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This is the Truth

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A college slut cheats on her boyfriend and finds love.
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Anonymous said: Story request bc nothing turns me on like your writing!: a college girl cheats on her long term boyfriend with a friend bc she isn't satisfied by her man. She breaks off the affair only to run into him again a year later in a bar. She can't help but go home with him and take out all the sexual frustration she's been building since it ended.


I still remember Jesse and the way he smelled like aftershave and cigarette smoke. It's been over a decade since I was in college, and he was my vice, but nothing in the present seems to grip me the way that he did, and nothing I am doing now makes me feel okay about the way things ended. I'm always thinking that maybe if I had played my cards differently, we would still be together, basking in each other's warmth. I still remember the way our tangled bodies slept in his king-sized bed and the ache he left inside of me when he left.

I had a boyfriend at the time I met Jesse. He was friends with my boyfriend, Troy, and that was how I met Jesse in the first place. I walked into the cafeteria at the college we went to and looked around for Troy to flag me down. I made my way to the table where he and Jesse were sitting. I couldn't believe the visceral reaction I had to Jesse the moment our eyes met for the first time. I felt like my heart was beating too fast for my chest, and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to breathe. I realized I was holding my breath as Troy introduced us.

"Hi," I tried to shake Jesse's hand without alerting Troy to the fact that my body was already aching for Jesse. He was the hottest guy I had ever seen in my entire life, his dark hair longer than it should have been. I was used to the clean-cut type, like Troy, but Jesse wasn't clean cut. He looked dangerous with his pack of cigarettes on the table next to him. I imagined his body would be sexy, even though his clothes were loose enough that I couldn't tell what he really looked like underneath them. I was pretty much a good girl, and I knew that it was cliche of me to like a guy like Jesse, but I couldn't help it. He was a bad boy, and I liked that.

"Hi," Jesse stood up to shake my hand, and our eyes met in that way that I would later learn signified attraction between two people. I wasn't sure if he liked what he saw when he looked at me. I had always been self-conscious about my freckled face and long, red hair. I knew some guys wanted redheads, but I also knew that many didn't. I had been made fun of in school for being too tall and having red hair. It had left wounds that still festered inside of me.

"This is Jesse, the guy I've been telling you about, Sharlyn," Troy grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug as if he was marking his territory. We had been dating for almost a year at that point. I was in my sophomore year, and Troy had been the first guy to show a real interest in me when I moved into the dorms. I had fallen for his dark, olive-colored complexion and his winning smile. He was a foreign exchange student, and we both knew that things between us would probably be temporary because he would return to the United Kingdom, where he had been living for the past ten years with his family. He was originally from Fiji, which was on the opposite side of the planet from where we were attending college in the United States. I had fallen for his exotic Islander accent. He spoke five different languages, and I was so interested in how different he was that we quickly became a couple.

I was happy with Troy that entire year, right up to the moment I met Jesse. Suddenly, his American features became attractive to me, and I wondered if the sexual chemistry that I was feeling with him was real or if it was just part of my imagination. I sat with both of them that day, trying to grapple with my intense feelings. How could I feel so strongly for Jesse when I had been in a serious relationship with Troy for so long?

"What's wrong, Sharlyn?" Troy asked, his slight accent still sexy as his question hung in the air.

"I'm just feeling a bit off today, I guess," I tried to explain. How do you tell your boyfriend that you are struggling with being faithful now that you have met their new friend? I simply couldn't say anything about it, not in front of Jesse.

"You know what I do when I'm feeling off?" Jesse asked, playfulness in his eyes.

"What?" I asked, barely able to stand the way my body was responding to Jesse's presence.

"I have tons of sex," he smiled widely. "I'm sure Troy will take care of that for you." Jesse took a sip of the tall drink in front of him. It was probably a beer from the pub, which was an excellent amenity.

"I've got you covered, baby," Troy agreed.

"That's not a bad idea," I mused, smiling a naughty smile at Jesse that Troy didn't catch. I saw Jesse's eyes grow wide, but I knew now that he had gotten my message. I wanted to fuck him, and I didn't care if I was cheating.

"It's time for me to get to class," I announced, standing up from the table suddenly.

"I have to get to class, too," Jesse added. "Which way are you walking? Troy, I'll see you on Wednesday, right? Fight night?"

"Of course, you will!" Troy and Jesse did a fist bump, and I paused to give Troy a hug and kiss before Jesse walked me to my next class. I never made it to that class. As we were walking, there was tension between us. We made polite conversation, and I was going to just pretend like everything was normal.

"Sharlyn, stop for a second. I need to ask you something serious."

"Okay, I paused, my book bag heavy on my shoulder. Jesse looked so fucking hot, his brown eyes focused on my face in the most desperate way. He wanted me and so I let it happen. I wanted him too. I let him kiss me. My book bag dropped from my shoulder and hit the ground with a thud. I wrapped my arms around Jesse's neck and let his tongue move into my mouth. I forgot that I had a boyfriend, and I let myself go, allowing Jesse to take me away to another place, one where all that existed was us.

"Are you okay with this?" Jesse paused his kisses to ask me.

"Yes. I feel bad, but I don't want to stop!" I said honestly.

"Let's go to my place, then. I don't like doing this in public." I looked around, realizing how stupid I had been to kiss Jesse so publicly.

"Good idea," I agreed, and so we slowly made our way to Jesse's car, which was parking in one of the student lots. We made nervous conversation, not mentioning Troy. We both wanted this to happen, and if we mentioned Troy, we might not go through with it.

By the time we reached Jesse's house, I was a wreck. My heart was pounding, and I was sweating more than I should have been. I was starting to have second thoughts about what I was doing, but I still followed Jesse through the front door and into his apartment. He led me directly to the bedroom, setting my bookbag gently on the ground after carrying it inside for me. He paused, staring into my eyes with a passion that had always been missing from sex with Troy.

Nothing I had done with Troy had been like this. I hadn't realized how unfulfilled I was until I was in Jesse's arms. He kissed me deeply, melting away all the cares of the world until I was lost in his eyes, and nothing seemed to exist but us. He took off my top and then my bra, pausing to take off his own shirt. He pulled me to him again, and I could feel the hair on his chest brushing against my tits. It felt so perfect and so right. I knew that I was doing the right thing, even if it was morally wrong. This was my destiny, and I knew it in that moment with Jesse. I pulled at his belt buckle, trying to unfasten his jeans so I could get to what I really wanted.

I had never wanted a dick so badly, and by the time I got him out of his jeans, and me out of mine, I wanted nothing more than to suck him. I dropped to my knees, my mouth open and ready to take his cock. He smiled down at me as I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and began my process of giving him a blowjob. I know I'm not the best at giving blowjobs, but this one was different. I was feeling strong emotions for Jesse, feelings I had never felt with Troy. I couldn't believe the enthusiasm and joy I had for Jesse's cock. I could feel the passion burning deep inside of my soul as I moaned, taking his cock deeper down my throat than I had ever dreamed possible.

Jesse's moans only made me want to go harder and suck him deeper. I wanted to bring him pleasure more than I had ever wanted anything else in my entire young life. I sucked him until he put his hand on my head and pulled my mouth off of his dick.

"Stop! I don't want to cum yet. I want to feel my cock inside of you, Sharlyn."

"I want to feel you inside me too," I said in a breathy, little voice I had never heard come out of my mouth before. Jesse was transforming me sexually into a person that wanted to suck dick, into a woman who couldn't get enough. Still, I wasn't prepared for the way Jesse led me to the bed and pushed me onto my back. He climbed on top of me, the heavy weight of his body feeling like perfection like it was meant to be. His cock slipped into me so quickly. I was so wet for him, wet in ways I never was with Troy.

I had never realized what was lacking with Troy until Jesse's cock hit the deepest part of me. I had never been filled up the way he was filling me. I had never felt so connected to another person. He moved slowly in and out of my pussy, fucking me with the kind of passion that Troy lacked. I hadn't ever felt the emotions that were now coursing through my blood as my heart pumped with the same rhythm as Jesse's hips. I was already lost in the experience, but when Jesse leaned down and kissed me, I began to drown. I was in over my head, and I had no way of knowing if I could survive the excruciating pleasure that Jesse was delivering.

I had felt pleasure before, had orgasms, and thought that I was a normal girl having regular sex. What I was experiencing with Jesse was something else. We existed together on a higher plane, coming together at the apex of both of our experiences. I was his best fuck, and he was mine. There was something special in the chemistry between us, mixing like the perfect, cold drink on a hot day. We combined like watercolors, blurring into a portrait of lust. We made love while simultaneously fucking, defying all logic and existing purely as emotion. We were the climax that we had been waiting to happen for our entire lives. Jesse was the perfect lover for me, so perfect that tears of joy dripped from my eyes.

I had finally found him. Jesse was my perfection. I cried out, cumming hard on his cock until I thought I might blackout from the pleasure. He didn't stop, fucking me relentlessly, stopping only to get a different angle or flip my body into another position. He fucked me in all kinds of sexual positions, and I was shocked that he had lasted so long. Troy usually came after about ten minutes. I had no way of knowing how much time had gone by, but I could feel the pleasure building again, and I hadn't had this many orgasms with one man ever. I wasn't sure how much more I could take, and I looked up at Jesse, my eyes filled with distress.

"I want to cum inside of you," he announced, his voice husky and filled with lust.

"Cum in my pussy, please," I begged him. I never let Troy cum in my pussy. In fact, I had always insisted on condoms with Troy. With Jesse, I had been too horny to even think about condoms. I couldn't believe that I was allowing this to happen, and I was even more shocked as I watched my legs spread even further. I was on my back again, my legs wide. I was ready to take Jesse's load. I watched him with interest as his face scrunched up and then twisted a bit as he moaned loudly. I allowed him to dump his load in me, watching as he emptied himself. He was still cumming as he pulled his cock from me, coating the outside of my pussy with a generous creampie.

"That's so beautiful," he remarked as he admired his handiwork. I looked down at my own pussy in shock. I had let him cum inside of me. I had allowed him to do everything that Troy hadn't been allowed to do. Guilt filled me.

"I should go," I said, the spell broken. Now that we had fucked, I needed to get out of there. I realized what I had done, and it wasn't a good thing.

"I understand. Do you want a ride back to campus?"

"No, I'll call for a ride," and that's precisely what I did. We made awkward conversation as I cleaned myself up and headed to the bathroom to look in the mirror at myself. I knew that I shouldn't have done this, and yet, I couldn't stop myself from wanting more.

I began to fuck Jesse whenever I could, both of us lying to Troy's face enough times to know that I was going to hell. I couldn't stand the way I felt about myself, and every time I fucked Jesse, I felt worse. I knew I had to call things off with him and focus back on my boyfriend. Troy had always been there for me and he had interest in me that stretched beyond sex. Jesse and I just had that unique sexual chemistry. That was all it was, and it was becoming increasingly apparent. I broke things off with Jesse, as hard as that was. I went back to being a faithful girlfriend and Jesse kept his distance. He didn't come to the cafeteria to hang out with us anymore, and I rarely saw him. It was a relief on the one hand, but on the other, my body was missing the way that Jesse made me feel.

After about a year, I ran into Jesse again. This time it was a bar where he was working as the bartender.

"I miss you," he told me, and I could hear in his voice that it was the truth. I could feel his emotion, even in the crowd of drunk patrons.

"I miss you too," I admitted.

"Meet me tonight," he begged, and he gave me his new phone number on a tiny piece of paper. "Text me, please."

"I will," I said as I made my way out of the bar, my heart pounding. I wanted Jesse so severely, but I didn't think it was fair to Troy. Did I really want to re-open the can of worms that was my affair with Jesse? I wrestled with my morals until I finally texted him. He instantly replied, and before I knew it, I was headed to his new apartment, my pussy dripping wet in ways it never was for Troy.

"Baby, I've missed you," Jesse said as he opened the door and pulled me inside. There was no conversation, only kisses. There was no fear, only clothing being pulled off and thrown to the floor. I was flooded with emotions, strong and genuine. I knew that going there was a mistake, but it was the kind of error my body needed me to make. His fingers slipped inside of me, his mouth covered me, and he extracted the first orgasm of the night from my horny cunt.

I grabbed for his cock and stroked it the way I knew drove him crazy. A whole year had passed, but nothing had changed between us. We were still wild for one another, and we could barely take the intensity of finally being together again. It was so much, all the orgasms crashing through my body like claps of thunder. He was the storm that rocked my body, shaking me to my core until I was afraid that my whole world might come crashing down.

This was the truth. Jesse was my perfect sexual match. He was the man I was supposed to be with, and I had no idea how I had ever let him go in the first place. I clung to him as his cock worked me over, sliding in and out of me with the kind of passion that changed entire emotional landscapes. I could feel my emotions changing, clinging to him as I cried out, screaming for the hundredth time as I came. I had forgotten how exhausting all the orgasms were. I needed food and water, and I felt weak like I couldn't go on.

"I'm going to fill your pussy with my cum," Jesse announced. He was done asking. He was taking what he wanted now and I was allowing it. I was giving him all of me, everything. I had never done this before, but now, I knew the truth. The truth was, Troy wasn't the right guy for me. Jesse was. I came one more time, my pussy sucking all the cum out of Jesse's cock as he filled me with his goodness. Finally, Jesse came to a stop and looked down on me, bliss coating his features. He leaned down, tenderly kissing the bridge of my nose and then my forehead.

"I probably shouldn't say this," he said, his cock still inside of me, "but I love you, Sharlyn. I know you probably don't love me, but I have to tell you. I wish you would at least consider being with me. I know you're with Troy, but we belong together. Don't you think?" His forehead was wrinkled with worry, but he tried his best to keep a hopeful smile on his face. I thought about his words.

"I love you too," I answered.

"You do?"

"I do. I love you!"

"Oh, my God! This is the best day of my life! I love you so much!" He kissed me more deeply, and this time I could feel the even deeper connection we were sharing.

Later that week, I broke up with Troy. I didn't tell him that Jesse and I were together, but he found out a few months later when we all showed up at the same movie, Troy with a date. He came over to say hello, and honestly, Troy took it well.

"I'm happy for you guys," he told us. "If I can't have you, then I'm glad you're with my buddy. He's a good guy."

"Wow, you're honestly the best, Troy."

"Thanks. You guys are the best too."

Jesse and I dated for several years after that, and then he proposed, and we got married. Our sex life was absolutely amazing, and I was pleased with him for a long time. I don't know how or why we grew apart. Maybe it was our two children; perhaps it was his job. I guess there were a lot of things that got in the way, but after 8 years of marriage, we broke things off and went our separate ways. We are still friends, and we even share custody of our two kids. I'm still friends with Troy on social media, and sometimes I wonder if he is the one that got away. Sometimes I think about messaging him, but the truth is, I'm embarrassed. Jesse and I acted like total lust-crazed asses and Troy handled it like a man. I probably don't deserve a guy like Troy anyway. That's the honest truth.

#story request#cheating#college slut#love#passion#marriage#sneaking around#multiple orgasms#soulmates#slut#slut problems

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SlutProblemsSlutProblemsover 3 years agoAuthor
Thank you so much for the feedback

I really appreciate everyone taking the time to comment and give constructive feedback. I truly value everything you have to say and take it into consideration as I continue my journey as an author. Point taken that this love story is non-traditional. I like to push boundaries, maybe a bit too much. I also enjoy when people challenge me and give me concrete things that could be better and suggestions on how to improve. I truly appreciate your help and hopefully I will be able to improve as a result.

OvercriticalOvercriticalabout 4 years ago
Maybe, just maybe...

Sex isn't everything after all. I have no idea how to go back to someone you really like, but don't have that super sexual attraction with. How does a young, hormone-driven woman realize that Jesse is indeed the sexual nirvana she seeks, but for the long term perhaps Troy is a much better bet.

A long time ago I read a SciFi story about a society where people signed contracts for specific times with a mate. At the end of the contract they could agree to another contract or go their separate ways. Typically they stuck together for 5-10 years per contract. That way people found themselves with the right person for their frame of mind at the time. A little hard on the grandparent role and golden anniversaries weren't common, but maybe there was a lot more familial peace in the world. Too bad there's no way to try this.

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsabout 4 years agoAuthor
It's a realistic story. That's how I do shit

:) She did find love! Then she lost it, like so many of us do.

Love happens. Divorce happens. This is a cheater cum-uppance story. Two of my novels have this sort of cum-uppance theme: Hollow Girl and Swing Low. So if you like this sort of thing you should check those out.

If you want happy joy joy erotic romance try my new book, Naughty Alice.

SithLord6969SithLord6969about 4 years ago


Cheated on her boyfriend, finds true love and then they divorce? What kinds of "romance" is this shit? 1 star...

KalimaxosKalimaxosabout 4 years ago
A bit short, but to the point

I'm not a fan of going back to people we broke off with. There are legitimate reasons why people break things off. I like that the main character did the right thing and did not go back.

It seemed a bit rushed. But then some stories are not that deep.

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