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Three Square Meals Ch. 096

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Making preparations...
32.8k words

Part 96 of the 145 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/20/2015
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Alyssa glanced around the Ashanath Command Web over Ularean's shoulder, feeling overwhelmed with relief. She tried to contact John to let him know she was safe, but she was unable to reach him telepathically.

*Are you alright, Alyssa? You seem very distressed,* Senior Councillor Ularean asked, awkwardly patting the radiant girl on the shoulder while trying not to concentrate on the breathtaking perfection of the orbs pressed against his chest.

She pulled back and gave him a grateful smile. *You wouldn't believe how glad I am to see you, Ularean! I thought those mist monsters were going to get me for sure!*

His big black eyes blinked rapidly, his expression of shock mirrored by the several members of the Ashanath High Council in attendance. *You were roaming the Astral plane?!*

Alyssa nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. *I wanted to try entering your Command Network again to speak with you, but I couldn't figure out how to do it; I got invited in by other Ashanath last time. While I was trying to find this sub-plane that strange fog started rolling in.*

*You must not wander the Astral!* Councillor Talari exclaimed, his diminutive grey face looking aghast. *To lose you to the beasts that roam there would be too horrible to contemplate!*

*Oh, hey Talari!* Alyssa replied, greeting him with a friendly wave. She glanced around at the open space of the Command Web and continued, *Can we go somewhere more private to discuss this? It sounds like we've got a few things to talk about.*

Talari and Ularean shared a look with the rest of the councillors, who bowed respectfully to Alyssa then turned away. A second later Alyssa stood in a small spherical lounge with the two Ashanath leaders, complete with three comfortable looking white seats. Ularean gestured for her to sit, then he and Talari followed suit.

The moment Alyssa sat down, Talari leaned forward and said, *I mean no disrespect Alyssa, but the Astral Plane is an extremely dangerous place and not somewhere to be visited on a whim. You would be... ill-advised... to make similar forays.*

Ularean nodded, a mournful expression on the features of his spirit form. *Every few decades some of our people decide to mount an expedition deep into the Astral to expand our knowledge of the realm. Those that are not dissuaded from such foolishness never return, their spirits lost forever and their bodies withered to lifeless husks.*

*What the fuck are those things?* Alyssa asked, suppressing an involuntary shiver. *I'd only been looking around for a few minutes when they came after me!*

*There are many ancient beings that lurk in the Astral,* Ularean replied quietly. *Most are old beyond our reckoning. They are drawn to powerful psychic presences and you are more potent than any amongst us. It does not surprise me that they sought you out so quickly.*

Alyssa thought about that for a moment. *I've not had that problem before when doing spirit walks to read people's minds, so why now?*

*The kind of trip into the Astral plane you describe barely touches the surface,* Talari explained. *But your spirit form seems even more imposing than last I saw you, so it might be because you've grown stronger and thus present a more tempting lure.*

She frowned at his explanation, realising that if Talari was correct, it would severely hinder her ability to read minds. Shrugging off her irritation, Alyssa continued, *John keeps having these dreams, where he's sucked into what feels like some kind of nightmarish sub-plane. They started off just being very scary, but the last few times, the creatures in the mists have been trying to actually kill him. Do you know what that's about?*

Talari exchanged a terrified glance with Ularean. *Only a being of massive power is able to create a pocket-plane like you describe! John must have drawn the attention of something deep in the Astral plane... where the most ancient and terrible monsters dwell!*

Her brow furrowed in confusion. *But you keep telling me that I'm much stronger than you guys, so how come you were able to create the Ashanath Command Network?*

*The Ashanath Collective only maintain this sub-plane, Alyssa,* Talari carefully explained. *It was created by the Progenitor known as Mael'nerak. We are able to create tiny pockets within it, like this room, but no more.*

She sat back and looked around the room, her perception of the Astral pocket plane expanding as she studied it in fascination. Pushing out with her mind, she examined this sub-pocket, and saw how the Ashanath councillors had formed it from the ether - shaping and moulding it to their will. The room and all of its furnishings were simply mental projections given physical form within this astral reality.

Talari and Ularean watched her with their big black eyes, blinking rapidly in shock before glancing at one another, their expressions unreadable.

Alyssa sighed in frustration and turned her attention back to the Ashanath Councillors. *I wish I knew what Mael'nerak was up to. I remember you saying before that he was experimenting in collective consciousness...*

Talari spread his hands in a gesture of helplessness. *I am afraid I have no answers for you there, Alyssa. He never shared the deeper intent behind his experiments with the Ashanath.*

Ularean nodded, then asked curiously, *You mentioned that you had something you wished to speak with us about?*

Alyssa gave them an apologetic frown. *I just wanted to warn you that the Maliri fleet we were sending to protect you has been diverted. Unfortunately, John had to send them to help the Trankarans fight off a Kirrix invasion.*

*We have seen the footage of the battle, it has been broadcast many times around the Terran Federation,* Talari replied. *You were just as magnificent against the Kirrix as you were against the Drakkar.*

*Sorry for only telling you about this now,* Alyssa said, glancing at each of her hosts. *We didn't want to risk making this call via comms beacons, as the Terran Federation aren't fully aware of who or what John is, or his relationship with the Maliri or the Ashanath. That's why I wanted to try contacting you this way instead.*

*An apology is quite unnecessary,* Ularean said, his small mouth turning up into a smile. *Assisting the Trankarans is a noble endeavour and we would aid them too if we had the vessels to spare.*

*Chancellor Niskera has become the Trankaran Queen now and she's accepted our offer to join the alliance,* Alyssa informed them. *Once we stomp the bugs, then the Trankarans should be a big help against the other Progenitor.*

Talari smiled and said, *It feels fitting that Mael'nerak's creations are uniting to fight against the Progenitor who seeks to destroy his legacy.*

Alyssa nodded her agreement. *Speaking of which, there's another Maliri fleet on its way to you. It should arrive in ten days' time.*

*We greatly appreciate John continuing to honour his pledge of protection,* Ularean said, smiling at her in gratitude.

*How's everything been going after the battle?* Alyssa asked. *Any more problems with the Drakkar?*

*There has been no sign of Drakkar raider ships over the last two weeks, so we have come to the conclusion that all their spaceworthy vessels were included in the invasion,* Talari replied, sounding greatly relieved. *We also followed John's suggestion of speaking to the marooned Drakkar marines. They chose to accept our offer to enlist with our forces, accepting food as payment for their services. So far there have been no incidents of them attacking our people, but they are voracious carnivores and we have been forced to begin trading for meat to cater for their dietary requirements.*

Alyssa gave him a wry smile. *Yeah, might be time to branch out from the fungus caves. You probably don't want to run out of food for them...*

*That is sound advice,* Ularean readily agreed with a shudder. *We have taken steps to begin husbandry of huge herds of placid livestock. The arid worlds we favour are not ideally suited for such bovine herds, but there are numerous more suitable worlds within the Collective.*

*How about the repairs to your fleets?* she asked, relaxing in her chair.

Both councillors looked delighted as Talari replied, *With the wondrous new Psi-shapers that Dana created for us, even the lowliest of engineers are able to assist with repairs. All our surviving vessels are now fully operational and back in service! We have numerous teams working on ship designs for a new generation of spacecraft incorporating the marvellous technology you gave us and once their work is finished, we will start constructing those vessels.*

*If you want to show me the schematics next time, I'll try and figure out a way for Dana to give them the once over,* Alyssa offered, with an easy-going shrug. *I'm sure she'd love to see what you're working on and maybe offer you some pointers.*

*That would be a tremendous boon, thank you!* Talari exclaimed, his face lighting up in elation. *Dana has become somewhat of a legend amongst our people.*

Ularean's expression of delight was for another reason entirely. *You plan to return to visit us again?*

*I'd like to make it a regular thing,* Alyssa replied, giving him a warm smile. *But maybe next time you could give me a key to the front door? I'd rather not have another run-in with those monsters...*

*Now that you are familiar with this location, you should be able to just will yourself into the sub-plane,* Ularean replied, spreading his small hands in welcome. *There will always be scores of Ashanath within the Command Network and none would ever think of trying to bar your entry. Simply reach out with your mind towards the sub-plane as you did with me and whoever is present will guide you to us.*

*That sounds fantastic, thank you!* Alyssa replied with a grin. She rose to her feet, then continued, *I guess I better get back to John. He'll be worried I've been gone so long.*

*Please pass on our warmest regards to him,* Ularean said, rising to his feet. *Will he be returning with you too?*

*No, afraid not,* she replied, shaking her head. *He's got a few issues with spirit walking he needs to sort out, but maybe in the future. Until then, you'll just have to make do with little old me.*

*Basking in your radiant presence is always a joy, Alyssa,* Ularean said sincerely. *We shall await your return to us with heartfelt longing.*

*You silver-tongued rascal, Ularean,* the blonde said with a grin, suddenly hugging the Senior councillor.

Ularean blinked rapidly, his big black eyes gazing at her magnificent curves when Alyssa hugged Talari too. She waved both startled Ashanath goodbye, then willed herself back to her body.


John paced nervously beside Alyssa, who had been sitting cross-legged on the deck, her eyes shut, for the last half hour. He'd had a moment of panic when she began her spirit-walk when her breathing had quickened, eyes flickering back and forth behind her eyelids, appearing to be in some kind of trouble. Fortunately, that had quickly passed and the blonde had settled down, seemingly at peace.

"Has Alyssa stirred at all?" Calara called over to him, the girls waiting patiently for any signs of attack

"Nothing yet," he replied, squatting down beside the young woman and searching her face for any sign of distress.

Alyssa's bright-blue eyes snapped open a second later. "Boo!"

John jumped in surprise, then chuckled and offered her a hand as he straightened up. "You little vixen... it's a good job you're wearing tickle-proof armour." When the grinning blonde was standing again, he held her close. "I was getting worried, you were gone a long time. Did you run into any trouble?"

"I had a close call with those mist monsters, but I got through to the Ashanath afterwards," she replied, giving him a reassuring smile. "It was a useful trip and it's given me an interesting idea for a way we can handle the Astral creatures."

"Really? What have you got in mind?" he replied, looking intrigued.

She patted him on his armoured faceplate. "I'll have a quick chat about it with Athena and tell you all about it later, but first let's get out of this gear. I've contacted Edraele and the Maliri are on their way back; we're not in any danger now."

John relaxed and beckoned the girls over to join them, all equally as glad as him to see Alyssa back safe and sound. The group filed out of the big hangar, with the conversation turning to far more pressing matters, such as excited speculation about Leena's impending motherhood...


Grand Prelate Melkadian had a grim smile of satisfaction on his face, as he studied the Tactical Map from the Bridge of the Vengeance of Hera. He watched the invasion armada assembling into formation on the outskirts of the Iota-Leonis systems, glancing over the ship designations of the vessels that comprised that mighty force.

The bulk of the formation were drawn from the regular Kintark navy, but the entire reserve fleet of Praetorian Guard took pride of place in the centre, easily identifiable by the gold markings on their shimmering green armour. The Kintark forces had been drawn from every corner of the empire, even going so far as utilising training vessels, red chevrons on the rear of a formation of cruisers identified them as such. The vast throng of green Kintark vessels was awe-inspiring, all of them assembled to crush the Terrans.

What had once been a Federation stronghold had been reduced to a broken, burning ruin. Their once-mighty starbase had been destroyed, as had over a dozen fuel refineries, along with the entirety of the Dragon March fleet. Everywhere he looked within the system were the broken and shattered hulks of Terran ships and installations. By contrast, the Kintark had lost a mere handful of vessels, the losses trivial when considering the glorious victory they had just achieved. It was yet more proof of the superiority of reptilian life over the weak warm-bloods. An occasional bright flash of green lit up the map as Kintark fighters gunned down the last remaining escape pods, ensuring that the Terran massacre was complete.

"Is that really necessary?" Admiral Leonard Norwood asked, a pained expression on his face as he gestured towards the Tactical Map. "I still don't see why we couldn't accept their surrender..."

"We cannot afford to weaken our forcesss by guarding prisssonersss," Melkadian replied, turning to look at the traitorous Terran. "Unfortunately, sssuch ssstepsss are necesssary to forge the new Republic you wisssh to create. You were forced into sssimilar actionsss when you turned on the loyal ssshipsss in your own fleet, were you not?"

Norwood hung his head in shame and nodded.

"Jussst think of the billionsss of people you'll be sssaving from the tyranny of High Command," Melkadian said, his tone gentle and sympathetic. "It isss tragic that thossse persssonnel were killed, but ssso many more will be sssaved by their sssacrifice."

"Yes, it is for the greater good," Norwood agreed, lifting his head again, new resolve in his eyes.

"Exactly," the Grand Prelate said, placing a clawed hand on the Terran's shoulder. "Sssoon we will dessstroy the corrupt Federation and bring forth a bright future for your people."

Norwood smiled at him, hope shining in his eyes. "Humanity has suffered for too long under High Command's oppression. I just wish that..." his voice trailed away into a heavy sigh.

"Wisssh what, my friend?" Melkadian asked curiously.

"I knew a remarkable woman once, but now she's gone... I just wish she was here to see her dreams finally becoming reality," Norwood said, a wistful look on his face.

The Grand Prelate was quiet for a moment. "I mourn her losss with you, for ssshe mussst have been a rare visssionary."

"That she was," Norwood agreed, grief shadowing his face. His expression darkened as he snarled, "At least until John Blake killed her!"

"He hasss grievousssly wronged my people too," Melkadian said, his voice grim. "We will sssee him brought to jussstice for hisss horrific crimesss."

Norwood nodded, his eyes burning with anger.

Melkadian gently patted the Terran admiral's shoulder. "You have the Kintark Empire'sss deepessst gratitude for your asssissstance. Sssending advance ssshipsss around the Terran flank through Brimorian Ssspace was a ssstroke of geniusss."

Smiling at last, Norwood brightened as he said, "I knew the Brimorian border would be lightly defended, at least compared to the Dragon March. We were lucky that High Command hadn't bothered changing the location of the probes in their sensor net after I defected, but that's only to be expected for such lazy and inept leadership." He frowned and added, "But it looked like at least one ship got away. High Command will know we're coming."

"You have sssaid it yourself, they do not have enough ssshipsss guarding the Core Worldsss to be able to ssstop usss," Melkadian said with smug satisfaction. "With the extra time you bought usss, they are doomed."

"We will crush High Command once and for all," Norwood agreed, a gleam in his eyes. "Then the Kintark Empire and the Terran Republic will stand shoulder-to-shoulder in an unbreakable alliance!"

"Quite ssso," Melkadian agreed, then bowed to the admiral. "I ssshall leave you to sssavour your victory, my friend, for I have important dutiesss to attend to."

Norwood returned his bow, then returned to studying the Tactical Map.

Melkadian barely managed to suppress his sneer of contempt as he turned and left the Bridge. An alliance? With that gullible fool? The only thing the Terran Federation would be good for once the Kintark were done with their conquest, was supplying billions of slaves for the betterment of the Empire! He couldn't wait to see the look on the traitor's face when he realised he'd doomed his own people to a pitiful life in chains.

The Grand Prelate's callous laughter echoed down the corridor as he entered his chambers. Melkadian was eager to speak to the Emperor to report their overwhelming success. He was sure to be most pleased!


John awoke after a couple of hours to find himself wrapped around a lithe Maliri girl, his hand resting on her swollen belly. He slowly caressed her rounded curves, marvelling at the thought of a new life growing inside this beautiful, remarkable woman. After Alyssa had explained to the group what had transpired on the Astral plane, he'd spent the rest of the morning in bed with Leena, getting to know her better both as a person and a lover. It had culminated with her riding him to a spectacular climax, gazing adoringly into his eyes as they conceived their first child together.

"I feel different," Leena whispered, revealing that she was already awake, her slender fingers brushing over the back of his hand.

He leaned closer and kissed her blue shoulder, relishing the warm softness of her skin. "It's a huge step for both of us, becoming parents. I'm biased of course, but I think you'll make a wonderful mother."

She snuggled back against him with a happy sigh, then shook her head, the imperceptible movement only noticeable because she was resting her white mane of hair on his arm. "No, I feel connected to you... Not just emotionally, the sensation feels so much more powerful than that..."

John hesitated then said softly, "You know that the closer we get, the stronger my psychic connection to you becomes. I promise you though, that wasn't the reason why-"

"I like it," she said, interrupting him, then turning so that she could study his face. "The two of us are permanently linked now and I'm making you stronger because of it. I like it a lot..."

He saw the question in her eyes and, pulling her closer, he whispered in her pointed ear, "You want to know how I feel, now that you're permanently connected to me? You're a loyal, intelligent, perceptive, loving woman... I couldn't be happier!"

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