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Timestopper Begins Ch. 24

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Why wait to be shaved? A timestopper can do it in an instant.
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Part 24 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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You know how it is; much of your best thinking for the day is done whilst shaving in the early morning. Well, at least it is for me. I am not one of those modern types with the electric razor: no, I am a bit of a traditionalist, not traditional enough to use a 'cut throat' razor - though I believe they are very effective and cheap vis-à-vis razor blades - but nonetheless I do wet shave. A good hot wash of the face, a vigorous application of shaving soap with the old badger brush and away I go. Pulling my skin taut I slide the sharp steel over my face slicing away the whiskers - and most times I manage to do it without a nick or the sight of blood! Most times anyway... The result as smooth as a baby's bottom and with the application of an after shave balm as kissable a visage as any girl could wish for. Well that's my appreciation of the result anyway! But where are those girls?

What I was thinking one day, as I pulled the razor over my chin - and it was another of my good ideas - was what would it be like to shave, yes wet shave, the delightful mound of Venus of a girl and leave her smooth and hairless, just needing the application of some after shave balm or perhaps a stingy cologne after shave to complete the job. It seemed to me, as I approached that difficult area between my upper lip and nose, that there was considerable pleasure to be derived from the task. The opportunity to examine in detail, very carefully pull the skin and generally have carte blanche to wander one's fingers all over the girl's sex whilst shaving her. Most pleasant to do such a thing in time with the girl pleasantly reclining and exposed; chatting away as I worked. You can almost imagine the special barber's chair can't you?

The chair would have to recline and really the arms would have to be made so legs could be draped over them. "Good morning miss. Just slip those panties off and raise your dress (or slip off those jeans and panties) and hop up onto the chair. May I move this thigh? And the other one. There we are. Now let's see... um, well that is pretty wild. How would you like it? Oh all off - fine. Let's start with hot, damp towel. Oh, that made you jump!"

Naturally my thoughts did extend to the application of my own special balm. Yes, the girl still reclining and exposed: really exposed as now hairless and then my rigid cock inserted - by request of course and pounding away to release the balm you see! Coitus interruptus. But not before the young lady has nicely spasmed. The special balm released all over the newly shaved mound and pudenda - plenty of it - and then very carefully massaged all around.

Of course much of this depilation is done by other means than shaving. The hot wax, the depilation creams and so on. The dramatic pull to create the Brazilian and what of the sack and crack for the men? It brings tears to the eyes, does it not? But there is a need to reach the hair wherever it is.

But depilation by wax or whatever did not have the erotic appeal to me of careful shaving. As I rinsed my face and applied the balm, smiling at my reflection, I decided this was an exercise I should undertake - and I did not mean on me!

Who though? Cindy was obvious because she kept herself bare. I wondered if she did it herself, perhaps Carson did it or if she went to a salon. A shame for her to spend all that money. I would be happy to do it for free or, well, some suitable payment in kind involving that special balm I have already mentioned!

Other than Cindy, there were plenty of other girls I could choose from but somehow Nathan and Di came to mind. Perhaps the dark straight haired girl from the Downs might actually be even better than Di. Her curls were tight and dark. The other girl, Emma, with her rather sparse fair hair was hardly worth the bother - with a razor that is. Well, Di was plentiful enough with her dark curly hair down below and of course Nathan was particularly hairy right down to his balls. Should I annoy them again? Why not!

As I stood at the mirror and the washbasin I found my penis rising at the thought, knocking against the porcelain. The idea of intimately working at Di as she lay back - or had been lain back by me - frozen in time and unable to react as my razor worked, making her look like a little girl, rather pleased me.

Or would it be more amusing using the hot wax? Applying it thickly so it mingled in their pubic hair all ready to be ripped from them when it cooled. Fun to do it whilst they were engaged in sex. Imagine them tied up by me and me enjoying ripping the wax from them taking all their curls with the wax. Would I enjoy the pain they experienced? It was not a scene I had really thought about before. More usually my activities were discrete but, with them, they were more than aware of my existence and power.

Or perhaps encasing Nathan's soft cock in wax and then exciting him by what I was doing to the tied Di. The amusement of his encased penis trying to grow, but restrained. Perhaps finally the wax unable to take the pressure would crack under the strain and the penis break through like a chick escaping the egg. Potentially dramatic, potentially cinematographic! Imagine it with the right lighting, the hard shell of an apparently flaccid encased penis shivering and then (suitable sound effect) the shell shattering and the mighty male member rising up into the air, shivering, growing, seeking. Of course ideally an ejaculation would follow caught in slow motion: the penis rising to its full height having cracked from its shell, the knob swelling and then the stuff flying. What a marvellous image. What an unusual film!

I knew where they lived - the unpleasant couple - I had been there before of course. I resolved to go around that very evening - with my shaving kit.

In the meantime, as I stood there, naked, erect and freshly shaved, there was the immediate problem of me having got just a little worked up in my thoughts. Should it be back to bed and think about this and that as I worked my organ, should I perhaps have a nice little wank there with the cold of the porcelain under my balls or...

The 'or' got me. Water splashed onto my face and I was down the stairs and out of the front door in seconds. Wisely I stopped time as I opened the door. It would have been quite a shock to the two young women just walking past my door if I had stepped out and hurried up my front garden path towards them just as I was, naked and tumescent - albeit freshly shaved!

"Good morning," I said as I walked past them. "A nice morning for a fuck - you see the problem, how ready I am. I'm just popping around to my neighbour. She's very obliging and helps me out with my stiffness... unless, perhaps? Well, I suppose we have only just met."

A jolly me bounding up the stairs in Cindy and Carson's house, "It's me! Where are you?"

Carson in the bathroom doing just the same thing as I had been doing a few moments before - standing at the washbasin shaving. Naked like me but without the erection. Perhaps he was thinking about the day at work or... I reached out for his penis and drew back the foreskin. Ah, ha! A telltale stickiness; a slight oozing of viscous fluid; my friend had recently ejaculated.

Just as I had suspected when entering the bathroom and my eye had fallen on it; his cock had shown a certain fatigue, that extra limpness post cumming and my inspection confirmed it. But where had the ejaculation occurred? Was it now lying discarded in a tissue or more interestingly resting within his wife. I lent in a little closer and thought I could detect the scent of aroused woman. A strong suggestion intercourse had occurred. I wondered if I could taste her as well? Should I let my lips close around the limp member, take it into my mouth and suck? It did look rather sweet hanging there: lovely little soft thing to play with in my mouth, perhaps interesting to see if I could detect Cindy along with the salty taste of cum?

Dear, oh dear! Mild homoerotic thoughts - again! But where was Cindy? Was she perhaps still in the bedroom? It was a matter of moments before I found her, indeed still in the marital bed. Still tucked up though seemingly just in the process of pulling the covers off to get up, her cotton pyjama bottoms interestingly discarded in an untidy manner on the floor - as if pulled off in the excitement of intercourse or rather as a precursor to intercourse. Either Cindy or Carson would have needed to remove those pyjama bottoms before the necessary egress to her warm little nest could be made. Now without them my sweet little neighbour was completely defenceless against the urges of her cuckoo neighbour. Once more her nest, her warm little nest, was about to be invaded - and what a nice little warm nest it looked!

Lovely to slip into the warm double bed alongside Cindy; lovely to come into this pretty woman's boudoir with the scent of recent sex in the air; lovely to cuddle up to her; lovely to place a hand on her warm breast; lovely to feel down to her furless sex and slip a finger along her little crack and into hot slippery wetness - yes, feel her freshly fucked! Move in close to her face and kiss her lips and even insert my tongue. All so warm and real - not like the imagination of masturbation - but all so still: no response from Cindy, no sound, no nothing. As unmoving as the porcelain of the washbasin next door - but a good deal softer and warmer!

Nice to open her pyjama top - the buttons were not done up - and find her milk swollen breasts. Was the sound of Katy crying calling to her? Had Carson recently been sucking on her teats? I still doubted that. I had the feeling he did not like the squirting of warm breast milk. I, on the other hand, was more than happy to settle down to a good feed.

It is funny but I actually found the idea of sucking on nipples still wet from Carson's mouth less appealing than the idea of sucking his limp cock whilst he shaved or consuming his recently ejaculated semen whilst engaged in cunnilingus with Cindy. How bizarre to regard saliva as less acceptable than semen!

Really nice to snuggle up with Cindy in her warm bed and suck on her nipples and drink, nice to do it whilst twirling my fingers around in her sex, nice to gently part her thighs a bit more and ready her for what was clearly going to be a resumption of intercourse - and of course nice to get on top of her and bury myself in her lovely hot, splishy, splashy sex right up to my balls and work away.

And did I 'explode' after just a few strokes? No, that is the wonder of TS sex. I could take a break, go for a little wander to let myself 'recover;' pop in to see Carson and show him my erection all wet with Cindy and messy from his own spending; check around the door to see if Katy was actually awake and calling for Cindy (no actually); nip downstairs and see if there was any tea in the pot - I even nipped outside and showed the girls the evidence of what I was doing! I had a long conversation with them. Well, actually, very one sided. Lots of silliness really.

"Shall we do some more fucking?" Cindy did not decline and so I got back on top of her soft, warm body and slipped back in for some more pleasurable thrusting.

What, though, was Cindy planning to do next. Was she heading for the bathroom for a shower and getting dressed? It seemed it was not to look after Katy. Perhaps I should let her go to the bathroom - after all it would be quite fun to take her again out of time whilst she was talking to Carson - have his wife whilst he 'watched.' Should I? Why not?

Placing Cindy back in her previous position of just getting out of bed, I watched from the wardrobe as time restarted. A slight start and look of puzzlement on her face but she got out of bed nonetheless and did up a couple of buttons on her pyjama top. Such a pretty sight. Cindy with her bottom and curly hair peaking out from below the cotton.

Not to the bathroom or indeed Katy but downstairs was her intended journey. I caught up with her a few minutes later bent over the kitchen sink doing the dishes in her pyjama top and Marigold gloves. Tempting to try and sneak up on her in real time, push my erection against her naked bottom and slip my hands up inside her pyjama top and fondle her breasts whilst she said something like, "bugger off Carson, I'm doing the washing up."

But she might just wonder how Carson had got it up so quickly or she might see my reflection in the window. No, it was perfectly pleasant to do that out of time; press myself into her bottom crack and reach inside her pyjama top. Nice, in fact, to undo the buttons again and feel the fully exposed breasts, pleasant to remove it and see Cindy dressed in just bright yellow Marigolds - nothing else at all.

I recall, musing on the scene, how the Marigolds gave my friend a remarkable eroticism; how fun it could have been for Carson and me to have played with Cindy as she did the washing up (perhaps another time when he had the opportunity to be firm again); our two erections grasped and manipulated by Cindy's Marigold clad hands fresh from the almost too hot sudsy water; our penises covered in the frothy washing up foam as the rubber coated hands worked them; then taking it in turns to take her from the rear as she lent over the washing bowl; our thighs pushing against her soft bottom and each releasing our stuff in turn.

And of course that is exactly what I did. I had got very close upstairs in bed but just so nice to have Cindy available to me like this: legs a little apart - actually parted a bit more by me, bent a little forward over the sink, bottom soft and inviting, sex all slippery and wet. Just a slight dip of my hips and there I was nuzzling against her sex; a thrust and there I was sliding up inside her; hands grasped up and around her full breasts.

"Are you ready, Cindy, for your second load of the morning? Because it is going to be coming very soon!"

Push, push, push. That lovely free pistoning - you know, when the girl is really wet and you just sort of glide in an almost frictionless way. My thrust rate mounting.

"Cindy, here it comes!" And come I did. The cuckoo performing at speed in little Cindy's nest.

Panting, I slowed. It was over.

I stood happily behind Cindy talking quietly to her until I literally fell out.

Carefully I put her pyjama top back on and buttoned it up over her wonderful full breasts. I could not think that she wasn't going to notice something given the pounding I had given her. It was an interesting speculation on what thrust per minute speed I had achieved. Has there been any scientific research on that? An interesting doctoral thesis perhaps? The research might be interesting. Guys and gals being wired up to record their TpM (ah, those initials again!); the researcher carefully recording the data on his clipboard - his trousers strangely tight.

From the door I watched as time restarted. Did Cindy jump - oh yes, dropping the dish back in the water! Legs going tightly together trapping my recent deposit. I smiled and turned to go. Lovely to think of my pretty neighbour holding my spunk as well as her husband's.

I did remember to stop time again as I went out of the front door. Time had flowed whilst I was next door and the two girls were no longer there for me to report to on the success of my intercoursal visit. They had not waited to hear.

A moderately satisfactory day at work. With the pleasure I had taken with Cindy and the prospect of playing with Nathan and particularly Di that evening I left the girls alone and concentrated on what I was, after all, being paid to do.

Recharged from my time with Cindy that morning I drove around to see if Nathan and Di were in. My shaving tackle sitting in my wash bag. I was not coming to visit and stay the night: I was coming to play the mystery barber. The razor blades were new of course!

Not this time the whole group around for supper but Di and Nathan on their own - just as I wanted - and more luck than judgement, in bed and at 'it.'

Can you imagine the scene? Me creeping around a completely dark house trying to find them. To be fair it did not take a lot of finding. It was quickly obvious they were 'in' and if the lights were out then they were logically going to be in bed. In bed and fully connected what was more! Nice examining Di's dark sex by feel under the covers and admiring how it was nicely damp and had already absorbed Nathan's rigid member. I could not have timed it better. They were exactly as I wanted them to be. Naked and vulnerable to the Phantom Barber of Bethnal Green (it sounded better than the Phantom Barber of New Malden you see!).

Just a hint of time start outside their bedroom, just enough to switch the light on. The Phantom Barber was not going to work by torchlight! It would be the merest flash to them. With time again paused, it was time to carefully move the time frozen lovers apart. A gentle disconnection - well not really. With the duvet thrown aside I just pulled on Nathan's feet and out he came down the bed! No sound of course but wouldn't a cork being removed from a bottle sound effect have just been just so right!

Nathan was rolled by me over onto his back and there they were, two frozen figures. Di with legs spread and of course her time frozen vaginal opening very obvious and dilated; Nathan with his wet erection sticking up above his really hairy balls. Well, I had squeezed them a bit before but I was going to shave them now!

"Who's to be first?" No answer, so I chose Di. Lovely to inspect her sex closely and admire the delightfully wet passage - just so ready for my own cock. It seemed to be positively oozing lubrication. Yes, of course I stuck my finger in and of course I licked it.

First things first. Shaving then fucking but no reason not to get ready. Clothes quickly piled away in another room and suddenly there were two erections in the bedroom. A towel under Di's hips and then the scissors removed from my bag. Much easier to shave short hairs than long curly ones you see. Snip, snip, snip and black curls were being separated from their owner. Scissors even snipping away up close to Di's soft lips. It all had to come off.

Curls carefully tidied away it was time for the shaving proper. A wet flannel applied - warm from the kettle of course as the water in the bathroom would not flow out of time. Luckily the kettle still had warm water in it probably from making coffee earlier. Ah, the practicalities of time stop!

Shaving cream applied and rubbed in with my fingers - very enjoyable! Tempting to fuck her like that - all creamy - but no. My razor brought into play. Skin held taut and then the sharp blades sliding across Di's smooth skin wicking away the stubble. Careful strokes, very careful alongside the labia major and stroke by stroke Di was denuded.

Washed off with the flannel there was Di looking really little girl like with her hairless slit. She did not have the largest of breasts and lying down made them flatter and with just little nipples - sweet but little - she really did look a lot, lot younger than her real age - twenty or something I thought, but not like that. Naughty Nathan - what was he doing!

What was Nathan doing, indeed! Well, you can imagine it was not just him. The naughty Phantom Barber of Bethnal Green was equally anxious to try this little girl - this little girl so very clearly able to accommodate a fully grown male: so very visibly capable of accommodating!

Lovely to kneel between Di's naked thighs and contemplate her sweetly naked sex. Nice to try it with my lips and tongue first. So smooth, so soft, so liquid at its centre. Then to watch my rather shiny knob touch her, see the comparison between her young seeming femininity and my older and hairier maleness - not though as hairy as naked Nathan beside us.

In I slid as easy as anything, Di's vagina already spread open by Nathan and I did that lovely in and out thing we men so like to do. My balls swinging and slapping against her in that jolly way they have. Nice to watch myself coming out a little later. My shiny knob reappearing and bounding upwards on release. It was not yet time to come - there was still Nathan to shave.


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