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This is Home Now

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A tragedy brings Sue and David back home.
17.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/02/2016
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I turned my pickup into the driveway and followed the cow trail, as Dad and Grandpa used to call it, as it wormed its way through the trees, which hid the house from the road that I grew up in. My sister and I both grew up in this old house that is hid from the dirt road by a whole lot of trees.

When I finally got through the trees to where I could see the house and yard around the house, I saw a car with a woman sitting in the car and as I cot stopped next to the car I saw it was Sue, my sister, sitting in the car. The first thing I know she noticed was the house wasn't the same old house that we grew up in. The house is a two story house like the old house was but this one is a brick house and looks to be bigger than the old house was.

Getting out of my pickup I looked over in the car to see Sue still looking the house over and as I stepped up to the car's driver's side, I opened the door, "Hi sis. Are you okay?" as she looked up at me.

"I knew that dad had the new house built and the old one tore down but, this looks nothing like I pictured it to look, when it was described to me on how it looked. We are at the right place aren't we?"

"Yes we are. I came back once to help get cattle rounded up for sale, and then doctor up some new younger cattle he had bought at the sale."

"That was what one and one half years ago, when he had the broken arm or something like that?"

"Yes, that is when it was. How long have you been sitting here?"

"I just pulled in maybe two minutes before you came around that last bend in the drive there."

"I take it you had a good trip getting here then."

"Yes I did. How about you, did you have a good trip getting here?"

"Yes I did. All nine hours of driving time for me."

"I had about the same amount of time as you had done then."

"Shall we go in and see how the inside looks, now that we've had a good look at the outside of the house?"

"I just wonder how dusty the inside is now since the funeral... I wish now I had come out to the house instead of staying at the motel."

"I wish you had come out here instead of staying in that motel as well. Now speaking about the dust, I'm sure it's not as dusty inside as the old house would've been by now."

"I remember the old house was pretty drafty for sure. I remember when mom and I would dust and sweep the old house to get the dust picked up; it was like in five minutes it looked just as dusty inside as if we didn't do a thing to get the dust out."

"Yes I remember that too. That is why dad had the old house tore down and this one built. Just so mom could feel like she accomplished something in her day of working in the house."

"She was so disgusted that it didn't look like she had done a thing, and I kind of felt the same way as she did. She knew she had accomplished something but to look at it, she didn't feel that she did then."

"I sure understand that feeling for sure. Seeing her in this house after dad got it built, she had more time for other things she liked to do and, she seemed to smile a lot more than she did before."

Once Sue and I had got to the door, I took the key I had and opened the door and let Sue step into the house first, with me right behind her. Checking to see that the electric is still on, I turned on the light switch next to the door, then off, after I saw that the light came on, "It is pretty hot and still in here being all closed up like it is. Let's air it out a bit before I turn the AC on." as I stepped over to a window and opened it up, then did the same to the next window. I went to each room and opened up the windows to let it aired out before we needed the AC turned on.

With all the windows opened up I went back down to the living room to find Sue slowly going around the room looking at all that mom had hung on the walls and sitting around for looks, and then taking in how everything was arranged in the living room for mom and dad to sit and watch television of an evening, which is what they did to relax some before going to bed. As I looked around the room I saw that three pictures had changed from older ones of Sue and I to newer ones, as well as the one with mom and dad in it together, "I see nothing has changed except for those three pictures there, next to you on the wall." pointing at them so she'd know which three I was speaking of.

"Oh yes. I sent that one of me shortly after you left here last year or whenever it was you were here. That one of you must have been while you were here when it got taken."

"Yes it was. Mom wanted to update those pictures and asked if I'd go with them to get them taken all in the same day, her and dad had theirs taken, so she'd have them. I left to go back home the following day and left money here for her to pick up my picture so that she'd have it. Dad didn't like the idea of me giving mom the money and she didn't either, so I had to leave it on the table here without them knowing I left it there. I told a little lie when she called and asked me if I misplaced some money and left it on the coffee table though."

"When she called to let me know that she got my pictures that I sent her, she told me you left some money on the coffee table for your pictures and wondered how to get it back to you and maybe make you think you had left it there, like you done here by putting it on the table the way you did." then we went to laughing at how we just couldn't pull one over on mom or dad, like we've tried to do so many times growing up.

"I never understood how in the world, they knew what we did or didn't do, with you or me covering for the other one, all of those years. Heck even when we didn't have the other one to cover for us, they knew somehow or some way. I don't know how they even knew."

"I never could figure it out either. I remember one time I wanted to see what it was like to slop the two hogs and you wanted to know how easy it was to gather the eggs and feed the chickens they had at the time, so we switched without saying a word to either dad or mom about it, but yet they knew it was me that left the gate open on the hog pen and you, had one of the horses get out of its pen because you didn't get it closed all the way. They were even out in the field when that all happened, feeding the cattle out over the country, and we had the horse and hogs penned back up by the time they got back to the yard here."

"We knew they would see the tracks that the horse left and the hogs had left on the ground but as for knowing, which one of us left the hog gate open, is beyond me, but the horse pen gate they would know since I had to feed the few horses we had at that time."

"I had no chance of saying anything and neither did you when dad asked us, what you did to let the hogs get out and he asked me the same thing about the horse, and we both looked at each other and asked how he knew it was me at the same time, and he answered back with 'I have my ways' and he said be more careful next time if we decided to switch jobs again."

"I thought we covered our tracks after we fed the animals."

"We did by helping each other get the animals back in their rightful pens. And the animals helped out with covering our tracks too. At least I was thinking they did."

"Somehow he knew though. Mom was just as bad as dad was about knowing which one of us did what or didn't do."

"Yes she did." I turned and started for the kitchen then.

"What are you doing now bro?" as Sue followed me.

"I think I want something to drink and thought I'd see if there is anything to drink and ask you, what you want if anything. After I find out if there is anything or not to drink." opening the fridge and looking in to find nothing there to drink.

"Oh okay."

I then opened the cupboard over the coffee maker, "To have something cold to drink we need to make something or we make a pot of coffee."

"I would love to have a cup of coffee myself. I'll put the grounds in the maker if you'll get the water."

"Okay. Here are the coffee grounds and here is the filters." setting the grounds and filters on the counter, since I already had them in my hand, and then picking up the coffee pot and taking it to the sink as I stepped over toward the sink.

Once the coffee maker was brewing, we both looked out the back sliding glass door, "When did the patio get built? When he had the house built, or after the house was built?"

"While the house was being built dad had it added on."

"To bad we didn't have that when we were growing up."

"I know just what you mean there."

"I also see that dad saved that old stump instead of having it removed. Looks like it's different, than it was before, when I was last here."

"It is. Dad made a picnic table out of it."

"Speaking of which, how about I fix us some supper and we eat out there?"

"Only if you feel like cooking, otherwise I thought I would treat us out tonight. There may not be anything in the fridge or cabinets, worth eating as long as it's been since mom and dad were here and we had to wait, for all the legalities to get straightened out." stepping into the kitchen and filling two cups up with the fresh brewed coffee.

"True. I didn't think of that. You may be right. I'll check it out right quick and see what we may need from the grocery store." Then Sue turned and stepped back into the kitchen and went to the fridge and opened it up and looked in.

That is when I took time to look at what she was wearing, which was a long summer dress with a split up each side, to about mid-thigh, with the top part fitting her snugly, with cups for her tits, which showed a very nice cleavage view, and straps over her shoulders. The dress also buttoned up the front from the waist up to the V neck on the dress and it showed off her little round butt perfectly, when she bent over.

I also noticed that Sue didn't have real big tits, which looked to be more like B cups because she had all ways been a tiny little thing growing up but, one learned real quick not to underestimate her size because she was a little spit fire, when one crossed her the wrong way. She still is a little thing that stands five feet two inches and looked to be wearing what they call, petite size clothes in the girls or women's department. She looked to be around sixteen or seventeen, but she was really twenty one years old now.

"You are right about not having anything to cook up in here. Everything is frozen solid in the freezer here. What little there is in here." closing the freezer door on the fridge, "I want to check the deep freeze to see what all is in it, to know what we may need from the store till we decide on what to do with the place here."

"Now you're thinking sis." handing her one of the cups of coffee I had poured for us.

"The way I feel that may be debatable." then she took a sip of the hot coffee.

"I'll check the pantry while you check the freezer." following Sue through the kitchen to the pantry door.

Once we were in the pantry, "I was expecting to see the big chest type freezer, not this upright. This will make it easier to see what all they have in here, than that old chest type they did have." then she opened the freezer door.

"Yes it will. Dad made a lot of changes when he had this house built."

"I never was told where the money came from to have the house built and all the changes that's been made around here." as she pulled things out to see what everything is and then putting it back in the freezer.

"When grandpa died he left everything to dad, since dad is the one out of his brothers and sisters that came back and helped him run the farm, when grandma died."

"You mean to tell me that grandpa had that much money put back."

I could see Sue's nipples trying to poke a hole in the fabric of her dress, "I had heard he had a lot of money, as well as he had done some investing some time during his younger years, and they were paying off in a healthy way each month, and since he didn't need it, he let it set in the bank or savings, which in turned drew interest and when he died, there was like a couple of million in the savings account and like, seven hundred thousand in the bank account, if not more."

Closing the freezer door she started helping me check out what all was on the shelves, "The way he talked and lived, I never knew he had so much money."

"The only way I knew he had so much money was the first time he went into the hospital and he didn't think he would make it out alive, he told dad everything and I happen to be in the room with them. He told dad not to say anything to anyone, including mom, and he made me promise not to tell anyone either."

"Why wouldn't he let dad tell mom or you tell me."

"I'm not sure as to why he didn't want me to tell you but he didn't want mom to know, because he thinks she was money hungry with the amount of money dad had to spend on her when she was younger, when they first got married."

"I don't remember mom being what you call money hungry."

"She wasn't. Dad had tried to get grandpa to realize it but there was no convincing him of that. I don't know what all had happened when mom and dad first got married, that dad had to spend so much money."

"I know with grandpa when he got something in his mind, you couldn't lodge it loose for anything in this world."

"You are so right there. At times dad was that way too."

"I know you're right there. At least he wasn't as bad as grandpa was. Really we don't need a bunch of stuff from the store but we do need a few things that I don't see in here."

"I was thinking the same thing. How about I bring our luggage in and put them in the bedrooms we're going to be using, then if you want to freshen up and change clothes before we leave, I'll treat us to some supper, and then we'll stop by the store on the way home."

"Okay thank you. I'll help you with our luggage."

"I may need you to open your car or trunk so I can get your luggage out." stepping out into the kitchen behind Sue.

"I left the car unlocked and all you have to do is push the trunk release button, down between the door and the driver's seat." walking toward the front door.

"What happened to the days of having to use a key to unlock a trunk lid?"

"In some cases one still does but anymore, most cars have a trunk release button or switch."

"I know. I think it is getting out of hand as to what they're doing with vehicles now days, from some of the reports I'm hearing. Like throttles sticking due to a computer issue, where for me, I think they should stay with the old manual type throttle or mechanical throttle as it was called. Having the computer to rely on to make your car go or slow down and or stop, is taking the people's lives out of their own hands and putting it into a manmade thing, that can get all fouled up and kill a person, which it has killed a few people already."

"I know what you're saying and I totally agree with you but what are we going to do." Sue leaned over into her car and then I heard the click from the back of the car and saw the trunk lid open up.

Once Sue's luggage and my suitcase was in the bedrooms we planned on using, I got into the shower and then put on clean jeans and a button up shirt and my dress boots, then went down to the living room and had a cup of coffee while I waited for Sue to come out of the master bedroom.

When Sue stepped out of the bedroom into the living room my mouth must have dropped open, "Are you okay bro?"

"Yes I'm fine. I knew you were beautiful sis but damn, you are smoking hot too."

"Oh... You like how I look? I'm not overdressed or underdressed?"

"Hell no you are dressed perfect. Don't change anything."

Sue had put on a jean dress that had straps on the shoulders and cups for her tits, like her summer dress she was wearing a little bit ago, and this dress has a zipper in the front from the V neck all the way down to the hem of her dress, that stopped at about mid-thigh. Sue also had on nylons on that looked to be stockings instead of pantyhose from what I saw when she gave the hem a little bit of a lift in her pose, and then she did a slow swirl for me to get a good look all over. When she turned her back to me, I saw that her dress in the back went way down to the small of her back in a U shape, which reveled she was braless like one can tell from the front view also.

Once Sue was facing me again, "Do we have time for me to have another cup of coffee before we leave?"

"Yes you do. Have a seat right here or where ever and I'll pour us both another cup full." as I stood up with my empty cup and headed toward the kitchen.

I returned to the living room with both cups full of coffee and saw Sue sitting on the other end of the couch from where I had been sitting. She had one leg bent, sitting on the leg with her back against the corner, where the arm and back of the couch meet, and the hem of her dress was hiked up some from just sitting and then some, with her one leg laying on the couch the way it was.

Stepping over to where she sat on the couch, I saw that she did have stockings on instead of pantyhose, "Here you go sis." holding the cup out toward her.

"Thank you David, you all ways took good care of me it seems like, when we were growing up." taking the cup carefully, from my hand.

"Mom was at work and dad was out doing whatever it was he did to keep things going around here and the money coming in, so who else was there to take care of you. I also remember you were the one that took care of me like an old mother hen, when I was sick. So I guess turnaround is fair game."

"I took care of you because I love you so much. But then again no one else was around to care for you, as they weren't here for me, like you was." then taking another sip of her coffee.

"I love you too, which is why I did, what I did, to take care of you. I must say mom sure made up for not being here when she got home from work though. " then taking a drink of my coffee.

"Yes you got that right. And you thought I was bad with my caring for you."

"Yea till mom got home anyway." chuckling which brought a chuckle from Sue.

Sue and I made small talk while we drank our coffee and I couldn't but help and look at Sue's thighs, to see if she by chance would give me a quick flash up under her dress any.

After I took my last drink of my coffee, "Are you ready yet sis?"

"I believe so." turning and taking her one leg out from under herself, then standing as we put our cups down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

I'm not sure but I thing she is wearing white panties but I couldn't tell for sure, the flash was so fast when she brought her leg out from under herself. I let Sue step out the door first, and then I escorted her out to the passenger side of my pickup and opened the door for her to get in, which I had to help her up with my hands on her hips.

We sat and ate our supper at the restaurant with one glass of wine each, then we headed off to the grocery store and got the few things we may need and what we may want, before we make our mind up as to what to do with the property and the house.

When I got parked in the driveway next to Sue's car again, I got out of the pickup and walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for her, to see that she had got the sacks with eggs and bread gathered up to carry into the house, while I got the sacks out of the back of the pickup.

With everything put away and in their place, had mom been alive still, would've done, "Do you want more coffee, wine, or a beer?"

"I think I want to have more coffee right now. After being on the road so much today, I haven't had that much to drink in the way of coffee or tea and that is what I'm wanting."

"I understand that. I feel about the same way too." going in to get our cups off the coffee table.

I got both cups filled with coffee and handed Sue her coffee then we decided to go outside to drink our coffee and sit on the patio. The table and chairs on the patio are made of medal ,with what they call a mesh for the table top and chair seats and backs, "This is pretty nice to be able to come out here and watch the sunset and still be in the shade, with a drink of whatever we want to drink and not be bothered with the noise of the big cities. That is the one thing I miss where I live now, is the peace and quiet that we all ways had here."

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