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Timestopper Begins Ch. 36

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Timestop fun in the park with the girls.
3.9k words

Part 36 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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Chapter 36 – Conclusion in the park

You will recall my morning in the park with Cindy and Carson. A happy morning playing with Katy, having lunch with them before getting a little naughty with Cindy. I had digressed in my story, seriously digressed into recalling my earlier adventures in the supermarket with Cindy and then described my subsequent activity with Diana and her boyfriend. What I had not done was reveal whether I had actually got carried away with Cindy in the park. The supermarket episode had warned me Cindy could be rather upset if I was not careful. Consequently I rather thought it would not be a good idea upsetting Cindy and spoiling the picnic. It had been a great picnic, I had enjoyed a little play with her but perhaps I should be more careful.

I stood looking down at her for a while gently exercising my penis (OK, yes wanking) right there with Carson sort of looking on - albeit completely unmoving. It would have been quite nice actually just to release and let my semen spurt and fall all over Cindy's legs and sex. Should, instead, I have just a 'little go' in Cindy? By 'in' I meant 'in'. So tempting, and with my penis so full and keen not exactly difficult: but perhaps just too full and keen so that I might not stop with just a little fucking and go too far. It was decision time. I turned away: it was not as if there would not be other opportunities for sexual activity later. It was better to resume the picnic and restore Cindy's modesty and panties. Get everything back to how it had been and then restart time. I would most certainly not be foregoing more sexual activity later. It is one of the marks of a well-balanced person to forego instant gratification, you know!

A careful rearrangement of Cindy and also myself back into my earlier reclining position. One, two... oops penis! I had forgotten to tuck myself away. That could have been a bit of a social faux pas!

Perhaps Cindy noticed the wet trails up her thighs, perhaps she felt some residual after effects of my tongue poking around in her sex. Certainly her body moved and there was a bit of a tremor but she did not open her eyes. Perhaps she was asleep all the time!

Lovely to laze and, I think, even I dropped off for a bit. The sunshine was warm and I had enjoyed a good lunch. After a while we packed up and had just started a nice little perambulation down to the boating pond and through the ornamental planting when I saw coming towards us the pregnant girl and her husband or boyfriend still walking. They had been walking for some time.

She stopped to look at Katy in her pram and, as women do, Cindy and the girl got chatting. "When is it due?"

"It's overdue... a bit overdue..."

On they went, talking about babies. Carson and the boyfriend began discussing football and last night's match. One of the teams apparently won, one nil. To me, the topics of conversation were two not over engrossing subjects and so my mind returned to my usual interest - sex!

In my earlier daydream, Carson and I had both enjoyed sex with this particular girl - or, more accurately, were about to when Cindy disturbed my thoughts! It had all been in my mind. I did not actually know what her breasts were like under her dress, whether her pubic hair was indeed 'springy' or whether her lingerie was white. But whilst they were all talking about boring subjects I could establish all these interesting matters. I could find out!

It was comparatively peaceful in the park. Just the birds singing really and children's voices over at the playground - and the aircraft noise overhead plus the distant sound of traffic - but all of the sudden it got very quiet indeed. Just the almost imperceptible sound of a man walking across a tarmac path to a bench and taking his clothes off.

As always, funny to return to a group like that but I was, by now, used to such things and completely unfazed by reaching and starting to undo the girl's dress.

"Carson, would you rather help with this or talk about football?"

Seemingly football! I shrugged and carried on undoing the dress. It would have been rather nice to have given Carson the treat of an 'in time' flash of the girl's breasts rather like I had treated Dan in the supermarket. Nice but difficult. Difficult with the boyfriend there discussing football - though I suppose no reason why both should not have seen: but it would certainly have required me to go and dress first! Well, I suppose Carson might not have noticed because of the pregnant girl's suddenly revealed breasts but it would have certainly surprised the boyfriend. Perhaps too not so good as well to give both Cindy and the girl a flash of me stark bollock naked albeit not yet tumescent. Certainly not with Cindy as it risked drawing attention to my strangeness. There was always a risk she might start noticing funny things happened or funny feelings happened when I was around - breasts emptying and feeling a little chewed, panties getting a little moist and so on. Not a good plan for her to start having sudden flashes of me naked. Not necessarily so with the pregnant girl.

It had not, though, been my thing to 'flash' girls and see their reaction. Undoubtedly something with my power I could do, but rather peculiar. Did I really want to suddenly be with a group of girls naked and erect and greeting them with a cheery, 'surprise!' And see whether they looked shocked or what? It did not really sound that much fun. Much more fun to be undoing a pregnant girl's dress in the park with the prospect of touching and playing.

Hey ho, it proved neither white lingerie nor, actually, a set either. Green knickers and a pale pink bra. What else would I have misjudged? Placing the dress on the park bench I returned for the bra. Another surprise. Certainly lovely breasts but quite enormous dark brown areolae - really rather fun! They kept me occupied for some little time and certainly brought the old John Thomas up to have a look around. I was not expecting any milk from the girl - after all I had already enjoyed plenty of Cindy's - and she had not yet had the baby, but I was in for a surprise. A good suckling and - blow me down - there it was in my mouth. Not a lot, but thick and surprisingly salty. For a moment I almost wondered if I had made a mistake and had finally decided to find out what sucking a cock was like! No, not really - I jest - I could hardly mistake a nipple for a great big penis, could I? And I was sure a cock would not ejaculate whilst time frozen. Breast milk can be sucked out: semen has to be propelled! No, this was pre-milk, Colostrum! How interesting. You discover something new every day!

Having enjoyed the girl's breasts it was time to explore further. It was time for the green knickers to join the pile of clothes on the bench; it was time for me to grasp the waistband and, unlike in my daydream when I had been aided by Carson, pull them down all by myself and take a peep To see what there was to see and feel. My hands roamed across the girl's tummy - she certainly was very pregnant. Such lovely smooth skin, all wonderfully rounded by the growing baby. My hand slipped a little lower but still lovely smooth skin and not a hint of any hair - curly or otherwise. I had been mistaken in my daydream on that count as well. There, under my fingers, the little valley leading downwards, not hidden at all in low undergrowth or a deep thicket. My finger explored.

Fully removing the girl's panties, I stood over by the bench, having placed the panties neatly on her pile of clothes, looking at her. As always the lack of hair to the mons made the girl look quite young, though this was more than balanced by the reasonably sized breasts and particularly the more than obvious pregnancy. But of course, just because a girl is under age or well under age does not mean she cannot get pregnant! There is no magic switch at eighteen or twenty-one, or whatever the legal age happens to be in a country. Nature does not work like that. I was not, though, about to engage with some fourteen or sixteen year old: her driving licence (in her handbag) revealed she was twenty-two!

Helpfully in the girl's handbag a tube of hand cream. Useful for lubrication of course. She had not felt 'ready' for intercourse. Perhaps unsurprising on a walk in the park but equally there was no reason why the couple could not have felt passionate before the walk and, after the passion, decided, feeling nicely relaxed, to have a pleasant little post coital walk. Seemingly not, though. I squeezed the girl's hand cream on my cock and massaged it around. I say girl in a rather impersonal way but actually, from her driving licence, her full name was Mary Ruth Nora Davis (Mrs.). I wondered whether she was known as Mary, Ruth or indeed Nora! The gold chain around her neck had an 'N' on it and so I rather suspected 'Nora!' Sherlock Holmes, watch out!

A strange scene in the park. A pretty and naked pregnant girl and a tumescent naked man advancing towards her with his penis shining impressively in the sunlight (well, I like to think 'impressive', as you know, and certainly the cream did make John Thomas shine).

What fun it would have been to have been working together with Carson that day. We could have nicely boosted our egos by commenting, as we walked towards Nora, in glowing terms about each other's erections, how the hand cream made them shine so impressively and, more importantly, worked together to move the girl, I mean Nora, into a suitable position and held her whilst the other enjoyed her. Turn and turn about. Instead I had to do all the work!

Nora needed to be approached from the rear. Her tummy was just too prominent to come at her from the front! With Carson we could have got her on all fours, borrowing Cindy's rug to protect her knees; with Carson we could have had her holding the park bench's back as we worked her from behind; with Carson he could simply have held her whilst I moved in from the rear and I could have done the same for him. Without Carson it was all too much trouble to really move Nora around. I settled on a widening of her legs and a simple approach from the back. Lovely to feel her soft bottom against me as I moved in behind. A flexing of my thighs and my knob was in position.

"Are you ready, Mrs. Nora Davis? Here we go!" A push and in I went with no difficulty whatsoever. The hand cream seemed really to have worked or was it just the state of her pregnancy made her a bit more accommodating? So nice sliding to and fro as my fingers played across her breasts and her remarkably large tummy. I do find pregnant girls just so sexy!

Very pleasant to slide away and enjoy this new girl; enjoy the feel of bouncing against her soft bottom as my hands held each of her breasts; quite nice to pause, give myself a little rest and go for a short walk away from Cindy, Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Even nicer to turn and walk back with my eyes on the lovely rounded target of Nora's naked bottom. I really managed to mentally work myself up as I walked slowly closer, my erection feeling even harder with excitement and then I was 'in' again. Some really furious and enthusiastic fucking and "Aaaah - fuck!"

Well, yes, an accurate exclamation as I 'exploded' (if you like) inside Nora. Isn't ejaculation just so nice!

A pause as I regained my equilibrium.

"I must thank you, Mr Davis, for the loan of your wife. Perhaps another time we might... awfully kind. I'll drop in sometime. Perhaps we could err... both together? What? Oh yes, one either end, I'd like that very much!"

A spot of necessary redressing for both Nora and myself - and I did put the panties back on. A careful restoration of Nora's pose and me back in position.

"Lights, camera, action!"

And sound of course. Sound is actually what hits you first when time restarts - much more than movement.

The conversation about football had not finished - just been paused for quarter of an hour or more!

"Oh, oh, I feel a bit funny." It was Nora.

And then a sudden pattering of liquid on the tarmac path.

"Oh, I... I think my waters have broken. Sorry. Tim, come on, I think it's started - at last." To Cindy, "nice to meet you. Must go."

Cindy, Carson and I watched the couple heading off, Nora leaning on Tim's arm. It looked very like TS Man had done yet another good deed. Well, perhaps his first good deed... It seemed he had managed to induce the wanted labour!

Cindy, Carson and I walked around the park for almost an hour talking away, including about Nora and the imminent birth. It was just so lovely in the sunshine. Really hot actually and so we stopped for an ice cream each at a kiosk. As always I went for ice cream (yes, with a '99' and why not?), Carson just the same but Cindy chose an ice lolly. It was orange and I was immediately struck, as I would be, by just how phallic in shape it was, even down to being rounded at the end. We sat on a park bench with Cindy in the middle, Carson at one end, gently pushing Katy's pram to and fro, and me at the other. It was so difficult to stop myself glancing at Cindy every time she sucked on her lolly. This just would not do. Awfully embarrassing if Cindy realised what my glances signified: I needed to do something about it. Now what would lessen my sexual interest?

A nice cold shower? Not available. A run around the park? Difficult holding an ice cream cone. A knee in the groin from Carson? Potentially possible if I did not stop looking. Another ejaculation? That sounded like the answer!

Once again Cindy's tongue came out (rather dyed orange by the ice lolly) and licked up the phallic shape and then she pushed it into her mouth so her lips slipped down the orange lolly. Fuck! Sexy or what! And then, there she was, frozen in time looking absolutely fabulous with the lolly still between her lips. I could now stare for as long as I wanted!

"Would you mind holding my ice cream?" I said to Carson, removing his hand from the pram and tucking the cone into it, "I've got to, I really have, ejaculate in your wife's mouth - I really have, you know!"

Well, actually, Carson was not to know! It was very important he did not know - it would not do for him to see me doing something sexual with his wife, at all! I hardly wanted to spoil our friendship.

Gently I eased Cindy's hand back and pulled the lolly slowly from her mouth and of course it left it lovely and rounded, just right for the insertion of something rather warmer - if you get my drift. Of course Cindy looked a little strange. It was not a usual pose for a girl. Not a wide open toothy laugh at all as her lips hid her teeth completely: instead a very round 'O' looking very penis shaped! Her little orange tongue tip was also visible curling upwards where it had been licking the lolly - I would feel that brushing against me as I pushed in, all right.

It was lucky we were sitting down or, more accurately, that Cindy was sitting down. It would have been quite a bother finding a chair or something for me to stand on to reach her mouth had she been standing. What a sight: me balancing on a chair with my erection pushed into Cindy's mouth!

But we were sitting and all I had to do was stand and unzip. It was nearly an hour since I had so pleasantly helped Nora go into labour. I was 'up' for it again! Of course I stood there for a time with my knob just inches from Cindy's mouth. The anticipation of sex is, of course, half the fun; sexual stimulation is as much about the thought of 'what comes next' as the doing of the particularly 'deed.' A touch to her lips. I could feel their coolness on my little opening! A little gentle stroking with the smooth sensitive skin across her lips.

In I pushed. "Mmmm - oh, I like that. Carson, my friend, you are missing out, again, and it is your wife after all!"

Such a wet mouth - and the feel of Cindy's tongue! It was absolutely fantastic but not warm - no it was not a wet and warm mouth but a cool one. Such a different feeling! The coldness seeming to make my penis all a little bit more sensitive, the feeling electric even, at least until the blood pumping through the penis warmed things back up. And it did do that - my heat transferring to time frozen Cindy. Wonderful to be sliding in Cindy's wet but cool mouth; my knob almost out between her lips and then back again. Nice to gently hold the back of her head and work myself back and forth.

Very nice. I paused for a breather. Should I get in costume? Why not? It seemed a trifle crude being fellated whilst simply poking out of my trouser fly.

It was, indeed, even nicer to be standing in front of Cindy completely naked, again with my knob inches from her mouth.

"Would you like to try some of my ice-cream, Cindy?

I could have as easily pressed my knob into Carson's ice cream as my own but it did not seem right to offer his - it was not mine to offer! The ice cream, my ice cream, was cold - of course - but actually quite exciting to hold myself against it for a time before sliding back into Cindy. All creamy with the ice cream. More lovely sliding as I held her head.

Out of time, as I had discovered - though it is pretty obvious really - the gag reflex does not kick in so I had no compunction about letting my knob go a long way into Cindy's mouth. Indeed a very long way! On and on and on and... it was balls against chin. Amazing!

"Have you done this Carson?" I indicated the remarkable fact that my erection was completely within Cindy's mouth - and throat! And with time stopped there was no hurry at all about needing to remove it. I could just pause like that with my erection completely within Cindy's mouth. There was going to be no dramatic coughing or choking sounds from Cindy, no quantities of spittle flying as her eyes watered. All there might be afterwards was a bit of a sore throat. Well, the nice cold sweet flavour of the ice lolly melting would ease that and, of course, my special salty throat soothing fluid would help as well!

I eased back and recommenced my oral penis exercise. Several times I paused on the brink of coming. Should I come within or watch myself ejaculate into Cindy's mouth? I could do both of course! Back and forth, back and forth, the realisation of the point of no return, another couple of strokes and then pulling out just a little way, one spurt straight in between the lips, a second and then back in for some more rapid movement and the feel of her wet lips rubbing along me. Fantastic but, as always, far too short! Why can't the male orgasm last five minutes? That electric pumping feeling going on and on until finally a spurt and then more feeling and then another spurt. Wouldn't it be so wonderful?

There was not going to be an enormous quantity of semen in Cindy's mouth: not after coming so recently in Nora. But enough for Cindy to notice warm salty fluid instead of just the nice, sweet fruity flavour she would have expected from the lolly. Nice to stand there with my subsiding penis in Cindy's mouth. Nice to just to see her face so close to me and her mouth with my penis inserted.

Finally I stepped backwards, withdrawing myself. Cindy, of course, had not changed position; was still sitting with her oranged lips set in a circle looking just so ready to receive a penis or, of course, the ice lolly. I eased her hand back towards her mouth and pushed the phallic shaped lolly back in.

I had really enjoyed that! As I dressed, I mused on what a lovely day in the park I had spent with my friends. The weather had been perfect, the picnic so pleasant and the sexual games and release both in Nora and Cindy such a delight! Pleasantly varied, to boot.

"Thanks Carson for holding my ice cream." I took it from his hand, amused to see a penis shaped indentation in one side - rather detailed in its moulding in fact - and settled back on the park bench and took a lick.


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