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Timestopper Begins Ch. 33

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A pleasant day in the park with Cindy.
4.3k words

Part 33 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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Cindy in the park

Picture the scene. A lonely heath and a young man sitting all alone on a wooden bench with his head in his hands. Around him the wind blows gusting leaves into the air. In the distance dark clouds mass as if for a thunderstorm.

Things had gone so wrong. So terribly wrong. I felt so despondent, and at the same time so furious with myself. Why had I been so foolish? So arrogant really? I looked up at the sky and thought that I really did not care if the thunderstorm came and snatched away my special ability - my power to stop time at will. It would be better that way.

What had happened? Well, perhaps you had seen it coming, seen how carried away I had become, how I was getting more daring, more careless and uncaring with my friends. Was now not so much living in Croydon as 'sent to Coventry' by the office . Friends hardly speaking to me - that was no fun at all - and somehow, subtly, it seemed as if it was spreading.

I was going to have to change jobs, perhaps even move house myself and go to a different town. And it had all been so pleasant not so many months before. Me delighting in both the friendship and the surreptitious out of time sex. I could have kept both had I not been so foolish, arrogant, so sure it did not matter - did not matter when they, my friends, noticed odd things happening when I was around. It did matter - it mattered a lot and I was reaping what I had sowed big time.

My head dropped again into my hands as a distant roll of thunder came to my ears. I was going to get soaked but I did not care. Friendship and companionship are so important, so absolutely essential: plentiful sex is indeed good but not in the same league. What a fool I had been. My thoughts travelled back in time a few weeks, reviewing what I had done. Going over it again and again in my mind. Good things and bad things. What had I done? What had I done?

What had happened with Cindy? Ha! I had certainly overdone that. It had seemingly started so well – the contrast between the happy companionship on a day out and what came not long after. First that happy sunny day when Cindy had said she and Carson were taking Katy for a walk in the park and going to have a picnic. Would I like to come?

Such a joyful little scene. The spread cloth on the ground. Things I had brought along as well as Cindy's collection of picnic fare. Katy rolling around giggling as we all talked. Around us children playing with balls and Frisbees being thrown.

Cindy not the only young mother in the park - hardly! There were plenty of prams and buggies being pushed around; sometimes by the mother, sometimes by the presumed father. Happy little scenes. Young mothers, breast feeding on park benches or, as Cindy had, sitting cross legged on the ground, dress flowing around her. My lovely neighbour sitting, looking more than fine in her cotton dress and light brown strappy sandals. Not the tallest of girls but well proportioned and with those full breasts I was so enamoured of, pushing at the light cotton. For once her dark hair tied up - cooler I suspected - leaving just the odd stray hair hanging down around her exposed neck.

A particularly pretty girl walked past, very clearly pregnant and hand in hand with a young man. I watched them. I liked her big straw sun hat and long, curling black hair. I liked her figure actually. An attractive girl - well worth watching.

"I think she's taken," said Cindy.

"Huh? What?"

"You've been watching the girls."

"Um, err, perhaps..." She had very clearly seen where my attention had been!

"Why haven't you got a girlfriend? You're not exactly an unattractive boy; is he, Carson?"

"Wouldn't know! No idea. Shouldn't have thought so!"

Typical male comments of course.

"Well, I think so. Why haven't you?"

I could hardly tell her the real reason.

"I was disappointed in love," I said, trying to be a bit unspecific and a bit mysterious.

"Yes, we remember all of that, but it was months and months ago. Do you want me to fix you up with a date?"

Did I? Having a 'relationship' is not just about sex. By no means is it just about sex. Companionship, understanding, support and just enjoying being in each other's company.

I, though, was revelling in the sex! I had my friends including Carson and Cindy. Did I need a 'significant other?' I could certainly see it cramping my style - particularly if we ended up living together. Unexplained absences would not cement the relationship. Perhaps I might even feel I should not be 'playing away.' It not being so much a matter of practicalities as my own feelings rather than ethics stopping my time stop fun.

"Um, I don't know. I'll, I'll think about it."

"It'd stop you lusting after girls in the park!" It was Cindy speaking as I watched Carson's eyes following the pretty pregnant girl walking hand in hand with her man.

"Perhaps," I laughed but knew very well men were not like that at all! Knew that Carson was mentally undressing the pregnant girl in his mind even whilst holding his wife's hand.

It would have been so nice to be able to stop time not just for me but for my friend, Carson, as well. Imagine it - and I did. My mind wandering off into a little daydream about Carson and me having fun together:

"Hey what's happened?"

"I've just stopped time. Come on, let's go and inspect that girl."

The two of us - in my imagination - standing up and me leading a very puzzled Carson across the grass.

"But, but, she's not moving."

"No, no. Nobody is except us. Think of this as a dream. You can do what you like. Shall we have a peek at this girl or is there another you'd rather fuck?"


"Yeah, why not? It's just a dream."

Carson looking around. "I..."

"Come on, let's take her dress off. You do it. She won't move."

A nice idea encouraging Carson, telling him what to do; getting him to undo buttons; getting him to ease the dress down her body; showing him how to carefully move her fingers to disengage them from her boyfriend's hand so the dress can be taken to the floor. Not happening for real, of course, but just a daydream in my mind.

"Nice lingerie." The sort of thing I tend normally to say to myself whilst time is stopped. The silence can be a bit unnerving

Pleasing to see Carson licking his lips but almost constantly looking around to see if anyone else was moving; glances in Cindy's direction to see if disapproval was showing on her face and puzzlement at how the boyfriend was doing nothing.

"Err, yes. I like white. What now?"

"Her bra does rather obscure..."


The bra unclipped and pulled away from a charming pair of breasts. Us men now able to inspect. Not actually that big but no doubt bigger already than before the pregnancy, complete with little nipples and areolae - well they would grow!

"After you."

The invitation obvious! Nice watching the tentative touching by my friend and then a more serious groping. Still the looking around.

"Aren't they lovely; so round and, and, she does not even move whilst I do this."

Tweaking nipples is so fun!

"My turn," I would probably say and have my own feel. "Shall we get undressed now or after the panties have come off?"

"Undressed? In the park!"

"Easier to... you know. Trousers and pants certainly; but I prefer fully naked. Personal preference - and you?"

"But what if she starts moving - if they start moving?"

"They won't. Trust me!"

What fun! Two 'big' boys playing together in the park - playing with the girls! Carson amusingly shy about bringing himself out into the open in front of me - little realising how familiar I was with his genitalia - but following my lead.

Two piles of clothes on a nearby park bench.

"Now for the panties. Shall we do this together?" Nice sharing the revealing, each either side with fingers in the waistband as we ease the white material down, making all sorts of very personal comments about her pubes and buttocks. Then standing back together and admiring the naked girl and the pretty and very pronounced swell of her tummy over the pleasing vee of hair - delightfully springy to the touch.

It would be good to talk. Appraise the girl; comment on how she was obviously not a virgin; moreover clearly fertile - as we could both very clearly see; mention to each other she was evidently not unused to the insertion of a penis and the placing of semen; speculate whether her libido had increased on account of her pregnancy and wonder quite what she and her man might have been doing when conception occurred - perhaps missionary, perhaps not.

"Well shall we?" Pleasing to imagine us advancing, two naked men with erections at the ready and me arranging the girl for Carson. With her large tummy it would have to be doggy style but what could be more appropriate for the great outdoors - the way of the animals!

The girl with legs now well spread and me supporting her; my erection in her face as I hold her up by my hands under her chest - yes, hands over her breasts. Carson advancing between her legs...

"Are you still with us?"

I had been off in a bit of a daydream! Broken by Cindy's enquiry.

"Oh, yeah, sorry!" Hopefully neither Cindy nor Carson had noticed the swelling in my trousers!

But again my daydreaming. Imagine if she had noticed and then mentioned it. "See what I mean - you need a girlfriend to deal with that!"

Carson and Cindy both looking right at my hidden erection in my imagination.

"Oh dear, you poor thing. Let me sort it, for now." Cindy reaching, unzipping and bringing my erection right out into the open and then bending down and fellating me as Carson watched, smiling and nodding encouragingly.

"You can come if you like."

A suitable gasp and groan from me and then Cindy bringing her head up and licking her lips. "Mmmm, nice. A bit of an appetiser!" A giggle. "Well, how about a spot of lunch?"

At least the latter words were exactly what Cindy said, bringing me back to reality, and we sat on the spread blanket enjoying a very nice lunch indeed. Unhurried and peaceful - not least because Katy was asleep in her pram - all very enjoyable but with absolutely no fellatio at all!

"Milk with your coffee?" Cindy had a Thermos with her. That so old fashioned but so practical way of bringing along hot or cold drinks on a picnic. Wisely the milk was not ready mixed as that always gives a somewhat 'canned' taste to the coffee. Much better freshly added.

You can, I am sure imagine, what was coming! The milk in my coffee was going to be very fresh! I did catch a frown from Carson as my mug of coffee seemed to have become milky without me even picking up the milk bottle. He sort of shook his head as if thinking he had just not seen me do that and poured the milk into his own mug. What, of course, had happened was I had borrowed some of Cindy's real girl milk,

Neither were looking at me as I stopped time. There we were, all seated on the picnic rug, but just with me moving. Around us silence. My fingers reached for the top of Cindy's dress and began undoing buttons. Once more her maternity bra came into view and I unclipped both cups to give me access to her lovely breasts - breasts so capable of producing her lovely milk. Wonderful actually how her nursing bra has a sort of fetish like look; the bra providing a circle of support all the way around each breast but when the front material was unclipped - the drop cup - there was each breast fully accessible, yet still supported.

Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and out came the milk, not spurting because time had stopped. It required a little sucking and working with my mouth to get it from breast to my mug but I was more than happy to do that and took quite a lot of extra milk besides!

Rearranged and all back as it had been I restarted time. I did catch Carson's frown and Cindy's waggle of her shoulders probably feeling her nipples suddenly damp from my sucking. She would just think she was leaking a bit no doubt.

Coffee drunk and lunch things packed away, we sat content and full in the sunshine. Cindy settled herself with her head in Carson's lap and her cotton dress neatly smoothed down her body. A pretty, light summer dress, red with little white spots.

"You know I could drift off like this," Cindy closing her eyes as she spoke.

It seemed as if we might be staying put for some little while.

Once more the pregnant girl and her boyfriend were coming up the path. Clearly they had made a circuit of the park and were going for a second lap. A lovely day and so why not? Carson too had noticed the girl once more and I saw his eyes tracking her. More mental undressing I thought!

She was, as I have mentioned, a pretty girl and with her big straw sun hat and long curling black hair tickled my fancy as much as she clearly did Carson's.

I was tempted but after lunch I was feeling pleasantly relaxed and not with a great urge to get up and toy with the girl or perhaps reveal her in all her glory to Carson for a few seconds. It was lovely just lying back and enjoying the sunshine and the gentle chat with Cindy and Carson. It would have been even more pleasant had I had a lap to lie on like Cindy had, though I hardly wanted to lie on Carson's lap or another man's for that matter: Cindy's was much more the lap for me! No risk of finding something hard pushing at your ear or creating a rather lumpy place to rest your head: though, to be fair, shaven Cindy would not have that soft springy extra cushion of curls that girls usually possess. How lovely to rest your weary head on such a soft mound!

Thoughts like that did rather lead me on. There was Cindy lying back with her knees bent and her cotton dress dipping down modestly between her thighs. Somnolent Cindy, now barely speaking and clearly in the process of drifting off into a nap. Carlson occasionally saying something as he brushed his wife's hair with his fingers.

In my mind, even if I could see nothing, I much preferred the idea of Cindy with just the summer dress and no underwear. So nice imagining young girls strolling around the park in just light dresses, their breasts moving unrestrained and feeling similarly free beneath the material. Not so easy to remove Cindy's bra but not, with a bit of time stop, a difficulty slipping her panties off and into my pocket.

She did not move with time flowing once more – might even have been asleep. And there she was, still lying in Carson's lap, still with her eyes closed but now naked around her genitalia under her dress. I could see nothing untoward but the thought of her so nearly revealed was not a little exciting. Had her dress not been hanging down between her thighs anyone walking past and glancing in her direction might have got a rather surprising view.

Of course I peeked! It is one of the easy things a time stopper can do. With time stopped I could just lift the material and look. Aren't girls different from boys! There, in the light coming through the thin cotton, was her sex. The light rather like the dappled shade of a wood – perhaps with the sort of dampness you expect in a wood and perhaps some similarity in the warm scent. Her Mons Veneris, all smooth and shaven but so sweetly mounded over her pubic bone and with her skin going on up into her dress to her tummy button and beyond. Travelling south, so to speak, her little valley and poking out Cindy's prominent hood and the start of her inner lips – such soft looking pink flesh poking out between the smooth labia.

With her legs a little open there was a hint of what was carefully folded away and protected within the labia. I did not hurry. It was like, as I said, coming across a pretty sunlit glade and pausing for a moment before exploring. Just looking at the beauty before me before moving in and breaking the enchantment of the scene. With Cindy lying there time frozen there was nothing to stop me gazing and then poking my head under the cotton and into the glade or, if you like, the little tent of her dress.

No need to rush in. I could step cautiously into the glade. My goal clearly was where her thighs came together but I was happy enough letting my lips and then tongue brush the smoothness of her thighs, even into the crook of her knees. Pleasant to let my tongue run like a little snail's trail up her thighs – she might well feel that when time restarted!

Nice to see Cindy's sex in close up, all there and undefended - despite her husband so close. If time was running and he could see me lying on the rug with my head right up inside his wife's dress what would he think and do? Thump me most likely! I was taking more than just a liberty with his wife.

It amused me to reach down and free my erection out from my fly. I could not see it from where my head was, tucked up inside Cindy's dress, and nor could anyone else because time was stopped. It was a mental thing. The idea of saying to Carson. 'See, not only am I interfering with your wife - about to orally engage with her - but the excitement has caused me to erect!'

It was more comfortable too!

Cindy was in good shape. No unnecessary fat to her thighs. I could feel and see the shape of her musculature. Perhaps having had Katy her tummy was not quite as firm as before but she could have no qualms about wearing a bikini or, indeed, visiting a naturist beach. Perhaps if she had a second child she might not be so lucky.

A second child? I had not noticed any change in Cindy to suggest she was already pregnant. Were she and Carson perhaps now trying for a second? My eyes looked up the narrowing view as the space between her legs closed in upon her sex and wondered – had they perhaps been at it this morning already? Was I going to find, as I slowly extended and eased my exploring tongue to separate Cindy's inner lips, that my post picnic 'dessert' was more the taste of Carson than Cindy? Was my tongue going to be dipping into Carson's creamy and, no doubt salty, semen kept nice and warm within Cindy – oven ready? A gentle pushing aside of soft lips and then discerning a certain viscosity; what was clearly a sexual liquid but a male sexual liquid; would I be happy to continue or would it put me off – would I be happy to let Carson's cum slip down my throat?

I paused, staring at Cindy's naked sex; it was lovely to look at and I very much wanted to stroke it with my tongue and bury my face against and in it; frankly I also wanted to bury my erection in it afterwards! Such a pretty sex. One I was more than a little familiar with. That rather frilly look to her neat labia minora with its fascinating darker pigmentation at the edges, that pronounced and poking out clitoral hood she possessed and all of it so naked with not a hint of curly dark hair.

I could not see any trace, not a hint of creaminess but it might be well hidden! Well, the thought was hardly going to stop me from enjoying and orally playing with Cindy. I considered myself man enough not to let such a thing unnerve me! I moved my face in closer and ran my tongue upwards from her clitoral hood, safely, for now, beyond where any semen might have leaked, right up her little divide. I prefer my girls still with hair but it has to be said, cunnilingus is easier without. You would not really run your mouth over your girl's Mount of Venus if it was all covered in curls – you would give that a miss and travel where it was warm and wet (and hopefully getting wetter!) and hairless. Visually I like the girls to have fur, I like to feel and stroke the soft curls, perhaps just soft down or even wiry hair but orally denuded is best. So I spent a pleasant little time moving my lips gently all over her mound, slipping my tongue in and out of her little valley – indeed, running it up and down that valley. In time, I was sure Cindy would have been most appreciative of my efforts! A suitable moaning and perhaps a husky, 'Go lower!'


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