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Toxic Attraction Ch. 06

Story Info
Lester's plan advances with his roommate's innocent wife.
16.2k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/23/2023
Created 10/19/2022
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With her eyes closed, Sarah rested her head on Dan's shoulder as the stewardess pushed the drink cart down the aisle. "I can't believe we are actually getting away."

"Yeah, it's nice. Feels like things are actually going our way for once. Even if it is just a short work trip," Dan flipped through the magazine he had grabbed at the airport kiosk. Walt had asked him to meet with the Lincoln Group at their Minneapolis office.

Minneapolis in the fall wasn't his first choice for a vacation destination but the fact that the hotel and his flight were covered made it easier. All they'd had to do was pay for a cheap ticket for Sarah, enabling her to tag along. The plan was for him to try to attend a couple of meetings and resolve things quickly so he could spend a fair amount of his time with Sarah. Luckily her parents had wanted to take the girls, otherwise, this trip would never have happened.

Sarah wrapped her arms around his arm and encircled his fingers with hers. "So, what's the plan when we land? You go take care of business things while I wait alone in the hotel room, dressed in my sexy lingerie?"

Even as he pretended to be engrossed in the magazine, she was still able to drive him crazy.

"Or I could just skip out on all the business things and spend a few days in our hotel room with you." Dan closed the magazine, realizing the conversation was too distracting for him to comprehend anything.

Sarah opened her eyes and sat up. She adjusted the collar on his shirt. "As much as I would love that. Especially getting alone time with you, without anyone else around.... I am guessing that would be frowned upon by your work."

Dan shrugged. "Who knows, maybe Jesse will hit it out of the park and handle all the meetings on his own."

"Jesse...he's the one who keeps dropping the ball?" Sarah asked. "He's on the trip, too?"

"Yeah." Dan said, rolling his eyes. "Walt still wants me to teach him the ropes and keep an eye on things. He is supposed to be my backup and just to show that we have more than one person working on their account."

"Well, I just hope he doesn't mess anything up for you. I don't want you stressed out while we are out and about."

The rest of the flight was uneventful. Dan and Sarah deboarded and grabbed an Uber to the hotel. Dan did notice the Uber driver trying to catch glimpses of Sarah in his rearview mirror several times.

When they arrived at the hotel, Dan was a little taken aback by how luxurious it looked. He knew that the team at the Lincoln Group had recommended it to Walt. It was close to their office and there weren't many other hotels nearby. Walt had probably felt obliged to take their recommendation and hadn't wanted them to perceive his firm's financial hardships by booking Dan and Jesse elsewhere.

After catching the Uber driver taking one last eyeful of Sarah's sweet ass, Dan grabbed their bags out of the trunk, and the couple went inside to check in.

"Hi, checking in, Dan Williams," Dan said, laying his driver's license and Visa card on the counter while he waited for the young receptionist to pull up his reservation.

"Thank you, Mr. Williams." The woman clicked her mouse a few times, smiled and extended a keycard toward him. "It looks like you are all set, your partner checked in earlier."

Dan shared a confused look with Sarah, who shrugged. "Partner?"

"Yes," the receptionist said, still holding out the keycard. "A Jesse Thompson. Two queen beds."

"There must be some mistake, can you check again?" Dan asked.

After a few minutes, the receptionist confirmed that her information was accurate. Dan's firm had only booked one room for Jesse and Dan to share.

"This is ridiculous," Dan said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He was holding his phone up to his ear, waiting to get connected to the lady at his company who did their travel booking. Meanwhile, Sarah asked about booking an additional room but was told that the hotel was at capacity.

After a brief exchange, he regrouped with Sarah who was holding the keycard from the receptionist. "Yep, those cheapskates booked us in the same room. God, I don't know what to do."

Sarah placed a calming hand on his chest. "We'll figure it out. Sure, this might put a damper on all the sexy underwear I brought along, but we'll make it work. Besides, once you're all done with your meetings, we'll spend most of the time out of the hotel room anyways."

Dan sighed and nodded. This was nothing like what he had planned. The couple rode the elevator up to their room. With a sharp intake of breath, Dan opened the door with the keycard.

Aside from the suitcase hastily thrown on the chair in the corner, there was no sign of Jesse to be found. Dan opened his phone and sent Jesse a message as he got ready to head over to the office. Sarah started to organize their things and settle in.

Thirty minutes later, Dan was dressed and ready to go. He checked his phone, still no response from Jesse. Typical.

"Alright, hon, I'm heading out," Dan said to the closed bathroom door. After a few seconds of silence, Sarah opened it looking absolutely stunning. She smiled as he had trouble picking his jaw off the floor.

"Ugh," Dan was flabbergasted. "And what, er, where are you going?"

"Well, I figured I'm not going to just stay here in the hotel room and wait for you. I'm going to go down to the nice restaurant downstairs and wait at the bar until someone tries to pick me up." She smiled devilishly.

Dan shook his head, trying to get his brain to work. "You what?"

"I need to find someone to keep me entertained while you are gone. After all, you're leaving your poor wife all alone in a strange city..." she said, looking at him with her sexy bedroom eyes.

When it was clear that Dan couldn't put a coherent thought together, she laughed and gently slapped him on the arm. "Relax, killer, I'm just trying to decide which outfit to wear tonight when you take me out to dinner."

Dan exhaled. "That sounds good. I can't wait. You had me going there for a second." "I always do," she winked at him and went back to looking over her outfit. "You be safe, okay?"

"I always am," Dan said as he leaned forward and kissed Sarah before heading out of the hotel room.


A few hours later, Sarah received a text message from Dan.

> Hey, so the lead guy here wants to keep going over things. He suggested dinner at a place near the hotel. I know this sucks and isn't what we planned. Are you game to come? Jesse just ghosted today, I could use some backup at dinner.

That asshole, just leaving Dan on his own.

It wasn't the mini-getaway she had planned but at least she could get her dinner paid for by Dan's company. It was the least they could do after messing with their arrangement.

> Of course, baby. I can't wait.


The incessant pinging of the Discord alert was distracting Lester from his task at hand. He was transfixed at the image in front of him, Sarah grinding against his leg with his cock in her mouth. He was listening intently to her moans of pleasure from his computer speaker.

Ding. What the Fuck!

Lester removed his hand from his cock, grabbed his mouse and opened his discord app that was running in the background. He quickly scanned the channel that kept interrupting his Sarah time.

Surgebinder: we are starting the raid in t-minus 10 minutes!

Surgebinder: Ready to go, waiting on you, Darkspire!

Surgebinder: Darkspire, are you still raiding tonight?

Surgebinder: Darkspire, come conquer this dungeon with us and share in our fortunes! Our names will be etched in eternity.


Surgebinder: Lester! Where are you?

Lester narrowed his eyes and muted Ned for 24 hours. An unread direct message caught his eye.

Anon34: I'm ready for more videos. Do you have any married women?

Lester shifted his eyes to the window with Sarah's mouth wrapped around his cock.

No, she is mine. At least for now.


As they entered the restaurant, Dan was still marvelling at how stunning his wife looked. The bottom of Sarah's dress was a hip-hugging pale pink that went past her knees with a slit in the middle exposing a little of her thigh.

The top made her look like she was covered in nothing but rhinestones, but the rhinestones were mounted on some kind of fabric that matched her skin. It gave the illusion that all her interesting parts were just waiting to be uncovered beneath a sequence of small gems. The rhinestones stopped at her wrists and just below her collarbone. The bejewelled top did wonderful things for shaping and accentuating her natural figure. The back of the dress was completely open, exposing her naked back. Dan wondered about the physics of the dress: her chest looked amazing despite the absence of any bra strap across her back.

Even though it was a chilly Chicago night and the restaurant was a short walk from their hotel, Sarah had still managed to prioritize her appearance.

After a brief exchange with the hostess, she led them towards a booth in the back of the dimly lit restaurant. The eyes of the booth's sole occupant scanned Sarah up and down as the couple approached. He stood up and extended a hand across the table.

"Sarah, this is Byron. He's my counterpart over at the Lincoln Group," Dan gestured.

Sarah shook his hand, noting that he held it a few seconds longer than expected.

"Dan failed to mention that his wife was such a stunner." Bryon grinned as the couple slid into the booth next to him. "Frankly, Dan, I am impressed you managed to get into the office with us at all today, knowing that your wife was waiting for you in the hotel."

He winked. "It just shows how extra committed you are to us."

Dan and Sarah both chuckled politely.

The group continued to make small talk while reviewing the menu. Byron took the liberty of ordering a couple of bottles of wine for the table, even though it had been implied that Dan was taking him out.

After the wine arrived and everyone placed their orders, Byron enthusiastically poured for the table. He paid particular attention to Sarah's glass, filling it beyond a normal restaurant pour.

Byron began to tell a story about a recent issue that had happened at work. His voice was getting loud, and drawing looks even with the background noise of the restaurant. He was clearly building to some kind of punchline but Dan wasn't paying close attention. He was watching Byron's eyes as their focus kept seeming to shift and stay on Sarah.

Byron smacked the table, laughing to accentuate whatever joke he was making. Sarah laughed enthusiastically while her husband marvelled at her social acumen.

She sure does a great job wining and dining folks.

Dan laughed as well, not wanting to offend Byron. He was working after all, and he needed to get Byron to sign some amendments to their contract.

The table suddenly got quiet. Dan glanced at Byron who seemed to have been interrupted mid-sentence and was now looking up toward where Dan presumed the waitress was standing.

Instead of the waitress, it was Jesse. No one said anything for a second. It dawned on Dan that no one at the table had actually met Jesse yet in person.

"Byron, this is Jesse, my work associate. He wasn't able to make it to our meetings today and just got into town. Jesse, I don't think you've met my wife yet. Sarah, this is Jesse."

Jesse gave the group a limp wave. "Hi, nice to meet everyone."

Out of courtesy, Dan had forwarded the dinner details on to Jesse, but he had assumed the asshole would simply ghost him, just like he had done all that day. Word about that had probably already gotten back to Dan's boss, which might explain Jesse's sudden appearance.

There wasn't room in the booth for Jesse, so he just awkwardly stood there.

"Excuse me," the waitress said from behind Jesse. He moved to the side as she scooted past him, her arms carrying three plates of food that she set down in front of the group. "Are you joining the group here?"

"He is," Dan said flatly, unable to feign much enthusiasm for his coworker's presence.

"Great, I'll go get you a stool." The waitress returned, toting a stool from the bar and placing it at the outside edge of the table. "Can I get you something to drink? Here's a menu."

"I'll take a beer, whatever you have on tap." Jesse perched himself on the stool that was clearly only meant for the bar counter. Dan suppressed a groan. It would have been better if Jesse hadn't shown up at all. His belated appearance had instantly killed the flow of the conversation and he was now sitting on a stool that was too tall for the table. He looked like some kind of comedian about to entertain the booth.

The conversation shifted to how good everyone's food looked and thankfully some semblance of normalcy returned. Byron noticed that Sarah's wine glass was getting close to empty and took the initiative to refill it.

Dan eyed the glass. Sarah smirked at him, knowing what he was thinking. He could already see the telltale signs that his wife was going to get tipsy.

"So, Byron, I've gone through the new changes to the design of the project that your team outlined today. I have to say I'm impressed by the number of sustainability goals you've added. It does change a lot of the scope in a few areas. I've drafted what those changes will look like. I just need to get you to sign off on the approvals," Dan said before biting into a piece of his steak.

As Byron was about to respond, Jesse cut in, "Sustainability goals? Personally, I feel like a lot of those things are meaningless. It's always just a way for a company to virtue signal to their friends and other investors how woke they are."

Byron's face grew beat red at the accusation. Dan cringed, trying to think of some way to salvage what had just happened. In a matter of a few sentences, Jesse might have just tanked all the changes Dan had been working on all day. Even though these sustainability changes were a pain in the ass, they still meant more revenue flowing into his firm.

What the fuck, kid!?

"Byron, I love that you and your company place such an importance on sustainability. I think it really shows leadership. Dan hasn't told me about the changes and I'd love to hear about them. Which ones are the most significant?" Sarah smoothly interjected.

God bless her.

Dan took another sip of his wine as he watched Byron's side eye at Jesse transition over to a glowing enthusiasm directed towards Sarah.

For the next several minutes, Byron went into great detail explaining why his company was leading in this space, what changes were being made to the project and the wide-reaching impacts they would have. During this time, Jesse's food was served to him while the waitress picked up the plates that the others had finished with. The group politely waited for Jesse to finish his meal, allowing Byron to top everyone up and then order another bottle of wine.

After everyone had wrapped up their dinners, it was suggested that they move things to the bar for a last round of drinks. Dan and Sarah were enjoying themselves, even if this was more than they would normally partake in.

The waitress set the check down in front of Byron. Without looking at it or breaking from his animated conversation with Sarah, he slid it across the table to Dan.

With a bemused smile, Dan gave his credit card to the waitress to settle up. Sarah excused herself to use the ladies' room.

"Dan, I think we're good. I'll call you soon, maybe tomorrow morning, and we can get that amendment signed." Byron clapped Dan on the back and shook his hand. It looked like this trip and this large bill would pay off.

"Hey, have a good night. I see a couple of folks over there I want to catch up with. Let's connect in the morning. Give your beautiful wife my best, and let me know if you need me to keep her entertained while you are in town working so hard." He winked at Dan and made his way toward a group of men drinking at the other end of the bar.

Before Dan had an opportunity to grill Jesse about where he had been today, Sarah returned and the trio left the restaurant.

"Jesse, did you know that Walt booked us all in the same room?" Dan asked as he shuffled down the street. He had given his coat to Sarah to keep her warm, so his hands were stuffed in his pockets.

"No, not until I checked in and they asked if the other guest was present. I didn't realize there would be two other guests..." Jesse trailed off as his eyes made a quick appraisal of Sarah. Both Dan and Sarah were too intoxicated to notice the subtle look.


They rode the elevator in silence. When the doors opened onto their floor, the trio awkwardly stepped out with Dan and Sarah taking the lead toward their hotel room. Even though Jesse had checked in first, he loitered a few paces behind the couple, oblivious to his third-wheel status.

After Dan opened the hotel room door and let Sarah in, he gave Jesse a flat look. "Let's just crash tonight, okay? Tomorrow, I'll go down and talk to the receptionist and see about getting another room. Your stuff is already over by the window, so you take that bed. We'll take the other one."

"Got it," Jesse slurred as he barged past Dan. He immediately headed to the bathroom, much to the displeasure of Sarah who seemed intent on changing in there.

Dan locked the door and the couple sat in silence as they waited for Jesse to finish up. Sarah yawned and blinked her eyes several times. They were getting heavy and she would have to crash soon.

As Jesse finished up and exited the bathroom, Sarah sat on the edge of the bed behind Dan, unwittingly using him as a physical barrier between herself and this young stranger. She wasn't too impressed with what Dan had said about him in the past and his lack of decorum at dinner hadn't improved her opinion of him.

Jesse immediately walked to the far bed and flopped down, pulling the covers over himself. Sarah took the opportunity to carry her small bag of toiletries and a stack of clothing into the bathroom.

She wasted no time completing her bedroom routine. She sighed as she examined the pajamas that made up the stack of clothing. She had brought a new pair of lacy pink underwear to surprise Dan with. They would just have to wait until their return to Chicago.

Once Dan wrapped up business in Minneapolis, they would fly back to Chicago where she would spend one night before driving back home. It looked like fate would keep her and Dan apart until then. She just hoped that she could spend at least one night with Dan before she had to leave him. If it had to be back in Chicago, so be it. She would just have to keep her husband's expectations for extra participants in their sexual activity low and not allow his roommate to intrude on them this time.

Shaking her head, she pushed away thoughts of sexy, bedroom fun so she wouldn't be too disappointed when she stepped out the door and rejoined her husband. There was no point working herself up as Jesse's presence precluded any chance of sex with Dan.

Sarah slipped out of her dress and into the pajama set. She hadn't planned on having a third party in their room when packing. Her pajamas weren't meant to be sexy, but she still appreciated how nice they looked on her. The snug pajama shorts with a tight, matching t-shirt definitely accentuated her figure.

Sarah yawned again and rubbed her eyes before exiting the bathroom.

Dan was already dressed for bed. Either he was desperately tired or he just didn't care that his co-worker was sharing the room. Loud snores were emanating from Jesse's bed already. He was clearly asleep, which was some relief to Sarah.

The couple pulled the comforter off and slid under the covers. Neither of them wanted to do too much talking in the same room as Jesse, lest he overhears their private conversation. He seemed to be asleep, but they still really didn't feel comfortable discussing anything there. Dan turned the light off and leaned over to give Sarah a lingering kiss before whispering goodnight to her.


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