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Timestopper Begins Ch. 32

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The time stopper ensures a girl makes amends.
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Part 32 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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Chapter 32 - Old Bill

I would not want you to think I had gone completely self centred and heartless. After all, had I not just helped my new friend Nitin achieve his most secret and dark desire? I did, though, seem to be upsetting quite a few of my friends but I was having a whale of a time so could not see it mattered.

Months before I had done something I was really proud of; I had actually used my time stop abilities to help someone. Yes, a bit like my early super heroing idea - but (certainly) without the costume.

I had been incensed; I think a lot of colleagues had: we all liked old Bill, old Bill Campion. 'Old' is a bit relative but perhaps he looked older than he was. He was nearly bald and 58. Lovely man with a great sense of humour. His hobby was Amateur Dramatics. We all liked him and that went for the young girls as well. He was a bit old school and a bit free with the what might be called 'sexist' jokes and comments and he was certainly 'touchy feely.' To be fair he was with absolutely everyone not just the young girls. A hand on the shoulder, a readiness to touch. I rather think at the odd office party his hands could get a bit 'wandering' but, well, that was old Bill and it was clear he wouldn't hurt a fly.

Such behaviour, though, does not fit the modern office and it certainly did not fit into Ms. Sara Bray's view of the modern office. I don't think he touched her breasts but he might well have patted her bottom. Anyway old Bill was out on his ear. HR, now staffed by very similar young ladies to Sara and modern men compliant with the new code, had no compunction in dismissing him. He was not quite a broken man but it had not been his plan to retire and he took it hard.

He was not the only one in the office to take it badly but there was someone there who could do something about it and that was me. TS Man could do a remarkable lot. I had Ms. Sara Bray in my sights and I do not at all simply mean slipping into her house and giving her a jolly good out of time rogering or a very sore (by which I mean well buggered) bottom. That would have been easy. No Ms. Sara needed teaching a lesson. A lesson she would very much know she was learning.

I began keeping a very close eye on her. I think she noticed. She certainly noticed the coolness around our floor about her. But perhaps she was too thick skinned or had her eyes set on higher things.

What started becoming clear was Sara, despite her professed abhorrence of women being treated as sex objects, of banter and innuendo, was perfectly happy to use her femininity to advantage when it suited her. When she wanted to, she dressed to achieve an object and it became clear to me, though not to other colleagues it seemed, that her sights were set high. She was after advancement and was going to get it. First Bill's job. It was strange how that happened almost overnight. But not so strange when I realised who she was sometimes sleeping with!

No, not just Alan Seasons; she had gone one or two better. No, not just the immediate manager but the MD. She was doing the age old thing of sleeping her way to promotion and advancement - well not so much sleeping as...

It did not exactly tie in with her carefully cultivated feminist image; nor did that lacy lingerie and schoolgirl outfit she wore for the MD that weekend in Shropshire. What fun they had had in that little thatched cottage and what an interesting set of photographs I had of her - and him. It had not been easy keeping out of sight, even with my abilities, and taking photographs, but there was no question whatsoever when you looked at the set of photographs what had been going on! A nuisance a camera does not work out of time but the rather expensive and silent camera (I had borrowed from a shop window - I did put it back!) did the trick whilst time flowed. But it was not at all easy.

Easiest was actually the in bed shots of them asleep. Easy to wait until they were fast asleep, draw back the covers and use the flash. It did not wake them. Nor did it wake them when I carefully moved her hand to hold the MD's clearly recently well exercised penis! Quite a tender little photograph really. The pretty and naked girl with her hand lightly closed around the older man's penis as they slept.

A useful set of photographs. Compromising? Rather more than that! What would her boy friend think of them? Not a lot - but the important question was what would Ms. Bray think of them? I could easily imagine her saying, "Go on, show him, I don't care." I rather suspected the boyfriend was a means to an end too. Undoubtedly the photographs could be useful with the MD but I had no wish really to involve him in the plan - except perhaps as a last resort.

But I had rather more on Ms. Sara than the photographs and I knew that was all going to prove so useful.

I had been over Sara's flat. Had gone over it very carefully for evidence. She would find nothing amiss. I had not obviously ransacked it. I had read her private papers and knew her degree was not quite what she had told the company; knew her previous employments were not quite what she had told the interviewers, knew certain typed letters whilst undoubtedly on particular company headed paper were not authorised in the way they appeared to be. I knew a surprising amount about Sara.

I rather knew her moral high ground with poor old Bill Campion was very much an act. I did not like the way she operated. It was time for Sara Bray's lesson, it was time for her to make amends with Bill Campion.

"Sara, could I have a word with you?"

"Why?" A bit abrupt.

"I really to need to speak to you - in private."

She was not pleased; clearly not at all pleased that I had interrupted what she was doing: she was a lot less pleased when she left the empty meeting room we had borrowed; her look a lot more pensive, a lot less arrogant - a lot more worried.

I had explained in no uncertain terms how unhappy both her colleagues and myself had been with her actions towards Bill. She had said with a flick of her hair that she did not care and he deserved what he had coming to him. I smiled and then had set out in some detail what I knew about her, point after point. To watch the steady collapse of her former disdain was a delight. Her face on seeing the photographs such a picture. She had tried to recover a bit:

"And so, so what are you going to do about it." A trifle dismissive, a trifle challenging.

"It's rather more what you are going to do."

"And what is that - say sorry!" Not at all nice the way she had said those last two words.

"No, rather more. You are going to spend a weekend as Bill's sex slave."


"You heard me. Assuming he would like that, you will freely offer to spend a weekend..."

"Fuck you, no..."

"Two weekends as Bill's sex slave doing anything - and I mean anything - he wants you to do. I don't know, it might be simple fucking, I'm sure it'll be sucking but he might want you to dress up as a French maid or something, perhaps as a schoolgirl - you have the outfit after all, perhaps in lacy lingerie. He might have a penchant for bottoms and want to spend the two weekends sticking things up your arse. I don't know - bananas, dildos and cucumbers even - they'll be nice and cool - or even his dick! It might be spanking - you might find it difficult sitting down on the Monday - I mean Mondays!"


"Yes, I rather think!"

And it was 'yes,' there really was nothing she could do to prevent it.

"And you are to be nice to Bill, contrite and willing. I want a good report from Bill or..."

Her eyes widened.

"... there will be further punishment."

"Fuck you!"

"Well, I hadn't been thinking of that but, yes, why not that as well?"

Sara glared at me. It was just getting worse and worse for her. Everything nasty she said I just added to the amends she would need to make.

"Two weekends and that will be it?"

She was weighing up the options.

"Yes - if Bill is happy."

"That's it?"

"Apart from the offered fuck with me."

"I don't want to fuck you."

"That's not the point is it? I think we'll make it that until your two weekends with Bill are up I have free access to your body for all purposes and you will enjoy it - or pretend to enjoy what we do. Have we a deal?"

"You bastard!"

"You've not exactly been the legitimate thing yourself. Shall I mention that degree?"


Another revelation; another thing I knew about her. She was just so defeated!

"Fuck you, yes!"

"Sara - I don't think just now but perhaps tonight? We could sleep together and you could make me breakfast in the morning. I'd like watching you cooking in just an apron."

The reality of what she was going to have to do was seeping in.

"Not tonight I already..."

"Tomorrow, after we've seen Bill?"

"Oh, yes I suppose. Can I go now?"

"When you've swallowed my cum."

"What? What do you mean? Oh..."

"We'll seal our little pact with a blow job and, I think, a little grope."

"No. I mean someone might come."

"Yes - that's the idea - me!"

"No, someone else might come."

"Old Bill, I hope, soon enough!"

"Don't be so fucking smug. Someone might come into the room."

"Then put the engaged sign up and open up your blouse for my inspection."

Wonderful. Through the power of time stop I had Sara in my power to do with as I wished. Not just out of time but in time. It gave me an unexpected thrill. Lovely to see my co-worker start undoing the buttons of her white blouse; a hesitant pause as the white brassiere came into view.

"Well, show me."

Such a face from her. As well there might be. Being required by a colleague to unbutton your blouse for his inspection!

So nice getting her to bring her breasts out into the open and present them to me. Her glaring at me as she reached behind and undid the bra clasp and then lifted it out of the way. A visible first surrender on her part.

"Offer them to me."

She had to take them both in her hand and lift them upwards as if offering them; indeed she pushed them towards me. It must have been so strange for her: getting her breasts out in the office and pushing them towards a colleague. And I leant forward and gently sucked each nipple -- oh yes I did! Just like that with her simply sitting there in a meeting room, one after the other.

I moved my chair. It was obvious I was moving it to give her access.

"Get it out then. I don't expect there's much to see." Her voice contemptuous. Sara still trying to get the upper hand. Difficult really, with her blouse undone and her breasts on show.

I smiled, "I'm afraid not; but at least it makes deep throating so easy for you! But no, I shan't get it out - you get it out."

Of course she had to kneel -- I insisted - and of course as she leant forward to undo my fly my hands went to her breasts - it was 'the grope.' Lovely to feel my fly being undone and Sara fumbling away trying to extract my penis and then bring it out into the open. It was there exposed right in front of her. She looked at it with displeasure. Unfairly, I thought, it was not a bad looking specimen as they go. It was firm enough. She would perhaps have had something to complain about had it been lying there all limp. It would certainly have been less than a compliment to her sexual allure. Perhaps it would have been better if I had shown her that she did not really excite my desire very much: but of course she did!

"You need to work it first."

"I fucking well know what to do."

I was sure she did. It was good, of course, seeing her hand reach and take hold. She worked it. Always nice to have a pretty girl exercising your cock.

I stood, "Right Sara, no biting or anything or you'll be fucking all the men in the office night after night - or lose your job. Got it? Now open up and here it comes."

A delightful extra strengthening in my erection as I revelled in my power over Sara. Nice to see her lips open, the slight stickiness of her lipstick making them hold momentarily together before parting, and then to push in through her compliant and 'live' lips. Not the frozen in time mouth, albeit a hot and wet one, but a moving mouth complete with tongue, anything but still. Lovely to push in and out in a fucking motion.

"Sorry it's not very big, Sara, but as I said it, means taking it deep is not a difficulty for YOU." My hand was all of a sudden on the back of her head and I pushed her all the way down - all the way down my respectable six incher! It was a firm push -- yes, a firm push down on my firmness! Down she went!

Cough, splutter, choke and drool down her chin as I released her. Her poise and charm suddenly a little upset. The lipstick smudged.

"Fuck - not like that! Nobody..."

"So, not so small?"


She had got the message.

I sat back down in the chair. "Well then, I'll just leave you to get on and finish the job."

Apart from fondling - yeah 'groping' - Sara's breasts I did leave her to do all the work. Steady regular movements of her lips up and down my cock as her tongue tickled away at my fraenum. She knew what she was doing all right and wanted to get it over with quickly.

"Do you like to swallow?" I was making conversation. It would slow her down. She couldn't talk with her mouth full!

"Can't imagine it will make any difference what I like,"

"Nope. But do you like?"

"My own business, what I like."

Whether or not she liked did not matter to me - as she well knew!

Her tongue flicked wetly around my knob. She was doing all the right things but hardly with an expression of ecstatic happiness! She very clearly wanted to get it all over with.

It was indeed fairly quick!

I did not hold the back of her head down as I came and did not push her right down as I spurted into her mouth: rather I just let it happen. No warning, no bucking of my hips so show I was about to release, I just felt the sensation build up to the point of ejaculation and off it went. No need for her to have warning but it did not faze her. Lovely to feel her lips sliding and her tongue continue working as my glands just pumped my stuff into her mouth. She was, I rather realised, used to that. Lovely!

She stood rather quickly, her tongue licking her mouth as she rearranged her clothing whilst looking at me with undisguised dislike; my half erect cock still sticking out of my trousers.

"I'll pick you up from your house at seven thirty tomorrow," I said.

"You know where I live?"

"Of course. I know everything about you. Remember?"

She glared and left the meeting room with not another word.

We did not just turn up on Old Bill unannounced. I had paved the way. I had been to see Old Bill with an interesting proposition for him. He had been pleased to see me; delighted a work colleague had come to visit well after the initial upset; insisted I have tea and cake and was then dumbfounded, disbelieving and not at all sure what to say when I outlined what was being offered to him. As I'd rather suspected his mild 'sexist' jokes, his touchy feeliness and his sense of humour actually hid a rather shy, lonely man who would not really say 'boo' to a goose much less do anything really inappropriate with a woman.

"You say Sara is sorry and wants to make it up to me - like that?"

"Would you like that?"

"I... I, she's a very pretty girl. A whole weekend?"


"What will I do with her?"


"Bill! Anything you like, anything! She likes being spanked; she likes dressing up as a schoolgirl; she's got some marvellous lingerie; she likes sucking a lot and of course fucking!"

"I could bathe her couldn't I?"

"Yes! Get in with her as well, you could fuck her in the bath!"

Funnily enough Bill proved agreeable to the suggestion! I collected Sara having advised her to bring a few extra things - yes, the lingerie and the school uniform. I told her not to at all show any reluctance or lack of contrition as I would be seeking a report on her behaviour from Bill. Transgression meant further punishment, perhaps more activity with me, perhaps with yet another colleague; after all, I pointed out, she had been very friendly with, Alan Seasons and the MD - indeed I listed what she had done! Bill and I simply added to the list: so why not make it longer still!

A ring on his doorbell and the door slowly opening to Bill's disbelieving face. He could not really believe what I had suggested was going to come true. Seeing Sara with me and with her suitcase in my hand almost unnerved him.

"W...won't you come in. Err, hallo Sara."

"Good evening, Mr Campion." Oh, yes, she had got the relative position of them absolutely right. She was to be respectful.

We sat, somewhat uncomfortably with mugs of coffee. Bill not quite sure what to say; Sara no doubt truly horrified at what she was having to do but trying to smile and be pleasant. We had not got around to the real reason for the visit. We were just talking. It was time to broach the subject.

"Sara, I think you have something to say to Bill." It was so nice talking to her as if she was a naughty schoolgirl. "I think it would be best said without wearing your clothes."

She had not undressed for me; she had certainly not undressed in front of Bill before. For her this was the real thing, the real start of her punishment. Blowing me had not really been so hard (unlike me at the time!)


'Oh,' indeed!

"Stand up, then."

Lovely to watch

Tall Sara having to take her clothes off in front of two men; not strangers but certainly not in the context of a bedroom liaison; it was clear she did not like it but was compliant! There was nothing else she could do.

The first item, the jacket, had considerable appeal to us both. Bill was swallowing hard and it was, on the face of it, nothing more than Sara might do on a hot day. It was rather more because he knew she was not going to stop there. And she did not!

Bill was almost open mouthed as she got down to her underwear. It did not actually take that long. A dress does not take long to remove. The dress was a black on white, vee necked number with the black forming a series of interlinked flowers; short sleeved and with a black cloth tie around her waist. All very nice and no doubt expensive as were the black, heavily strapped shoes - high heels with a quite complicated strapping arrangement around the ankles.

"Bill, do you like your women shaved or unshaven?"

His eyes did not leave the girl. Sara had got the message - she paused not revealing her take on the question.

"I... err... either but, um, a preference for the...err... shaved."

"Well, judging by that mounding in her panties I'd say you can have some fun later in the weekend with the razor!"

Bill's tongue licked his lips. "Yes... um... if Sara wouldn't mind I..."

"Sara won't mind."

Her look at me said otherwise!

"Well Bill, is this a better view of Sara?"

Two men sitting side by side on a settee watching a pretty girl strip. What a fine way it would be to spend an evening: first watching, then touching and then playing. I was rather tempted to stay but whilst I might have no objection to jointly playing with the girl, Bill might well prefer to play with her on his own!

I don't think I've described Sara. She has long fair hair usually worn swept back from her forehead and tied behind; pale of skin and with quite a wide mouth; high cheekbones but not a narrow face; a shapely body with no unnecessary fat and a neatly tucked in tummy button. Does that give somewhat of the picture?

She was standing there with her left leg a little forward, looking cross - as well she might. Two men were discussing her attributes as farmers might at a cattle auction!

It was certainly time to inspect the 'udders!'

"Your bra please, Sara."

Pristine white bra and panties - expensive and lacy. Sara reached behind her


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