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First sample was free...the next, well you know.
20.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/21/2021
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I mounted Arnold's bike riding it shakily out of the yard across the draw bridge at the edge of the property.

"SHIT TAMAYA, UN!! UN!! UN!! UN!! UN!! FUCK!!" I was taunted by some unseen kids as I rode by the side of the trailer towards the park. Her young charges trolling me were obviously in the know as I still wondered if they were her children after all.

When all was said and done Tamaya Hope was a prostitute.

I resolved to cherish the memory and delete her shitty postcoital explanation as I absentmindedly found myself riding back towards Ms. Minnie's house finding Arnold walking in my direction with his shirt draped over his shoulder.

"Where you been?" He asked.

"I took a ride into the twilight zone; saw some tig ole' bitties at the park too; fake ass church girl over there." My mouth was rebelling wholesale as Arnold laughed probably noticing my butthurt expression.



"Watch out for her bruh; she selling the kitty around there. Bitch been coming down here for the last two years hawking her titties to dummies with loose pockets! Uh, did she get in your wallet like Capital One?"

"Hell no." I lied unevenly as Arnold side eyed me.

"Get off my bike; oh yeah, come with me over to the house. I need you to run interference between me and Daisy Mae."


Once again the hair stood up on the back of my neck as I thought of the night prior and our tryst in those woods.

Was it a dream?

I was about to find out.



I was in for a surprise as we rounded the bend coming up on Arnold's trailer home in that we found the front yard occupied surprisingly by Daisy Mae and Niecy who was in the process of having a hair braided. The specter of fear and overt guilt ran through my body as I shot Arnold a side eye knowing what I had spent the whole of the previous day doing with his girlfriend. It all seemed so surreal up until this very moment as I watched Niecy sitting on a plastic milk crate with Daisy Mae posted up behind her in a chair from their kitchen.

The plus size beauty was using a hot comb on her future sister-in-law's head with a little set up on a wooden crate that contained some hair supplies and a nasty looking jar of Vaseline. The hot comb was plugged into an exterior outlet on the trailer I hadn't noticed before. you know Niecy honestly looked like an oversized kid sitting there with her shoulders slumped wincing as that sizzling hot piece of metal ran through her hair. It didn't look like a pleasurable experience. Daisy Mae's own rather large shock of wild curls hid her face putting her eyes partially in shadow as she worked intently with the strained expression. Niecy wore a simple white slip, cleavage bulging.

"Something wrong with your eyes?" She spoke abruptly with the tone sounding rather terse.

I wasn't sure if she was speaking to me or her boyfriend looking at him for some guidance before she glanced up simultaneously reaching back want her sister in laws head making the woman wince and cry out from the heat. Her big ham sized fist cupped Niecy's chin roughly adjusting her noggin before taking a dab of Vaseline to her scalp.

"I'm talking to you and I wanna know if there's something wrong with your eyes because you seem to be staring a hole in my head. I wanna know if you got a problem that my boyfriend needs to fix."

"Come on now Daisy this is my friend Robert, he from the city; I can vouch that these good people and I've known him since we were little kids."

"Arnold how long have I known him?"

"Well I guess you're meeting him right now I reckon."

"Then you ain't worried about him staring up at me like he wanna snap me up for a snack?"

"Come on stop playing girl he's like my best friend."

"So I'm supposed to automatically be OK with some guy I never seen looking at me with nasty eyes probably wishing he can use your bed to sate his lust; since you're so cool with him perhaps you want me to go in your trailer and get on my hands and knees. Is that what you want Arnold?"

"I'm not saying anything I was just bringing him here to meet you." My friend looked thrown off by her candor I was as well feeling like a third wheel, an, intruder and a complete stranger.

Her voice betrayed nothing of the previous day and our tryst. the way she spoke made me feel as if everything that occurred was some elaborate fever induced mirage conjured up by the stifling summer heat and the pungent smell of the sewage assailing my nostrils even as I stood there in the middle of the street looking at her angry countenance. Daisy Mae sat there in a blue cotton night dress staring back at me lime green eyes full of fire and brimstone. It felt like Arnold was shrinking right before my very eyes under her gaze.

"He's a good guy."

"Is that what you want, answer me." She rested the forearm holding the hot comb over Niecy's right shoulder uncomfortably close to her face with whisps of vapor rising off it.

"HEY, IT'S COOL! Uhm, I'm gonna go, okay? There's no problem I'm just, gonna cut out."

Daisy Mae sat there with that arm draped over the shoulder of Arnold's sister glaring at him. The atmosphere changed and I hated myself for thinking it, but it almost seemed as if she would tap Niecy's cheek with that white hot iron.

"No, that ain't what I want." Arnold answered reluctantly sounding as if he were capitulating to a kidnapping situation. Daisy Mae went back to working on Niecy's hair giving the woman a few years her senior a rough tug as she did. Arnold looked at once deflated and out of sorts standing ten or twelve feet away in the middle of the street.

"You say he's good and I'm just supposed to accept it like your fucking word is bond; I ain't ever seen him before and you want me to roll out the red carpet for this nigga who look shady enough to take Niecy's dumb ass into that chicken coop over there and scoop out her cornhole. He looks like he the kind of nigga that would fuck me in your bed all day... but you wouldn't know that cause you out being mannish all night!"

"Baby." Arnold started but stopped when she glared at him with those narrow lime green eyes again.

"GET-YOUR-ASS-IN THAT TRAILER!! I'm gonna come talk to you REAL FUCKING NICE and we gonna see about helping you remember where your goddamn house is, nigga!" It looked like all of the color drained out of Arnold's face and that was some feat considering he was charcoal black to begin with as he turned towards me muscular arms outstretched.

"Hey man I..." His hands were shaking on the handles of his bike. I couldn't tell if it were from rage or fear.

"WHAT I TELL YOU BOY!! DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT AGAIN!!" Daisy Mae's voice went shrill in her rage as her nostrils flared. Her round freckled countenance twisted into a grimace akin to a demonic kabuki mask. Arnold dismounted.

"Uhm, yes." He glanced at me fleetingly tucking his chin jumping across the ditch. He left his bike on the sparse frayed grass and dirt in the front yard. He walked towards the trailer getting hit in the bicep by the open container of Vaseline flung by his woman. Arnold didn't hesitate walking up the short makeshift cinder block stairs into his home.

The rickety screen door slammed looking as if it could fall off as Daisy Mae shoved Niecy onto the ground willfully.

"Get my Vaseline and it bet not be dirty or I'm gonna whip your tail!" She ordered sounding like the bully she so truly was in that moment forcing me to question reality. We romped and screwed the stuffing out of one another only a day prior with Niecy in the know. I knew this woman biblically while her boyfriend was busy stuffing my caretaker right down the block.

Niecy retrieved the jar shooting me a brief look that read apologetic as she took a few steps offering it back only to have her hand nearly taken off in the process.

"Oh you're still there, huh; wanna see some fucking draws, do you?!"

Daisy Mae suddenly reached down in front of Niecy snatching up the hem of her slip exposing a pair of sheer panties underneath. Niecy quickly snatched her slip down between her thighs lurching forward inadvertently exposing a tit when it plopped out in front of my face hanging. She whimpered running into the trailer sobbing leaving the screen door to slam again as Daisy Mae did this sort of dirty laugh.

"Ain't good enough for you, huh Robert boy?"

Daisy Mae stood up from her chair turning a hip in my direction drawing up her night shirt until I was given just the slightest hint of one of her huge ass cheeks, a miniscule peek. She smiled lifting it a little higher. My eyes went there automatically knowing what was underneath as she made this clicking sound barely audibly.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!" The family dog Butch came barreling from under the house drooling and snarling catching me off guard. It was such a sudden jolt that I tumbled over on the blacktop street quickly recovering to my feet.

Butch was damn near choking himself straining the heavy chain that anchored him to the Belle Family trailer raised upright on his hind legs desperate to free himself and take his pound of flesh out of me. I didn't wait running further down the road fuming. I ended up at a bend in the road bordered on either side with overgrowth creeping overhead at an arch. The sewage ditches here were especially deep and pungent with green moss bubbling atop it.

My heart was thumping wildly as I tried to make sense of Daisy Mae's attitude doing my best to chalk it up to her covering our tracks with extreme clarity. Ever since we'd hooked up I couldn't get her generous proportions out of my mind. Daisy Mae's kinetic way of having sex read all over my person and I wondered if Arnold would've noticed if he hadn't spent a night running Miss Minnie through. I couldn't reconcile the ironclad hold she had on my friend's psyche either. I recalled him having a successful street fight with a man and his son beating them both bloody which was a feat in and of itself due to him being all of twelve years old at the time.

Now in current day he cowered at the slightest displeasure from this woman along with his sister too. Her hold seemed almost matronly in malevolent fashion. Daisy Mae talked a good game sounding as if she knew the answers to questions before they were asked. She knew I'd be overwhelmed by her appearance and pushed things further than I ever would've imagined sexually. I couldn't help myself doing my best to fuck her brains out luxuriating in her lush curves, enjoying that big monster ass of hers.

It was almost as if I could feel her cunt just by thinking sprouting the mother of all erections standing there in the middle of the road. My cock was seriously pulsing at the mental image of her nude body making me at once antsy.

Her reaction to me this morning was just too perfect, almost alien in that it seemed as if she really didn't know me from Cain. Daisy Mae's presence was staggering and I couldn't put my finger on it no matter how hard I tried. Part of me was starting to question the series of events leading to me standing there in the middle of the road with a ridiculous bulge on display. I almost felt like hopping the ditch into the woods to take care of it with my right hand. That anxiety was starting to overwhelm me even more. I was beginning to think maybe it was some sort of fever pitch.

"It happened; it really did." I mumbled mentally going to the only smoking gun I had. The evilly sneaky look in her narrow lime green eyes as she teased me with the tiniest bit of cheekage under that nightshirt.

"Huh?" There was a rustling of the foliage and the cracking of dried leaves underfoot distracting me from my inner ruminations at that moment.

It had come at my right side prompting me to direct my attention to the thick brush and overgrowth finding some old codger slightly obscured there. This old wizened brother wore a straw hat low upon his brow hiding the upper half of his face leaving on his nose and the grey nappy beard littering the rest of his drawn face. His torso was covered in some stained long sleeved collarless shirt that made me think it was actually long johns underneath with faded overalls and vintage galoshes on his feet. He was just standing there facing me partially hidden.


No answer.


He didn't say anything just slowly backing away until the foliage completed the magic trick of making him disappear.

"Uhm, okay then." I stared after him for a few minutes getting progressively creeped out enough to walk further around the bend finding this long winding trail that I remembered from childhood. I lingered looking back in the direction of the Belle family trailer. My mind was fixated on Daisy Mae's behavior since I'd had that first taste and the way every one around her walked on eggshells projecting what was decidedly a pervasive sense of fear and creeping anxiety. It should've been enough to make me run for the hills, but those thoughts went hand in hand with the sexual aspect of the woman.

I recalled her calling playfully to me from the window of the trailer home after witnessing me hooking up with Niecy. A bit of blackmail and the threat of being pummeled by Arnold got me inside where I was salaciously overwhelmed. I did my best to pound her out but found out just how out of my league Daisy Mae was as she flowed over me like a crashing wave, more of a living tsunami. She jokingly referred to her "talking pussy" but made a believer out of me.

"OH!...uhm, oh." While I was ruminating a familiar El Camino rolled up to me slowly driving by uncomfortably close for my tastes as I got an unwanted look inside the vehicle. There was no doubt about the mouth frothing hillbilly behind the wheel or the literal hag beside him snuggled up watching me with jaundiced unhealthily salacious eyes.

Her gnarled calloused hand was wrapped around his exposed penis horrifically jerking it in my field of vision.

"Ah fuck me." I mumbled at the sight as they continued past slow enough for me to catch up an look again if I was so inclined.

I wasn't.

Instead I hopped the rancid smelling ditch stumbling a bit at the entrance of the trial looking ack finding the El Camino lingering enough to make me antsy. The best strategy was going forward along the trail because I didn't want to hazard the opposite direction with a car on my ass and a vicious Rottweiler at my front. They didn't follow thankfully leaving to traverse the winding trail with a switch I plucked from a nearby tree swatting at the air. Thoughts of Daisy Mae returned just as quickly before my eyes, the visual of her big healthy country thick body in general and those massive hips of hers in general. This time I was just thinking of that tease a few moments ago.

"Huh?" The was some rustling of the foliage ahead and some muffled talking that worried me that some of the local good ole boys were lurking about.

I dipped off the trail into some thick underbrush half obscured by a hickory tree that was jutting out of the ground at an angle.

"I said I'd give you some money but you still looking all salty like; just wanna know you, is all ahm saying baby. You're so darn precious and pretty, ain't never seen someone like you before, even when I got myself over to Memphis."

"That's special, for you Billy Bob; unbuckle that big ass belt and pull your dick out."

"Right here?"

"Yes; how else am I going to suck your dick?"

"Don't you wanna go to a motel or something, I got a good hour or two fore I gotta be home and all?"

The guy unseen but heard audibly was some townie while the woman sounded like she was from my neck of the woods. I was intrigued and frustrated at the same time from my vantage point because this big burly white boy was blocking my view of the female in question. This became doubly problematic when his pants were dropped unwittingly mooning me. She had taken it upon herself to expose his member.

"You're awful pretty; ain't never seen no hair like that before."

"Sure." This unseen woman was audibly unbothered and dismissive to the max.

"Oh wow you're gonna...." This guy was embarrassing himself as I gathered his partner was kneeling downward tugging his pants down revealing some thin shaky legs packed with cottage cheese. I reacted facially disgusted with the coupling knowing she was way out of his league without visual confirmation.

"OH!!...yeah, dammit girl you're just uh...DOING IT!! Aw sheet, aw fuck baby. You kin just take it all down like that huh baby?"

"Yeah could you please shut the fuck up."

"AW YEAH!! Dammit baby girl you make me finna cum something fierce...NOW!! That's just crazy how you just swallow it up like one of them there... you know, python type snakes, huh?"

It was crazy but I could actually hear this woman sucking him off. His narration notwithstanding I could hear her not so much gagging but actually sort of slurping with this weird gurgling sound. It was sort of oily and wet sounding getting me heated from the taboo voyeuristic circumstances. I was behind some overgrowth and bushes but could easily be seen if someone else were to come along the trail. If I tried to leave I'd definitely be seen.

"SHEET!! This almost better than pussy!! I can't believe it's happening! You know... I kin see my pecker bulging in your throat missy girl! SHEET!! Aw shit!! Sucking my thang like that makes me wanna... GAWD!!" He climaxed as this woman's hands appeared digging lavender painted nails into his buttocks actually scratching them up causing these welts to appear. She had this big burly fella whimpering and making these wheezing noises.

"Aw sheet aw shit!! YOU'RE STILL SUCKIN BABY?!! Oh man ahm gonna fall in love with you if you keep it up! DAMMIT!! FUCK!! You swallowed it all up and still sucking on me like a goddamn straw!! SHIT!! KEEP A GOING!!"

Whoever this girl was had this hick calling for his mamma in several languages on the verge of tears as I watched with an incriminating tent in my pants. Believe it or not, the slurping gurgling sounds got progressively louder intermingled with his whimpers and breathy southern tinged encouragements. It sounded as if she were sucking the life out of him. I focused on her hands realizing this was a sister with a medium brown skin tone.


It was less than a few moments after he'd already climaxed with no end in sight as she massaged and dragged her nails across his buttocks drawing a bit of blood from the welts. I noticed one of her fingers disturbingly inserted into the wrong hole as she went harder audibly soapy and wet.


"Okay that's enough; I'm so over this bullshit!! Let's get it over with before she comes back here looking for us!"

"You mad?"

"Shut the fuck up and hold these without breaking them; I don't feel like taking that bus over to Maplewood just to get some new glasses. As a matter of fact, don't do nothing goober! Just shut up and fuck!! Cum as much as you like but just shut the fuck up!"

I watched as her arms appeared on either side of him planting some thick glasses atop his head. I found myself fighting the urge to move in order to see what she looked like. There was no way either one of them wouldn't hear any sudden movement as this woman frustrated me more wrapping her arms around the tree digging her nails deep. She seemed to be holding on for dear life as her backwoods lover half turned in my direction. I immediately recognized this asshole as the same guy Niecy had been hooking up with when I ended up messing around with Daisy Mae. I could see him plainly but her face was hidden on the opposite side of the tree.

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