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Timestopper Begins Ch. 28

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The timestopper gets into pranking.
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Part 28 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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Chapter 28 - Pranks time

Following my visit to Cindy, via the 'back door,' I rather left both she and Carson alone for a time and sort of went on a bit of a rampage, not just around the immediate town but further afield. I had rather enjoyed fooling around with Dharini and Amanda in the meeting and seeing their surprised reactions in the lift; the result of my enjoyment being that I thought it would be amusing to 'prank' a few other girls and perhaps boys. Yes indeed, get a laugh at their expense and perhaps enjoy a bit (or a lot) of surreptitious fondling and sex. I was becoming less and less worried about upsetting people. It was all rather amusing - just a joke and a laugh to me.

I was walking through the park on the way home from work. A sunny evening, not many people out and about. Perhaps they had already gone home for their tea. From the tennis courts came the sound of regular volleying as the balls flew back and forth across the nets. It was pleasant just to settle down on a bench and watch. Good to see the better players - I am certainly not one of those - and of course good to watch the girls playing. Do you remember that marvellous poster, very popular at one time, of the tennis girl with one hand holding a racquet and the other lifting her tennis dress to reveal a lack of knickers? Well, it gave me an idea.

There was no hurry. The volleying went on - for a time.

My usual glance around to see if I was being observed. With no one watching I willed time to stop and, as always, it just did. I had the control off to a tee!

So strange walking past a tennis ball in mid flight. There it was suspended five feet off the ground with no visible means of support and there too were all the tennis players caught in mid motion on the various courts. Some of course standing still anyway and awaiting the next shot or next move, others literally in flight. One pretty little girl, quite reminiscent of the 'tennis girl' from the poster was indeed truly in the air. Like the ball she had no visible means of support (to her body: not her breasts! They were well supported). She was caught in the act of leaping, her racquet swinging to catch the ball.

Of course so much easier to remove panties if their wearer is not actually touching the ground. There is no need to lift a foot or indeed either foot. The particular girl rather self selected herself by being off the ground - that and being pretty of course!

Lovely to slip my hands up inside her little tennis dress and tug down her white tennis panties, remove them and pop them in my pocket; nice to take a peak at her charms - a sweet compact pair of lips with interesting little pink frilly bits poking through, all dusted with curly fair hairs and looking decidedly damp from her exertions. Of course tempting to 'poke' at but that was not really the point of my taking an interest in her. The point was to sit back on my seat and watch and enjoy flashes of naked bottom and her furry triangle as she leapt about.

It was charming, simple charming. Such a sophisticated eroticism: just sitting there in the sunshine watching for the merest glimpse. She did not notice and glimpses I certainly got!

Tempting to undress the girl and indeed the other girls completely. Everyone of them suddenly finding herself naked and with her tennis outfit nowhere to be seen; having to run naked back to the changing rooms where their outfits would all be neatly hanging each from its own peg. Of course I could do it to the men as well and have everyone in the same predicament. Every player suddenly naked: boobs bounding, penises and balls swinging as everyone dashed for the changing rooms right past where I was sitting. So amusing.

But the effort of removing all those clothes would be considerable. I preferred to stick with the subtlety of the single girl's occasional display - a connoisseur's delight, I rather thought!

Well, I stuck with that for a time but the connoisseur in me rather thought it would be pleasant to enjoy rather more than the occasional view; no, not so more the greater exposure of the young lady or the other players as a more tactile involvement and not just with my hands.

It took quite a few 'goes' to get the girl into a pleasing position; simply stopping and starting time until - rather like taking a succession of photographs to get the perfect pose - I had her just right. I wanted her in the air, yes leaping to hit the ball; I wanted her to be flying. I had never fucked a flying girl before...

The pose was excellent. There she was caught in frozen time, her thighs apart as she leapt, her arm and racquet outstretched and clearly going to make contact with the ball. Her long smooth thighs looking simply wonderful and there was even a hint of bottom cheek showing.

"Excuse me," I said to the old boy who had recently sat down at the other end of the park bench from me and was watching the game intently. I think he had noticed the important lack of panties as well. "Would you mind looking after my clothes whilst I go and fuck the young lass over there?"

At first it was strange undressing in front of time frozen people but it had become a normal thing for me! I piled my clothes neatly on the bench.

"Sorry about this," I said touching my erection, "hope it doesn't embarrass you but it needs to be hard if I'm to fuck the girl. I mean, if you like you could as well... if you like."

But he did not seem interested enough to get his own penis out and join me. In fact he did not move at all! Sometimes it seems such a shame I don't have a friend with the same ability as me - it would be rather pleasant to make jointly make choices and companionably play with the girls together.

So, unselfconsciously, I let myself into the nets, walked past the girl's tennis companion, wondering if he was a boyfriend or simply a friend, and up to the girl. An unusual thing to approach a stranger completely naked and sporting the old curved horn but, well, not actually so unusual for me!

Of course the dress needed to be lifted, the sports bra needed undoing and, oh yes, breasts needed fondling. Wonderful, yes indeed, quite amazing to be doing this to a girl suspended in the air. Just so strange to be touching her when she was unconnected to the ground. Nice that once the dress was lifted up it stayed tucked up. Another time stop advantage.

And then, there was that special connection to be made. It was just so helpful that her thighs were already apart; a little widening; a little adjustment of her position and my swollen knob was soon poking at the right place and anxious to be 'in' and doing what 'he' was good at doing.

Across the court her playing partner was immobile; intently enough looking in the girl's direction but frozen in time. Had he done what I was about to do with her? Were they a couple? Was he expecting to do it later on that very evening? Perhaps he was a brother or simply a friend - but if a friend I could not imagine he had never had the fleeting or more regular desire to do what I was about to do.

Nice to be just touching, nice to be poking around in a very friendly way but nicest to secure my hands around her hips and push with intention.

"Mmmm, nice, very nice," I commented to myself as I slipped in.

It was! Most enjoyable fucking away at this time suspended - literally suspended - girl. What a pleasant thing to be doing in the park and in the sunshine. As always for me there was no hurry, no need to think of the girl's pleasure or needs - just my own. As I have said before: time stop sex is very like wanking - notwithstanding you are having very real intercourse, indeed your cock is in a real girl, there is an actual girl to look at and fondle - only it is a very solitary activity, just like wanking, and there is only yourself to consider!

Amusing to disconnect and walk over to the other side of the nets and see what the other player's view would be; amusing to move to other courts and fondle and inspect a bit; ask the other girls if they would like to try my erection some other time. There was no hurry. Nice to walk back to my girl, see her just hanging there in the air - a flying girl with a ready dilated vagina! To walk up to her and just slip back in - just like that.

Of course no need to ejaculate. I could or couldn't as I wished. Wanking does not always lead to ejaculation. Sometimes it is well worth saving 'it' for later!

Should I save my semen for later, and just leave her fucked, or...? Well I chose the 'or' and it was a good choice. A really enjoyable climax out on the tennis court - long and clearly quite a 'spurting' one (if you get my meaning).

Nice to stand savouring it all for a little while before wandering around to her other end. There she was, arm outstretched and her eye on the ball. I thought I should show her the penis which had so recently completed its first 'service' with her. Perhaps her interest in the tennis ball would extend to my own rather smaller balls which had provided much of the fluid injected into her. The actual reality might be - indeed almost certainly would be - to whack them, like the tennis ball, with her racquet. Unkind - and not something she was going to get the opportunity to do.

Her pretty mouth was firmly closed and therefore had given no opportunity for any sort of entry - a pity really as they were such pretty lips. Lips, I rather thought, needed a little lip gloss...

Yes, taking my still slightly dribbling and flaccid penis in hand I acquired, on my finger, a little special lip gloss and carefully spread semen all around her lips leaving them glossy in the sunshine. It was carefully done and they looked so extra shiny and pretty at the end of my little application.

It was time to refasten her bra, pull her dress back down and put her back into position - still without the panties.

Dressed - I did not, of course, want to startle my companion on the bench - I restarted time.

Prior to my activities the girl was so clearly going to hit the ball. Unfortunately my best endeavours at getting her back in position were just not good enough. She hit the ball all right but not at the right angle and a bit of a stumble meant she did not return the following shot. She was cross at that but I could see her crossness turn to puzzlement. A waggle of her hips suggested she had noticed the effect of the recent pounding she had received. A realisation that something was not quite 'right.'

I sat watching the rest of the match basking in a pleasant post coital afterglow - I did so enjoy these unplanned and spontaneous sex games. My eyes stayed very much on the girl and was totally rewarded when after the match, just as she was walking past me, she went, 'oh!'

Right down her left thigh, very visible from under her short dress, she was dripping - oh yes, dripping some sticky fluid. It was there, so very visible - especially to me when I paused time. I even got off the seat and peaked up her dress to see just how much of a mess I had made. Quite a bit actually!

"Oh dear, did I do that?"

She saw me looking. I had not been careful stopping and restarting time. I had not really got back in position. To her I must have suddenly 'jumped'; a movement her eye would not miss - and so she saw me looking at her thighs.

The old man had noticed as well.

"Been playing more than tennis I suspect," I remarked as we both watched her walking on up the path to the changing rooms, our eyes glued to her thighs below the hem of her dress.

He chuckled, "Looked like it. Lucky young man, eh?"

"Indeed, indeed."

And I certainly was.

At the swimming baths you have, like the beach, girls in very little clothing. I enjoy a bit of swimming, indeed used to be quite good at it at school, so sometimes I go to the local baths.

Mostly the girls and women have one piece swimming costumes. Certainly the serious swimmers wear those but there are always those who only have their beach bikinis and use them. It had not been a place I had particularly 'fooled around' in but following my fun in the park I was into being amused and was very much in the mood for fooling around.

A quiet afternoon at the baths made it all that much easier. After a bit of swimming my eyes alighted on a pair of girls coming into the baths from the female changing room. Just as if on the beach they were in their bikinis and very fine they looked too. One yellow, the other green.

They were not serious swimmers but certainly did a couple of lengths before standing around chatting away in the shallow end. They paid little attention to me swimming closer. As one slipped back into the water for another swim and the other made to follow I pounced.

Not literally but I stopped time. There was the girl, a dark haired girl, in the green bikini frozen leaning forward to go back into the water to swim. A quick glance around to see if I was being particularly observed and, importantly, remembering my position and then I moved the last few feet to her. There was no groping or anything, just a careful removal of the bikini top. It was just a scrap of green cotton in my hand but she would be awfully shocked when she found it missing.

Resuming my position I pushed the bikini top to the pool's bottom with my foot.

And off she went with her friend, swimming up the pool away from me and, to my delight, obviously unaware something was missing. Seemingly unaware until she and her friend had swum right up the pool and back again. It was the suddenly open and round mouth and the "Susie!" from her friend that alerted her. The yellow bikini girl pointing at Susie's chest,

"Your top..."

A simply delightful squeak made the better when she saw me looking - and very nice and round the pair of boobies were too!

"Aaah! Where?"

Arms crossed over her breasts Susie and her friend were frantically looking round.

"I think you've mislaid this," I said, reaching down and picking up the bikini top from the swimming pool floor as if I had just happened to spot it.

Isn't it just so lovely when girls blush and Susie blushed big time - even her chest went pink as she reached towards me for the garment, charmingly revealing one breast again to me.

"Oh, err, thanks."

"My pleasure." Oh dear, a double meaning there all right!

Susie and her friend quickly swam away and, actually, I left her alone rather than doing the same again. Susie had been so sweet with her blushing that I had not the heart to do more. Indeed, I would have left both alone had it not been for catching sight of the yellow bikini girl standing on the side of the pool leaning forward to talk to Susie - leaning forward in such an interesting manner.

It was just such an attractive position and, suddenly frozen in time, so very vulnerable to any passing time stopper; and there happened to be one there - me. With swimmers stopped mid stroke in the pool I was out and walking around the pool edge towards the girls in no time. Yes, no time at all!

Wonderful! There was the girl, dressed just in her yellow bikini; the girl all wet and chlorine smelling from the swimming bath, leaning out a little over the water, head turned towards her friend in the water and, importantly, with her feet planted well apart to steady her. It was just so easy to take hold of either side of her bikini bottoms and pull them downwards.

I do enjoy a well shaped female bottom and I stepped back to admire this one. Nice to see it a little paler than the rest of her body. Clearly the bikini or a similar one had been worn whilst sunbathing or running around on the beach or an open air pool. Nice to squat down and look up between her legs at her little furry place and, of course, pleasing to peer around at the front and stroke the fair hair there.

Had anyone been looking - and I included in that the security cameras I had seen high above - the substantial bulge in my own swimming trunks would have been embarrassing. It was also uncomfortable so I pulled out my erection and balls into the open. Supported by the elastic top of the trunks underneath, my genitalia all came into considerable prominence - more than embarrassing really like that had, of course, any one been able to see! Embarrassing in its exposure not embarrassing per se, you understand. My tackle does not let me down - it is not unusually small or anything, though to be fair, it is nothing out of the ordinary either!

Nice to take hold of her hips and poke at her a little bit; slide myself up and down between her cheeks and then slip between her thighs and let my knob run along her sex - such an enjoyable feeling. Down below her and a little to the side Susie looking up at her - at us actually, but of course she was unseeing, had not seen me come along the swimming pool side to play with her friend. I was sure she would like to have seen what was happening really. Perhaps Susie had not seen an erection at work before; perhaps she would have giggled and said something about my knob as it kept appearing and disappearing below her friend's fur - like a little mouse or a snake popping its head out of its burrow to see what was around. Perhaps, and it was rather nice to imagine, looking too closely and being surprised when the 'snake' spat at her!

Nice perhaps to spatter the swimming pool - a free ejaculation right by Susie - but inevitably I wanted to see if I could become enclosed. Could I get into this girl's burrow?

Well, I pushed but no real success. Perhaps she was just not prepared or just too virginal but I wasn't going in. Instead I amused myself by taking my hands off her hips and watching with each (unsuccessful) thrust how I was gradually moving her further and further out over the pool.

I stepped backwards leaving her at an impossible angle - only possible out of time. Once time restarted she would fall forward into the water - she was now totally overbalanced. 'Splash' she would go, right by Susie. 'Splash' with her bikini bottoms around her knees. The entering of the water very likely to pull them right off! It was amusing, so I left the bikini around her knees and walked back to regain my position in the swimming pool, only bothering to tuck myself away once in the water.

I caught her wide eyed look as she suddenly found herself overbalanced and was amused to see a little scrap of yellow floating in the water after the loud 'splash.' The absence of the bikini bottom was soon noticed so I - and the rest of the swimmers - missed out on a bottomless girl walking back to the changing rooms. Pity! But it lead to another idea. Not with them but with another woman swimmer.

This other woman was a serious swimmer. Black one piece swimming costume and a powerful crawl. Up and down the serious swimmers' lane she ploughed on her own. I had had opportunity to admire her when she had first come in. A tall blond girl with a fine figure complete with, as far as I could judge, pleasingly ample but not large breasts. A little squashed by the Lycra, so it was not too easy to judge.

Her exit from the pool was also my cue and I entered the male changing room entrance as she went into the female. Beyond the entrance and around the corner there were communal showers to let you wash the chlorine off before going on to dry and dress. The male ones were empty. I switched on the showers, counted to ten, stopped time and wandered out again into the swimming area and around and into the female changing rooms. It was a risk. The shower area could have been full of a party of grannies, which would have been a shock, though any women or girls present would have spoilt my plan, but pleasingly, just like the male showers, it was empty - apart from the now naked girl showering. Her black swimming costume hanging on a peg. Bingo!

A bit of the old 'fireman's lift' and I had the girl out of the female showers and into the male. Carefully positioning her so she was in just the same place - well, just the same, the equivalent, except, and this was an important difference, it was the male showers - as before. I even placed her costume on the respective peg.

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