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Three Square Meals Ch. 112

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Is fate kind?
30.9k words

Part 112 of the 145 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/20/2015
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John hadn't intended to fall asleep, but with Helene's soft warm body cuddled up against him, he soon found himself drifting off into a soothing slumber. Instead of the blackness of unconsciousness, he found himself gazing up at glorious blue skies, the sight that greeted him every night since Alyssa had created her personal subplane. Lying down in the field of verdant grass outside Athena's picturesque house, he sat upright, expecting to find the young woman kneeling beside him. When she wasn't waiting to welcome him into her domain as she usually did, he looked around with a worried frown.

*Athena?* he called out to the house, rising to his feet.

*The battlements, John,* Athena replied, her voice uncharacteristically pensive as it drifted through his mind. *Please join me.*

Exiting the heart of the pocket plane just required concentration, so John closed his eyes and willed himself to leave. Feeling a dizzying rush as he departed, he was surprised to find himself inside a high-ceilinged room constructed of pale stone, rather than the vast open courtyard that had surrounded the portal before. The pastel pink sphere that led to the house in the meadow looked the same as before, but it seemed that Athena and Alyssa had been busy since his initial tour.

Striding out of the room, he walked into an airy corridor lined by a row of tall windows, all constructed from the same light-coloured stone as the battlements that protected the perimeter of the pocket plane. The medieval style architecture gave him the impression that he was inside some kind of fantasy castle and he half-expected to see knights in armour stride past. Walking over to the windows, he was amazed by the spectacular panoramic view, which overlooked the tall reinforced walls below.

A glowing figure stood atop the battlements of the barbican, which housed the enormous fortress gates. Athena turned and waved, beckoning him to join her. *Over here!*

John glanced both ways trying to find an exit. There were doors and passages leading off from the corridor, but it really needed some signs pointing to the way out. *Where are the stairs in this place?*

*Turn right, second passage,* Athena advised him, her worried tone temporarily replaced by amusement. *You'll find a stairwell there.*

Activating his psychic speed, John followed her instructions, dashing down the corridor then darting down the steps, taking them three at a time. He descended through a dozen levels before reaching the ground floor and he exited the staircase into a broad corridor, unsure where to go next.

*Right again, then through the big arch at the end of that corridor. You'll be in the keep's courtyard, so just turn left there, you can't miss the entry hall.*

Jogging down the spotlessly-clean stone passageway, John saw the grand entrance to the keep on his left. A splash of colour from a plush room to the right drew his attention and he hesitated for only a second before heading that way, curious to see what was inside. His jaw dropped when he looked through the broad doorway, discovering a plush throne room with lifelike portraits lining the walls. On a wide dais at the back of the room was a large ornate throne, embossed with golden lions that made it look suitably regal. To the right was a smaller throne with an unassuming elegant design, positioned within touching distance of its more imposing companion.

Covering the right wall were portraits of his crew aboard the Invictus, each girl looking back at him with dazzling smiles. Helene and the Nymphs were included too, as were Jehanna, Niskera, and Lynette. The left wall was likewise adorned with portraits, but these depicted the azure-skinned beauties that formed Edraele's inner circle. Four of the Young Matriarchs gazed back at him with adorable doe-eyed expressions, a soft light illuminating each of their portraits. John had a pretty good idea what that signified, having seen those very same looks from Tsarra, Leena, Nyrelle, and Valani after their passionate rendezvous at the Maliri border.

Taking pride of place on the central wall behind the thrones was a portrait of himself, surrounded by a cluster of girls. He saw Alyssa of course, accompanied by several members of the Invictus crew, their portraits merged with his. Staring at it in fascination, he realised that this was a reproduction of the images that his blonde Matriarch had described to him over the last several months. Calara, Sakura, and the twins were all there, with Jade appearing as a new addition, the Nymph gazing at him reverently.

*What is this place?* he asked Athena, studying the intricate portraits and sensing there were additional meanings behind them all.

*Just a place to while away eternity...* Athena replied, being deliberately vague. *A hobby room if you will.*

*You're going to be difficult today, aren't you?* John groaned, as he strode back to the courtyard.

He could hear her laughter carrying from the battlements. *Why, John, whatever do you mean?*

Heading outside, he ran over to the barbican and jogged up the stairs at the rear of the fortifications, making his way up to the glowing figure waiting for him there. *Hello Athena,* he said with a smile as he finally reached the enigmatic guide.

*You certainly took your time,* she chastised him, raising an eyebrow in mock disapproval. *Why didn't you just fly down?*

He gaped at her and blurted out, *I can do that?! But you told me to take the stairs!*

She wagged a finger at him. *Actually, that's not entirely accurate. You asked where they were... so I told you.*

John sighed and sat down on a stone bench behind the battlement wall. Reaching for Athena, she came to him with a teasing smirk... until her expression turned to shock as he deftly put her over his knee. She squealed in outrage as he gave her a vigorous spanking, her firm cheeks rippling with each weighty smack. Athena soon stopped her struggling and it didn't take long for her indignant cries to turn into lustful moans.

*Now perhaps we can start again,* John said as he helped her upright, smiling as she pouted and rubbed her bottom with both hands. *If you're a good girl and give me some straight answers, I'll make it worth your while afterwards.*

*You're no fun,* she huffed, but the twinkle in her radiant eyes belied her indignant reply.

Rising to his feet, John glanced through the crenellations that lined the parapet. *There's a few things I want to discuss with you, but first and foremost, what's the problem here? You sounded anxious when I arrived.*

She stepped closer so that she was right beside him and pointed through the same gap in the stonework. *We're being hunted, John. Look...*

He followed the line from her slender finger towards the horizon and he froze when he saw the massive six-legged beast striding ponderously through billowing mists. *Damn! I hoped we'd seen the last of those bastards.*

Athena glanced up at him, her beautiful face reflecting her concern. *I'm afraid not. You destroyed the testing ground for neophyte Progenitors and vanquished the creature that ran it, but I'm sure it's already been rebuilt. The overlord of that domain is... powerful.*

*Is that what that place was?* he asked, looking down at her curiously. *A testing ground?*

*I believe so,* she replied, her expression grim. *A place of temptation, which turned to terrible nightmares when you rejected that ancient horror's offer. I've been thinking about all your encounters there and it's the only explanation that fits.*

*I remember the eyes in the sky...* John said quietly. *I could feel its outrage when I refused its visions of conquest... and its disgust when I changed the husks of drained thralls into an image of the girls sleeping peacefully.*

Athena gently stroked his face, a fond smile appearing on hers. *You've always drawn your strength from them... but not the way a Progenitor abuses his thralls. Clearly that monster finds the concept of love to be utterly abhorrent.*

He slipped an arm around her waist, holding her close. *Are you in danger here?*

Her brief hesitation spoke volumes. *Not at the moment. But there's legions of those creatures out there... they're searching for this place.*

John looked out through the battlements again at the colossal beast, watching it moving perpendicular to the wall rather than heading straight towards them. *Why isn't it heading this way? This fortress is vast... how can it not see us?*

*The Astral Plane doesn't work that way... it's not like a big field which you can roam around and see whatever there is to see,* she patiently explained. *You need to know the specific location of an ethereal construct before you can visit... it's why the Ashanath subplane has stayed safely inviolate for all these millennia.*

*But those mist creatures have started looking for us in earnest,* John said, turning his attention to the glowing girl beside him. *And you would have mentioned it last night if you'd seen them before.*

She nodded, brows furrowing. *They only started homing in on our location today.*

*Alyssa...* John said, his eyes widening as he connected the dots. *Her confrontation with the Kirrix Hive Mind!*

*She's grown incredibly strong, John. What she did took phenomenal amounts of power,* Athena said, with no small amount of pride. Her expression darkened as she continued, *But flaunting your psychic potency in such a fashion sends out echoes... deep into the Astral. We've seen it once before... and suffered the consequences.*

He gazed out into the distance, his mind wandering. *When I tried to bring back Catherine Voss... and that portal opened on New Eden.*

*You drew the creatures towards you like a lodestone,* Athena said, confirming his suspicions. *You only got away with doing the same thing for Sakura, because you must have caught the ancient beast by surprise. By the time it realised what you were doing, you'd already finished.*

*But that second time it was ready and sent one of its minions to attack,* John muttered, nodding his agreement. He mulled that over for a moment, then looked into Athena's glowing eyes. *Karron?*

*I know how much you want to do that for her... but I have to advise against it,* she said quietly, her voice full of sympathy.

John clenched his jaw and turned his baleful glare on the monsters lurking out there on the horizon.

Athena waited patiently, letting him get his anger under control. When some of the tension eased from his shoulders, she said, *For the time being, I believe this place is safe from detection. However, another dramatic display of psychic power from here, would be like shouting our location from the rooftops.*

He nodded his understanding. *If you're under any threat, let Alyssa know immediately and we'll do whatever we can to protect you.*

She stood on tiptoe and brushed her lips against his cheek. *It's lovely knowing you care. Thank you.*

*You must know how I feel about you?* he asked with a warm smile, stroking her back.

*Enough to keep me around long after I should have faded away,* she replied quietly, gazing into his eyes. *I truly appreciate everything you've done for me... and I'm sorry I leave you feeling frustrated sometimes. I don't do it to deliberately provoke you, I just can't help behaving that way, even when I know you're desperate for clear answers.*

*I suppose I've only got myself to blame,* he said, giving her an understanding smile. *When I turned Alyssa into a Progenitor, apparently I decided her spirit guide should be mysterious and enigmatic.*

She frowned and rubbed her bottom again. *It seems you've found a way to correct those little character traits.*

He joined her in stroking her firm rump, making her moan quietly as she responded to his touch. *While you're feeling particularly forthright, would you care to explain what happened with Alyssa's ears? She only made a cosmetic change, but you altered her DNA...*

Athena smiled at him and tapped a finger on the tip of his nose. *Actually, you're to blame for that.*

*Me?* he asked in confusion. *Why would you think that?*

She looked at him with respect as she gently caressed his temple. *Catching your guide by surprise the way you did was an inspired move. You forced him to relinquish control of numerous new abilities and you've experienced a significant increase in psychic strength.* Tilting her head to one side, she continued, *Then you simply... shared the wealth... amongst the girls.*

*But I didn't even know Alyssa was making those changes to her ears,* he protested with a frown of confusion.

*No, but you gifted me with information on psychic runes and I enhanced Alyssa with those capabilities while she was modifying her appearance,* Athena explained with a wry smile. *She isn't the only one you've been subconsciously upgrading on a regular basis.*

*Dana...* John murmured, with sudden understanding.

She nodded, confirming he was correct. *Keep feeding her regularly; it will pay dividends in the future as she gets exposed to more technology.*

*I'm sure she'll be overjoyed to hear that,* John said with a chuckle.

*Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?*

*Actually, there is one last thing,* he replied, remembering his earlier conversation with Alyssa. *You know how much difficulty I normally have entering the Astral plane, with my guide constantly interfering, but he didn't appear to offer any resistance to me being dragged in there for those nightmares. Was he powerless to stop the mist monsters from attacking me, or was there a more sinister reason why he didn't fight to prevent it?*

Athena appeared troubled and replied in a hushed voice, *I think you're right to suspect foul play. If Alyssa were to be killed on a Spirit Walk, her consciousness would be permanently destroyed. If that happened, I'd be free to take over complete control of her body. Considering the state of war between you and your guide, I can only assume that he was hoping for a similar outcome for you all along.*

*Then why did he help me last time?* John asked in confusion. *He grudgingly gave me that runic knowledge before I caught him by surprise and acquired much more by force. Without those runes, I would have stood no chance.*

*I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that,* she replied, giving him an apologetic shrug.

John looked her in the eyes. *Athena... do you feel any desire to control Alyssa's body?*

She didn't blink as she met his probing gaze. *No, absolutely not.*

*Why?* he asked gently. *The lure to be the dominant personality must be a powerful one, especially as you'd be able to live your life as you see fit.*

Turning to look away into the distance, she said in a quiet introspective voice, *Because that's not my life to live. My purpose has always been to support Alyssa however I can and she's been so kind to me in return, letting me share many wonderful experiences with her. Not only that, but I literally owe my continued existence to her decision not to absorb me. The thought of her dying fills me with absolute horror... I would sacrifice myself in a heartbeat to prevent such a tragedy from occurring.*

John slipped his hand into hers and gave it an affectionate squeeze. *I'm very glad she made that decision too.*

Athena brushed her lips against his, a teasing sparkle in her eyes. *If you're in no hurry to leave, perhaps we might retire to the house for a while? I'm struggling to resist the urge to continue this discussion in vague Oracle-like pronouncements.*

John gathered her into his arms, a playful smile on his face. *That's unfortunate. It sounds like I'll need to take a firm hand with you to stop you falling into bad habits...*

Athena nodded and shot him a smouldering look as they soared up to the keep's parapet.


Faye Primary withdrew from her physical presence and returned to the Cyber-Realm so that she could more efficiently monitor the rescue operation. Her avatars were all busy with various tasks, so she reviewed their operational effectiveness to make sure all was proceeding as expected. Faye Secondary was currently on the Bridge, manoeuvring the Invictus so that it was flush with the final hive ship. A feathering of retro-thrusters brought the white battlecruiser to a halt alongside the larger ochre Kirrix vessel. Once she was certain the two ships were correctly aligned, Faye deployed the umbilical, carefully connecting the Invictus' hangar to the broad hull doors near the rear of the hive ship. The Kirrix had used that entrance to take their prisoners to the infestation chamber, which meant it was also the fastest egress point for the colonists.

Avatars Tertiary through to Senary were overseeing the maintenance bots, each avatar keeping a watchful eye on six of the robots as they operated the Sonic Cannons on the infested colonists. While people were wary of her holographic sprites, they found her considerably less alarming than the huge grinning automatons. By keeping her voice gentle and reassuring, Faye had managed to coax 99.8% of the infested colonists into being treated, leaving only 64 incidents where she needed to ask one of the girls to intervene and calm a panicked civilian.

Finally, avatars Septenary through to Duodenary were attempting to identify devastated parents amongst the most traumatised of the colonists. Faye Primary glanced through the images of grieving Terrans, feeling nothing but sympathy for those heartbroken souls. She couldn't imagine the pain they must be feeling; to have experienced the wonder of bringing life into the Universe, only to have their loved ones so cruelly taken away from them was beyond horrifying. Those poor people were hardly in a receptive state to talk to anyone, let alone a perky winged fairy, so Faye accepted the occasional furious outburst from a grieving parent without complaint.

Her main concern was that she might be doing them more harm than good with her questions, so after a quick review of all the Lionesses to make sure they didn't need her assistance, she returned to her physical presence. Faye opened her eyes, looking around her darkened quarters. She could see in the dark with a variety of optical enhancements, like infrared, mag-view, or low-light, but she had memorised the precise layout of her room as soon as it was given to her. Rising from her bed, she took fifteen steps towards the door, while sending an instruction through the Invictus' digital network to open it remotely.

She timed her foot speed perfectly, so that when she arrived, the door had slid open just enough to accommodate the width of her shoulders. She sent the close command immediately afterwards, the door not having a chance to fully open before it was closing again behind her. Turning right, she strolled down the Deck Two corridor, heading towards the dimly lit Captain's quarters. Alyssa had returned to the hangar to help with the relief effort, but John and Helene were still fast asleep in the middle of the bed. Faye padded inside the bedroom, taking a minor detour into the walk-in-wardrobe to retrieve some apparel for the aquatic beauty.

After draping the clothing across the high-backed chair, Faye walked silently over to the bed and sat down beside John. He looked so handsome lying asleep like that, a lovely smile on his face as he lay with an arm curled protectively around Helene. Faye was loathe to disturb him, but John had agreed to speak with all the colonists and request their cooperation with her holographic avatars. The girls had already started boarding the hive ship to rescue the last set of prisoners, so it wouldn't be long before all the freed Brecken's World colonists would be gathered in the hangar.

Faye watched via Sakura's helmet camera as the Asian girl sprinted down the corridors of that hive ship at incredible speed, then barrelled through the open doors into the infestation chamber. The Hive Lord barely had a chance to react to her presence as she charged towards him, her twin ninjato rimed in ice. He started to open his maw to issue a defiant hiss, when she kicked off the ground, whistling winds lifting her higher to sail over his head. Sakura lashed out with both blades as she swooped past, decapitating and instantly slaying the monster. She skidded to a halt as she landed, the Hive Lord collapsing onto the deck behind her with a crash, green ichor spurting from its neck. Without giving the foul creature a second glance, Sakura raced through the room, looking for any sign of Kirrix troops.

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