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Time Stops in the Mediterranean Day 01

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A time stopper has fun on holiday in the sunshine.
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Part 1 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/15/2022
Created 07/17/2012
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Day 1

The sun baked grass of the airport was coming up to meet us as the Boeing drifted down onto the concrete runway. I have never been the best of travellers and I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw through the window the ground arriving reasonably slowly and felt the wheels touching the runway; a sigh not just for the safe arrival but also, after months of looking forward, almost wishing the days away, my summer holiday had arrived. I was at last back on the island of ------ in the Mediterranean.

Once through the business of Passport Control and Customs it was easy, and cheap, to catch the local bus out to a beach I particularly liked; a beach recalled with great fondness from my previous visits. I did not have any luggage to speak of, I travel light, and further did not have any accommodation, either hotel or villa, booked. I would find a place or places to stay in my own way. But more of that later.

I strolled along the beach admiring the colour of the sand, fondly remembered from previous years, the brightness of the blue sky, the gentle and very inviting blue of the sea and enjoyed the glowing heat of the day, so very different from the cold drizzle of London left only hours before as I had travelled out on the long Piccadilly Line to the airport; a cheaper route than the Express from Paddington. I found I was taking more notice of the sea than the pretty girls and decided, well the heat decided for me, that it was time for a swim.

Putting down my rucksack I extracted my towel and swimming costume and changed. Barefoot I crossed at speed the sun heated pebbles and paddled out into the warm Mediterranean water. Soon I was swimming in lazy strokes out into the sea and along parallel with the shore. I lay on my back, floated, and mused about what I wished to achieve, or rather do, with my fortnight on the island. A whole fortnight! Plenty of swimming and walking. Many good meals in the excellent restaurants and perhaps some sex. Well perhaps not just some sex, and indeed there would be no "perhaps" about it at all as you will see.

Returning, refreshed and cooler, to the shore I sat on my towel, drying in the sun and looked about me.

Mostly the beach around me was occupied by families with children running about but just to the front of me was a young couple. The girl dark haired and with bronzed skin in an orange bikini. He, also dark, with a mass of hair on his chest, was wearing gaudy swimming shorts with pictures of lobsters forming a pattern. He was finishing applying sun tan oil to the girl's back and was clearly, and understandably, enjoying the process. The front of his shorts was a little more tented than is normal. I am not saying he was erect but he was heading in that direction. After a brief conversation they headed off into the water and waded out a little way until the water was up to a little below the girl's bikini top and then they embraced. I could see the girl's legs go up and lock around his hips.

Now cuddling and kissing on the beach is a normal activity but often enough if you see a couple embracing for very long in the water you can be pretty sure they are engaged in intercourse. I suspect there is a thrill in fucking in front of a whole beach of people with the activity hidden by the water but it may just be the sun which sets off the urge, causes the sap to rise - so to speak. Perhaps a topic for a university dissertation - these days any daft subject seems worthy of study.

After watching them for a little time I pulled my mask and snorkel out of my rucksack and went to have a closer inspection. Initially swimming away from them, I donned the mask and snorkel and then made my way back towards them, but a little out to sea, appearing, ostensibly, to be looking at the fish. I did in fact look at fish but only with half an interest. Coming up to the couple a little out to sea, I dived and swam up close to them fully submerged. I had been correct in my summation. The girl's bikini bottom was pulled to one side, the man's swimming shorts similarly adjusted and his penis probing into her. I could not watch the action for more than a few seconds before I swam away and resurfaced gulping in air down the snorkel. I looked at fish for another few minutes - and there were certainly plenty of them - before returning to my towel. Looking back out to sea, I saw the couple were still locked in their embrace but soon they fell apart and swam around a bit, perhaps for forms sake - after all that is what people normally do in the sea - before returning to lie on their own towels underneath their beach umbrella.

Had the act of intercourse been successful? Had the man been able to reach climax and send his semen into the girl or had there been a bit of coitus interruptus with the girl manually assisting him to come in the sea or perhaps complete failure? Now for most people these questions would remain unanswered unless they had been fortunate enough to be swimming past underwater at the very time the act occurred. For me the position is different: I can make an inspection and establish the circumstances without any objection from the parties concerned. You see I can stop time at will.

The noise of the little waves lapping the sand stopped, the sound of people ceased and, most satisfyingly, so did the sound of music from a radio a little up the beach. I stood up and walked first along the beach and over to the radio to remove one of the batteries - that would silence it - before returning to look at the girl. She was lying flat on her back, arms a little outstretched, knees slightly bent and resting. She did not move, nor did anyone or anything else apart from me. Time had stopped completely.

The girl's bikini was excellently designed for my purpose. The top half was comparatively skimpy: the bottom half tied with a bow at either hip. Reaching out I easily lifted the orange top up and off revealing her brown and generously rounded breasts. Picking up her bottle of sun tan oil I squeezed some out onto both nipples and proceeded to run my fingers around gradually spreading the oil out to massage her full breasts. I enjoyed this and the effect on me was immediately noticeable. I removed my shorts allowing my prick to spring up free into the air ready for use - for I was minded to use it. There was no hurry on my part, I had, after all, as much time as I needed. No one but me was in a hurry to do anything. Kneeling, I undid the bow on one side of the orange bikini bottom and then the other. A gentle peeling back an inch at a time gradually revealed her dark bush and what lay beneath. Leaning closer I examined her puffy inner labia - a sign of recent sexual excitement. Pulling the lips gently apart with my fingers, with absolutely no protest at all from the lady, revealed her sex both wet from the sea and her recent activity with the man together with the tell-tale white of semen oozing from her. Intercourse had taken place in the proper manner. I had been correct in my assessment of the situation.

Now it seemed to me that if she had already received one load presumably she would not be adverse to a second deposit. I took her silence for assent!

Kneeling between her legs I lifted her bottom up and off her bikini and pushed my hard penis into her. Naturally it slipped in easily and leaning forward I lay on her, squashing her breasts with my own chest. I enjoyed the feel of her nipples against me and began to push rhythmically in and out of her. Next to the girl lay her partner apparently unconcerned at what was happening but, of course, nobody was paying any attention to me not even the girl I was currently energetically fucking. Being stopped in time she did not, of course and alas, respond to me but her body was warm, soft and her sex wet. The act was enjoyable, the first of my holiday; something I had been looking forward to on those long wet dreary days back home. A few more thrusts and I climaxed adding my contribution to her wetness; a contribution I could see, on my removal, had been generous - a gift from me to her.

Standing, my penis beginning to droop, it was time to do the tidying up bits: like dressing her again in her costume and placing her back in roughly the place and position she had been in - the position she had taken before I began to ease my swelling. I pulled my shorts back on and settled back on my towel, satisfied with this start to my holiday.

Restarting time I did not notice any immediate reaction from the girl though the couple with the radio spent quite a time fiddling with it clearly disappointed they were no longer able to annoy the rest of the beach. After a time I noticed the girl in the orange bikini opening and closing her legs a few times as if she was aware of something not quite right between her legs. Perhaps rather damper there than she would have expected; a certain squishiness perhaps? I had once again been discrete, not worried anyone by my activities. This was the way I liked it. I do not like to draw attention to myself.

I left the beach to find somewhere to stay the night. It was actually only mid-afternoon but I like to plan ahead. The village behind the beach has many holiday villas as well as holiday apartments. Whilst it was the height of the season this did not mean all were occupied all of the time; sometimes there are a few days between lettings; other villas are not rented but owned as holiday homes and the owners are not always there. I like to borrow one or two during my stay. Getting into them is not always easy but with the advantage of being able to stop time and so simply not be seen I always find accommodation. I walked up a street looking at the villas, some new built: some refurbishments of old buildings. From many came the sounds of splashing in the swimming pools or there was obvious signs of occupation whether clothes drying on a balcony or a car obviously parked outside.

Pausing before an older villa I could discern no obvious signs of occupation: it looked like a holiday villa but unoccupied. I turned into a side street alongside the villa's garden wall. It was not somewhere overlooked and there was no one around so l stopped time without worrying about being back in position when it re-started. There is a distinct wariness in my doing anything which might draw attention to myself such as appearing suddenly to vanish - just like that - when I stop time and move on without returning.

Climbing onto the roof of a parked car I was able to get from there over the wall and down into the villa's garden. The garden was mostly paved and had an inviting oval private swimming pool with deck loungers. I walked across to the French windows and found them unlocked. Slipping inside it was easy to quickly establish no-one was in residence and, indeed, the papers on the table showed a letting did not start for four days. I was pleased by my new acquisition. I re-started time, lay down on one of the beds and went to sleep.

Waking a couple of hours later I lay for a time happy in the knowledge I was on holiday and debating whether to have a swim in the pool or return to the beach. The idea of the beach won and I let myself out of the villa's front door and, before long, I was walking along the beach casually glancing at the prettier girls in the later afternoon sunlight. There were fewer families now and the younger people were taking over the beach. I particularly admired a couple of girls lying together on sun beds soaking up the sun. They were both topless as some girls like to be. I sat down near them and watched them through my shades. I was rewarded when one began to apply sun tan cream to her body. Her friend borrowed her tube and squeezed out more cream applying it generously to her exposed breasts. Unfortunately my gaze must have been a little too obvious despite my dark glasses and she scowled at me. I reacted by stopping time with the scowl still on her face. Once more silence descended and, without a glance at anyone else, removed my shorts and walked over to the two girls. I could now get a very close look at their breasts, though the scowling girl's were part covered by her hands massaging in the sun tan cream.

I sat down between them. They were both within easy reach. Reach I did and played with their nipples, alternately squeezing and rolling first one then another. I had four to play with so I was well supplied and spent time examining and fondling. I tried sucking but found the sun tan cream rather spoilt the taste! So, instead, I let my hand slide into the scowling girl's bikini bottoms. I could feel no hair, curly or straight and found she was completely shaved. Pulling aside the bikini I slipped my fingers into her labia. Very dry but easily remedied with the sun tan cream. Slicking some off her breast with my finger I pushed into her and felt around her sex. She was still scowling at me, though now perhaps with rather more reason! Standing I rubbed my penis head gently across her scowling lips. I liked the sensation. My penis slightly pushed open her lips and her saliva moistened the head. I kept this brushing movement up and watched as a small seepage of pre-cum leaked on to her lips. Taking myself in hand I rubbed up and down the shaft as I looked down at the two girls. Aiming carefully I came, splashing cum across the scowling girl's breasts and adding significantly to the cream already squeezed from the sun tan bottle.

Returning to my towel, and putting my shorts back on, I fixed my gaze on the scowling girl and re-started time. She continued to scowl at me as she rubbed her now more generously lubricated breasts, completely missing the differences in textures between the two 'creams,' before dropping her scowl and lying back on the lounger. Getting up I went for a swim. Returning, cooled and refreshed, I was amused to see, as I had expected, my semen had dried as a crusty film across her breasts where she had rubbed it all around. She was sitting up with a puzzled expression looking at the bottle and talking to her friend. They were squeezing out the cream and looking at it and then at her breasts. I watched them go off into the water, clearly dissatisfied with the brand of sun cream and anxious to wash it off, before picking up my things and heading back to my borrowed villa. Perhaps I would see them again and have some more fun with the sun cream.

It was evening. I had dined well. Fresh grilled fish with a salad and a few chips washed down with a cool crisp white wine. Coming back from the restaurant I lay by the pool in my borrowed villa feeling very content. The day had been hot and the evening was still very warm, so much more comfortable and relaxing than London. I looked up through the limpid evening light. The sky, stretching above me in the totally still air, was not black or even a dark blue. Perhaps an inky blue best described it, it was certainly quite, quite different to what I was used to. The contentment grew; the first day had been a wonderful start to my holiday.

I took off my clothes and slipped into the water and swam around in the dark under the stars, just quiet gentle strokes, feeling very peaceful. From the next door villa came the sound of adult laughter and sudden splashing. I got out of the pool and standing on a table and moving aside some of the creepers growing along the wall, was able to look over the separating wall and down into the neighbouring villa's pool area. Two young couples were swimming about in the water and to my delight were completely naked. I watched four bottoms moving about the water with the occasional sight of a breast as one of the girls stood in the water or turned towards me. With my two encounters this afternoon I was not really that interested so went back to my own pool and enjoyed some more quiet swimming on my own.

However curiosity got the better of me and I looked over the wall again. Things had developed and there were now two closely entwined couples rather than separate swimmers in the pool. I was tempted to stop time and join in but, frankly, I was tired, so I left that for another day and climbed up the stone steps to my borrowed bed. I slept deeply and contentedly.

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DevilbobyDevilboby11 months ago

As you can see I have continued reading in the theme of timestop and enjoying it immensely, your sense of fun and humorous retribution contribute wonderfully to the tale.

DrmaxcDrmaxcover 11 years agoAuthor
Logic Reply

Well it rather depends. Time Stop is a well established, if minority, genre of erotic literature (and rather amusing Japanese videos). The premise being most everything stops but not the 'hero' of the story. I do not think your idea that everything becomes fixed, solid and immoveable follows from the logic. Whilst time has stopped things can be moved by the action of a mover for whom time has not stopped. I have endeavoured to explore some of the consequences of time stop in this story and also 'Bracken' and the 'Green Man' such as water not flowing back into place if the 'hero' moves through it. To me the real problem is that if time had stopped then light would stop as well and our hero would be in pitch darkness as his retinas would not be receiving information - which would be a bit of a nuisance both for him and for the story! Max

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Time-stop sounds fun, but doesn't stand up to primary logic. Clothing and soft tissue would be as hard as granite. If an interloper in a time-stopped condition tried (successfully) to manipulate the flesh of a time-stopped person (ie moved it, however minutely), that person would emerge from the condition with horribly shredded personal parts.

Unless of course you, Mr Dmaxc, come up with a convincing scenario where this bit of logic is decently circumvented ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Continue Please

Great story. Please continue it!

GingerVyeGingerVyealmost 12 years ago

Hehe I love this evil man.

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