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Three Square Meals Ch. 140

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Renewing acquaintances...
29.9k words

Part 140 of the 145 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/20/2015
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"Now?" Lyvia asked, her eyes like saucers as she gazed up at John.

He glanced down at Marsendra Helewynn, the once-haughty matriarch now sucking lovingly on his cock as he came down her throat. Her belly had started to swell, the creamy load rapidly filling up her stomach and creating a noticeable bulge. Lyvia's hand was caressing that rounded bump, feeling her new friend's expanding tummy as she hungrily devoured everything John could offer.

"Yeah... now!" John gasped, easing back from the noblewoman's flushed lips.

With her hand around the base of his shaft, Lyvia quickly guided his pulsating cock into her mouth, just in time to receive a thick spurt of sweet-tasting cum. She moaned wantonly as she swallowed it down, her eyes glazing over as she took over from the nude Maliri kneeling beside her.

"That's it... that's a good girl," John groaned, cupping her head as she smoothly descended down his shaft.

The House Amarille matriarch was deep in the suckling trance now, her lips nursing at the base of his shaft as she proceeded to milk him dry. She hummed in rapture as he praised her, creating pleasant vibrations in her constricting throat. Thirty seconds passed and then John was finally spent, his quad having delivered a sizeable dessert to each of the azure beauties on their knees before him. As he wilted, John collapsed back on the bed and panted for breath, recovering from a fantastic end to what had turned out to be a very enjoyable evening.

It hadn't taken Marsendra long to relax over dinner, a glass of wine and John's disarming conversation quickly putting her at ease. Likewise, Lyvia had got over her nervousness when she received nothing but compliments and sympathy from him; a startling contrast to the scorn and contempt she'd grown accustomed to over her harrowing life as a matriarch's youngest daughter. After a couple of hours spent basking in the warmth of John's company, both women had ended up laughing at his jokes together like the best of friends.

The mattress shifted and John felt someone sit down on the bed. "Hello, Edraele."

She leaned over, her smiling face appearing above him. "Hello, my love."

Opening his arms, he pulled her down for a tender kiss.

"I thought you might like some company," the Maliri Queen explained, as she snuggled up against him. "I was thinking about what you said earlier and realised that it probably doesn't help being the only one still conscious after you've climaxed. I've been leaving you alone with the new matriarchs to make feeding them feel more intimate, but perhaps it would be better if I stayed with you instead?"

"This is perfect," he said appreciatively, stroking her back and enjoying the afterglow.

"Ah... silly me," Edraele murmured, caressing his chest. "You've grown accustomed to being cuddled by two women every night. Should I bring Luna with me next time?"

There was a playful edge to her voice, but John seriously considered the offer. "Yeah... please do. I'd really like that."

"Whatever you desire, my Lord," she agreed, surprised but delighted with the new arrangements.

"I'd love to sleep with the two of you tonight, but I already promised Kali," he explained, rolling over to look into her purple eyes.

"We have eternity together, John," Edraele said softly, brushing her lips against his. "These girls need your undivided attention now, but we'll have countless nights to look forward to in the future."

"Yeah, you're right," he acknowledged with a chuckle. "Sometimes I forget about the whole immortality business. It's hard to adjust to the idea of living forever."

She nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose being Maliri gives me a slightly different perspective. Terrans lead such tragically short lives and you were raised with the spectre of your own mortality always looming over you."

"I do still wonder how it's all going to work, being in a relationship with so many of you in the long term," John said, his brow furrowing. "We're talking about me starting a family with nearly forty women. Even if I delay getting the new matriarchs pregnant, how do we handle something as simple as us sleeping together? I know Alyssa had a system that kept everyone happy on the Invictus, but we're adding another twenty girls to the rotation..."

Edraele smiled at him affectionately. "You're sweet to worry about things like this, but Alyssa and I will take care of those arrangements for you. The simple answer is that you can sleep with whoever you like, and when you don't have a particular preference, we'll rotate in someone who is longing for your company. I believe Alyssa told you something similar before."

"But forty girls..." John protested, shaking his head. "How's that ever going to work?"

She was quiet for a moment and gently stroked his cheek. "The matriarchs are all eager to get pregnant by you, but they don't have any expectations to sleep with you on a regular basis."

"They don't?" he remarked in surprise.

"You already know about the Maliri outlook towards relationships and parenthood. All the matriarchs would be delighted to spend time in your company and would relish a night in your arms, but they don't expect it to be a frequent occurrence. That's why I think pairing these girls up is such a wonderful solution."

John was about to respond when Edraele silenced him with a kiss. She sat up and gestured for him to do the same, then looked pointedly at Lyvia and Marsendra. The two Maliri were still kneeling on the padded floor, blissful smiles on their faces as they rested a hand on their curved tummies. Their other hands were clasped together with their fingers interlaced.

"I could sense the friendship growing between them... as well as the attraction," Edraele said, sliding off the bed to join them on the floor. She elicited matching sighs from the noblewomen as she stroked their rounded stomachs, then glanced back at John over her shoulder. "They're both eager for you to father their children, but that's as far as their expectations go. I'm quite certain that Lyvia and Marsendra will find long-term happiness together, occasionally welcoming you into their bed whenever you desire."

He frowned as he looked down at the dazed pair. "That seems like a really lopsided relationship."

"I can assure you that they won't feel that way," she said, rising to join him on the bed again. "I adore my life with Luna and I know she loves me just as passionately. She gives me all the emotional support I could ever need and I try to do the same for her. At the same time, we both care deeply about you and long for the day we can all start a family together."

"I feel the same way about both of you," John insisted. "I don't want to just be the father of your children."

"I know," she said affectionately, giving him a reassuring kiss. Glancing at the kneeling matriarchs, she continued, "But their expectations end there. They'll eagerly welcome as much attention as you choose to lavish on them, however they know that your time is precious and you have many obligations. We all understand that, John."

"That's very selfless," John said, touched by her sincerity.

"But not as selfless as you. You've taken on sole responsibility for the protection and prosperity of our entire species," Edraele said, gazing reverently into his eyes. "Our role as your matriarchs is to support you and ease your burdens... not add to them."

He blinked in surprise, startled by her outlook.

Edraele laughed at his expression and hugged him. "Is it really so shocking that we'd feel that way? Remember that there are twenty Maliri females for every male. From our perspective, a forty-to-one ratio would barely raise an eyebrow. By a Progenitor's standards, you're leading a monk-like existence."

"So it all comes down to perspective," John mused, before his thoughts turned to the other two matriarchs. *What do you girls think about all this?*

*My sisters adore spending time with you, but they'll happily defer to your mates, Master,* Jade replied an instant later. *We receive a tremendous sense of gratification whenever you experience pleasure with us, but it's almost as satisfying feeling your enjoyment with everyone else. A fortnightly Nymph orgy would be enough to keep us all purring for weeks.*

*Yeah... that's not going to work for Callie, or Sparks, or Helene, or any of us really. My girls are going to need plenty of TLC on a regular basis,* Alyssa declared, her voice full of affection for her friends. *You might have got rid of jealousy, but we all start climbing the walls when we're apart from you for a couple of days. Everyone's super excited for the party tomorrow.*

*I'm missing all of you too. Edraele's been doing an amazing job of making me feel at home,* he said, giving the Maliri queen a grateful kiss. *But it'll be great to get everyone together.*

Alyssa, Edraele, and Jade all murmured their agreement, feeling a warm sense of closeness and solidarity.

"Alright, let's get these girls tucked in, then I'll head off to bed myself," John said, gesturing towards the comatose matriarchs.

He carefully enclosed Lyvia and Marsendra in telekinetic bands that cradled and supported them as John lifted the pair onto the bed. Edraele helped him reposition the sleeping Maliri so they were comfortable, then pulled the covers up to let them rest.

"I hope you're proud of what you accomplished today, John," Edraele whispered as she turned out the lights. "You helped all those girls tremendously."

With the lights extinguished, he noticed a soft purple glow radiating from his matriarch's eyes. "It looks like I really did make a difference," he said, meeting her adoring gaze. "Are you love drunk again?"

"Tipsy would be more accurate," she replied with a coy smile. "You're still making a profound impact on my wards, but I'm growing more accustomed to the side-effects."

He cupped her cheek and studied her thoughtfully. "I should work on enhancing your psychic powers as well. It seems like a waste not to help you make the most of your natural abilities... assuming you agree, that is."

"I have no objections. The more powerful I am, the better prepared I'll be to protect myself and the Young matriarchs from enemies," Edraele agreed.

They slipped out of the bedroom and the door closed silently behind them.

"Are you off to see Luna now?" John asked as they walked down the hall.

"She's waiting to escort me to her quarters," Edraele replied, opening the door into the lounge.

The assassin was leaning against a wall, her attention on the door. As soon as it opened she pushed away and glided towards them.

"Good evening, John," she said, acknowledging him with a warm smile as she approached the pair.

"I see where your true loyalties lie," Edraele teased her. "What happened to my loving greeting?"

Luna blushed and stepped closer to greet the Maliri Queen with a furtive kiss. "Hello, my love."

"You weren't so shy in front of company this morning..." Edraele noted playfully, grinning as Luna flushed a dark indigo. She glanced at John and added, "Would you like to see what games the mice were playing while the cat was away?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Sure."

Edraele drew Luna into her arms, their luscious bodies pressing together and creating a mouth-watering expanse of cleavage. With radiant, lust-filled eyes, Edraele leaned closer to her lover, full blue lips seeking the assassin's cupid-bow pout. Luna moaned as they kissed, her strong hands brushing through Edraele's hair as they writhed in an intimate embrace.

"Goddamn..." John muttered, turning as hard as steel at the erotic display.

Leaning her forehead against Luna's, Edraele turned to glance at him out of the corner of her eye. "Consider us a prize for you to enjoy after taming all those unruly matriarchs."

Luna gave him a coy smile and planted gentle kisses on Edraele's lips.

He put his arms around the sultry women and gave them a fond squeeze. "You two make a gorgeous couple. I can't wait to claim my prize."

They rewarded John with his share of loving kisses before he waved goodbye and left them to enjoy their evening together. The corridors of Genthalas were quieter at this hour and John was able to walk to the House Baelora suite without encountering more than a handful of station personnel. He nodded to the guards as he strode into the suite, then after finding no sign of Sarene or Kali in the lounge, he headed to the bedroom.

John found the pair sitting cross-legged on the bed, with Kali running a brush through her friend's mane of snowy-white hair. They were both wearing silk robes that clung to their shapely figures, making the pair looked delightfully decadent in the crumpled sheets.

"Have you two really not left bed all day?"

"Nope! We've been having a wonderful time," Kali replied, her eyes dancing with joy. "What do you think of Sarene's new look? Isn't she stunning?"

He crossed the bedroom to join them and sat on the edge of the bed. "You do look very beautiful," he agreed as he smiled at the House Baelora matriarch.

"Thank you," she said quietly with a shy smile.

"How are you feeling this evening?" John asked, brushing his fingers through the silky white curtain shrouding her face and stroked her temple. "Still lots of holes in your memories, or are things a bit clearer now?"

Sarene met his concerned gaze and he could see the glittering spark of intelligence in her golden eyes. "My memory has started coming back. I can remember what happened... what I did... and how you tried to help me."

"Tried to?" John asked with a worried frown.

"Succeeded in helping me," she carefully corrected herself, her brow furrowing. Sarene looked troubled as she continued, "I orchestrated the murder of dozens of people... or at least Sarinia did. I also died... but you brought Tehlariene back to life again."

"You didn't murder anyone... and you didn't die either," John said firmly. "You're a new person now, starting a fresh life as Sarene."

She slowly nodded, a thoughtful expression on her pretty face. "That feels... right."

"And I'm your best friend!" Kali gushed, giving her a hug from behind.

Sarene laughed, the tension easing from her with a bright smile. "You certainly are." She leaned closer to John and whispered theatrically, "Don't tell Kali that she's my only friend; I don't want her to feel like her status as 'best friend' isn't a well-deserved honour."

"She's not your only friend," John said, lowering his hand to clasp hers. "I'm here for you too."

"In that case I'm faced with a perplexing conundrum," Sarene said, her smile broadening. "Does Kali retain her title, or is there a new contender for the dubious prize of being my best friend?"

"Don't be silly," Kali said, resting her chin on Sarene's shoulder. "It's lovely being your best friend... and besides, John doesn't count."

"I don't?" he asked, enjoying their playful banter.

"Nope!" the young noblewoman declared, shaking her head. Kali's hand slipped inside Sarene's robe and gently caressed her stomach. "You're going to be the father of her children, just like you are with me. That's a special title in its own right... it'd be greedy wanting to be her best friend too."

Sarene froze, searching his expression with a pensive look in her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Kali asked, frowning as she looked at each of them in turn. "Of course you're going to have John's babies... all of us will eventually."

"We haven't discussed that, Kali," John said, clearing his throat with a cough.

"I'm being punished," Sarene said softly, her voice leaden with regret. "It wouldn't be appropriate."

"You're not being punished... at least I don't see it that way," John said, shaking his head. He lifted her chin so they could make eye contact again. "You were traumatised as a child and I'm trying to heal all the scars from that abuse."

"You may not feel like this is a punishment, but the rest of the matriarchs will respect you more if you're seen to be dealing with me harshly. Any obvious acts of kindness from you will undermine that message."

Kali shook her head and interjected, "I think that's a terrible way of handling it, especially if we're trying to give Sarene a fresh start. Just tell the other matriarchs that you wiped Sarinia's mind and she's effectively dead now; that will more than satisfy anyone's thirst for revenge. Then tell them that you decided to rebuild her as a new person called Sarene, because you still need someone to run House Baelora."

John listened to her suggestion and nodded thoughtfully.

"Besides... Edraele told me that you're not even mad at Sarinia anymore," Kali continued, hugging Sarene again. "She said that you've been having a lovely time getting to know the new matriarchs and that you were really grateful not to be dealing with all the mean old ones like Emandra Holaris. You still don't approve of what Sarinia did, but she has made your life much, much easier."

"I might have to have words with my exceedingly talkative Queen," John said, raising an eyebrow.

"Please don't be mad at her," Kali begged. "I pestered Edraele all day to find out everything she could tell me about Sarene and how you felt about her now."

"I'm sorry, Baen'thelas," Sarene said with a disapproving frown. "I never asked her to do that. I wasn't even aware Kali was speaking to Edraele."

"You had no way of knowing that they were chatting via telepathy," John explained, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. Turning his attention to Kali again, he continued, "So why are you getting so involved? Are you just looking out for your new best friend?"

Kali shook her head and gave him a coy smile. "No, it's for a much more important reason. I want us to be just like Tsarra and Leena, or Nyrelle and Valani. I'd like to share my pregnancy with Sarene and watch our tummies grow at the same time."

"Kali!" Sarene exclaimed, looking shocked.

Scampering around the bed, Kali faced the House Baelora matriarch. "I know it's not just me! You feel a special connection between us as well, don't you? I felt it that very first day we met."

Sarene blushed and darted a pensive glance at John. "I promise I didn't put Kali up to this either."

"That's okay," he said quietly. "Is Kali right? Do you feel attracted to her?"

She turned to look at the exuberant young Maliri and her eyes softened. "Yes, I do feel a special connection between us. When we spoke for the first time in the arboretum, I thought you were the kindest person I'd ever met. You were so warm, and tactile, and effervescent... even as damaged as I was back then, I realised how wonderful you were."

Kali leaned closer and rewarded Sarene with a gentle kiss for her honesty. It didn't take long for the kiss to deepen and soon they were moaning softly as they embraced.

John watched the two in surprise, giving them a long moment together before patting Kali on the shoulder. "That's enough for now, honey. Sarene's still adjusting to her new personality and I don't want her to feel overwhelmed."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Kali apologised, jerking backwards. "Are you alright?"

Sarene blushed and nodded, her eyes shining with happiness. "I wasn't expecting that... but it felt amazing!"

The two women giggled, then shared a fond hug.

Shaking his head in amusement, John rose from the bed. "I'm guessing you two haven't had any dinner. Would you like me to make you something?"

Kali gave him a seductive look. "I was hoping that you'd feed me again tonight."

"Both of us..." Sarene agreed, her eyes glinting with anticipation.

John beckoned them over and they prowled across the bed, then knelt on the covers in front of him, expectant expressions on their beautiful faces. He reached out to stroke their bare stomachs, eliciting sighs of pleasure from both Maliri.


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