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Timestopper Begins Ch. 31

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Dharini is sleeping very soundly...
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Part 31 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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Chapter 31: Dharini Sleeps Soundly

It might have been because Nitin and me had been getting along so well that I found myself still there with Dharini, Aja and Nitin well after dark. The afternoon's party had broken up and we were inside the house. Dharini was probably not best pleased by my presence. Indeed I stayed so late that Dharini excused herself and went off to feed the baby one last time, have a shower and go to bed. That left the three of us, all men, moving on to the whisky. Clearly a favourite with Aja. Nitin rather less so and, as for me, well with my TS ability I liked to stay fairly sober in case of 'opportunities' - OK let's be honest, I had every intention of enjoying myself with Dharini sometime that evening and wanted to be fully ready for that!

Easy to pretend to drink and just pour it back in the bottle out of time, you see.

It was later when, apropos of nothing, Aja said,

"Do you know, Dharini sleeps so soundly a herd of elephants wouldn't wake her but one cry from that baby and she's wide awake."

"Remarkable, the maternal instinct." I said in response.

The relative soundness of sleep patterns and particularly our own were discussed. Aja poured himself yet another glass.

"Once or twice I... shouldn't say this." He was slurring his words. "I've got home and fancied -- you know -- and done it without her waking. Really!"

It was a bit of a confidence. Not quite done normally to discuss bedroom secrets with friends.

Nitin looked a bit uncomfortable.

I smiled. This was very interesting. I had not known this, "and she never knew?" I asked thinking this opened up very interesting possibilities - somewhat time stop without the timestop!

"No, well, yeah. she knew in the morning because... none too happy really. Shall I show you?"

He was drunk all right. Really far gone.


"I can get it up you know, I haven't drunk too much."

"Sure you can," said Nitin.

We looked at each other. Nitin and myself. Surely Aja was not really going to show us his cock and then have us all troop upstairs to see him 'perform?'

"There's no need, really!"

But Aja was standing, swaying a little, unzipping and then he just passed out. One moment standing there, definitely swaying, the next falling back on the settee.

There was silence and then Nitin breathed out, "pheww!"

"I'm sure Aja has a very nice cock but..."

"Yep," agreed Nitin, "but..."

"Would have been a bit much seeing him... um... taking..."

"Yeah. I'm not sure really I'd have wanted to see that. I mean Aja's my best mate and all but..."

"You like Dharini don't you?"

There was a pause. "Yeah. At university I always wanted to go out with her but, well she was Aja's girl. Always his. They are right for each other. They are great. Lovely little kid and all."


"Yeah only. Best I didn't really see her in bed with Aja. You know all day..."


"Naah, nothing."

Not quite 'nothing' I thought. More like all day you've wanted to do things with Dharini!

"Hey, ho, well you're the house guest and it looks like I have well outstayed my welcome. Let's prop Aja up and I'll head off home. I shan't be driving!"

To Nitin's belief I let myself out but that was not really the case. I was more than interested to see what he might do left alone in a house with a passed out Aja and an apparently out for the count Dharini. Would temptation prove too much?

A closed bedroom door was one thing but it was not going to be closed and a door that was not quite closed and with a faint light inside might prove irresistible. I rather thought that light and Dharini would draw Nitin in like a moth to a candle. The door was not going to be closed. TSM would see to that!

Of course it was quiet upstairs. Everything was quiet. Time had stopped. Easy enough to open Dharini's door and slip inside. A careful feeling around. There was Dharini's lovely body under just a sheet. So nice to be touching her. I felt for the bedside light.

Even with time flowing again, things were quiet but lighter -- with the bedside light I could now see. Just gentle breathing from Dharini as her head lay on the pillow with her dark, blue black hair spread around. Gently I pulled back the sheet. Not a movement from the girl; no reaction at all. Did she really sleep that soundly? She was lying there, curled up in a pair of yellow and gold pyjamas. Well, we did not really want them on did we?

Normally I would have stopped time to undress a girl but it was worth trying out Aja's assertion. Quite different undressing a girl when the limbs move easily. As always so pleasing to be undoing buttons and revealing breasts; so nice to slowly pull pyjama bottoms down revealing first a hint of dark blue fur and then more and more and then the wonderful join of her thighs where her hair got especially thick, hiding that sweet little valley which lead down to that so interesting place -- where Aja had been proposing to demonstrate what his erection could do.

Could he really have 'got it up?' Would he really have gone through with his invitation to Nitin and myself to see it all? It had seemed that way. Would he really have led us up the stairs, taken his clothes off, as we probably looked the other way, and then could not but look as he advanced on Dharini perhaps fully erect, but given the whisky more than likely not; we watching absolutely spellbound as he removed the pyjamas from the sleeping girl; perhaps opening her thighs and very deliberately inviting us to view her displayed charms; perhaps even inviting us to touch (a tentative touch to a breast by Nitin) then perhaps giving himself some hand exercises (Nitin fascinated by Dharini's body but embarrassed beyond belief at Aja's actions) to ready himself; perhaps lubing himself or Dharini up (or perhaps even inviting us to do the lubricating -- handing us a bottle of some lube or cream - of Dharini rather than himself!) and then making the marital entry.

Nitin and I politely watching as his brown hairy bottom moved up and down as we listened to the grunting. Given Aja's alcohol intake it might all have taken a little time!

Afterwards, would he have got up from the bed, still swaying, turned and pointed both to his still dripping brown cock and Dharini's now gaping thighs and so visibly used vagina -- itself perhaps running with Aja's semen -- and said, "see friends, as I said, she doesn't wake even when I've fucked her."

Would he then have, in good host style, asked if we 'wanted a go?' Turned to the two of us standing there; perhaps rather embarrassed but nonetheless excited. Of course I'd have been 'up' for it, would have accepted the kind offer, but would Nitin have been rather too self-conscious?

"Go on, strip, she won't wake. She really won't."

The two of us perhaps holding back, uncertain -- well, Nitin anyway.

"Go on, Nitin you go first. We're all men together. Get your cock out - let's see if you can get it up too. Go on, you have my permission. Go on, fuck Dharini."

Nitin so torn, "what if the baby awakes?"

"Naah, she won't but you'll both need to be out of here just like that! You'd better undress outside."


"You don't just want to pull yourself out through your fly surely?"

Nitin and me undressing and then re-entering the bedroom erect and ready for the fun. What a scene -- three naked men and one naked sleeping girl.

Nitin standing so excited, so strongly erect with the prospect of intercourse with Dharini but still uncertain.

"Go on," says Aja, "do it."

Perhaps Nitin's dearest wish about to happen but probably not something he had ever envisaged doing in the company of other men and particularly Aja.

"You sure?"

Nitin standing looking at Dharini; she just lying on the bed, just so exposed. Her beautiful body there for the taking; her lovely blue black triangle of hair looking a little damp, below it her nether lips parted in apparent readiness for intercourse and the opening so visibly slippery, made so easy for entry admittedly in part by Aja's own semen. Easy to imagine the sex almost steaming!

And then perhaps, for Nitin, disaster striking! A mental overload of excitement and he finds, to his intense dismay, himself ejaculating before he has even really touched her! All of a sudden an arc of cream spurting from his penis up into the air to land on Dharini's tummy -- white against her brown skin. Quite dramatic actually!

"Oh, Nitin!" says Aja as Nitin's second spurt reaches as high as Dharini's breasts.

"Fuck! Sorry," Nitin is speaking as he watches and feels his ruined orgasm. His one chance at fucking Dharini lost - not so much going up in smoke as spurting onto her breasts! Still he would always, no doubt, remember seeing his semen lying all up her body. Sad though!

Next it would be my turn... but the reality was that had not happened - not at all: instead Aja had passed out downstairs and Nitin was, no doubt, thinking of coming up to bed. I was setting a trap for him so helpfully baited by Aja. Carefully I arranged the sleeping Dharini for Nitin to see through the part opened bedroom door. Not just a sleeping Dharini but with the sheet down a good way and her lovely breasts and black nipples visible. I could not believe Nitin would resist a peek once he got a glimpse through the part opened bedroom door.

And of course he did not. So amusing to watch him through another just opened door; see him come up the stairs, cross the landing and then pause as if time had suddenly stopped. It hadn't but he had! He had caught that so tempting glimpse of Dharini in bed just as I had planned. The baited trap had caught its prey!

Nitin moved closer to the door, glanced back towards the stairs and then could clearly see not just that Dharini was lying in bed, but that her eyes were closed, that her breathing was regular and, what was more, the upper part of her body was nude and uncovered. He just stared. He hardly moved for about five minutes and then ever so slowly he moved through the door. Funny to see him creep slowly towards the bed as if drawn there by an irresistible force.

He just stood there for a time. I was thinking, 'go on, touch the girl,' but no doubt he was just so worried she might wake despite what Aja had said. Perhaps he reasoned if she did he could say something about Aja having dropped down dead drunk and could she come and help. It would be a plausible excuse. Anyway his hand tentatively came out and touched her breast and then stroked a little more firmly, even rolling a nipple and then moving to lightly squeeze a breast.

His hand leapt back as if he had touched something red hot but I think it was just the sudden appearance of milk. I could not quite see but I think Dharini sprayed. Certainly after he had stepped back his hand came slowly up to his mouth and he licked. There was a shake of his head and I had to stop time as he turned to the door in order for me to hide.

Nitin came out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. Perhaps his good side had got the better of him. I rather thought so as I heard the shower run and a little while later out he came out clad in just a towel and carrying his clothes to his bedroom. His steps purposeful until he glanced -- well, how could he not -- towards Dharini's room and saw the sheet had come still further off. It was down so far that half of her dark bush was showing. There was more than a pause in his step - though he did carry on to his room.

I had tried my best to tempt him and enjoy the amusement of seeing him play with the sleeping Dharini. Of course there was still my opportunity to play but I also wanted to see Nitin tempted and, in any case, why should I not be kind to him and give him what he had always wanted -- though possibly also guilty feelings thereafter... Guilty feelings starting when he met Aja and Dharini at breakfast!

Perhaps he truly was strongly moral. I waited.

Nitin's resolve did not last very long and he reappeared still in his towel but now it was different. There was a pronounced 'tenting' at the front -- he had been thinking no doubt and was certainly aroused. Again the tentative peak into Dharini's room but then he was in.

Unsurprisingly his hand moved quite quickly to pull the sheet just a little further down so he could see all of her bush and that so enticing and inviting joining of the thighs. A bit of a pause and then he bent and kissed her curls. So sweet!

A backing away. Was he done? Seemingly not. He just stood looking and then knelt down right by her and his lips went to her breasts. Every so often he would take a quick look at her face but went back to her breasts when he saw Dharini was still fast asleep. After a time I saw his cheeks move when he was at her breasts and realised what he was doing. The earlier spray of milk might well have prompted it but he cannot have been surprised at what happened. He had seen Dharini feeding Shravitha earlier after all. Of course he could take her milk and he was doing just that. What a naughty man!

Perhaps I should have stayed on with Nitin; stayed on with him aware of me; stayed on so we could have played with Dahrini together. But would he have done so, had I been there? Would he have gone to bed with no more than a peep at the sleeping girl? Would he have been amenable to my suggestions to do more than look?

What if I suddenly walked into the room and said, "Ah, ha, caught you Nitin."

Nitin suddenly leaping up, perhaps milk on his lips, so shocked at being discovered; perhaps amusingly the towel around his waist coming undone as he leapt up and slipping to the floor leaving him not only caught in a lady's boudoir peeking at her nakedness and with her milk on his lips but displaying his manly arousal and intent to me. What would he say? What could he say? Would he be prepared to share? Would he carry on having gone this far but with me now joining him, me asking if I might take the other breast?

What would I say? "Nice cock, Nitin. Big isn't it? Where are you thinking of putting that?"

Tempting, but I was interested to see what he would do, how far he would go on his own. Would he go all the way? Where would his erection ultimately release its load as so clearly it was going to that evening -- even if just back in his own bed by his own hand. I thought that unlikely -- at the very least it was going to happen in Dharini's bedroom even if merely into Nitin's palm.

So I did not reveal myself to Nitin though I did, out of time, settle down on the bed and draw Dharini's other nipple into my mouth and enjoy her milk for a time. I had not done that before -- shared feeding with another man! I could see what fun two men could have with a lactating girl.

After a time, Nitin stood with a rather happy, I would say wistful smile on his face, looking down at Dharini. He bent and kissed her gently on the lips and then began backing away. Perhaps his intention was to leave her then, feeling he had done and enjoyed more than enough. I could not have that! With time stopped I moved in. Nitin was looking at her face so would not see the sudden movement or at least only out of the corner of his eye as her thighs were opened.

Backing away Nitin suddenly stopped and what was so amusing was to see the tenting in his towel that had subsided somewhat just jerk back again. His head moved from looking at her face to what lay between her legs and then he slowly undid the towel and let it fall to the floor. A somewhat symbolic gesture perhaps; certainly it changed the dynamic; Nitin was now naked in the bedroom with Aja's wife; not only naked but with his fine brown, ready peeled, erection pointing towards Dharini's sex -- to be fair so was mine but from outside the bedroom! Certainly one of the two erections was going to go into Dharini's sex but would Nitin's as well?

Nitin's erection was nothing for him to be ashamed of: though whether he would exactly have been happy to know I was watching him as he reached for it and began gently wanking is another matter. He had come a long way. He was now in Dharini's bedroom, looking down at her naked form - indeed naked with her - and wanking to the sight. If he had had sexual feelings for Dharini for all those years I wondered how much semen had perhaps come out of his knob as he had thought of her? For all I knew it could have been pints!

I watched the gentle masturbation speed up and wondered if all Nitin would do would be to come over Dharini. No doubt a lovely thing for him to do but...

Nitin snatched his hand away and stood there literally shuddering as his cock bounced a few times but nothing came out. Clearly he had brought himself almost to the brink but not quite.

And then he moved closer to Dharini's sex, his hands actually easing the thighs a little further apart than I had done. Was this going to be it? But no -- his face was getting closer and closer. Well, of course, he had kissed her breasts, kissed her lips and now he was going to kiss, and probably a little more, her sex.

It must have been just so wonderful for Nitin. I could not see what he was actually doing but there was a pause before he touched her, presumably taking in her scent or simply marvelling where he was, and then an undoubted kiss. He came up for a quick glance at her face and then he was down for a longer time. I rather guessed what he was doing! There was no let up in his hanging erection

Again, up he came to see if Dharini had moved; to see if what he was doing to her most intimate area was having any effect. It seemed, though, Aja had been completely correct in his comment. Dharini did not so much as stir. Nitin stood and, again, there was a little wanking.

I was getting impatient -- why did Nitin not get on and do the deed? His sudden turn towards the door, though, made me freeze time and hide. He grabbed his towel and walked to the door; I heard him go into his bedroom and shut the door. I shrugged my shoulders. Clearly despite all I had done his scruples had got the better of him leaving Dharini neither decorated nor inseminated.

Well, that was not going to be the case. I had found Nitin's cautious playing with Dharini rather exciting, indeed rather titillating. The suspense had rather worked me up! Delightfully there was no need to stop time.

There I was actually in Dharini's bedroom standing over her with my erection at the ready, just as Nitin had been and was about to touch her and make that special connection when I heard a noise. Aja or Nitin?

From a new vantage point of the wardrobe I waited to see who it was. It was Nitin: clearly he had had second thoughts. His conscience no doubt powerfully overruled by the thing sticking up in front of him. This time there was no towel. He stood over her again, his face a picture of indecision.

'Go on,' I thought, 'just stick it in a bit to try. Then you can go to bed. You'll have felt and known you've done that.'

But I knew once having gone that far he would inevitably go all the way. Temptation would be just too great. Yes, yes -- he was wetting his cock with his own saliva. He was going to try!

Funny seeing Nitin crawling on top of Dharini but trying to keep his weight off her whilst positioning himself. The look on his face as he pushed at the girl and then the eyes widening as he knew he was actually just inside. He paused, clearly relishing the feel of his lodged knob.

Would he now withdraw and go off to bed? I did not think so and I was right!

His buttocks flexed and Nitin pushed further in before slowly letting himself down to lie on top of sleeping Dharini. Presumably fully inserted. He paused at that point no doubt to marvel at the feeling and the knowledge of just what he was doing: probably, as well, he was also so excited that he was again on the brink of coming.

There he was, some six inches of his penis inside this girl he had so lusted after. Properly connected in the way of husband and wife, only he was not the husband: the husband was passed out downstairs.

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