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Joey goes to bed as a boy, wakes up as a girl.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 03/18/2014
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"Mum? Have you seen my baseball cap?"

"It's where you left it Joey."

"Where's that?"

"Really. If you just paid more attention to what you were doing and took a bit more care with your things."

"Are you going to tell me or not?"

Mrs. Aames put her hands on her hips, took a deep breath and shrugged it out. The boy exasperated her. "It's under the stairs Joey."

"There, now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Joey grabbed the hat, placed it on his head, checked the mirror by the door and stepped into the street.

"Where you going?"

"Down the pub. Meeting the guys."

"Well, be careful. And don't drink too much."

"Yeah, yeah."

He shut the door leaving his mother standing in the hallway. "Love you," she said to the disappearing silhouette of her son.

It was just the two of them. Joey's Dad had walked out on them when he seven. She'd tried her best, but sometimes a boy needed a male influence in his life. Now, eleven years later, she felt that she had long lost control of him. The days when she had any say in what he did were well and truly over.

She walked up the stairs to his bedroom. Now that he was out, she could go in there and pick his dirty laundry up off the floor. Teenage boys, did they not realise how badly they smelled?

She put the load in and sat down in the living room, she put on some quiet music and settled down on the couch to read her book. It would be another long night, waiting up for him, making sure he returned home safely.

In the pub, Joey and his friends had reached their silly stage, the one that immediately preceded shit-faced. Five pints of Stella and Joey was slumped in his chair, holding his phone.

"What you doing?"

"I'm tweeting Miley Cyrus."

"Yeah? Read it out."

"Just think of the awesome kids you and me will have. Yr looks, yr brains, yr talent, yr money ... and my wishful thinking. #matchmadeinheaven."

His friends all laughed. "Yeah, in your dreams mate! The closest you're ever going to get to a pussy is if you get a cat!"

"Fuck off! I've already had pussy."

"Yeah yeah, pull the other one."

"I have."


"Not telling you."

"Yeah, cos you haven't."

"Have too."

"Fuckin' tell us then."

"Nuh! Fuck off."

They continued to rile each other about stuff for another half hour, then they had to leave. Last call and all.

The door slamming woke Mrs. Aames who had drifted off. She looked at the clock. Ten to midnight. "Joey? Is that you, sweetheart?"

He didn't answer, he just went into the downstairs toilet, unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out just in time for the bowl to catch his stream. He was bustin'.

Mrs. Aames waited the other side of the door, listening to her son pee. He opened the door and she smiled at him. "Did you have a good time, dear?"

"Yeah, 'sokay."

He brushed past her as he headed on upstairs to his room.

"Keep a glass of water by your bed and sleep on your side."

"Yeah yeah."

The door slammed. Mrs. Aames went about the house, checking all the doors were locked and putting the lights out. Then she went to bed herself.

Joey woke with the sun. He had a splitting headache and his mouth was dry. He rolled over and pulled the duvet up. But the sun was bright coming in through his window. He'd been so drunk last night that he had forgotten to close the blind.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," he muttered under his breath. He flung the duvet off and rolled over, swinging his feet out of bed, standing up and walking over to the window with his eyes tight shut, shielding them also with his arm.

He got back into bed and slumped down on his front.

"What the fuck?"

He lifted himself up, holding his chest up off the bed with his elbows. He looked down. "What the fuck?"

Feeling his chest with one hand, he felt boobs. He didn't have boobs. What the fuck? What had those fuckers done to him last night? He sat up and felt again, giving them a good squeeze, then cupped them and hiked them up. They felt real, heavy against his chest. He lifted his white T shirt over his head to get a better look.

His eyes opened wide. He had boobs. Two of them. Actual, proper boobs. Nipples, like cherries. Areola. Big fucking areola. "MUMMMM!"

His voice. It was different. Softer. Higher pitched. Girly.

What the fuck? His hair. Without his T shirt, he could feel it now. Down his back and over his shoulders. Long. Blonde. "MUMMMM!"

Oh God. His cock. Where was it? Of fuck. Of fuckety-fuck-fuck. It was gone. He was wearing last night's knickers and they were empty. His cock was gone. He was screwed.

His mother opened the door. Immediately, he covered his boobs with his hands and pulled the bed covers back up over him.

"Oh my God!" she said.

"Mum, what the fuck? Don't you knock?"

"Oh God. It's finally happened."

"What? What are you talking about? Go away."

"Baby, let me look at you."

"What? No. Get away from me. I'm fine. Nothing to see here. Go back to bed."

"Nothing to see? Baby, your hair, your face, you're beautiful."


"Let me see you, please?"

"No, what? Go away."

"Don't be shy baby, we're both girls here."

"Girls? What? No. Fuck off."

She sat down on his bed and wrapped her arms around him.

"Mum, get off me."

"It's alright baby, everything is gonna be fine."

"Fine? God Mum. How is it going to be fine? I've turned into a girl overnight. I've got tits and everything. And my, my, my dick, it's gone."

"I know sweetie. I always knew something like this might happen."

"Might happen? What? How? It's impossible."

"Sweetie. Do you remember that movie Teenwolf?"

"Michael J Fox?"

"That's the one. Do you remember when he turned into the wolf and his father was outside the door? Also a wolf. And he wants to know how his father could have not told him? And he replied that sometimes it skips a generation."

"Yeah. What are you saying Mum? Should I call you Dad?"

Mrs. Aames laughed. "Oh no sweetie. I'm your Mum. I always have been. No, what I mean is, my mother, she was ..."


She nodded. "She was like you."

"A guy?"

"She was born a male, yes."

"Oh God no, tell me this is not happening. Tell me I don't have to spend the rest of my life this way. I don't want to be a girl."

"No, no, sweetie. You can choose what you want to be, when you want to be it. You can transform, at will."

"Um, I don't think so. If I could, I wouldn't have fucking tits Mum. I wouldn't have lost my cock. It would be there." He lifted the duvet and checked. "No cock!" He was getting hysterical.

"Shh, shh now. Calm down. This is your first transformation. It gets easier, believe me. My Mum, she used to change all the time when I was a girl. It was kind of fun. She was so cool."

"Gran? Cool?" He shook his head. "Are we talking about the same woman here? Woman? Can I even call her that anymore?"

"Of course you can. She is a woman."

"But you said she was born a man."

"Well, yeah."

"Am I going to be like her? I mean, what could make me possibly want to be a woman? I don't want to be a woman. I want to be a boy."

"Sweetie, quiet down. It's okay. You'll be whatever you want to be. Come on, let's get you dressed. I'll call Gran. She can come and talk to you."

"No. I don't want that. It's embarrassing."

"Baby, you don't have to be embarrassed with me or your Gran."

"Noooo! I don't want to!"

"Joey, your body and mind are in a state of flux at the moment. Your Gran told me to watch out for this day. She didn't know if it would happen to you. It happened to your cousin Michael."



"He never said."

"He was kind of embarrassed too. He didn't want you to know."

"But you do?"

"Well, it's different. I was in on the family secret. You weren't. Not then. You are now though."

"But he's still Mikey. I mean, he's a guy."

"He was a guy when you saw him last, yes. But he also makes for a very pretty young girl."

"You've seen him as a girl?"

Mrs. Aames nodded her head.

"God this is so weird."

"Babe. Your body has changed, but your mind is still playing catch up. At some point today, you're going to start feeling a bit more feminine. Right now, it's awkward for you because your body has changed, but your mind is still firmly male. When your mind catches up, you'll begin to think differently. And you'll want to wear make up and have me take you shopping for some nice new clothes."



"No way. I am NOT wearing a dress."

She smiled. "Oh sweetie, just you wait. I always wanted a daughter. We can do so much together, we can go shopping, we can go to the spa, have mud baths, get massages together."

"Uh, you're my mother, what makes you think I'd ever want to get naked in the same room as you?"

"Oh silly, we're both the same now. Neither one of us has very much between our legs."

"Mum! That's so naughty!"

"See baby, your mind is already catching up. The way you speak, it's becoming more girly. You've stopped using so much bad language."

"What! I can say the F word if I want."

"Go on then."

He tried. Frustrated, he cursed, "Oh fffflip!"

Mrs. Aames laughed and wrapped her arms around her son/daughter. "I love you, don't ever forget that. I'm always here for you."

"I love you too Mum."

She squeezed him tighter. "See? When was the last time you said that to me?"

Joey had to think about it. He couldn't ever remember telling his mother he loved her.

"So what happens now? I can't be seen out like this, not by other people. My mates will laugh at me. And I have work on Monday."

"Hey, hey, slow down, will you. The world is not ending. You'll see, it's only just beginning."

"Oh my gosh."

"I really envy you Joey. I can't tell you how many times I wished it would happen to me."

"You want to be a man?"

"Well, no, but, I often wondered what it might be like to have, you know, one of those."

"Well, let me tell you, it's great and I want mine back."

She smiled.

"And now I've really gotta pee. But I don't know how."

"Come on, I'll help you."

"Mum! In what kind of bizzaro world would I let you help me to pee?"

"Uh, sweetheart? Have you looked at yourself this morning? Welcome to bizzaro!"

"I can't. Please. Let me just try," he said, covering his breasts with his hands as he ran to the bathroom in just his knickers.

God, when was the last time he said please? I don't think he's ever said it!

Joey automatically lifted the toilet seat and reached into his knickers. There was nothing to grab hold of, nothing to pull out. He just stood in front of the bowl, tentatively probing inside his underpants with his fingers. Well, at least he still had hair down there.

How do I do this? I'm supposed to sit. Women sit. He put the seat back down. His mother standing outside the door, heard this and smiled to herself.

"Sweetie, you just sit, spread your legs apart a little, you can either lean forward and just shoot, or you use two fingers to spread your, um, you know, spread your, uh, lips apart."


Oh! My lips!

"Yeah sweetie, it's um, the stream comes out near the top, just under your um, under your hood. It would be easier if I just showed you."

"No Mum. I think I've got it. Thank you."

He looked down and started feeling around. He really wanted to go but his tits kept getting in the way, obscuring the view. Not only that, but he was afraid of breaking himself somehow. The internal plumbing wasn't the same anymore and he didn't want to do it wrong and find out he'd peed into his ass or something.

When Mrs. Aames still hadn't heard her son start peeing, she said, "Baby, if you're having difficulty finding things, use the mirror on the windowsill. Just angle it between your legs and I'll help guide you through it."

"Thanks Mum."

Thanks? Thank you? He was being so much more polite.

"Oh God, I've really got to go."

"Baby, I'm coming in."

"No Mum, don't!"

But it was too late. His mother came through the bathroom door and found him sitting there right in front of her. He clenched his legs together and put his hand over his lap. Then he realised his tits were out and uncovered, so he tried to use his arm to cover them like he'd seen women do in the movies. But they weren't terribly compliant. It looked a lot easier on TV.

She just stood there. "Wow, you really are something. I mean, there's pretty, but, you, you're gorgeous."

"You really think so Mum?"

"I really do."

"Oh, thank you. That's so sweet." His eyes welled up. He was a lot more emotionally vulnerable than usual.

"Come on," his mother knelt before him. "Just close your eyes and I'll tell you when." She put her hand between his legs and instinctively found his urethra. "Now sweetie, just relax."

He began to pee.

He flung his head back. "Oh, that feels so good." Opening his eyes, he looked at his mother. The craziness of the situation. He was naked on the toilet in front of his mother who was actually helping him to pee out of his vagina. Now that's a sentence you don't hear every day.

When the stream subsided, she broke off a few sheets of TP and scrunched them up, wiping between his legs. Discarding the paper, she asked, "Number twos?"

He shook his head, now realising that his mother had seen everything. And he hadn't even seen it all himself yet. He'd caught a few glimpses in the handheld mirror, his cooch, his boobs, but he hadn't really looked at his face yet. He stood up and helped her to her feet.

"Well, tada!" he said, putting his hands to his sides, showing off his body to his mother. "I guess this is what I look like now."

"Wash your hands baby, you're not a boy anymore."

"Sorry!" He ran them under the tap.

"Come on. Come look at yourself in the mirror."

Mrs. Aames led her son by the hand, naked across the landing, into her bedroom, where she had a full length mirror all across one wall.

As Joey stood there, examining himself closely, his mound, covered by brown pubes, his boobs, his face which really was kind of cute. How was his hair blonde? The rug didn't match the curtains. With all the attention he was giving to his new body, he hadn't noticed his mother disrobe behind him. When she came into line alongside him, she caught hold of his hand.

The reflection showed two beautiful women, one 18, the other 37.

Joey's eyes bulged when he saw his mother standing nude next to him.

"Mum? What are you doing?"

"I told you baby, we're both girls here. And there's no secrets between girls, okay?"

"Uh? I guess."

She walked around behind him and a moment later, her hands came through and cupped her son's boobs. "Impressive. I'd say 36C."

"Do I have to wear a bra?"

"If you're going to keep them, then you probably should."

"Go on then. Let's try one on. But I'm not promising anything."

"I'm not sure any of mine will fit you sweetie. Your old Mum's only a 34A."

Joey turned and looked properly at his mother's breasts. He looked down at his own, then back at hers. He cupped his in his hands, then looked at his mother. She saw what he was doing. This was all so new to him and he was basically uneducated on the female form. She didn't think he'd even seen a girl naked before, not in real life anyway, only in those silly videos he bookmarked on the internet.

She took hold of his hands and lifted them to cup her own breasts. "34A sweetie. Your Mum's a little old flat chest!"

"Mum, no. You're beautiful, just as you are. Anyone would be lucky to be with a girl like you."

She smiled at him. "So your mind is catching up with your body then?"

Joey nodded. "I guess it is."

"So how does it feel?"

"I don't know. I mean, weird, obviously, but, it has potential."

His mother smiled and, still naked, went and sat down on the end of her bed. She picked up her phone and dialled. A moment later she began to speak. "Mum? It's Sandy. Guess what just happened? What? No. Guess again. Huh? No Mum. God, you're hopeless. What do you mean, give you a clue? Mum! When? What? She didn't? She did? Well she didn't tell me. But you're changing the subject, guess what wonderful thing happened this morning?"

Joey stood naked in front of his mother and saw the smile beam right across her face.


It made Joey smile too and he sat down on the bed alongside his mother and she put her arm around him.

"Can you come over? Yeah. No, right now. Yeah. Oh and Mum, can you bring some underwear? He's a big girl!"

Gran's underwear. He didn't fancy that.

"Okay. About half an hour. You can have breakfast here, we'll all have it together. What? You've already had breakfast? Mum, it's not even seven yet. What? You had it at five? God Mum, don't you sleep anymore? Oh well. Yeah. See you soon."

"Gran's been up since five?"

"No, she's been up since three. She had breakfast at five."

"Is she a vampire as well as a, uh, Mum? What are we? Is there like a term?"

"A term?"

"Yeah, like shapeshifter, or changeling?"

"Oh, I see what you mean. No sweetie, there's not a term. It's just something that runs in the family."

"So, you say Gran was born a man?"

"She was."

"When did she change first time?"

"When she was twelve."

"Twelve? God, that's got to be awful. She would have been in school."

"She was."

"What happened?"

"She had to go to a new one."

"Couldn't she change back?

"She didn't want to. She liked being a girl. Oh, she did change back and forth throughout her childhood, but she mostly maintained her female form. For school and her friends, certainly." Mrs. Aames smiled. "But she told me that sometimes she liked to change into a boy and go play with the other boys in the neighbourhood."

"Did she tell you a lot of stories?"

"She did."

"How did you find out?"

"Uh, it was kind of weird. I was um, I was nine years old and I had a nightmare in the middle of the night and I ran into my parents room, sobbing. And um, I found Dad in bed with another man. I screamed. I was hysterical. I wanted my Mum and she wasn't there, this other guy was and it made me so afraid. My Dad was trying to calm me down, but I was really screaming at him, asking where my mother was, what had happened to her?"

Mrs. Aames gave her son a squeeze and kissed him on the forehead.

"The other man got out of bed and walked toward me and I was backing away and my father was trying to comfort me, then this other guy just started to transform, right before my eyes. And in about fifteen seconds, he was my mother. Just like that."

"Fifteen seconds? That's all it takes?"

She nodded. "That's all it takes."

"And that changes everything? I mean, internally."

"Yes. I mean, your grandmother was born a man with everything that entails, but when she's a woman, she has a working womb. I came from her womb, so, yeah, internally everything is just fine."

"What if she'd changed back into a man when she was carrying you?"

"Well, she didn't. But I don't know. I guess I probably would have died. She would have miscarried."

"So I have a womb right now?"

"You sure do."

"So I can get pregnant."

"Oh baby, you'll need a boy to help you with that."

"Ewww! Gross!"

Mrs. Aames laughed. It was only a moment before Joey joined in.

"Do you think I'd be able to, you know, like boys in that way?"

"Baby, you're very special. I imagine you could have anything you wanted, regardless of what sex you plan on living your life as. You can be gay or straight or bi, in either body. If you want to be with a girl, you can be a straight guy or a gay girl, it's up to you, what you feel."

"Why do I have to choose one sex to live my life as? If I have this opportunity, can't I be both?"

"Oh, of course you can sweetie. I just mean, with bureaucracy and all, you can't exactly go into work one day as a man and the next day as a girl. If the wrong people found out, they'd take you away and dissect you or something."


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