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Timestopper Begins Ch. 41

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Dharini sleeps so soundly. Strange things then happen
19.1k words

Part 41 of the 41 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/14/2015
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Chapter 41

Dharini Sleeps

This is an extra chapter to 'Timestopper Begins.' It is somewhat 'fan fiction' as I did not write the basic chapter though I have considerably added and amended what another has written to bring it more into my own style of writing. It is somewhat a what might have happened and explores further the timestopper's relationship with Nitin, how the two of them might have played with the lovely Dharini not separately but together. The timestopper has always wondered what it might be like to have a friend as a second timestopper and the two of them having 'adventures' together. Nitin is not a timestopper, but this story gives the opportunity to explore a little what might happen in that scenario.

The action falls between what happened in chapters 31 and 38. Perhaps it should really be chapter 37 ½ or given its own separate story title -- 'Dharini Sleeps' -- but if I had used a separate story title many readers of my timestopper stories might not have found it.


It had been weeks since that night at Aja and Dharini's house. That strange night when Nitin had overcome his seeming scruples and visited Dharini in her bedroom. Life had gone back to normal, or as normal as it could be. Dharini continued to look as sultry as ever in the office and had started to lose some of her pregnancy weight. Her stomach was trimmer and her buttocks sat higher. For her part she was giving me as little attention as possible, making it quite clear that, beyond normal work interaction, she really did not want to have anything at all to do with me. It was upsetting to find friendly social intercourse had been interrupted, perhaps even ended. Not, though she was hardly aware of that, friendly sexual intercourse - that carried on as before with her! I had given her more than a fair share of attention during my work hours (even if most of the time I was just too spent from my regular morning deposit into Cindy's account... at least until the afternoon!).

Dharini was obviously still breast feeding, obvious to those who were not actually feeding from her, as her inflated breasts still had not returned to their normal size under her sari. In addition, she had these rather detailed and strangely arousing conversations in her cubicle usually with the middle-aged women in our office who, although well past child-bearing age, still fostered maternal instincts and came by and made small talk about how the baby was doing. These conversations sometimes inspired me to take a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack from Dharini's own supply. Creamy and satisfying! Like Cindy's but with richer after tones. I was becoming something of a connoisseur.

A little time stopping by me and then a step over to Dharini's desk. An intimate reaching down and unveiling of her large and plump breasts. They had seemed to me to be delicious oranges before childbirth but were now fleshy grapefruits. The now easily discerned veins making their way up to the nipples like tributaries emptying into the sea. Her areolae had darkened with childbirth and the nipples had fattened and elongated for the little one to gain easy purchase with its mouth.

Such a strange feeling. It was both awkward and exhilarating to do such private and salacious act in the office setting. To draw and suck on her precious supply in full view of everyone had time not been stopped. If only there was a camera documenting the many different ways I stole my daily dietary share of essential fats from Dharini. What a scrapbook that would be!

Photo #1: Dharini typing on her typewriter, her blouse open and me kneeling to her side with a nipple in my mouth, my hand on the other teat.

Photo #2: Dharini standing reaching for something on her desk and rather bent over, me on her chair leaning back, mouth on the offered fruit - her grapefruit!

Photo #3: Dharini standing talking to Amanda, their breasts exposed and me with lips to Dharini's teat and hand on Amanda's breast.

Photo #4: Dharini half-naked, lying on her back on the conference room table with everyone sitting around the table looking bored. Her sari down to her waist and her skirt hiked up as I thrust manfully into her.

Ah yes. Some things had gone on as "normal."

I had formed a growing friendship with Nitin. We had inadvertently bumped into each other up in town, what a co-incidence but co-incidences do happen, and things grew from that. He was a very likeable guy with an easy-going and affable nature. I was taken with his large disingenuous smile and ready wink. Quick to laugh and with a very naughty sense of humour! We started to meet quite regularly when he came to London on business often for a drink in a pub.

One of those nights we had been drinking when the topic of Aja and Dharini came up in rather more detail than usual.

"Such a shame Aja isn't here, he used to come out before the wife and baby." Nitin mused.

"You've said before you've known them for quite some time."

"Yes, quite a time, ever since Uni.. He was my roommate. Dharini was around then too, same uni, different year." Nitin said into his glass before he took another sip.

There were revelations about their time at university, how she and Aja had got together. Nitin's disappointment at her choosing Aja over him was evident. I steered things onwards.

"Ha, ha, yeah.... how long has it been since that night..."? I remarked rather slyly. I knew what I wanted to talk about.

"...what night?" It was somewhat sheepish as a reply, somewhat disingenuous, but at the same I could see his mouth fighting back a grin.

"Oh, that night at Aja's where he got plastered and offered us to watch him have sex with Dharini."

Nitin spluttered into his glass.

Chuckling and slapping his back as he coughed I said merrily, "well wasn't that a night! He was well gone! But, oh, that would have been glorious, watching lovely Dharini being taken, it's such a shame he fell asleep."

I looked at him. Nitin had gone a little quiet. Perhaps it was the coughing: perhaps guilty thoughts. I pressed on.

"Sorry. Just she is, well, so pretty. I fancy her as much as... no perhaps almost as much as you! To have seen her naked... I mean, that would have been quite something and, of course, well, I hope it doesn't upset you but the next best thing to actually, um fucking, a girl is to see someone else do it. Sorry, but I do quite like seeing that sort of thing. Do you?"

Interesting to be pressing Nitin on his likes and dislikes - sexually.

"I... yeah, like the next man. Only I haven't! Not seen someone else doing, well sort of not."

That wasn't over clear. "Would have been good to see Dharini naked. I mean those breasts. Still.... have you ever seen her in the altogether, accidentally like?"

Nitin had a somewhat guilty look to his face.

"Oh, you have. Was it that night?" I grinned

"Or... did you find out?"

"Find out what?!" Nitin said all too defensively.

"Whether or not Dharini truly does sleep like the dead."

"Oh, 'that'...well, yeah..."

I frowned in pretended puzzlement, "How did you find that out?" I had him. He was going to have to answer.

He looked down at his beer, unsure what to say. Clearly either embarrassed or reluctant to admit what he had done.

"Come on, spit it out man, what did you do after I left?"

Nitin of course did not know I had watched the whole illicit event where he wandered in and out of Aja and Dharini's room before eventually summoning up the courage to do things with Dharini, his best friend's unconscious wife, which really, he ought not to have done at all. How his lust had overcome him, and he had taken the sleeping Dharini at least twice that night (I had only managed one session in between his own frantic humping!).

"Err well...she does sleep very deeply." Nitin bashfully admitted, as he fingered the base of his glass, spinning it slightly clockwise and counter-clockwise with his nervous fidgeting.

"Don't tell me! You saw him! You actually saw Aja do the husbandly deed! He woke and showed you?"

Nitin looked at me slightly shocked (of course he hadn't seen that), and in that space I went for the jugular.

"Or did you happen to partake," I paused for dramatic effect, "of a little "forbidden fruit" yourself with Aja passed out?"

There was a stunned silence that I filled in.

"I wouldn't be able to resist myself if I were you," I continued on, as if he had freely admitted it already.

"Dharini is easily the sexiest woman in my office and I have eyed her for a long time indeed. Shame she wasn't single. I'd have asked her out and. honestly, I too would have taken my once in a lifetime chance that night - lucky you!" I said heartedly, leaning back on my chair. "To see those glorious breasts in the open, bouncing as I made love to her..." I said to the air between us, taking another drink from my pint.

"Well..." Nitin whispered

"Well what?" I said in response.

Leaning forward I whispered conspiratorially "You can tell me mate, this is between you and me. Go on give me all the details."

Nitin seemed to be gathering resolve internally. The event, no doubt, had been momentous for him. The unleashing of his inner desire and demons. How long had he really been a "third wheel" in that relationship? To have lusted after your best friend's girl for so long yet never displaying any overt signs. All that suppressed desire had been unleashed on one forbidden night.

However, such an emotional and mental event, a trauma that large, had definitely left its mark deep within him. What was once barred off as "unobtainable" had been "obtained," in such a sordid manner. Its taboo nature branded into his mind and forever changing his interactions with Dharini and Aja. Forever now he would see Aja and think of his friend's sleeping form next to his wife as he cuckolded him. When Dharini smiled and greeted him did he now, instead, see her face from that night? Her eyes closed, mouth pursed open and slack as her vagina accepted his semen.

Finally, Nitin looked up, emptied his pint and started to recount the night to me. It was not entirely accurate, but Nitin had absolutely no idea I had witnessed the whole event. He sheepishly admitted to going upstairs with Aja passed out and "checking" whether or not Aja was correct in his assertion.

"Oh no, you didn't, really! But surely she would wake up if someone had taken her clothes off." I said conspiratorially.

"Oh, but her clothes were already off (I had taken them off for him!)"

"And then? What were breasts like? Were they firm or soft? What size are her areolas?" I pestered him with small details trying to get him to continue the story. It was genuinely sexually exciting, getting him to tell the story.

And the story came out, haltingly but with increasing vigour and detail as he confessed his darkest secret. He confessed to taking Dharini in the night, but all the time had been concerned at the risk of Aja coming upstairs. In the end, he said, that Aja had indeed come up and stopped him from finishing the deed. Aja had not noticed him and instead had got on top of Dharini and commenced the "act" as Nitin had made his retreat.

Of course, this was not the entire truth but maybe Nitin did not want to confess all. Maybe in his mind, he was not truly betraying his friend if he convinced others he had not inseminated his friend's sleeping bride. The truth was far from that. I had got him, though, to describe what he had done in some detail. The recounting was exciting. I had an erection in my trousers, perhaps so had Nitin!

Looking at Nitin, his eyes glowing I knew he was reliving that night's events. Freezing time, I checked and...yes! Nitin's soldier stood at attention just as much as mine did! It would perhaps be best if he did not stand up from his chair at that moment!

"Would you do it again?" I whispered into the space left by Nitin's reverie. "If the situation presented itself would you do it all over again? And... finish the deed?"

".... Yes," Nitin said haltingly, looking me in the eye.

"I wish I had that chance" I said regretfully, "I'm not exactly welcome in their house."

With that Nitin changed the topic and the night resumed its previous vein, although the buxom blonde barmaid did stand up straight suddenly and awkwardly and shift her hips as we walked out the door.

That was me satisfied, Nitin's needs were not. Alas, I could not bring my friend into my own time stopped world. What fun that would have been. Asking Nitin if he fancied a go with her, telling him I could provide the means and then explaining to a completely incredulous NItin just how I could do it and then to see his face as the world stopped and went silent around him.

"Come on, Nitin, get your clothes off and your cock up. We're going to have some fun!" And it would not be with just the barmaid! I just knew he would get into the swing of things. Such a fun idea the two of us playing with all the good-looking women in the bar, talking as we did things, giggling at what our revealed cocks were doing.

Weeks again went by and I was again with Nitin heading for the pub when we happened to run into Aja and Dharini presumably out for the evening. Somebody else babysitting and letting them have a night out by themselves. Aja cutting a fine look with a dark blazer and Dharini in a short cut black dress. Her breasts pushed up into a fine display of cleavage. Nitin quick to greet them with his affable smile and nature, Aja smiling happily to see his friend and me, I thought.

Dharini smiled amiably although she looked slightly shocked to see that Nitin and I were friends. She greeted me politely but coolly. Hugging Nitin her old friend she made small talk with me as Aja and Nitin got into a long discussion about football. Something I could not - and did not want - to talk about at all!

"Nice for you and Aja to be out? Surely the baby isn't here? Who is babysitting?" As I said, small talk.

We parted ways as Nitin and I walked off again to the pub. He was quieter for a time, obviously deep in thought, letting me do the talking.

Later on, that night as we sat on barstools elbows on the counter, glasses in our hands he finally proffered, "They're coming to stay with me," he said staring at the bottles behind the bar while he cupped his glass in two hands.

"They?" I said off-handedly with my own glass positioned at my lips.

"Aja and Dharini. Aja's cousin is getting married near our place and you know Indian weddings, it's a multi-day affair. They are leaving the child with her parents and coming to stay with me for a couple of days."

There was a small silence as he sat staring into his glass as we both faced the bar. I looked over at him as he sat in contemplation. That was an interesting piece of information. Could he be suggesting what I thought he might be?

Nudging his ribs with a playful elbow I leaned over and whispered "Now's your chance mate! Best buy a bottle of whisky! Put Aja down for the count and have another go. Really do it this time!"

He could not help but chuckle and grin to himself at my comment. He had, after all, had a couple of pints and was relaxed.

"Oh man!" I exhaled as I stretched my arms in the air, "some get all the luck."

Nitin remained silent but smiling when I leaned over and whispered to him "So how are you going to prevent Aja from interrupting you? Maybe I could help out?"

Nitin looked at me blankly, eyebrows raised. "You? How?"

"Yeah mate, I can make sure Aja is truly asleep and stand on the look-out. We both can have what we want, and no one would ever know!"

Nitin continued to look at me shocked as I continued my closing arguments before the jury. "How long have we, you, been eyeing Dharini. Surely there is more than enough there for Aja to share! You wouldn't mind me... I'm sure Aja would mind... would mind a great deal: but would you? I know how much you fancy her, have such as soft spot but I have too. Lovely girl, um... lovely body."

Nitin continued to look at me in stunned silence as the gears in his head made clunking noises as he put the pieces of his thoughts into a formulated plan.

It was a big risk on my part, asking him to let me take part. He might easily have refused. He might have claimed repentance for his act. Perhaps claim temporary insanity and not something to repeat - whether he really meant it or not. But he had done it. Done it twice. And no doubt had thought about it every day since. He might have some strange scruple about anyone else invading Dharini's 'space' and hate the idea of me doing things to her - as perhaps he hated the idea of Aja taking her on a regular basis. But Aja did so...

Then Nitin smiled and nodded, and the compact was made. It was now time for the planning.

Two weeks later Aja and Dharini came with luggage to Nitin's house. It was a homely affair, not too dissimilar to mine, nothing grand but comfortable enough with a particularly good-sized lounge. A large L shaped settee faced the television with a worktop separating it from the kitchen and dining area adjacent. All very open plan. Stairs led up to two bedrooms, one en-suite. The place was decorated in a modern fashion. Nitin had previously had flatmates to share the rent but was in between one going and another coming. He told me that he had been doing well in his investment firm and was planning to buy the place outright.

I was out in the garden checking on the ongoing events in secret with a bit of time stop as necessary. Nitin had set out what he saw as my role, but I was not completely following that. I was staying at a local hotel ready for the call from him to on the telephone but rather than sitting waiting I had decided to take a direct approach and get more an idea of what was happening. Should Nitin pick up the 'phone I could be back at the hotel ready for his call in 'no time!' I saw them enter through the door and Nitin eagerly greet them. Hugs and hellos and then they were off to drop luggage upstairs. Minutes later Aja and Nitin stood in the living room talking while Dharini probably freshened up upstairs. In silence I saw Nitin bring Aja over to the refrigerator and show him the stocked fridge and then reach up to the top cabinet and bring down a bottle of the very whisky that had got Aja in so much trouble that one night. There was laughter and arm punching as the two of them reverted to a time when they were even younger and, no doubt, foolhardier.

Eventually Dharini came down in a stunning red form fitting Sari that showed just a bit of midriff but amplified her large breasts, small waist and wide hips. Aja hugged her while I saw Nitin give Dharini a real up and down. What was he thinking? I know what I was thinking!

They left in a taxi for dinner. Apparently, the wedding ceremony started tomorrow and Aja, with no role in the ceremony, was determined to have fun that night.

I returned to the hot for my own dinner and await my opportunity. A few hours later the phone rang, and Nitin updated me saying they had just returned to the house, Aja was already a little tipsy but that Dharini has only had one or two glasses.

Back in the garden I looked in from the darkness they all were, the men with tumblers of whisky in their hands, Dharini with a wine glass as they joked and laughed. Keeping my eyes on the events I used my time stopping to maximum effect. The patio doors were unlocked, and I could enter and leave at will. I made sure Nitin's shots and pours were always half or quarter strength while Aja's glass never emptied. Dharini herself had her wine "strengthened." Nitin himself looked at his glass more than once somewhat perplexed whereas Aja got louder and louder.

As the night rolled on, they made their way to the settee where they lounged and talked holding their glasses. Eventually the television was turned on and still Aja and Nitin continued to drink. Dharini on the other hand had her head on Aja's shoulder and was drifting off into sleep.

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