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This Bully's Reversal Was Total

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Roy got delicious revenge.
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This is a story of a young man who is bullied. Then his unbelievable conquest of an utterly beautiful married older woman, followed by that of his equally beautiful mother. His bully then got his, big time!

Auther's note :- it is only a story though. Would you wish it to be real?

Roy Denton was limping home once more, this time he had taken a fairly hefty kick to his upper leg, as he approached his house he shook it off, the pain was irritating him but he would never let his beloved mom see him this way, she had enough on her plate without having to worry about her son.

His attacker was Judd Crabtree, he, the brave soul and his two sidekicks often banged Roy about, never leaving marks, but hidden bruises were the going rate. They did it to one or two others but Roy got it the most, why, because he took it and walked or rather limped away, he was an easy target because they knew he kept silent, and if they found him on his way to class they got his money too, and tipped his books all over.

His classmates knew about it, his best friend did too, but he would never let anyone stand up for him, he would have his revenge one day, he didn't know quite yet how, but he would. His father, had he still been around would have stormed in and taken the lot of them on, fortunately he wasn't here; he had left him and his mom two years ago. He had been a bully too, all his life Roy had lived under his big shadow, he had never beaten him, he had brow beaten him until Roy cowered before him and his mom unable to stop him being like he was.

And when he had left they had rejoiced, and then Judd Crabtree had appeared on the scene from another school and he had picked up the bully mantle, as it were. So Roy steadfastly took it all on the chin, so to speak. But he was getting older now and bigger, but he knew one against three didn't go. Crabtree was never alone, but even then Roy was unsure that he would be big enough or good enough just yet to take him on, but he was in training now, so for the moment it continued.

Roy knew very little about his antagonist, he knew the area in which he lived and it was regarded as a 'posh' area too. So he thought he came from a wealthy family, or a well off family. Roy was a good looking boy, not far of nineteen years old, had a couple of girlfriends, nothing serious, so he was a well adjusted lad, no hang ups, fit and well. He wasn't really into sports as his erstwhile bully was.

Roy was more of an academic, though he was no wimp or geek, his grades were good and he had every intention of becoming a doctor, or at the opposite end of the scale getting into computers in a big way, but that was a long way off. His mother was a tallish woman and had blossomed amazingly since the disappearance of her husband; she had had boyfriends, but had told Roy there would never again be anyone serious unless she got dead lucky.

Rose, his mother was a lovely looking woman so had no shortage of suitors, he had acknowledged them but that was all, he had no interest or intention of becoming a step son, nor any other kind of son to any man ever again. Roy's only regret in his life was Judd fucking Crabtree, but one day his turn would come, he had already entered a self aware programme, and a martial arts class. Not so he could beat the shit out of Judd particularly, but to put a stop to his insane ways.

Roy loved his mother solidly in a way that most sons don't, so he would never hurt her, or bring his problems to her door. As far as she was concerned life was a 'peach' now that there was just the two of them. She would say to herself.

"If I could only meet a man that had a half of Roy's class and style, I would definitely change my mind about men!" Then she would giggle to herself happily, then put herself down for thinking what she had.

As the school year wore on Roy collected a few bruises and abuses, put on a brave face and kept his own counsel, "the day is coming," he would tell himself, "the day is coming."

And when it came it was the biggest surprise of his life, it didn't stop the bullying, but it did put a different slant on things, and Roy had the upper hand over Judd, and Judd didn't even know it.

Judd was in the school football team, a star performer, it was really the only thing he had going for himself, his grades weren't that good, and failure was in the air. The team had reached the national school final and it was to be played in the nation's national stadium. They were expected to win and Judd was the one expected to win it for them.

The school held a get together for all, parents were invited and a huge party was held to celebrate it. Judd turned up; Roy had gone along to show his support for the school, although he had no intention what so ever of going to the final. And that was when he saw Judd's mother, she was an absolute knockout! His father looked like a run of the mill kind of guy, but his mom, WOW!

He made a point of introducing himself while Judd was engaged elsewhere, his dad said hello and got on with another conversation. "Roy Denton," he said holding out his hand, she took it, it was so soft and warm, Roy got an almost immediate erection. "I'm a friend of Judd's, you must be very proud to have a son like him?" he asked. Roy swore he saw a cloud or some other look pass over her beautiful face. "Rose Crabtree," she answered, as she held out her slender hand. He put the look on her face to one side and got on with chatting to the beautiful woman in front of him.

Roy wasn't to know about Judd's mother, she was lonely; her husband wasn't paying the attention to her that he should have. Their sex life unbelievably had drained away from irregular, to almost nonexistent sex. It had been nearly three months since he had got close to her in bed, and that was because it had been her 39th birthday. Here she was in the prime of her life and Rose was starved of sex, the cement for all marriages had crumbled. And she hated the fact that she had started masturbating, the next thing had to be a vibrator!

She wasn't a tall woman, maybe 5ft 3" but what she had was all class, "she must be at least forty," Roy thought, "yet she doesn't even look thirty!" Her long brunette hair was silky and thick, she had a fringe that caught her eye lashes. Huge wide hazel eyes and such a lovely face, Roy wanted nothing more than to lean across and kiss her briefly. Roy Denton was madly in lust with her already.

He loved the way she was looking at him, then she would close her eyes in a blink, and when she reopened them she was looking elsewhere, it enamoured him totally, then return to his the same way, they held him captive. Rose turned momentarily, espied an empty table with two chairs against a wall, walked over and sat down, Roy followed hurriedly, he was glad too because his hard on was trying to climb out of his pants!

Suddenly she broke the hypnotism by saying.

"It's a good job I have my garden to keep me occupied, or I would have nothing to keep me going." Roy had no idea of what this meant, but responded by saying, "I'm always in our garden too, I love it." He didn't, he did it because his mother asked and wanted him to help her keep theirs tidy too.

The conversation turned to gardening, and Roy managed to field her questions about this and that with some aplomb, this so impressed the beautiful woman that Roy wanted to jump her right there and then. She laughed away at his tales of gardening escapades, things he had done, got wrong, got right, and not known how.

Then an announcement about a list, it went up asking those who wanted to travel to the final, along with accompanying parents. It was a full weekend thing, Friday through Sunday, and Judd's mom wasn't going, he and his dad were making the trip. No thoughts had entered Roy's head at this stage, his first thought was, "well I'll have a weekend off from the horrible lump that is her son!"

Rose Crabtree seemed to enjoy his company, so Roy had the honour of his foe's mother's undivided attention. He gave Judd's mother his complete and full on gaze, he was polite, made lots of flattering and acceptable comments to her. Roy had the ability to make people laugh and giggle given the right opportunity, and he was on top form this day. She placed her hand on his arm as she tried not to guffaw at his funny comments. He even ventured one about Judd, which, although she kept a straight face, he saw the amusing knowing look in her eyes.

Roy was in awe, he wished he could whisk this dynamic beauty away from here to a place where he could have her all to himself, and make mad passionate love to her all night long.

"I'm so glad to have met you Roy, I was dreading this, but now I'm glad I came, you have made my evening," she smiled at him. And then the words that set in train the events that were to change his life.

"And I am looking forward to the weekend all to myself, although I don't like to be alone, I'll have three days of bliss!" She put her hand over her mouth as she spoke. "I'm sorry Roy; I shouldn't have said that, not in front of you, please don't repeat it?"

Roy, ever gallant, told her seriously that her secret would be forever safe with him.

He took a step that was to lead him to her, although he didn't know it, and was certainly unplanned. He said.

"I'll have to come and have a look at your garden Mrs Crabtree, er, Rose, may I call you Rose please, but only in private, not when there are others around?"

"Why Roy of course you may, I would like that, thank you," she replied, and batted her eyes at him nearly knocking him off his chair.

Judd came back and spoke to his mother, completely ignoring Roy who got up, bade farewell and walked away, as he got to the door he turned to look back. Judd was glaring after him, and Rose was smiling to him.

"Huh," he said to himself, "if that isn't worth a bruise or two then nothing is." When he got home he went straight to his room and jacked off over Rose Crabtree, it took all of thirty seconds to blow his load high into the air, but it so satisfied him.

The following day Roy found out where they lived and after school making sure Judd was at practise, he went around for a look see. He was astonished by their home; it was massive, set in its own gardens with a high wall and large locking drive gates that at the moment were open. Roy got out of his little car that he shared with his mother and stood in the entrance.

The gardens were expansive so he understood now about Rose's comments. He left got back in his car and determined to go back soon and 'bump' into Rose, hopefully in her garden. It was on the third visit back that he saw her. He tooted his horn; Rose raised her lovely head, saw him and waved him to come in. He parked his car a hundred yards away and walked back.

"Why have you parked your car there Roy?" she asked.

"Well," he replied, I wouldn't want to sour the view of your house with it," he told her jokingly. Rose saw the funny and giggled.

"Don't be silly Roy, its only a home, like any one else's," she said breathily.

"I put it there just in case Judd or your husband comes back," he told her honestly.

"Judd won't be back for another two or more hours," she said, "and Henry won't be back for at least another four, so I'm all alone and helpless!"

Roy was delighted, being near her was dreamy to say the least, he wondered if she knew about the already puppy dog lust he had for her. Rose was wearing a pair of gardening boots, a pair of baggy dungaree type of trousers with dirty soiled knees, and a loose fitting collarless sweat shirt. Her hair was caught up in a clasp at the back of her head, showing off her long slender neck. And she looked utterly fabulous, so sexy, so alluring. And he saw that she wasn't wearing a bra, her nipples were plainly on view, his erection confirming his eye sight.

He had a longing shit eating grin on his handsome face, and Rose saw it.

"Are you laughing at me Roy?" she pouted gorgeously. He wiped it off his face immediately.

"No maam, its just that you look like a refugee dressed like that," and he smiled once more.

"Oh my goodness, do I look that bad, I'm so sorry," she told him, and tried to straighten her attire out.

"Please don't be sorry, you look fantastic Rose, you really do!" And he meant it, she did. Rose smiled a thank you.

"Well I've had enough for one day Roy, would you mind?" she said, pointing to a full wheel barrow, "the dead heap is at the bottom of the garden please," she told him. Roy happily wheeled it away and tipped out the contents before returning to her back door.

"Come in Roy," she trilled, even her voice was like music to his ears; he adjusted his hard on into an easier place and entered.

"Thank you for that Roy, you are my hero," she enthused.

"Any thing for you Rose," he said, and he had never meant any thing more in his life.

"That's what I like to hear, a man who can follow orders!" and giggled the giggle that killed him.

"You issue them my lady, and I'll carry them out to the full," he offered smiling happily to her.

"Like a drink Roy, a beer maybe?" she asked him.

"Lemonade please, I'm driving, sorry," he told her.

"That's the way, well done, it doesn't stop Judd, he has a drink sometimes and drives, he won't listen, just like his father," she added with and air of some disdain, that didn't go past the attentive boy in her kitchen.

Rose thought the exact thoughts Roy's mother had earlier, when thinking that if she could find someone like him, she may very well step outside of her marriage, "NO!" she thought, "I would definitely step outside, even if he was as young and handsome as this boy is." She sashayed to the cabinet on the wall, to reach for a glass. Even dressed the way she was she was utterly beautiful.

Roy had no idea of what he did next, there was no premeditation for his actions, and they were absolutely impulsive. Even afterwards he would have no recollection of how he got from just inside her rear door, to where found himself, behind her. With his arms around her and his hands cupping her tits. He found himself there as she pressed against the counter top. He had put his arms around hers trapping her and kissed her neck. Rose yelped in surprise, but then he had cupped her ample but firm tits too. His searching fingers found her nipples, they were tenderly but firmly crushed between thumb and forefinger, and his hard on pressed into her taut rounded ass.

"Roy," she gasped loudly, "what are you... ohhhhh, please stop that Roy, you mustn't, ohhhh Roy don't please?" she begged. Roy never heard a word; he was off some where else in his mind. His lips sought her neck, Rose tried to turn away but failed, his fingers were twiddling her nipples and they were growing tight and hard with every fleeting moment.

Rose tried her damndest to break free, she wasn't a physically strong person so fighting him was at best difficult, and at worst nigh on impossible. And Rose was heating up, she could feel the tension rising in her. She loved her neck being kissed, and the fact that it wasn't her husband wasn't lost on her needy body's response, and added to her fast lessening resistance.

Roy had not a clue that what he did next was to be Rose's capitulation, her most tenderest spot, the one place on her body that made her collapse was to be got in about three seconds. She would give way completely. Roy nibbled her ear lobe, ear ring too, then he did it, he sucked Rose's whole ear into his mouth and prodded his tongue right in and Rose almost fell down. He sucked her ear long and hard, he sensed something, her body had sagged as soon as he got his wide open mouth over her ear and captured it.

Rose's head fell back onto his chest and her face went to the place that was most opportune for him to demolish her senses through her ear, and resistance. All this while Roy didn't really know what he was achieving, he was more than happy to be kissing her, he knew something had happened within her. He worked her now fully distended and rock solid nipples this way and that. His tongue wreaking havoc in her ear, his cock pressed tight to her.

Rose was in a place where the only relief to be gained now would be from making love, and making love to the boy who had unknowingly subjugated her. She couldn't raise her hands, but she could and did get them behind her, one hand sought him and found his balls, the other grasped his cock wonderfully, Roy almost shot his load right then.

He heard a voice, was it his, it seemed far off? "Where Rose where?"

"Upstairs Roy, come on, move it!" It was a desperate plea from a desperate sexually deprived woman. She forced her body back at him pushing him away from her, turning quickly she grabbed his hand and headed for the stairs, stopping momentarily, she told him.

"Lock the back door Roy, hurry, hurry." He turned back, and Rose shot up, she was such dire need now to be loved and hopefully fucked that a runaway train wouldn't have headed her from her destination, her bed!

As soon as she arrived she tossed her top off, flung her boots away, dropped her gardening trousers, tore her tiny panty's off and was diving into the bed as Roy came in, he just stared at the naked beauty.

"Get your clothes off right now Roy Denton, immediately!" She pointed a slim narrow finger painted nail at him. He did as he was told and jumped into bed to be clasped in her arms. He made a point of diving for her ear which totally took the fight to her, and knocked the wind out of Rose's sexual sails, to be replaced with urgent desires for sex. She wrapped him in her arms as he brought her down.

She managed to break away for a short minute and they shared their first kiss, it made Roy dizzy, he was half over her so he made the rest of the journey and was on top. Rose looked up at him expectantly; she was out of control now, a lot more than Roy was. He jabbed his prick at her, she got it and pointed him in the right direction, he thudded home.

Roy was in heaven, then he exploded, his cum shot out and into Rose's unprotected womb. The thought of this hadn't entered her beautiful head, and it didn't now. Why? Because she came with him, her own climax took her to the bridge of lust and sexual arousal, and threw her right off it. He grunted with the exertion of powering his spunk into her, and Rose shivered and trembled under the power of her own body.

Both collapsed within themselves, Roy hadn't been here that often, and to Rose it was a wonderful memory brought back to life by the very living live body weighting her down. She had her arms around him, her legs tight over his as she shuddered away, her orgasm traversed her personal universe.

Roy meanwhile was annoyed and upset because he had come so early, he had known he wouldn't last long, he was too excited by the sexual feline beauty below him. But to only drive his cock in the once then blew all he had wasn't fair. Rose hugged him, she knew, but it didn't matter, he had made her cum, and he had made her cum for him.

She kissed his cheek, whispered endearments, then wonder of wonders. Roy realised that his cock hadn't gone down, he was still hard, he could feel it! He rejoiced by pulling back and feeding it slowly back into Rose's sweet pussy, she sighed with happiness at the sensual touch of his cock gliding within her. That was all he needed. He set off on a marathon fuck fest, one that would drive Rose to the brink of satisfied insanity.

Roy, being the earnest young man that he was, and in the throes of sexual fulfilment, the fabulous feeling of actually screwing a beautiful older married woman which was every normal boys dream, and his had now become a fantastic reality. He was up on his elbows, his loins crashing into Rose's with unmitigated and unrelenting power that Rose swooned over.

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