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Timestopper Begins Ch. 12

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A timestopper on a ramble plays 'tricks' on other walkers.
6.4k words

Part 12 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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It may already have become clear to you that walking is one of my 'things.' I like walking, I enjoy the exercise, the relaxation, the slow way the country or, indeed, town passes. You have the time to stop and look. Not the rush of the motor car or even the bicycle; walking is the way to see the countryside. I like the peace and tranquillity - so was not best pleased to find my Saturday walk disturbed by a party of ramblers going my way.

I had passed a lovely morning, been up with the dew still wet on the grass, had already walked for three and a half hours and not seen a soul. The birds had been singing, the sun had been warming and my little legs in their khaki shorts had been working away. All the joy of nature, summer and exercise had been with me and, strangely for me, not a thought of sex or desire to spot a pretty girl or two out walking on the downs. No reason to use my special ability, no reason for Time Stop Man to spring into action. Just a lovely walk until, that is, the gaggle joined me unexpectedly coming up a side path.

You know how it is, you have been walking along with the world completely to yourself and it occurs to you that taking a pee would be a good idea. You are getting uncomfortable. You pause and undo your fly, or if a girl undo your shorts and bob down, and just at that very moment someone or some people hove into view. It does just so seem to happen.

Perhaps it was because they were climbing a hill that they had been so quiet but it was just a bit annoying. I had not finished - not even started.

Of course I should have stopped time rather than let my automatic reaction kick in but instead I hurriedly tucked myself away feeling all embarrassed. And the giggles did nothing to lessen that. I let them pass but the trouble was they were going in my direction and were going at my pace. There was a dozen of them or so, a mixed party of ramblers.

Such a nuisance. My morning disturbed: but of course I also clocked half the party were female and not exactly old either. My eyes noted the girls' bottom cheeks moving up and down inside their walking shorts. I smiled to myself as I envisaged stopping time and undressing the dozen and hiding all of their clothes. Imagine their consternation at suddenly finding themselves naked, seeing their friends in the all together but not having any idea how it had happened. I knew who would be laughing then! I could then calmly take out my cock in full view and start to pee. That would surprise them perhaps enough for them to look at me strangely as if , perhaps, I had caused their sudden loss of clothes - which of course would have been true.

"You can have them back, you know, but, first, I want to see everyone taking a pee. I don't see why you should laugh at me taking a call of nature. Everyone does it. Come on public urination - let everyone see everybody else. No, not in the woods. Right here."

Protests, perhaps even attempts to grab me but with time stop I could appear to magically jump from one place to another. That would frighten them! They would have to do what I said. Girls bobbing down and revealing their sex as the bright, sparkly streams rushed out from between their legs, the streams curving downwards to the ground; for the men, foreskins retracted and penises hosing. What a sight! And imagine if other walkers wandered into view. What a shock they would get. What was this strange ritual of watering the land?

Perhaps I could dress them again all in the wrong clothes. Yes the boys with the bras so they had to undress again and sort themselves out as I watched and smiled.

If I wanted to, perhaps, I could make them all do sexual things. How far would they go to get their clothes back. Their alternative was a walk into town completely starkers! Find out who was paired with whom and get one girl to go down on her boyfriend as the others - and me - watched open mouthed at the exhibitionism. Perhaps then get her to bring him off by hand - an even more embarrassing thing for the boy to do whilst being watched by his friends - male and female. Eleven of them watching as he spurted or flowed. Perhaps get others to fuck as we all watched. Maybe...

Well, all a bit extreme perhaps! But of course now not only did I want a pee but the thoughts had brought hardness to the contents of my own shorts. I was certainly not getting it out like that in front of them. I turned off the track into the woods.

"Bye," called a couple and in a sing song voice, "we know where you're going."

How had they known I was turning off? They were walking away from me at the time; not looking my way; they must have heard a twig snap or something. I had tried to be quiet. They had all turned and looked. I was not happy.

Suddenly it all went very quiet. They had made a mistake - a big mistake. I was cross and I was going to do something - I just had not quite decided what. With a tug to my zip rather in the manner of a gunfighter loosening his gun, I sauntered over to them releasing my erection from its confinement. Nice to walk up to girls like that: yeah, it shows you mean business - not that any noticed.

"Right girls, let's have a look at you". The smirks on their faces did not endear anyone to me. An irrational dislike but it is not good to get on the wrong side of TSM! So nice really to be able to just lift a tee shirt and have a look at a girl's bra, even more to be able to hold the contents in your hands, all soft and warm and then unclip. Oh yes, let them spill out - except they don't spill out of time, they are just there. The first girl - quite tall, fair hair in a pony tail, nicely rounded breasts with the usual so pretty pink flowers at their summit. Pleasant to play with, pleasant to tweak the nipples - perhaps tweaking a little too hard but that was her fault.

Pleasant to unzip the shorts and undo the button, pleasant to pull them a little way down and open up the panties and admire the fine delicate tracery of hair across her mons veneris and see the little valley of her slit. Nice, actually, to push my penis down and slide it between her sex and the gusset of her panties. A nice warm little nest with just a little tickling of hair. Perhaps even more pleasant to do that for a little time and leave a little sticky calling card, a deposit of gooey semen right there to make her wonder what had happened. It was an idea.

But it occurred to me I could do something else, at least to start with, using my remarkable multi function device. Should I? Well, I did want to go for a pee. A bit of concentration and a slight relaxation of a sphincter and - oooh that was nice - yes I had actually peed inside her pants! A strange thing to do and everything suddenly felt a lot wetter! This was going to be amusing. She was going to think she had suddenly wet herself. I mean no one was going to think it was somebody else's wee which had appeared! She was not going to think that it was I who had wetted her! Another few spurts and I pulled out of the panties. I felt a bit better but there was plenty more to come where that had come from! I could have slipped my erection into another eleven pairs of pants, yes even the boys if I had been so minded. Had them all finding, most surprisingly, that just watching me going into the bushes had caused a mass bladder release.

They would have looked a sight, all feeling suddenly very wet, suddenly horrified but then realising everyone else was in the same predicament - staring immobile at each other's wet shorts. Perhaps the only answer would then be for them all to walk along with shorts and pants flapping on their packs drying in the sun with their genitalia and bottoms peeking and poking out from under their shirts. A lovely sight for any passing walker and catering for all sexes and interests!

Another girl, dark straight haired and indeed dark skinned and slightly exotic with wonderful big breasts and so dark nipples. A delicious dark patch of hair down below, all really tight curls and plenty of them to boot. I looked at her boyfriend (I presumed that was what he was as he was close beside her) and wondered what his white semen splashed across those dark curls would look like - did it made an interesting contrast? I was sure my own would look just as good but, rather than trying to be artistic, I contented myself with slipping under the curly hair (a bit ticklish but nice sliding in) and once again letting loose with my wee. Whoops! A bit much and so odd how having left my body it stopped moving, just building up as a reservoir in her panties. No splashing to the ground to be absorbed by the leaf mould. No, that would come later when time restarted. Once the force of its expulsion by me was used up it simply stopped moving and stayed all hot and wet ready to cascade down her legs - her lovely dark legs once time restarted.

Should I do the same to the others? I thought perhaps two was enough for amusement and let my stream splash away happily onto the leaf mould. A shake or two but still an erection. Well, a pity to waste that. I moved to a third girl - the one who had particularly, I thought, laughed at me. There she was, hand in hand with her boyfriend. Well, that did not stop me undoing the buttons of her shirt. He was not going to stop me.

Another really nice pair, perhaps they could have been a little bigger but nothing you could not get your hands on - and I did! Sweet little nipples even a little raised. Had the glimpse of my willy done that? Unlikely! More the sun, exercise and walking with her boyfriend. A dark curly haired girl. Such a pretty thing but she had annoyed me and I was not at all pleased with her. Nice, though, as with the others to open up the denim shorts, undoing all the buttons, and peer within. Yes, the expected dark curls; pleasing to stroke like a cat; I expected her boyfriend liked to do that - and rather more no doubt. Perhaps they might be thinking of doing that later. So nice to slip a hand under, twixt panty and sex, and feel, yes, a certain moistness to match her nipples. Of course there was a considerable moistness in two of her friends' knickers but for a very different reason and I could not provide any more of that. I had though, another fluid I could offer... should I... should I make her feel all strangely wet and sticky as she walked along?

So easy to just slip between panty and sex, so pleasant to watch my shiny purple knob disappear and feel it all warm and slippery against her sex. So pleasing to slide back and forth as I played with her breasts and, all the while, she held her boyfriend's hand.

I had not been planning on anything sexual that morning but now that the opportunity presented itself I was not going to avoid it.

Oops, I had slipped right in; naughty me! That is the trouble of sliding something somewhat banana shaped and really rather rounded at the end up and down a girl's pudenda: rather than just slide back and forth, it is just so easy for the end to catch on the vaginal indentation as it moves forward and be diverted right up into it. Nice though! Oh well, now I had done it I might as well enjoy intercourse; and, frankly, it was pleasant to be doing it out in the open air with this girl I had only just met. Not, though, my intention to splash my stuff all over her cervix, you know 'do the deep thrusting': no I wanted her to feel my cum all gooey in her panties and that meant an external, or near as dash it, ejaculation.

In true natural contraception style my plan was to 'pull out' at the last moment but not to do the pattering over bottom or tummy but the rather more intimate, if not very 'safe,' release between the nether lips - yes, right there. Pleasing to enjoy the steady rhythm inside for a time before with a groan and a tug backwards I slid out and was once more sliding between panty and sex but this time with my balls rising and falling beneath me as they pumped away releasing the special stuff to lie all along her sex - yes, if you like the image, like the mustard along a hot dog roll (though actually, you will appreciate, more like mayonnaise - on account of the colour you see) with my cock as the dog and her labia as the roll. OK - an odd simile, I accept - take it or leave it.

Finished I pulled away, my still stiff cock bounding upwards when released from between thighs, sex and panty. It was of course weeping slightly having done its special thing. Panties snapped back into place but hopefully now all really gooey and uncomfortable.

It was time to re-assemble the girls and tuck myself away. Should I pull the boys cocks out and place them in the girls' hands - preferably the wrong ones? No, I had done enough to upset the party all ready. I felt things were now evened out.

Back in position I restarted time. Oh, what fun. Squeaks from the dark girl and the fair girl as urine simply cascaded from their shorts - yes really, right down both legs! Shocked faces on everyone else and also a surprised look on the dark curly haired girl's face. I turned back to them, "Perhaps I don't need to, after all, but... oh... dear. That's not the way to do it. You should really take your shorts down first, girls!" Laughter from me and indeed from the dark curly haired girl and her boyfriend - a bit unkind I thought - of them.

I wanted to be free of them: yet I wanted to watch the dark curly haired girl and see what she did. Indeed I was interested in the two now rather wet girls' actions. It was not going to be comfortable walking like that - though on a hot day things would dry - eventually.

The party started off but the two wet girls hung behind, I heard one say, "What happened?"

What happened was me!

They dropped behind and then turned off into the bushes. I was a little tempted to follow - yes in or out of time. Funny to catch them probably with shorts and panties removed, perhaps even peeing together and puzzled how they had wet themselves so much and still needed to go. They would be angry at my intrusion. Me so deliberately staring at their semi nakedness and micturition. But having just ejaculated my interest in their sexual bits was for the moment rather lessened and I walked on with my eyes on the dark curly haired girl; did I detect she was walking a little oddly, was she feeling a trifle discomforted, was there an odd, strangely post coital feeling between her legs?

Amusing some time later to see, when the two girls caught us back up, two pairs of panties fluttering on their back packs and drying in the sun. Far too tempting to do what I did next, far too much of a giggle. They had only just passed me when I stopped time and ever so helpfully removed and tied their shorts on to their packs as well so they could also dry in the sunshine with the panties. And, joy of joy, they did not immediately notice. Two pretty pairs of cheeks, one set pale, the other dark. striding forward above shapely legs and hiking boots only partly obscured by their hanging tee shirts. Such a nice way to walk; the shirt keeping the sun off the shoulders and back but everything down below so free and easy. I was tempted to join them!

The squeals when they realised were so funny, that lovely way girls have of covering their modesty with their hands. "Don't look, don't look." But of course the boys and I were doing just that!

Again they could not associate their distress with me. Had they made a mistake, surely it was only the panties they had hung out to dry?

Big grin time as I walked on past them remembering that whilst time was moving I should not touch things I should not. It is not easy to remember! In time it really is not done to fondle a girl's bottom or bosom (without specific permission). Out of time... ah, well, that is a different matter!

But I did not want to get too far ahead of them. I was interested in the dark curly haired girl's reaction to the stickiness in her panties. I kept looking back though it was some time later that she finally succumbed and turned off into the bushes. Easy for me to appear to turn onto a path and disappear before sauntering back out of time past the motionless group to find her. Amusing to find her with her shorts and panties down and with my stuff actually on her fingers and her looking at it with such a puzzled look on her face. Tempting to step out from behind a tree in time and say something about that looks like cum and what have you been doing, you naughty girl!

Instead I turned and walked away from the group, happy to be on my way again free of the noisy crowd even if I had not examined all the girls. I gave it a little while before I restarted time and had the countryside to myself again.

A good morning's walk, a drop down from the hills to a village and a couple of pints for lunch plus a ploughman's before returning up onto the bracken strewn hills and, would you believe it, I ran into the same party again having a picnic - just like that. A not exactly welcoming comment from the dark curly haired girl along the lines of, "oh, it's you again."

Well, I was in no hurry. I could probably annoy them some more. Easy enough to walk on, stop time, double back and sit and watch out of sight for an opportunity. The picnic over, they packed up and then, rather surprisingly, went off in their separate ways. I would, perhaps, have thought they were all going to answer a call of nature had they not gone off in pairs not when the pairs were male and female couples. It seemed unlikely they were simply going off for a pee on that evidence. No, this looked like a mutually agreed break for a little private time together. A funny thing to agree, "shall we all go and have a cuddle and perhaps a fuck now?" "Yes. but be back by half past two."

I smiled, this could be very interesting. I could perhaps mix the couples up outside of time. They had all been too shy to make love together as a group but imagine suddenly finding the boy you thought you were fucking was a different one - no, it is not your boyfriend's cock in you but a friend's! I could have the whole hillside full of running half, or fully, naked people trying to find who they were meant to be with!

I did not hurry: I waited and then slowly stood and went for a wander out of time amongst the bracken and found them all in varying states of undress, yes naked bosoms, discarded shorts, fine upstanding penises - one even being sucked! Well, it was definitely time for me to put my own shorts in my backpack, leave the backpack where it could be found again and join the half naked hillside.

Possibly a little odd to be walking around on the downs in nothing more than socks and boots but with time stopped it just did not matter! Nice actually to feel so free, so unrestricted by clothes and, given what I was about to do, just so sensible. Wonderful to be able to walk up to a young couple amorously engaged and join in. I chose first of all the couple with the girl at work with her mouth. Nice to come up to them in their little secret part of the downs, where they thought they were alone and be able to take a look - a close look. The boy of no great interest - apart from his fine erect penis, and then again only because of the way it was framed. I like to see what a girl does with a penis - and I liked this girl and how she was 'framing' the penis!

She was one of those just so pretty fine featured black girls - you might call her Nubian if you like, though whether she was from Southern Egypt was quite another matter. Tall with tight dark curls to her head (and possibly elsewhere, that was not yet revealed - this was not the girl whose panties I had peed in - and wonderful black, black skin seeming to really shine in the sunlight. Blue jeans to her legs, walking boots and socks already removed and, whilst the boy was clothed, the girl had already removed her top and was naked from the waist up. A lovely picture of young womanhood in just blue jeans, nothing else. Don't girls looks so fine without their tops! Such a fine pair of breasts there in the sunlight, firm to the touch (of course I did) and already, her black nipples were standing hard. Was her other erection, her little button, already pushing at her panties? I liked the image. A stirring clitoris, engorging, rising and pushing at the cotton - wanting to be touched.


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