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Transformed by My Toys

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Elizabeth wins a box of sex toys and they transform her life.
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Finally I was home after a long day at work. I sighed with relief as I walked down the hallway from the elevator towards my third-floor apartment. Fortunately, it was a Friday and I had taken next Monday and Tuesday off so I could enjoy a nice long weekend. I didn't want anything to do with files and meetings and policy for the next four days.

I frowned when I saw a note taped to my front door. 'Got a package for you, Mrs. J.' I ripped the note off my door, still frowning. Mrs. J was Mrs. Jones, a nice elderly lady who lived a few doors down from me. She was retired and whenever anyone on my floor got a package delivered during the day, it ended up with her. I walked back to knock on her door, wondering what package it was. I didn't remember ordering anything and my birthday had been months ago.

"Good evening, Mrs. Jones," I said as the older woman opened the door. "You left a note for me?" I held up the piece of paper, and she nodded.

"Ah yes, Elizabeth, I'll go and get it, come right in."

I took a few steps into her hallway, waiting as she walked into her kitchen. The package was plain and brown, about 1,5 feet wide, 4 feet long and 1 feet high. I could see she was struggling to pick it up, so I quickly went over to help her. The package wasn't very heavy, but its size made it more difficult to carry. "Here, I've got it," I told her.

"Are you sure?" she asked, but let go of the cardboard box when I nodded.

I shifted the large box in my hands, and smiled at her. "Thanks for keeping it for me."

"No problem." She followed me back to her front door. "It's a very large package, isn't it? What's inside? A new pair of boots or something?"

"Yeah," I lied. "Ordered them online. I figured, if they don't fit I can always send them back, right?" I wasn't gonna tell Mrs. Jones I didn't know what was inside, not until I had a chance to check for myself.

"Well, I hope they fit," Mrs. Jones said, showing me out. "Enjoy your weekend!"

"You too, and thanks again," I said, stepping back so she could close the door.

Now I could finally go back to my apartment, and I put the box down as I opened my own front door. I turned on the lights in the hallway, carried the box inside and into my living room, then closed and shut the door behind me. I put my bag from the work on the small table in the hallway, then went into the living room to inspect the package. I picked it off the floor, and turned it around in my hands. Yes, it definitely had my name on the label, Elizabeth Roberts, and my address. So whatever was inside was meant for me.

I put the package on the coffee table, and grumbled when I discovered it had been taped shut pretty securely. A trip into the kitchen got me a sharp enough knife, and soon the box was opened. Inside was another cardboard box, and once that was opened, my mouth dropped when I saw the contents.

Inside, arranged neatly on a dark red velvet cloth, was a row of sextoys. There were dildos of various sizes, from reasonable to holy-shit-that-would-never-fit. They had all the colours of the rainbow, the smaller ones being bright red and the most imposing ones being a dark purple. Some had buttons on their broad base, and I guessed that those would vibrate.

My face was red as I took out the folded letter that lay on two orange dildos. How the hell had I ended up with this? I wasn't a prude and owned a vibrator myself, but that one was working just fine.

The letter didn't clarify much, only that the company who had made the toys was Aphrodite Inc. Guaranteed to bring out the Love Goddess in You! I snorted at the cheesy slogan. The letter contained my full name and address once more, contact details for the company with a phone number and email address. I threw the letter on the floor and stared at the box again.

Then I realised that, rather like a box of chocolate, the velvet cloth was there to hide a second layer of toys. I carefully picked up the sides of the cloth, all the dildos and vibrators sliding into the middle as I lifted it. As I had expected, the bottom layer also contained a couple of dildos, but there was some other stuff in there too. Curious, I lowered the first layer on my coffee table, making sure none of the dildos fell on the floor or got damaged. I was obviously gonna have to send this back.

There were two tubes of lubricant in there, along with a jar of breast cream that promised to keep my breasts firm and make them more sensitive to stimulation. Next to the jar were two black pieces of cloth that I picked up, wondering what they were. One was a flimsy thong with two odd pouch in the crotch and ass area, and I quickly threw it back in the box. I hated thongs, especially the way they rode up between my cheeks.

The other item of clothing was also barely that. It was a black corset of sorts, with laces up the back and clasps on the front. I held it up in front of my body, and realised that the cups wouldn't even fully cover my breasts! Not to mention that the cups were clearly too big for me. My breasts weren't even that small, a nice handful, but the half-cups of the corset were meant for far bigger breasts than mine. I shuddered to think what it would look like, with the half-cups pushing up my breasts, not even covering my nipples.

I dropped it back in the box with a shake of my head. I would never in a million years order something as trashy like that. Clearly there was some other Elizabeth Roberts who somehow got mixed up with me, or someone who used to live in my apartment accidentally had it sent here instead of to their new place. There had to be a sensible explanation for this. I glanced at the letter again to check the phone number so I could call them.

With a sigh I sat down on my comfy sofa, putting my feet up on the coffee table. Of course there was an annoying automated menu, and of course there was an annoying piece of music as I had to wait for the customer service to have someone available to talk to me. The music was instrumental, but electronic and with an eighties vibe to it. A nice change from the classical pieces I was usually stuck listening to.

"Hello, this is Aphrodite Incorporated, Suzy speaking, how may I be of service to you?"

The cheerful female voice started me. "Huh?"

"This is Aphrodite Incorporated, Suzy speaking, how may I be of service to you?"

"Ah, right, er, I got a package from you guys," I replied, blinking as I got my thoughts back on track. I must've zoned out while waiting. "Today. And I'm pretty sure I didn't order anything."

"And you're sure it's not a gift, Miss?" Suzy asked.

I let out a laugh. "No, there no card or anything with it, just a package."

Suzy asked me for my details and the order number in the letter, which I gave to her. I heard her type a couple of things, and waited impatiently for an answer. "All right, Miss Roberts, I think I figured it out," she said after a long silence.

"Really?" I sat up. "What's going on?"

"You won it," she replied. "In a contest."

I frowned, trying to think which contest I could've possibly entered to have won such a trashy prize. "Are you sure? What kind of contest was this?" I very rarely took part in contests, since they inevitably led to either spam in my email inbox or my actual mailbox. No amount of free shampoo or a gift certificate for clothing was worth that much trouble.

"Aphrodite Inc. is a fairly new company, Miss Roberts, so we've been giving away prizes in more than few contests. If you really want me to, I can probably link your order number to a particular contest, but that'll take some time," Suzy replied apologetically. "I've got your email address in my database though, from your contest entry, so I can email you the details if you like?"

"Yes, please," I said, and Suzy read out my email address to me. It was the one I used for mailinglists and newsletters, so I wasn't too surprised that they had got hold of that one. "Yes, that's correct. Any idea on when you know more? I mean," I added, not wanting to sound too annoying, "it's not that I don't like the prize or anything, it's just that I don't remember signing up for a contest lately at all."

"Sometimes it takes a month or two to get the prizes sent out, especially when it's a big one like your prize," Suzy explained. "Between you and me, Miss, looking at your order... you're a very lucky woman."

I laughed again. Of course she thought I was lucky, she was doing customer service for a sextoy company. Suzy probably would've loved the massive dildos and the slutty corset and thong. "I guess so."

"You'll probably receive an email tomorrow, I may have to doublecheck a few things with my manager. Until then, Miss Roberts, you may as well enjoy your gift," she said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. "Because it's all yours."

My eyes drifted towards the colourful dildos again. Hmm, maybe I would try one or two of them. "Thanks. Have a good night!"

"You too, Miss Roberts," she replied, audibly still smiling, and hung up.

I put my phone back on the table, and stared at the dildos and vibrators for a few minutes. They were definitely mine, even if I couldn't remember the contest I had won them in. And okay, so I would never ever use the big purple and some of the dark blue dildos, but the red ones might be fun. Or maybe I could sell them, there had to be people who wanted unused sextoys, right?

I decided to make some dinner first, a simple lasagna, and while it was in the oven I took a shower. I grabbed the jar of breast cream with me, figuring that since it was mine I may as well use it. My breasts were fine and perky the way they were, but a bit of body lotion afterwards wouldn't hurt.

The shower was just what I needed after a long day of work, and I ran my hands up and down my body. Maybe it was the fact that I had a box of sextoys in the other room, or maybe it was because I hadn't had sex in a while, but I was feeling a heat between my legs. I let my fingers drift down there, to stroke my clit for a few seconds. It felt slippery, no doubt from the water, and I bit back a moan. Mmm, yes, it was definitely time to enjoy myself properly. Maybe I could use the smallest, bright red dildo inside of me while using my usual vibrator on my clit. That had to feel amazing.

My fingers slipped inside of me automatically, and I leaned my other arm against the wall of my shower stall. Oh yes, that was just what I needed, my fingers twisting and rubbing inside of me! But a dildo would feel even better, and there were plenty for me to choose from.

I turned off my shower and quickly got dressed in white cotton panties and some loose pyjama bottoms. I grabbed the jar of breast cream, and opened it. It smelled nice, a little bit like vanilla but not too sweet or overwhelming. I used two fingers to spread it over my left breast, and my nipple hardened in response. The cream felt good, cool after the warm shower, and was easy to spread. I took some to spread over my right breasts, and the gentle massaging and rubbing made the heat inside of me grow. With both of my nipples hard now and my breasts glistening from the white cream, I knew it was time to quickly eat my dinner so I could try out one of the dildos.

I pulled the t-shirt over my head. I didn't know what it was, maybe the idea of having a nice weekend to myself, but I was definitely feeling hornier than usual. Once I had finished dinner, I stood by my coffee table, looking down at the row of toys. The big dildos still made me shudder, the green and blue ones were the width of my wrist at least, even horny I couldn't imagine how those could possibly feel good!

I eyed one of the slimmer, red ones. It was about half an inch thick and six inches long, a bit bigger than my vibrator. Then again, I usually used my vibrator for the clitoral stimulation. I could feel my body grow hotter at the idea of using the dildo and the vibrator at the same time. Would it feel as good as I imagined?

Grabbing the dildo, I figured there was only one way to find out.

I made my way into my bedroom, throwing the dildo on my queensize bed and rifling through my sockdrawer to find the little silk bag that held my vibrator. Mm, yes, it had been a while since I had used it. I turned it on for a second, grinning when I saw its battery hadn't run out in the mean time.

I crawled underneath my sheets, pushing down my pajama bottoms and panties. I also grabbed the red dildo, keeping it by my side for now. I turned on my vibrator, the low hum filling my bedroom while my pussy clenched in anticipation.

I used the fingers of my left hand to keep my pussy lips spread as I aimed the tip of my vibrator at my clit. I gasped when I found the right spot, throwing my head back. Oh yes, that was just what I needed! I was already wet, my vibrator easily sliding up and down and circling my clit as I teased myself. It usually took me longer to get this wet, but I guess my shower had had an effect too.

Keeping my right hand between my legs, I grabbed the dildo with my other hand, squirming at the stimulation of the vibrator. My fingers curled tight around the dildo as I bit back a moan. But as good as the vibrator felt, I knew that with the dildo it would feel even better. Or at least I hoped so.

I had to move away the vibrator for a moment so I could slowly slide the slim dildo inside of me. It had been a while since I had been with a guy, so the sensation of being filled by something hard and firm again was almost strange. Once I had gone as deep as I could, I pulled it out again, tilting my hips and thrusting it back in the find a good angle. I moaned out loud once I did, biting my lip in surprise. The walls in my building weren't thin, but I still didn't want my neighbours to overhear anything.

I moved my left hand slowly now as I thrust the dildo in and out of my pussy, and moved the vibrator back to my clit. It took some squirming to find the right spot, but once I did, it was heavenly. I couldn't help another moan as I pushed the dildo back on while teasing my clit with the vibrator. "Oooh," I whimpered, closing my eyes.

It didn't take long before my orgasm hit me, crashing over me like a wave. I was only barely able to bite back my moans, my breath hitching as I whimpered and writhed on my bed. I was hot all over, with the sheets still covering me. The pleasure faded slowly, and I pulled the vibrator away, relaxing. The dildo was still inside of me, but I kinda liked the stimulation. It added to the warmth of the afterglow with little shocks of pleasure as I closed my legs around it.

I had definitely needed that orgasm! I pushed my sheets down, noticing that my nipples were still rockhard and poking through my t-shirt. That was odd, they were usually never this stiff while I masturbated. I put my vibrator on my nightstand for now, and lifted my t-shirt. Yep, both my nipples were hard pebbles as if I had been walking through the freezing cold. Weird.

I brushed the fingertips of my right hand across one of them, and shuddered in unexpected pleasure. I rarely played with my nipples before or after masturbation, since usually when I masturbated I just wanted to come, and come as soon as possible. Some of the guys I had been with had been into licking and sucking on my nipples, but that had usually left me cold. It wasn't unpleasant, but it didn't turn me on either. Clearly, my recent orgasm had left my entire body in a state of heightened arousal.

The dildo in my pussy was still feeling awfully nice, and I considered masturbating again. I usually only needed one orgasm to clear my head and get rid of all the tension and arousal, but right now my body was eager for another round. But I thought of the dishes still left in the kitchen, and with a sigh I slowly slid the dildo out of my pussy and put it next to my vibrator.

I pulled up my panties and pajama bottoms before getting back out of bed, my t-shirt falling down to cover my breasts again. My nipples were still hard, stark reminders of how aroused I was. But no, I still had things to do. I had to do dishes, do my laundry, do a bit of vacuuming, catch up on some TV shows... I didn't have time to masturbate again.

I walked back into my living room and my eyes were immediately drawn to my new box of toys. I immediately wanted to take another, bigger dildo out of the box to see if that would feel as good as the first one, but I went into the kitchen instead. Maybe tomorrow I would masturbate again.

But as I did the necessary chores, part of me was still thinking about those dildos. The way my t-shirt kept brushing across my breasts and nipples wasn't helping, and my nipples remained hard. It was embarrassing, they had been hard for so long! But it still didn't hurt or ache, which was something.

By the time I had finished my dishes and had started a new load of laundry, the temptation to go back to my new box of toys was too much. I had stared at my washing machine, its noises vaguely reminding me of my vibrator, and had decided that the vacuuming could wait until later.

While the dildo I had used was still on the bed, lying next to my trusty vibrator, I went back to my coffee table to take a slightly bigger dildo. Since the other one hadn't satisfied me completely, I figured it was a worth a try. I grabbed the lube as well, because while my pussy was wet, this dildo was a bit wider than the one I had used before.

I slipped back under my covers, pushing down my pyjama bottoms and panties before opening up the lube. I squirted a generous dollop onto the dildo, popped the cap back on the tube and put it on my nightstand. The lube was a clear fluid, and I spread it across the head first with my thumb, then wrapped my hand around the dildo to spread it up and down the rest of it. It felt kinda oily, but not in an unpleasant way, and the smell was sweet and floral. Surprisingly nice for lube, I had to admit.

I lay down, and spread my legs, biting my lip as I aimed the dildo for my pussy. With my left hand I kept the lips spread, gasping and closing my eyes as the bigger dildo easily slid inside. It felt so good, and judging by the wetness from my pussy, the lube hadn't even been necessary. I slowly pumped it in and out, whimpering as I pushed it in deep. Yes, this was definitely better than the other dildo. I let it go for a moment, leaving it deep inside of me to grab my vibrator, and quickly turned it on.

I moaned when I found my clit again, and quickly started thrusting the dildo in and out of me as well, faster and faster until I was whimpering with every breath. "Please," I mumbled, my eyes closed as my hips rolled automatically. "Please."

The heat and tension inside of me were building rapidly, and my orgasm crashed over me. I gasped, my pussy clenching around the dildo inside of me. I kept pumping it in and out even as I turned off the vibrator and tossed it on the pillow beside me. "Yes," I gasped, as I felt another orgasm building. "Yes, please, yes."

I was very rarely able to come from penetration alone, but this dildo was hitting spots inside of me that had me squirming desperately in my bed. I needed more, faster, harder, and my wrist was already beginning to ache. Just a little more, I knew. It wouldn't take much for my body to come again.

I whimpered when I orgasmed, my pussy once again clenching around the dildo and my thighs tightening around it. I was gasping for air when I relaxed, staring up at my ceiling. The dildo was still inside of me, and I was finally satisfied. I was also feeling exhausted, so I decided to close my eyes for just a moment. Those three orgasms had really taken their toll on me.


I woke up the next morning, feeling disoriented. There was something hard between my legs - something inside of me even, and the light in my bedroom was on! I finally realised that I must've fallen asleep after my last round of masturbating last night, and my cheeks burned when I also realised that I had slept the entire night with a dildo buried inside of me!

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