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Author's note: Toni's story follows Marie's story (published in Literotica on September 6, 2017). While the story stands alone, reading "Marie" first may help put some of this story in context.


Toni had been thinking. She was becoming addicted to her renewed relationship with Tom. Marie had introduced her to the concept of "naked days." Marie called them "no clothing" days but Toni preferred to be more direct. She was spending most of her free time with Tom "naked," not just without clothing. "Naked" was a better description of what followed; great, and frequent sex. The expanded, and more adventurous, sex she and Tom were experiencing might be even greater if they had additional participants. She wondered if she could expand the concept and include other couples. Tom wouldn't be a problem. She could convince him easily, but how to convince a few of her friends.

It was a difficult problem. She would have to move carefully. She didn't want to spook anyone by being too aggressive. They would all have to embrace the idea separately and as couples. Having confidential discussions with each of the women separately would be a nightmare and take forever. She just didn't have the patience. She wanted to get on with it or, more precisely, get it on. The more she thought about it, the more she thought a party where she could talk to them all at the same time was the best, and most expeditious, way to go. Why not? Bang or bust.

She talked to Tom. He needed some time to understand what she was proposing, but she thought he warmed to the idea. They hadn't gone that far with Marie and Mike and she thought he really would have liked to spend time one on one with Marie. Maybe Toni could find other, less conservative partners. Sure! He was on board. He'd do whatever Toni wanted him to.

Toni took great pains with the invitation. She wanted it to arouse interest, enough so that people would be curious enough to come, but not so explicit that they would become uncomfortable. When she was ready, she ran the invitation by Tom. He seemed helpful and suggested some minor word changes. When they agreed on the final wording she sent the invitation to five other couples, including Mike and Marie.

Toni spent hours planning the party. Most of the time she worked on the outline of how she would present the topic. The outline seemed a little preachy, but it was a difficult topic. Toni felt she had to include enough detail, with pros and cons, to keep everyone's interest and, eventually, get their buy-in. Tom left it up to Toni to read the tenor of the couples and adapt accordingly.

Cal and Cindy, a couple Toni knew from church, declined the invitation without comment. Toni thought they might. They were very devout but Toni had included them since she thought Cal was buff and she knew Tom thought Cindy was hot.

Marie had declined the invitation saying Mike and she had a previous commitment.

Four other couples had responded affirmatively. They were either curious or voyeuristic. The party was on.

Toni was disappointed that Marie and Mike were unable to attend her party. She considered Marie to be her best friend and mentor, especially when it came to the subject of tonight's party. Toni had invited the five couples to join Tom and her this evening for a buffet supper and a frank discussion about the erosion of intimacy in marriage. Her invitation had been specific, implying that, sometime during the evening, the attendees may be asked to remove their clothing. Three couples accepted her invitation.

Ed and Sam arrived just before six. Ed's name was actually Samuel but he used Ed to prevent confusion with his wife Samantha, who preferred to be called Sam. By six fifteen, with the almost simultaneous arrival of John and Jillian, whom everyone called Jack and Jill (yes, really), and Ted and Terry, everyone was present. They ate dinner casually, sitting on chairs and the sofa in the living room and at the dining room table. Conversation was light but you could tell there was air of anticipation, and maybe a little unease, as the dinner progressed. At seven thirty, Toni invited the other seven to join her in the den where she had moved furniture, and added more, so they could sit in a rough circle. When they were settled, Toni introduced the topic of the evening.

"I realize you're probably curious why Tom and I invited you here this evening. I'm going to fully explain everything, however I do want this to be a discussion rather than a lecture. So please participate. Interrupt me if you have a question or want to add comments or insights during the evening.

"Since Tom and I have been married we've noticed a slow, but concerning, change in our relationship. I suspect many of you have noticed the same change and, like us, thought it was normal. Your friends, neighbors, and even your parents and siblings, reinforced the idea of normal and you pretended it didn't bother you, but I think it did and still does.

"The change I'm talking about is the decline of sexual activity with your partner over time. I, for one, greatly enjoyed the early years of our courtship and marriage, when sex was an ever present, daily and joyful occurrence. I miss those hours spent in fulfilling each other's needs, wants, and fantasies. I suspect some, maybe all, of you remember those times in your own relationship. I do, and I despise that what happened to us is considered 'normal.'"

Toni paused briefly to watch the other couples. She sensed some agreement with what she was saying.

"Tom and I have been discussing this over the last months. We've considered some of the consequences of 'normal.' I have no research or authoritative opinion on the subject, but I believe that not everyone agrees that reduced sex drive in marriage is 'normal.' I think that, if partners don't both accept 'normal,' then one or the other is inclined to seek sexual fulfillment in other ways, including a different partner. I also believe some may begin to resent the inaction associated with 'normal' and react in antisocial ways, including psychological and, even physical, abuse. I suspect the acceptance of 'normal' is an unstated cause of many divorces.

"I, for one, don't want to see my relationship with Tom end that way, or end at all. I believe the problem is real and solutions are possible, but I'd like to hear your thoughts."

Following a short pause when Toni stopped talking, Jill spoke up. "Jack and I aren't married, but we've been together over twenty years and faithful the entire time. I agree with Toni. I've noticed a similar decline in our love making. At the risk of too much information, we rarely get together sexually other than on the weekends, usually Saturday night. We have special occasions, but otherwise sex is pretty much as Toni described it, rare and predictable. I have no idea why it's happened, other than we've become comfortable and complacent, but I'd would rewind back to the early days of our relationship in a New York minute."

Jack was nodding in agreement as Jill was talking. When she was finished, he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.

Ted was the next to speak. "Terry and I have been married for 27 years. We've experienced the same thing. I think it started when we had the boys. The workload, and weight of the responsibility, left little room for much else and sex was one of the things that got sidelined along with late night dinners out, theater and sports. Most of it came back when the boys left the house, except sex. As I sit here I'm remembering how often I think about sex although I've done nothing about it. Maybe I'm waiting for Terry to make the first move. I don't know. Maybe she's having the same thoughts, waiting for me to make the first move, but I never ask. I've been taught for my entire life that women deserved special treatment and I've been reluctant to push sex on her unless I'm sure she's already thinking about it."

Terry confirmed Ted's thinking. "I agree with Ted. I'm not sure I think about sex as much as he does, but when I do Ted seems so comfortable reading or watching television, I just let it go."

While the others were speaking, Ed and Sam were leaning into each other and whispering. They were the youngest members of the group and had been married only nine years. In the silence that followed Terry's comments, they stopped talking, smiled at the group but offered nothing.

Toni was encouraged by the reaction. "Thank you for your thoughts. I think what you describe is actually the real 'normal.' Next, before we can discuss solutions, we need to examine the reasons for the change. Ted, you've already identified some of the causes. Children, responsibilities and work all contribute. There just isn't enough time for everything so we prioritize, and some things are postponed or abandoned. Extracurricular activities such as sports, exercise and time together all suffer, including sex. When the opportunities return, such as when the children leave the house or the job becomes easier, some of them return but not always sex. I'm not sure why sex is overlooked. Does anyone have any suggestions?"

"Maybe we've changed in ways our partners hadn't expected," offered Terry. "I know I've gained weight in the interim, and so has Ted. I'm also not in as good shape as I was when I was younger and I don't have the same energy."

"I agree," said Jill. "Jack and I have also become closer in other ways. I think we respect each other's feelings and privacy more than we used to. Ted is right about the growing respect for each other preventing conversation about topics that might upset the other person, and sex is certainly a hot topic."

Toni turned to Tom and said, "Tom, why don't you tell them about the other intimidating issue we discovered?"

Tom was ready for the question. "Toni and I went back into the beginnings of our relationship for this one. Early on, even when we both wanted sex, we danced around the subject before we began. For me, if I wanted to initiate sex, I spent time wondering how I was going to get Toni to take off her clothes. It was a game we both seemed to play, without knowing it. We spent considerable time, and energy, creating situations where it would be natural to take off our clothing. We suggested showers, massages, or just doing the wash, as a means to get the other to take off some clothing, but never sex. I attribute it to our Puritanical, or Victorian, background that's still part of our culture. Today we just don't have the time or energy to play the game and we don't get the payoff."

As Tom finished, Ed stood up and addressed the group. "Sam and I see, and we think we understand, the problem you're discussing. We've only been married nine years, and we don't have children, but I already see indications of the trend you've described in our relationship. I think we need some time, together, to address the issue. Toni, we're glad you included us in the discussion and happy we came, but, if it's okay with you, we'd like to leave now to go home and continue to discuss it privately."

"No problem. I'm glad you came. I honestly hope you reach conclusions that work for you. I also want you know that, if you want to discuss it further, you're more than welcome to come by to talk, either privately or with this group."

When Toni returned from showing Ed and Sam out, she was feeling good. She noticed the remaining two couples were focused on her and holding hands. "This is going better than I could have hoped," she thought. "I hope the next step goes equally as well."

"Well, there's just the six of us," she said. "Next is the most difficult part of the discussion - solutions. I don't have many, and maybe none that will work for you. I can only share what worked for Tom and me. I can't guarantee it will work for you or that you'll even be comfortable with it. I can tell you that Tom and I have sex every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I can also share that our sex is never dull and varied enough to be rarely repetitious. I love our sex life and I believe Tom loves it as well.

"It's so simple; I'm amazed we didn't discover it sooner. Actually, we can't take credit for it. A friend of mine suggested it, and it works for her and her partner. We just did away with clothing.

"It's a little more complicated than that. What we did was agree that either of us, whenever we felt like it, could declare any day to be a 'naked' day for everyone in the house, and the other had to agree. Once declared, neither of us could wear clothing in the house for the rest of the day. The only exception: if we had to leave the house, we could wear clothing until we returned. One consequence is, since the rule applies to everyone in the house, visitors would be required to disrobe upon entry. This has occasionally caused a problem with unexpected guests or the occasional FedEx or UPS delivery person. However, some visitors have surprised us. The 'naked' routine has also led to additional agreements that we can talk about later. You don't have to worry; neither of us has declared a 'naked' day today - yet.

"Do any of you have thoughts on the possibilities?"

Terry was the first to speak. "Somehow, I thought you were heading in this direction. I wonder how it would feel if we were naked most of the time. I've read that nudists find comfort and freedom in being nude, but I didn't think it led to better sex."

"I'm not suggesting nudism as a solution. Nudism is a public display and I think many of them are closet exhibitionists. 'No clothing' is private; just between the two of you. It's different in that it allows freedom of expression that would be taboo in a nudist environment. Nudists, in public, are still bound by the 'normal' standards of the culture we live in. A private, 'naked' environment has no such prohibitions."

"Okay then, if we're considering your proposition, what's the next step?" asked Ted.

"Tom and I started 'naked days' one morning when I forced the issue. I had been an unexpected visitor to a 'no clothing' house and became one of those who had to make a choice. The woman in question was a good friend and I had an important reason for visiting. Also, the man of the house was not present which made the decision easier. After several hours, I found the situation to be quite comfortable. I had been prompting Tom for several weeks with sexual suggestions and offers without success. I brought the idea home and, one morning, showed up in the kitchen naked, had a normal breakfast with him, and when I left to return to the bedroom I made it clear he was invited, but only if he left his clothing on the kitchen floor. He got the message and we've never looked back."

"Are you suggesting we all get naked now?" asked Terry.

"No, but I wouldn't object if you did. I'm just suggesting you try it in some environment whether here or at home. Remember, being naked is not an invitation to free sex. We're still bound by reasonable social agreements that don't include spontaneous, uninvited sex. I didn't intend this to become a swinger's paradise. There is some benefit to getting naked tonight for the first time, when we're all here to support each other while it may be more difficult later when you're alone with your social inhibitions. I can't, and wouldn't if I could, make the decision for you. It has to come from within and with pure intent. Having said that, have any of you noticed Jill? She's been playing with the buttons on her blouse while we've been talking. At this moment she's managed to unbutton her blouse completely. I suspect she's already made a decision, even if it's subconsciously."

Everyone turned to look at Jill. She looked back and then down at her blouse and began to laugh. Jack looked at her and laughed along with her. "I've been listening," said Jill, "and I have to say I can't wait to get started. I guess I'm even willing to start immediately. How do the rest of you feel about it?"

That started a conversation to answer the question. In about fifteen minutes, everyone was ready to go for it now. The last to agree was Ted, but Terry was pretty persuasive that it had to be unanimous and she wanted to do it.

"Okay, I'm in," said Ted. "How do we go about this?"

Jack stood up and faced the group. "I declare today to be a 'naked' day," and sat down.

When the laughter died, they still had to have a process. Toni stood up. "I suggest we work in pairs with our partners and remove our clothing at whatever pace we're comfortable with and without regard to anyone else in the room."

Tom was quickly naked and left the room to get more wine.

When each couple was naked they stood around somewhat nervously, unable, or unwilling, to stare at any other couple. Ted and Terry were the last to finish and, when naked, hugged and kissed each other before sitting down. Jack and Jill followed their lead and sat as well. Tom returned with the wine and refilled the glasses before sitting down himself.

"What's next," asked Ted.

"Nothing's next. We just treat the rest of the evening like any other evening when friends get together to socialize and exchange small talk," said Toni.

Initially, things were a little tense. People spoke to each other, but tried not to look. After about an hour the attitude in the room had relaxed. Folks were interacting as if nothing was different. The six of them were standing, walking around and generally mixing without hesitation. Tom had opened another bottle of wine and that probably helped. Toni asked, "So, how's everyone feel?"

Jill responded first. "Initially I was very nervous and intimidated. I was standing naked in a room with five other naked people. I didn't want anyone to look at me. I wanted to cover as much as I could with my hands but I realized that would just attract more attention. After we sat down, I noticed no one was actually looking at me differently than anyone else. My tension eased and now I'm completely relaxed."

"I agree with Jill," said Terry next. Sitting here with everyone seems like the new 'normal.' I'm not sure how I got here but here I am."

In the ensuing conversation, everyone agreed that they were more comfortable than they expected they would be. Eventually someone asked, "So, is there more?"

Toni took the floor. "Possibly, but I think we should take some time to get used to the new feelings and let things develop between each couple. Everyone should go home and allow things to develop naturally. If everyone agrees, we could meet back here in two weeks and compare notes."

Everyone readily agreed and soon after the party broke up. People gathered their clothing and got dressed although both Jill and Terry carried their underwear as they left.

Afterward, Toni was euphoric when talking to Tom. "That went much better that I could have hoped. In two weeks we'll be touching and soon after we'll have a real party."

"Just what kind of a party are you planning?" asked Tom.

"Exactly what we've talked about. We'll be expanding our sexual activities to include other people."

"You mean you'll be having sex with other men?"

"Yes, and you'll have sex with other women. I can't wait to experience sex with two men at once."


"Yea, and I'd love to watch you with two, or more, women at the same time."

"I don't know."

"Come on. You'll love it. It'll be better than ever. I'll race you to the bedroom."

"That night Toni was all over Tom sexually. She seemed insatiable. Tom, on the other hand, was going through the motions without the same enthusiasm.

Monday, Toni got a call from Sam. "Toni, Ed and I left Saturday night because I was extremely nervous about where the group was headed. I've been on the phone with both Jill and Terry and I was right about the direction but wrong about the destination. Ed and I agreed on a 'naked' Sunday and I can't believe how it changed our lives in just one day..Both Jill and Terry are very enthusiastic about the next party in two weeks and, if you're okay with it, Ed and I would like to be included."

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