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Three Square Meals Ch. 117

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Progenitor ascendant...
31.2k words

Part 117 of the 145 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/20/2015
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Alyssa let Helene cry against her shoulder, rubbing the aquatic girl's back as she wept. Whispering soothing words in her ear, she waited until Helene had cried herself out, then said quietly, "Let's go have a lie down."

Helene nodded and let the blonde lead her out of the Officers' Lounge into the corridor beyond. The door to Faye's room slid aside after Alyssa opened it with a telekinetic touch. They walked inside then sat on the bed, with Alyssa pulling the weary teal-skinned girl down into a comforting hug.

"I'm sorry..." Helene murmured, sounding self-conscious.

"What for?" Alyssa asked, her voice kind and reassuring. "Everyone needs a good cry now and then. Besides, you're worn out... I should be the one apologising for letting you push yourself this hard."

"They were all so hurt and upset. I had to do something to help them..."

"You did... and you were amazing!" Alyssa gushed, her voice full of admiration. "Many of those colonists would never have fully recovered after everything the Kirrix did to them, especially the parents that lost their children... but you helped them live again."

The aquatic girl looked dubious. "Rachel was the one that healed those people; I just helped to ease their suffering."

"Theo was on the verge of a breakdown," Alyssa said emphatically, looking into those trusting baby-blue eyes. "You helped him put all the shame and humiliation behind him... and gave him his life back. Luce was terrified that she'd lost him forever, that she'd never get her husband back again, but you managed to save him. She'll never forget you, Helene... you saved the person that woman cared about most in the galaxy."

"I was just trying to do the right thing," she said, blushing at the blonde's effusive praise.

"You really did," Alyssa said with an encouraging smile. "The trauma all those people suffered from the Kirrix would have given them flashbacks and haunted their nightmares for the rest of their lives... until some of them couldn't take it anymore. Suicides would have killed hundreds if not thousands of them in the end, but you prevented all that. I wasn't exaggerating earlier; they needed you and you were there for them."

Helene let out a wistful sigh. "I've never been needed like that before, not really. Back at Neptra village they let me look after children in the nursery sometimes... but it was done out of pity and the mothers would soon ask me to leave." Her eyes were downcast as she continued, "And... I realise now, that when I thought I was helping defend the village... they were actually hoping that I... wouldn't come back."

Alyssa brushed her fingers through Helene's light-green hair. "They were awful for treating you that way, but you don't have to put up with that superstitious nonsense any more, Helene. You've grown so much since we first met and not just your new psychic powers... you're blossoming into an incredible woman."

"That's a lovely thing to say, but I don't think I'm all that special... not compared to you," Helene said with a grateful smile. She wiped her eyes and propped herself up on an elbow. "You knew John would be furious when Jade brought me back to the ship, but you asked her to bring me anyway... and I'll never be able to thank you enough for that."

"I can't take all the credit. Jade told me she'd met a very kind, beautiful, but sad girl... and she wanted to help. You belong with us, Helene, you always have." Alyssa winked at her and added, "John just needed a bit of gentle encouragement to see it."

Helene laughed, the tension easing from her body. "I don't know how you can wilfully defy him like that. I can't even imagine doing something that I knew might displease him."

The blonde looked troubled for a moment and nodded. "It can be very hard sometimes... What John says and what he really wants can be quite different." She shook that thought away and smiled at Helene affectionately. "You just continue being a good girl and you can't go wrong."

"That's fortunate... I very much enjoy that," Helene said, licking her lips and smiling back.

Now it was Alyssa's turn to laugh. "I didn't just mean giving John blowjobs... but yeah, keep doing that too."

"How is he doing at the moment?" Helene asked, a frown appearing on her lovely face. "I've been missing him."

"He's having a fine old time with the twins," the blonde replied with a smirk. She looked up at her bedmate and brushed her fingers over her teal cheek. "We'll catch up with him tomorrow. You should get some sleep now... you really pushed yourself today and you need to rest."

Helene nodded, then settled down on the bed again, sighing contentedly as Alyssa slipped her arms around her. She glanced up at her matriarch and frowned. "I thought you were going to have some fun with the girls?"

"I can do that any time," Alyssa said, patting her on the back. "You need a nice cuddle."

The mermaid stifled a yawn, then kissed Alyssa on the cheek, her lips soft and warm. "I'm grateful that you want to stay and take care of me, but please be with Calara tonight. I would hate to think that I kept two lovers apart... and Faye already offered to keep me company in bed." Before the blonde could object, Helene turned and called out loudly, "Faye, would you still like to join me?"

A winged sprite popped into existence beside them. "Of course! I'm on my way!"

Alyssa rolled Helene over so she was on her back, then leaned down to give her a deep kiss, making the aquatic girl moan. They only parted when the door opened and Faye bounded inside, the petite pixie flopping down on the bed beside them.

"Do you want to take over, Faye?" Alyssa asked with a sultry grin, caressing the blushing mermaid.

Faye nodded exuberantly, draping herself over Helene. "As long as you're not too tired for a goodnight kiss?"

Helene smiled and shook her head, then caught Alyssa's hand as the blonde moved aside. "Thank you..."

Alyssa kissed her fingertips. "Sleep tight..."

She left the two of them entwined on the bed and slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Excited giggling echoed down the corridor from the Commander's Quarters and Alyssa grinned with anticipation as she hurried to join the rest of the girls in the bedroom.


"No more snoozing, your breakfast's ready!" Charles called out from the dining room.

Lynette Devereux stretched like a cat, then smiled as she smelled a tantalising aroma wafting into the bedroom. She threw back the covers and grabbed a silk robe, slipping it on as she climbed out of bed and padded into the dining room just as Charles walked in from the kitchen, carrying a plate of mangled yellowish-brown toast.

She smiled at him affectionately. "That looks... intriguing."

"The first bite is with the eye," he said with mock sincerity, presenting the misshapen concoction to her with a flourish.

She took the plate and sat down at the table. "And what's the name of this wondrous gastronomic delight?"

"It's Eggy bread of course," he replied, as if it wasn't obvious. He glanced down at the plate and added, "Although with your background, perhaps I should be calling it French toast?"

"My family called it Pain perdu," she replied as she picked up her cutlery. Taking an experimental bite, she looked at him in amazement. "This is delicious!"

Charles laughed as he returned to the Kitchen. "You don't have to sound quite so surprised."

"I want your recipe; it tastes better than my version," she readily conceded, then grinned at him when he reappeared with a plate for himself and two steaming mugs. "Although, I might just be able to beat you on presentation."

He frowned and looked at the egg and bread catastrophe. "It's supposed to look like the aftermath of a missile strike isn't it?"

Lynette giggled and gave him a loving kiss, then the couple enjoyed their breakfast together.

"Busy day today?" he asked, sipping his coffee.

"I'm visiting the Firing Range with Jehanna this morning," she replied, looking excited. "It's been at least thirty years since I last fired a handgun, I'm quite looking forward to getting some practice!"

Charles watched her with amusement, shaking his head.

"What?" she asked, looking at him quizzically.

"It's difficult enough trying to remember you're my age when you look the way you do," he replied, eyeing her flawlessly smooth skin and youthful face. "But it's even harder when you act so-"

"Perky?" Lynette suggested, giving him a coy smile. She let her robe slip open, revealing her gravity-defying breasts. "You certainly weren't complaining about my perkiness this morning..."

"I never said I was complaining..." he murmured, trying hard not to stare at her spectacular figure.

She finished her breakfast and leaned back on the chair, crossing her slender legs. "It's a good point. I'll have to try to rein in my enthusiasm a little when we're in public."

Charles toyed with his mug and it was obvious he had something on his mind as he studied the brunette. "Lynette... how long do you plan on serving as Fleet Admiral?"

"At least ten years," she replied without hesitation. "I suppose it depends on events, but I'd like to stay in the post for as long as possible."

"You're going to need to maintain this... illusion... for over a decade," he said, watching her carefully. "And we both want a family, but how are you planning to handle having children while still pretending to be the old Lynette?"

She shrugged. "Getting pregnant at 52 isn't impossible, especially with medical intervention... it shouldn't be too hard to convince everyone." Her hazel eyes softened as she continued, "We can start trying whenever you want, but I think the sooner the better. I would like to be married first, but we can plan a quick wedding..."

"I really want that too, but I was thinking further into the future. What happens when our children start getting older? We'll have to teach them to lie to everyone about your true appearance," he said quietly.

Lynette paused and looked unsettled. "I hadn't thought that far ahead," she admitted with a worried frown. "Are you saying that I should give up being Fleet Admiral if I want to have a family?"

"Absolutely not," he replied, shaking his head. Reaching out to clasp her hand, he gave her a gentle squeeze. "I just... want you to consider all the possible difficulties ahead. At the very least you need to prepare contingency plans for if your secret ever gets out."

"You're right... there's a lot I hadn't considered," she murmured, lost in thought. Shaking off her daze, Lynette smiled at her fiancé. "Thank you for being so supportive, I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I understand how much being Fleet Admiral means to you."

She made eye contact with him and said earnestly, "If you asked me to give up my job for us to have a family, I would."

"You really mean it, don't you?" he asked in astonishment. "What about being a secret Lioness?"

Lynette rose from her chair and sat across his lap. "John could replace me with someone else if I asked him to; the most important thing is that someone we can trust is holding the position. I don't want you to ever feel you're taking second place to my role as Fleet Admiral... I'm fully committed to us, Charles."

"I'd never ask you to give up your dream of being Fleet Admiral," he said emphatically. "But... thank you for offering."

They enjoyed an intimate kiss, then Lynette gave him a seductive look under her long lashes. "Do you want to give me three breakfasts this morning?"

He smiled and shook his head. "As impossible as it is to imagine, I'm going to have to turn you down. I need to expedite the refit of the advanced fleet... there's been some problems with fabricating the new Brimorian Shield Generators."

"Want to meet for lunch later?" she offered with a grin.

He laughed and nodded. "Of course."

"Thanks for breakfast this morning." Lynette slid off his lap and collected the plates and mugs. "I'll tidy up, you better get started."

"Yes, ma'am," he agreed, giving her a parting kiss.

Charles waved goodbye as he left her quarters, leaving Lynette alone in the apartment. It didn't take her long to clean the kitchen, then she headed into the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

"Olympus, play classical music," she called out to the voice-activated entertainment system. A lilting violin piece echoed through the room and after listening to it for a moment, Lynette frowned at the slow and boring pace. "Olympus, play... something fun!"

An upbeat pop tune blasted into the bathroom and Lynette bobbed her head in time with the beat, a happy grin quickly spreading across her face. She soon found herself singing along to the cheerful music as she soaped down her lithe figure. The physical changes she'd undergone hadn't just rejuvenated her 52-year-old body into that of a nubile 18-year-old; they were accompanied by a heady rush of hormones. Dealing with the mood swings had been very stressful, especially the fierce feelings of jealousy she'd experienced during her romance with Charles. However, the upside of that was that every morning filled her with a heady rush of elation at simply being alive. No more trouble sleeping, or aches and pains when she climbed out of bed... now she was bright, alert, and raring to go.

Drying herself off, Lynette danced out of the bathroom and over to her wardrobe. She briefly considered asking Charles to go clubbing, then giggled at the absurdity of the Fleet Admiral of the Terran Federation busting some moves. Dressing in her uniform, she glanced at the mirror and was struck by the incredible beauty of the face staring back at her. Activating her holo-disguise, she returned to her original homely appearance and the only feature she could recognise were her hazel eyes. Raising her fingers to her cheek, she stared at her reflection and felt a surge of profound gratitude towards the Lion.

Charles was right; her new life would present some difficulties, but they were hardly insurmountable. With careful planning, Lynette was confident she could maintain her disguise for however long it was needed, letting her juggle a family and being Fleet Admiral. She smiled at the older woman gazing back at her. Given the Lion's offer again, she knew she would make exactly the same choice without a moment's hesitation.

Now her thoughts had turned to John, they inevitably flicked to her matriarch. *Alyssa, are you awake?*

*Mmm, hey beautiful,* Alyssa purred, sounding drowsy.

*Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you,* Lynette apologised, glancing at the chronometer and seeing it was 8:09 am. *Were you up late last night?*

*Don't worry about it. We had a wild girls' night yesterday, so I slept like the dead,* the blonde said with a hint of a smile in her telepathic voice. *I'm glad you called. We all need to get moving this morning... we've got a bunch of stuff to do before the shit hits the fan.*

*Are you in trouble?* the Fleet Admiral asked with concern.

*John took Jade and the twins with him on the Raptor to check on Menganus IV, while the rest of us finished treating the Valia Gate citizens for egg infestation. Now we're on our way to rendezvous with him in Kirrix Space as we think the Kirrix have taken Menganus IV's colonists to one of their worlds.* She paused, then continued ominously, *He's planning to scout the planet until we arrive...*

*That sounds quite sensible to me,* Lynette said, confused by her friend's foreboding tone. *He'll be able to locate the colonists, identify the Kirrix strong points and plan the attack for when the Invictus arrives.*

*Yeah... I'm sure that's exactly how it'll go down,* Alyssa replied wryly. *Anyway, I've got some good news for you: the Maliri engaged a big Kirrix fleet in Trankaran Space and wiped them out to a bug. Any bad Kirrix out there will know the Maliri are gunning for them now.*

*Oh, that's excellent!* Lynette gushed, sounding elated. *That was actually the reason I contacted you, to find out how the war in the Trankaran Republic was progressing.*

*Not because you wanted a chat? I'm hurt...* Alyssa said with a mock pout.

Lynette smiled at the blonde's teasing. *You know I always enjoy speaking with you. Best of luck with rescuing the Menganus IV colonists, I hope the fight goes smoothly.*

*Thanks,* Alyssa replied. *Oh... one last thing. The worlds on the Outer Rim are really pissed off at High Command. Although we rescued the colonists on Valia Gate, the Kirrix still murdered all their children... they won't be getting over this anytime soon. There's a massive amount of resentment out here, Lynette.*

The Fleet Admiral's good mood evaporated and she couldn't help grimacing. *Thank you for letting me know. We'll do whatever we can to make amends to those people.*

*Good luck,* Alyssa said softly, her voice full of sympathy.

The upbeat music filling the bedroom suddenly felt wildly inappropriate, so Lynette turned off the entertainment system with a rueful frown. She strode over to the lounge and sat on the sofa, activating the comms interface built into the armrest. It took a minute for her first call to go through, the winged sword icon fading away when she was routed through to the dreadnought Heimdall.

Admiral Anthony Kester's face appeared, the man greeting her with a broad grin. "Ah, Lynette, I was hoping to hear from you this morning."

"I hope you're well, Tony?" she enquired, returning his greeting with a smile.

"Bored of twiddling my thumbs," he replied with an exasperated sigh. "We haven't seen a Kirrix ship in days."

"I've been informed that the Maliri have started sweeping through Trankaran territory liberating worlds. I expect the Kirrix will be in full retreat shortly, if they aren't already," Lynette explained. "Which means we can safely move you from the Trankaran border."

"Where next? The Brimorian border?" he asked, with an eager gleam in his eyes. "I've heard there's been fleet movement throughout the Enclave."

She nodded. "I want you to relocate to the border, then sweep up towards the Callopean Shoals to reinforce Morgan. As soon as Dacres' advanced fleet has been refitted, I plan to dispatch him to join you and he should arrive by the end of the week. The fleets that fought at the Battle of Terra are all being repaired and upgraded at Olympus, so as soon as they start coming online, I'll send more reinforcements to the Brimorian border. You'll probably be on border patrol for a month, then I'll rotate you back to Olympus so your fleet can undergo a refit."

"That's great news," he said, looking delighted. "I've been reviewing footage from the Battle of Terra; the firepower the advanced fleet was able to put out was astounding."

Lynette leaned back in her chair. "The new shield generators should make a huge difference to your defensive capabilities as well. Don't worry, we'll get you upgraded as soon as possible."

He nodded, giving her an approving smile. "I'm glad you got the top job, Lynette. Everything feels very different with you as Fleet Admiral."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," she replied gratefully. Making eye contact with him, she continued, "Be careful on the border. I don't trust the Brimorians... they're up to something, I can feel it."

"I will," he replied with a solemn nod.

They ended the call and Lynette initiated the next one as soon as the Federation insignia appeared on the holo-screen. After waiting for a few moments for the call to be routed through to the battleship Momus, Admiral Alexander Morgan appeared on the holo-screen.

"Good morning, Alex," Lynette said with a smile.

"Fleet Admiral," he replied with a weary nod.

Her happy expression wavered and turned to concern. "You look like hell! What happened?"

"Personnel issues," he muttered, running a hand over his face. "More next of kin notifications... you know what they're like."

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