looked down at the glorious beautiful sexy and powerful woman, on her knees in the back of her own limo. Trying her damndest to make him cum, hers hands were seeking his balls, feeling them, the contents, the heaviness, the hairy sac containing them.

Maria inwardly swooned, the suction she was applying was too much even for Miguel, he held her lovely coiffured head in his hands and blew his thick heavy steamy load right down her throat. Maria sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed, she swept it all in and down. The taste of it brought her memories of it flooding back, she delighted in the feeling of his cum swimming in her body, her lips wrapped tight around the top heavy head of what she was finding out, was a prick of a man, a real man, black or not.

She stayed where she was, his cock shrinking a little in her mouth, she continued sucking it, bringing out the last dregs of his cum with her pointy tongue in his pee hole. Miguel pulled her up, opened her blouse and kissed and sucked her nipples. Maria immediately became more hotly aroused. What she had just done for him had fired her up, but now her body caught fire.

He knowing how to handle a woman in arousal, kissed her, pushed her away, and started to get out of the car.

"Where are you going?" she demanded, "We haven't finished yet, have we?"

"Yes we have Maria; I decide the programme, not you, okay?" It was a statement.

"But," she protested. He interrupted her.

"I said," he told her forcefully, "that I decide the issues not you, get it!"

Maria shut up. But she did say one thing into the intercom as he drove off with her straightening herself up.

"I am on my own at home, there's only the live in house maid at the back." She told him, leaving out her wishful thinking.

"I'll think about it." Was all he said, but he already had, he would stay the night and fuck her hard and almost brutally, she will know who she belongs to by the morning, were his thoughts.

'This has been far easier than I had ever imagined,' he told himself gleefully. She had accepted her fate somewhat stoically; he had reached where he wanted to be in the first few minutes.

She on her behalf had seen the writing on the wall, her whole life and that of her family would be totally ruined if this got out. So Maria had decided in a moment, that the only way to redemption was his way.

What she hadn't bargained for in that momentary decision, was that her self inflicted sexual deprivation would be awakened in such a violent way. She had reacted physically and immediately to the thick heavy cock that had appeared in her face. It was like a light popping on in her head, long buried needs demanded to be heard and sated.

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