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Third Year After Ch. 03

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Keeping Jody busy, and reunion with Matt & Sophia.
11.8k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/05/2017
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Author's Note: Welcome to the third chapter of "Third Year After", the continuation of the story begun in "First Year After", and continued in "Second Year After". I recommend that you read the two preceding series, and first two chapters of this series, before beginning this chapter. I hope you enjoy the ongoing story.

Disclaimer: All sexual activity described in this story involves fictional characters over the age of 18.


March 13, 2015

Jack and Carrie had an early flight to Miami on Saturday morning, so they stopped by with Jody after we got home from work on Friday, before Sandy had made it back from college. Things had thawed enough that Patti got hugs from her parents, but they were still cold as ice towards me. We explained the shift in sleeping arrangements, and took them over to East House, to have Jody drop her suitcase in Sandy's room.

"So, where is Sandy going to sleep?" Carrie asked.

Patti answered, "She has her choice, she can either stay in the center house with Amber, or in the second bedroom of West, Henry's house. We tend to eat our meals together in either of the other two houses, depending on who has volunteered to cook. We'll mainly be here to sleep."

Jack asked, "Amber's not going to sleep here?"

Patti sighed. "Dad, Mom, you obviously disapprove of the relationship Drew and I have with Amber, so we didn't think you would want Jody exposed to more of it than she already knows about by having the three of us sleep together with her in the same house. You can't then turn around and act like she's supposed to be here with us. Unless that means you accept us, finally."

"It's hard, honey," Jack said. "The bible..."

Patti cut him off. "Dad, stop. You know how I feel about relying on the bible as an excuse not to make your own moral decisions, particularly when you only cherry-pick certain passages. This isn't first century Palestine any more, and its prejudices don't belong in the 21st century. Things have changed in 2000 years, even in the basic understanding of what marriage is for. This is, after all, the same bible that says a wife surrenders authority over her body to her husband and his to her, the first half of which is invariably quoted by those who want to claim that a husband can't rape his wife, as an excuse for abusers. You wouldn't call that moral by today's standards, would you?"

I added, "While other passages in Paul's epistles say that it's better still for a man to be celibate, because the temptations of the flesh are sinful. Monogamous marriage gets treated as a second-best solution to sin, rather than as an expression of love, which is at least our goal in being together with Amber." I personally suspected Paul of over-compensating for being gay himself when he wrote those things about marriage, but knew saying so would not be well received.

Patti continued, saying to her parents, "Whether you are going to object to the bisexuality or the polyamory in our relationship with Amber, at least show us enough respect to make your arguments based on logic, not stale doctrine that says the bible teaches that one man, one woman is the only valid option, when there were lots of polygamous marriages in it, too. For the record, we consciously use the word polyamory, because it's meant to be gender neutral. A policy that says Drew can have two wives but I can't have two husbands, that I would oppose. So, Dad, other than having other people disapprove of us the way you have, name one way that the three of us or our three kids are harmed by us being together as a loving triad."

"I... I can't," he admitted. "It's just going to take me a while to get used to."

Patti tried to restrain her grin at her father's sudden surrender. "Adopt some new terminology, and it might make it easier. I might call Amber my co-wife or my poly-wife, but we know it's an emotional linkage, rather than a legal one. So, if you call her your daughter-in-love instead of daughter-in-law, you'll see that her twins are your step-grandkids, although I hope you just drop the step prefix and think of them as grandkids equally with Sharon."

I could see Carrie definitely liked that idea. Jody nearly burst from excitement. "You mean, they're my niece and nephew, too?"

"Of course, sis," Patti said. "Well, Kyra would be your niece anyway, because she's legally my step-daughter. But if you think of Amber as my co-wife, that makes her your sister-in-love, instead of sister-in-law. That makes Kenny Jr. your nephew, too. We certainly intend to raise the three of them as brother and sisters without caring about biological vs step-child. Kyra is half-sister to both of them. And with Gavin so close in age and living next door, they're going to be the four musketeers for life."

"Is Gavin my brother-in-law, too?" Jody asked.

"No, it doesn't work that way," Patti said. "He's my brother-in-law, but not yours. That doesn't keep you from considering him family, though."

The thought flashed through my head that, as my son, Gavin was actually Jody's nephew, she just didn't know it.

Jody sighed. "It's so confusing, keeping straight who's related to who."

Patti nodded, saying, "I know, sweetie. Particularly with Henry and Tina marrying last summer. That made Amber and Sandy into Drew's step-sisters, and my sister-in-laws. So having Amber become our poly-wife just doubled the relationships. Just so we're clear, a lot of these relationships are not recognized legally. I hope you think of everyone who lives here as family, but you are related by blood only to me and Sharon, and by the legal marriage only to Drew and Kyra. Everyone else is connected to you by love only. Don't worry about what label to give the love relationships, just focus on the love. For example, if I need to breast feed Gavin because Tina's not home and he's being fussy about taking a bottle, I think of myself as his mom in that moment, because that's how I'm interacting with him. But I'm only his sister-in-law legally."

I could see Jody look down at her chest at the mention of breast-feeding, her thirteen-year-old chest still flat. "I can't wait," she muttered, thinking she wasn't going to be heard.

"Can't wait for what, baby?" Carrie asked.

"To have boobs, mom!" she squealed, then blushed when she realized she'd said it in front of her Dad, Henry and me. "I'm almost 14, and... nothing!" as she pointed at her chest. "I'm the only girl in my class without anything yet, and they're beginning to tease me about it."

"Don't worry, sis," Patti said. "I developed later, and Mom did, too. Then boom, there they were, almost overnight. I didn't really have to wear even a training bra until I was 15. Now, with the pregnancy and nursing, I'm wearing a D cup. You won't stay flat-chested, I promise."

The conversation paused at that point. I asked, "So, I want to confirm. Is it going to be a problem, if Amber sleeps with Patti and I, with Jody down the hallway?"

Without reluctance, Jack and Carrie said, "No," at the same moment, followed by "Jinx!", which brought out smiles.

They left soon after to finish packing for their trip, and we took Jody over to West House for dinner, which coincided with Henry getting Sandy home from the airport. Jody went straight to Amber, and gave her a big hug, saying, "Patti says I should call you my sister-in-love. Can I just call you sis?"

"Of course, honey," Amber said. "I'd love that."

With Jody watching, I was only able to give Sandy a brotherly hug, instead of the deep kiss I wanted to give her. Jody hugged her after me, saying, "Sandy, I'd love to call you sis, too, even though you're not officially my sister-in-law or sister-in-love. Is that okay?" Sandy agreed, and pulled Jody in tighter.

"Sister-in-love?" Henry asked.

Patti said, "It's a slang term used to describe a girl that your brother is dating, when he hasn't married her yet, but you feel the same degree of closeness as if he had. I asked my parents to think of Amber as their daughter-in-love, so they could more easily adjust to the idea of her as my non-lawful wife. They're finally coming around to the idea."

Over dinner, Sandy brought us up to date about how school and her social life were going. She had been on a few dates, but nobody steady. She was still mainly focused on getting the best grades she could.

After dinner, Patti asked Jody, "Now that Mom and Dad aren't here to get squeamish, do you have any other questions about our relationship?"

Jody gulped. "You mean, I can ask anything I want?"

"Well, within limits," Patti said. "I'm not going to go into intimate details or anything like that, but if you can keep it PG-13, so can I."

"E I don't want to know that stuff," Jody said. "But I do have a question. If you love Drew and Amber and can't marry them both, why did you marry just Drew?"

"Partly, it was the timing," Patti said. "Amber came back into my life just a week before the wedding, and there wasn't any reason to cancel it. More importantly, even if Amber and I had reunited before Drew proposed, the fact is that I wouldn't have been able to marry Amber legally, not in Texas anyway. The courts have split on the question of whether gay marriage bans are constitutional, and the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments on the matter next month. I'm hoping they decide in favor of gay rights, but even if they do, I'm not going to divorce Drew to marry Amber."

Jody next asked, "So, if gay marriage was legal and it was a choice between marrying Drew and marrying Amber, who would you have picked?"

"Probably still Drew," Patti answered. "Not because I love him more than I love Amber, but because of the protections marriage gives to our children. Marrying Amber wouldn't have the same effect, but that's about the only reason to make it legal with one instead of the other. I would prefer, of course, to be able to marry them both legally, but I don't see that happening in the courts, no matter what some politicians say about approving polygamy being inevitable if gay marriage is made legal, not when they equate it in the same breath with legalizing bestiality."

"So, Drew," Jody said. "Same question. If you had been faced with a choice between marrying Patti or marrying Amber, with children by both, who would you have chosen?"

"Are you trying to get me in trouble with one of them?" I jokingly complained. "Umm, if I had met them both at the same time, it would have been hard to choose. That's not the diplomatic answer, it's the truth. I love them both so much. But since I did meet Patti first, I'd have to give the edge to her."

"Can I ask you a question too, Amber?"

"Sure, sis," Amber replied.

"Why did you break up with Patti in the first place?" Jody asked. "You went from being around each other almost every day, to nothing. Since you're back together, I assume you didn't stop loving her."

Amber squirmed, before answering, "I was 18 and foolish. I got scared that people were going to find out about us being lovers, and attack us for it. Even though opinions are changing, it's still not easy being either gay or bisexual in this country, particularly in the more conservative states. I almost married KJ's dad because I wanted that heterosexual relationship to be the one that showed publicly. It would have been a mistake, because I don't actually love him the way I do Drew and Patti, but it's still going to be hard being seen as either a single mom or as part of this triad, when society wants a mom to be heterosexual and in a monogamous marriage instead. I came to realize these two are worth enduring what others think, though."

At the other end of the table, I could see the look on Henry's face, as Amber delivered the answer we'd cooked up to explain the breakup that left Amber's intimacy with Henry out of it, and knew that, once more, the tension between wanting to be open in loving his daughters and the need for it to stay a secret was having an effect on him, as it did all of us. We wanted to shout, "We are six people in love!" but couldn't. On the one hand, bisexuality and homosexuality were no longer criminal acts, not that all people accepted that. But the incest was still a felony. Sharing that secret with Jody just wasn't advisable at her age. I admired her for coming to terms so easily with what she already knew about there being two triads. Maybe someday she could know the whole truth.

Soon after, Amber, Patty, Jody and I took Sharon, Kyra and KJ to East House, and Jody got to finish the bonding with the babies that had been interrupted Christmas Eve, and she even watched Amber and Patti breast-feed them before we laid them down to sleep, and we all hugged Jody good night before going into our separate bedrooms.

The three of us just cuddled, concerned about Jody hearing us make love, and faded into sleep.


March 14, 2015

Saturday, Patti and Amber took Jody to the movies to see the new Cinderella, and I got a chance to be with Sandy and Toni in Center House, while Henry was at the hospital for a birth and Mom watched the babies at West.

"Take the lead, Sandy," I said, while we were getting undressed.

"Oh, gawd. I've been dreaming about fucking you a lot, lately, Drew, in a lot of different positions. Umm, how about you take me doggy, while I eat out Toni?"

"Works for me," Toni responded.

Toni lay down on the bed, head and shoulders propped up on the pillows, as Sandy kissed her, then gradually worked her way down Toni's body, until she took her first lick of Toni's wet pussy, and I gently slipped my cock into Sandy's tight, hot sheath from behind. She felt delightful, juicy and snug. Home.

I wanted to show Sandy how much I loved her. However, she wanted to be fucked, and said so. "Give it to me harder, Drew. Fuck the hell out of me!" I thrust harder and quicker into her, and having not made love the night before, it didn't take more than five minutes before I came explosively, just as she brought Toni off and came herself, intensifying my orgasm.

While I recovered, I lay under Sandy, and licked her clean, and the three of us rotated into a daisy chain. Swirling her tongue, Toni quickly sucked me to another erection. Sandy gave us our next direction. "Screw Toni while we 69, Drew. I know you like that."

Toni got onto her knees while planting her face between Sandy's legs and started seeking any cum that I had missed. Sandy grabbed my cock and rubbed it along Toni's labia, flicking it across her clit, while running her hand down my length to grasp my balls as I gradually slid forward into Toni. Sandy alternated licking my balls, shaft and Toni's pussy as I started a medium rhythm in and out. After a couple of minutes, Sandy started to focus more on Toni's clit and they both began to orgasm. They were alternating who was screaming vs who was licking, as Toni's shudders brought me closer and closer to another cum around the time she came for the third time.

Sandy had her hand on my balls again, and felt the beginning of my orgasm, pulling my cock out of Toni and plopping it into her own mouth, where she swallowed most of my ejaculate greedily, then spun around to share the rest of it with Toni. Watching them trade my sperm back and forth was a delightful sight, but not enough to get me hard again so soon.

Sandy looked at a clock, and said, "The girls will be back from the movie in about 15 minutes, Drew. As much as I'd love a third round, it will have to wait."

"I know, hon," I said, beginning to get dressed. "I'm just glad for a chance to make love with you both. This is going to be a tricky week, with Jody here. But it's no different than what we'll eventually face when the kids get older, you know?"

"Parents do manage to have sex with their kids in the house, Drew," Sandy said. "Otherwise they'd never have a second kid. I wouldn't worry so much."

"That's not the biggest concern," I said. "It's the incest, me having sex with my Mom and you and Amber with your Dad, that we have to keep them from being aware of. Even me having sex with you, as my step-sister, is considered taboo, and would raise questions about your involvement with Amber, at least."

"So would getting me to marry you, Drew," Sandy said. "I haven't forgotten what you said over Christmas break about wanting me in your life. I do love you, but any involvement with you beyond being your step-sister has to be completely secret, to protect Amber. You, Patti and Amber can be more public as a triad, but I can't be seen as part of that group, can I? Nor can I be part of Dad, Tina and Toni's subgroup. I want to be able to brag about how much I'm loved, and I can't do that with you. Do you understand?"

"Of course I do," I replied. "I love my Mom so much, and having to keep it a secret is hard. It's worth it, in the end, but I know it's not easy."


That night, Patti and Amber didn't want to settle for just cuddling again. Staying as quiet as we could, Amber rode my face, while Patti stuffed my cock into her pussy and slid up and down. They kissed each other over my middle, just to keep from screaming, as each of them came.

Just then, we heard Sharon crying over the baby monitor, so Patti threw on a robe and went into the nursery to check on her.

I then lay Amber on her back, and fucked her missionary, and we both came together, just as Patti returned. "Her diaper was wet," Patti said. "I checked the twins, and they're still dry and sleeping, thank goodness. I peeked in on Jody, too, and she's asleep. I don't think she heard us."


March 15, 2015

At breakfast the next morning, Jody asked, "So, what am I going to do when you guys are at work tomorrow?"

"Tina and I will still be here, taking care of the four babies," Toni answered. "You can help us with them, or spend your time watching TV or whatever."

"You did say you wanted to babysit, sis," Patti added. "This would be your chance to start, and then we can see about getting Mom and Dad to let you do it more, maybe even come here after school to lend Toni a hand after Tina's back to work, too."

Jody's face went pale. "Ummm, that was when I thought it was going to be one baby I was watching, not four at once!"

"How about this, sis?" I asked. "Start out by just taking charge of Sharon tomorrow, doing whatever she needs during the day, with Aunt Toni and my Mom to guide you, and gradually take on another baby as you get used to it. It wouldn't surprise me if you were ready to solo with all four by the weekend."

"Okay, I'll try," Jody answered.

Afterwards, I overheard Jody say to Toni, "Thanks for not saying you'd watch me, too, Aunt Toni. It feels good to know that I don't need a babysitter and can be one, instead."

"I bet it does," Toni said, giving me a smile when she saw me watching the exchange. "I remember being your age and being asked to watch my younger sister for the first time, and how it made me feel, being trusted by my Dad. Would you like to start today, maybe? Help me watch Gavin while Henry and Tina go grocery shopping?"

"Yeah, that would be great," Jody replied.


With Jody occupied for a while, Patti, Amber and I took our babies back over to East and were joined by Sandy.

As we came into the house, Sandy asked, "So, you're actually going to encourage Jody to spend more time here? Doesn't that put our secret more at risk?"

I answered, "Being asked to babysit is something she is expecting, and her parents would be expecting, so avoiding that would look suspicious and pose its own risk. Having Toni with her today as a practice run will give us four a chance to make love today, but it wouldn't be so easy if she's soloing, while knowing that we're right next door."

"So, what's the answer?" Amber responded.

Patti answered, "The primary goal I have in mind is having Jody babysitting all four kids, but doing it at my parents' house with their help as an overnight stay, rather than doing it here just for a few hours. That not only keeps her from accidentally seeing what she shouldn't, but it will give us some nights where the incestuous pairings can happen, out of sight of our kids."

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