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Timestopper Begins Ch. 30

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The timestopper plays with pretty girls at a garden party.
6.8k words

Part 30 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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Chapter 30 A summer's afternoon party

After the lift incident I noted a distinct cooling in relations with Amanda and Dharini. They could not, of course, pin anything on me. On the face of it I was as much victim as they had been and, no doubt, it was not an experience they could even rationalise. Was it some sort of mass hallucination? Did they discuss it? Had Emily said anything?

To Dharini there had been no consequence but I did not know how Amanda had reacted to finding herself unexpectedly sticky between her legs. It was difficult to think she had not noticed. Certainly she had not spoken to me about it. Notwithstanding I was still tempted to repeat the act. I liked making 'Tufty' Amanda all sticky there. I was certainly jealous of Derek doing it on a regular basis!

The cooling in relations was disappointing and I hoped it would not last. I liked them all too much.

Even Emily, who certainly knew there was something odd about me, seemed a little circumspect. "I'm not sure I should invite you over again. You upset my friends in the lift you know. And don't look so innocent..."

Nonetheless one weekend Dharini and Aja were having a barbecue party and I got included in the invitation. Emily could not go but Amanda could - and so could I.

There were quite a few people at the barbecue. Quite a few I did not know at all. If Dharini was a little wary of me, Aja was anything but: such a jolly host and he introduced me to his old university friend, Nitin. Nitin and I got along really well and spent quite a time talking. We found we had a good amount of shared interests. He had come visiting especially for the barbecue and was staying over with Aja and Dharini.

We made a few comments about the girls, as men do, but I could not help noticing Nitin's eyes tended to return to Dharini rather than any of the others, even Amanda. Well, nothing unsurprising really. I have called Dharini 'delectable' and the 'sultry beauty of the office' not without good reason. Motherhood had not changed that. It had not changed her pretty face with that strong nose; the lovely long blue black hair and such lovely coffee brown skin. Dressed in an armless white shirt and loose linen trousers - the tie at the waist sort - she moved with a pleasing grace. So nice to see the curve of her hips somewhat hidden in the flowing material of the trousers and note the thrust of her breasts within her shirt.

I wondered if Nitin had ever, at one time in the past, held Dharini's breasts and played with their almost black nipples: breasts I knew rather better than I ought. Perhaps it had only ever been Aja who had enjoyed the pleasure - OK, and me of course! Certainly Nitin had known Dharini a long time right back to university, so perhaps there was a history there?

It was amusing to see Nitin's reaction when I had the opportunity of playing a few time stop tricks. It was not just hill walking and food where we found a common interest. As mentioned we had made not a few comments about the girls and their not over substantial summer wear. I had rather liked the look of a little brown haired girl in a blue strappy dress. It was significantly backless with a little tied strap around the back of her neck and another couple of straps tied across her back. Lots of bows. It was obvious from the freedom of movement that she was bra-less beneath the dress. She was by no means large but her breasts took the cotton this way and that as she moved. Leaning forward, her hands resting on a table we were watching her as she was talking to a couple of seated men. From Nitin's and my position we could see how the dress material was falling forward and just starting to show the side of her left breast.

We made some comment about the dress being tied up too tightly. It was almost as if the dress heard us as, immediately, it seemed the ties loosened a bit and rather more breast came into view - and then a little more. It was as if invisible fingers were undoing and then redoing the three bows sequentially, a little less tightly each time. Nitin looked at me with a puzzled expression and a shrug of the shoulders as if to say, 'odd, but who cares!'

The girl noticed nothing as the material sagged steadily forward until Nitin and I had a side view of two hanging breasts not even touching the now very loose dress material. But it was not just Nitin and myself who noticed. The two men she was talking to, saw as well - albeit from a different angle. Indeed gradually so did others though she remained sweetly oblivious until two things happened.

Firstly I did my out of time boob swinging thing. Rather than lifting them I pulled them both to the right so when time restarted they would swing towards Nitin and myself. Secondly just as the girl's breasts swung and she clearly felt the movement Dharini said, "Sally, your top's a little undone."

Sweet to see the realisation on Sally's face as she looked down, the quick looking up to see if anyone had seen; the dawning knowledge a lot had and, at the same time, her back straightening and her hands coming up to cup and hide herself.

Dharini helped her tie her dress tighter. No doubt puzzlement as to how that could have happened. I was somewhat relieved Dharini did not look in my direction. The lift episode and perhaps other odd things had not caused her to put two and two together.

Nitin had appreciated Sally's exposure. I wondered how much more he would relish Dharini having similar 'incidents.' It was useful having my back to the garden wall where I could see everyone and try to time my stopping of time when nobody was looking my way. I managed it when Dharini was bending to put plates on a table - that table again. She was bending over and away from us. Pleasing to come up behind her, out of time, and undo the drawstring of her cream linen trousers. Without any tie at the waist and with a couple of fly buttons undone they would inevitably fall down by themselves once time started. That was how I would leave them for Nitin's benefit but I went a little further for my own.

Out of time I pulled them down to take a look at her knickers. A nice little white slip style pair not exactly covering the upper part of her buttocks or the crack between them. For perhaps an inch and a half from some sweet little dimples downwards, all was very visible. A little adjustment and there were two inches showing of that interesting divide showing. Perhaps ordinarily I might have taken them all down and 'played about' a bit. But this was really for Nitin's benefit. Playing around might well come later! The trousers were pulled up again ready for their hopefully dramatic drop when time restarted.

Of course Nitin had been watching Dharini with me and of course he saw her trousers suddenly drop to mid thigh; as planned, they just did that in real time; he got a very pleasing view and of course by the time Dharini had put the plates down, grabbed her trousers, yanked them up and turned around to see if anyone had noticed, we were not looking at her. Instinctive politeness perhaps. But Nitin's eyes were blinking and there was a very clear look of surprise on his face and no doubt on Dharini's but I did not see that - nor if she was looking very specifically in my direction.

A little while later Dharini was breast feeding Shravitha. Despite my predilection for fresh girl milk, and just as with Cindy, I leave the girls alone when they are suckling the infant. To me sexuality just goes out the window when breasts are properly in use. They are for the baby!

Not so when the baby has been put down: no, not at all! The baby was now so clearly full, looking rather bloated in that lovely baby way when they go all floppy. Just the time when suddenly they may be dramatically sick - so beware! But the little one was winded, carefully set down in her basket, in the shade, for a nap in the fresh air without any dramatic reappearance of its feed.

At this point the baby, to me, had formally left the scene. Things could now happen! Dharini's maternity bra was done up but shirt still loosely open. Nitin and I had politely not been watching, though I did catch the occasional swing of his eyes in her direction. Perhaps he was just interested in the mechanics of looking after the baby but I rather thought not. Our eyes did turn towards her as she put the baby in the basket. A little out of time adjustment by me was then required for Nitin's considerable benefit. A little undoing of clips out of time and as Nitin and I watched (back in time) both breasts swung free within the open shirt; and swing they did - all lovely brownness with big black teats still rather oozing milk. Both Nitin and I stared for a moment or two and then hurriedly looked away but not before Dharini, as she grabbed herself to rearrange things, noticed.

"Phew," said Nitin, "wardrobe malfunction - again!"

His breathing had speeded up. Clearly what he had seen had rather affected him. No doubt he would like to have seen more.

What Nitin was not going to enjoy - but I was - was refreshment from those two breasts. A little wait for an opportunity but with Dharini sitting and talking to Amanda and nobody, including Nitin, looking my way, once more everything went quiet.

There seemed no point leaving Dharini's shirt or bra on for my little escapade. Much nicer to get the twin breasts out in the open. No need to be discreet as with the baby. After all it would only be me to see. In fact, whilst at it, rather nice to do the same to Amanda. What a lovely picture. The two girls sitting and talking in the sunshine - well frozen in the act anyway. One dressed in jeans, the other in cream linen trousers but, pleasingly, both completely topless. Such a contrast. Amanda's so pale skin, her fair hair and those little upwards pointing breasts with their pale pink nipples I so admired: and Dharini with her coffee coloured skin, such dark blue black hair and big round breasts with their black nipples. Big black nipples!

"Come on Nitin; come and have a suck. Just look at those! Who would you like to suck first, Only joking, I know it's Dharini's. But you've got to try Amanda's - this is Amanda by the way. Let's do that first and then... Why don't we have a wanking contest - first to cum over the girl's breasts. Who do you want to decorate - as if I didn't know!"

But of course Nitin neither moved nor heard. Once more I thought how nice it would be to have a TS companion. What fun we could have together, thinking up things to do - and not just a wanking contest by any means! Chatting quietly whilst looking at the girls and planning what we would do. And then the execution - companionably erect in a frozen world, companionably exploring the same 'places.' So pleasant to be able to talk and discuss as we played with the girls.

So nice to look at the girls but good to touch. Moreover good to kneel by Dharini and lean in to suckle.

"Excuse me Amanda, I'm just having a little drink. Why don't you take the other nipple?"

Wouldn't it have been lovely to see Amanda do just that; Amanda's pretty lips opening and taking one of Dharini's big nipples into her mouth; seeing her eyes close and a contented look come over her face. Lovely of course to see the two of them making out - going the whole way. Rather unlikely of course. Best as a threesome with me!

Unlike the baby I was more than happy to toy with each nipple. It wanted to get at the milk and was impatient. I was adult and had learnt a degree of self control (ha!). I was happy to tickle nipples and areolae with my tongue; explore their black beauty; just sit back and look at them - and of course Dharini could feel nothing - it was all for my benefit. Lovely then to take a whole nipple and areola in my mouth and suck the milk. A contented smile from me - hidden of course with my face pressed against the soft brown mound of the breast; not that anyone could have seen - my smile particularly coming as I tasted the perhaps surprising difference between Cindy's and Dharini's milk: yes the taste of spices, faintly curry tasting milk from Dharini.

Wonderful to move from one breast to the other, from one big black teat to the other and just suck. And then to move across and kneel by Amanda and do the same to her though, of course, try as I did no milk came. Her soft little nipples produced nothing though I did suck quite hard. Such sweet little pale breasts. I could almost get them all in my mouth - not just a nipple and its surrounding areola!

"Well ladies, anyone fancy a suck on my cock; perhaps some nice salty cum, thick, warm and so nourishing? Why don't you, Dharini, try Nitin's over there? I haven't seen his cock but I'm sure it's very nice. Why don't you get it out so we can see? Have you perhaps sucked on it before; was it nice; did you make it cum? Nice and hot and spurting in your mouth? Amanda, why don't you do the same with mine? It'll be nice for you? Nice for you both. You could swop as well you know."

"Or a fuck?" I said hopefully but, again, there was no answer.

"Amanda, if not my cock - why don't you take a little suck at Dharini's breast. Surely you've wondered what her milk tastes like? Hasn't she such lovely breasts and aren't these big black nipples wonderful?

There was no answer. But in my mind I imagined Amanda leaning across and her pale lips tentatively touching one of Dharini's nipples and then sliding up the whole long dark nipple and beginning to feed.

"All you do is this." I sucked again.

With my mouth pleasantly milky I kissed Amanda on her lips, slipped my tongue into her mouth and pushed a little of Dharini's milk across. She would have a little taste when time restarted! Wasn't I kind!

Another little fondle of the girls' breasts and then I thought it was time to go back to the party. Not yet, I thought, the time to try intercourse with one or other of the girls and neither Amanda's nor Dharini's mouth was in that so useful big round shape. I smiled at the memory of the banana in the office and how I had added my 'sauce' to Dharini's snack. Perhaps she might eat a banana later - that would be almost irresistible to me! Irresistible in that I would just have to stop time and swop the banana for my penis and maybe, just maybe, do that ejaculation thing in her mouth once again! Just so nice to see that look on her face when time flowed once more!

What, though, if Dharini did serve bananas but in the form of banana splits? It would be so tempting to come all over hers, yes, liberally decorate it with my semen and then watch her eat the dish spoonful by yummy spoonful. An idea more exciting in the prospect than the reality. As always the interest in sex dramatically wanes after the male orgasm. I was no exception. Nice enough to watch Dharini innocently consuming my cum but so much more exciting to see it if still sexually excited, with my cock still erect and charged! Of course I could go for a long out of time walk or read a book until I was 'in the mood' again and then watch if I really wished to try!

I imagined the saltiness of the semen would contrast nicely with the sweetness of the ice cream. Perhaps the slightly sticky, glutinous texture (not like Maple Syrup at all!) would further add a pleasing contrast. But I could not see the contrast of hot and cold lasting long. The semen, even if a lot of it - dollops of swirly creaminess if you like - would rapidly cool on the ice cream. It would stay warm longer where draped across the bare bananas though!

If, though, Dharini had acquired a taste for semen - yes, enjoyed sucking Aja's cock all the way to conclusion and, importantly, liked what it did - would she have a desire for 'extra?' It might well be that she had come to really delight in the feel of her man coming in her mouth. Perhaps after he had brought her to orgasm she particularly liked to finish by fellating him. Her tongue playing with his rigid cock, all wet and so warm from its recent work inside her; giggling at licking her own wetness before taking Aja over the edge and relishing the sudden hot spurting; perhaps playing with it in her mouth. Would she secretly wish to do that a little more often and get a sexual thrill from 'extra semen?' Not simply drawing it from the one source or, perhaps, wishing she could delight in having Aja fuck her whilst she sucked on another erection.

I could certainly imagine Dharini had developed more than an acceptance but a real taste for Aja's semen - even if not actually true - but I really doubted there were other men to help her out. It would be just him. There would not be other men who she enjoyed fellating and manually working. Nice imagining, nonetheless, as I gently played with the girls' breasts, Dharini not just wanting semen in the bedroom but elsewhere. Perhaps Aja being used to 'dress' her salad or add a certain 'je ne sais qua' to her desert - the banana split again or perhaps the apple crumble! Nice to imagine Aja standing by the table as Dharini worked him or better, perhaps, there being another man just standing naked by their dinner table for her - not quite the shaking of the Tomato Ketchup bottle to make the man ready, though some similarity; and then pointing him in the desired direction as he liberally squirted onto her desert. Amusing to see her looking up at Aja across the table and asking if he would like some on his apple crumble as well.

"Err, no, I'll just stick with custard."

Nice to imagine if Dharini, rather than 'wasting' Aja's cum and wishing to save it for later in bed, asking to use her house guest's stuff. I was sure Nitin would not really mind helping out. Though I certainly could picture his shocked face as Dharini unzips him and pulls his brown penis out into the open. A radiant smile, "You wouldn't mind if I borrowed your cum would you, dear Nitin?" As she begins to work it, perhaps helping it along with a little suck.

It was a lovely idea - certainly for Nitin! But that was not going to happen. Instead I dressed the girls again and took up my previous position.

There was a bit of a disturbance from the girls when time restarted. A definite movement of shoulders and breasts. My nibbling and sucking had left a residual feeling and probably not a little dampness to the nipples from my licking and general mouth work! So pleasant to watch the girls wriggling.

Nitin and I went to get some food and I found myself chatting with Aja and others for a time. Later that afternoon found Nitin and myself deep in conversation about hill walking.

"More beer," asked Dharini walking towards us with a bottle in her hand. There was definitely a greater warmth towards Nitin. The exposed boobs had perhaps, somehow, seemed to Dharinia to have something to do with me...

It was not that easy but I got it so right. One moment she was heading our direction looking simple gorgeous: the next she was looking even better. Suddenly, and it was suddenly, Dharini again had no top or brassiere on. Nitin had not seen her like that sitting and talking to Amanda before we had eaten - not like I had, frozen in time - but he saw her now. And as she stepped forward, bringing the bottle up to pour, her unrestrained and naked big brown breasts did the most perfect bounce. Up they went and down they went. Nipples pointing up towards the sky and then down to our shoes. And she noticed nothing. Nothing as she poured beer into Nitin's glass whilst he stared with round eyes not at his glass but Dharini's big brown breasts and her dark nipples and areolae. They were so close to him.

But I could not leave it like that for long. A few seconds only and then all was safely hidden again. It had not been at all easy!

"Thank you, Dharini," I said as she poured my beer.

Nitin mumbled. Dharini moved on.

"Did you see?"


"Dharini's t... Oh, nothing."

It was amusing. Nitin took some time to get talking again. There was clearly a great deal of introspection. He had seen or rather he imagined he had imagined! It just seemed so right to try it again. This time, and it was probably half an hour later, I waited until she was actually pouring the beer into Nitin's glass. He was holding it level with her breasts and it gave me the peach of an idea. The froth reached the top of Nitin's glass and then with only a bit of a 'jump' (the various constituent parts of the scene had not been in quite the right place. The practicalities of time stopping again you see! Nitin's glass needed to be a little closer to Dharini's breast; the bottle's mouth needed to stay over the glass and her hand therefore needed to follow and come closer) and there was Dharini's naked right nipple actually in the froth. Her top and brassiere had disappeared again.


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