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Trash Can Keely

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Taking revenge against a bullying stripper.
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fantasy, and in no way is intended to condone or excuse nonconsensual sex. In real life the protagonist of my story should be in jail.

Think twice before you read this. It's crude, nasty, misogynistic and very rapey. If that sounds like it would offend you then it probably will. But a handful of you might like it.

Don't say I didn't warn you...

Angels Bar. What a place. The drinks are a little on the pricey side and the girls aren't exactly cheap either, but where else in Sheffield can you find such a display of stunningly beautiful scantily clad women, all willing to dance in your lap for the right price, or sometimes to even give a little extra. So after a hard day's work I'll swing by here at least once a month to chill out with a pint of beer and a ridiculously hot babe eager to grind against me for cash.

It hasn't had the easiest time staying open. Several killjoy politicians have attempted to shut it down. In the words of one 'These establishments use women to service men's sexual gratification, or titillation. This is degrading to women, it objectifies women's bodies, and teaches men and boys that women can be used.'

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. That's why I like it!

There's another reason this place is a favorite of mine. My friend Jack is a bouncer here. We go way back to secondary school. He was big, black and athletic. I was a white skinny nerd. And yet despite inhabiting completely different school cliques, we somehow hit it off. I helped him with his math homework, and he stopped my ass getting beat on at least one occasion. And ten years on he's still looking out for me, hooking me up with those strippers who are willing to give back room blow jobs.

It's still early evening in this place, and Anna is currently dancing, a trio of businessmen ogling her. Anna is another old schoolmate. She was a nice kid back in our school days, and cute even then. Now she's really blossomed. Her sweet round face is framed by blond curls, and nearly all of her pale freckled skin is on display, including a sizable chest barely constrained with a skimpy red bra. She catches sight of me and winks. Anna has no qualms about dancing in the lap of a former nerdy classmate. And on one memorable night she even put those plush lips to use around my dick. My cock is already stiffening at the memory. I wonder if Anna still thinks of the taste of my cum every time she sees me. She finishes the dance, smiling at me and trailing fingers over my arm as she passes.

I'll try and catch up with her later, but now a new hottie is taking the stage. And what a body she has! Long bronzed legs lead up to the skimpiest of lacy black panties and the most perfectly formed ass. Her hips curve up to a slim waist and then the most fantastic set of full knockers, barely covered by a black bra. Long dark hair falls against her shoulders. Her face is classically beautiful, and yet marred a little by an expression of haughty arrogance. I've seen that face before...

Holy shit! Is that Keely Michael? Yes, it is. Keely is yet another former classmate, but this time round I have no fond memories of her. She was an arrogant loud mouth bully at school, but even at the time I would have admitted she was attractive. Sadly, she was only interested in the bad boys in my class. She was fit back then, but now, wow! Her sunbed toned figure looks like she spends a lot of time in the gym. Her already ample tits have since swelled out into the sort of breasts that get you hard just looking at them.

But her attitude doesn't seem to have improved much. While she gyrates and twirls around that pole like a pro she still manages to look bored, shooting disdainful looks at the punters whose eyes are glued to her. I sip my beer slowly as I admire her figure.

All too soon the song is over, and Keely makes her way off the stage. She eyes me as she passes and stops. "You want a private dance?" she squawks.

That's another thing I remember about Keely. Her body may be beautiful, but her voice definitely wasn't. She still speaks in those abrasive council estate tones. I remember one lucky guy boasting about the time she'd blown him. "The best thing was...she shut the fuck up for ten minutes."

I look her up and down. She really doesn't seem to recognize me. "Yes," I say, "I'd like that."

She demands the money first, and I quickly hand over a couple of notes. Then she's leading me to a private booth. I sit down, and she immediately sets to work. I must be grinning from ear to ear. This is Keely Michael, the Keely Michael, grinding against me and getting nearly naked in my face. And it's everything I'd always imagined. She slides her bra off, her magnificent breasts now free to brush up and down my body as she writhes over me.

We're halfway through the dance when she looks at me quizzically and squawks out "Er, do I know you?"

I think about playing dumb before answering "we used to go to school together."

She frowns as she tries to remember, finally exclaiming, "Aye, you're David."

"Darren," I correct her.

"Eh, Darren Walker, you were a right nerd at school."

Not polite, but not wrong either. But whatever, now I'm doing well for myself with a cushy city job, and this bitch is dancing for my cash. She's wearing her usual 'fuck off' expression that I remember too well, but she doesn't stop dancing for me.

Instinctively, I move a hand up towards her long tanned leg, but am cut shut when she snaps "the rule is no touching."

As if on autopilot, Keely turns around and rubs her magnificent ass against my groin. "You better not cum in your pants." she says, no doubt feeling the most obvious erection straining against my trousers.

"I wouldn't dream of it," I say. And it's true. Because I'm actually dreaming about cumming on her face.

The song finishes and the dance is over. We exit the booth, and Keely quickly makes her way towards another group of punters to try and sell them a private dance. I pick up another beer from bartender Gary, and turn to watch the next girl.

Jack is here, taking a quick break from manning the door. He sees me and saunters over. "How you doing mate?" he asks.

I nod towards Keely. "Not bad, not bad at all."

Jack laughs. "I was wondering when you were going to meet our old classmate."

"What's she like to work with?"

Jack screws up his face. "She's hot, but she's a right bitch to work with."

I laugh. "Nothing's changed since school then?"

"Not much. Her tits are even bigger now, but so is her attitude. The other girls don't like her much. She's rude to the customers. She's even rude to Ben."

I'm surprised. Big Ben is the owner of this strip joint, a bald barrel chested man who I can't imagine taking shit from anyone.

"Damn, how is she still working here?"

"She brings the customers in," Jack says, "it's not hard to see why."

I look over to Keely's perfect form as she leans over a customer, her breasts right in his face. It's not hard to see at all.

Jack leans into me a little closer. "The worst thing is, two weeks back, we catch her with her fingers in the till. All caught on CCTV, lifting a big wad of cash from behind the bar."

"The bitch!"

"Totally. As you can imagine, Ben wanted to fire her and report her to the police. But she begs for her job. She's already been fired from the only two other strip joints in Sheffield, and she has a previous conviction for theft. Another one will see her behind bars for quite some time."

Jack leans in closer, his voice a little lower, speaking in conspiratorial tones. "Well, Ben comes up with a deal. She can keep the job, and he won't go to the police. But in return, every night when the place is closed, all the staff who are working that night get to fuck her."

My eyes open wide, suddenly seeing Keely's fine form in a totally different light. "And she's OK with that?"

Jack laughs. "I wouldn't say she's OK with it, but she ain't exactly got a choice."

Keely looks up from her customer towards us, and the stuck up expression permanently plastered across her face suddenly changes to one of vulnerability when she must no doubt guess what we're talking about.

"Yep," Jack says, keeping his predatory gaze on Keely, "barmen, bouncers, the lot of us, all just line up and bang her one after the other against the couch."

I laugh. "You should sell tickets to that."

Keely is striding towards us. She stops just inches from Ben. "You chatting about me?" she demands. For a second I'm a teenager again, intimidated by this loud mouth bad girl. But then Jack looks her up and down, lingering his gaze on her bulging breasts and says with a smirk "see you after work, Keely."

She sulks off, both of us watching her butt as she goes. "You know what, she's just given me an idea," Jack says, and then heads back to work the doors.

I continue to watch the girls, my eyes appreciating every aspect of their fine form as they dance for cash. Tracy, Melissa, then Anna and then Keely again. I notice bartender Gary has his eye especially on Keely, and I realize gleefully, though with more than a little jealousy, that he's going to be sticking it in her tonight. I head back for a third beer when Jack comes up to me again.

He leans in close. "It's going to be an extra special night tonight," Jack confides. "Last night Keely had a blazing row with Big Ben, actually called him a cunt. Which went down as well as you can expect. So Ben says that girls with trash mouths get fucked against the trash. So we're not just doing her on the sofa tonight like normal. Tonight we're going to take her out back where the big dumpsters are, and fuck her up against those."

"Damn," I say, feeling myself getting hard, "I wish I could see that."

"And here's the best bit," Jack says, "I phoned Ben, told him what a bitch Keely used to be to you at school, and he says you're welcome to join in."

I'm surprised I didn't cum in my pants right then.

The rest of the night I take it easy, drinking slowly as I watch the girls, waiting for the time when this place closes and the real fun begins. Keely stops by me once more to ask if I want "another private dance."

"Not just yet, babes," I reply slyly, and kept my eyes glued to her swinging ass as she walks away to try her luck elsewhere. I'll be getting more than a dance later, and she has no idea what's going to hit her.

Finally, the night winds to an end. The last of the customers file out, but on Jack's advice I hide out in the toilets so that Keely doesn't get suspicious of me sticking around.

Bartender Gary comes to collect me, indicating me to 'hush' until Keely is in place. Peeking through the bathroom door, I see Jack lead Keely, still dressed in her lacy black underwear, through the club and out the back exit.

Gary and I sneak after them. There's a little courtyard here, lit dimly in yellow light. It's not visible from anywhere out on the street and has just enough space for a couple of large dumpsters. Jack manhandles Keely to the dumpster, placing both her hands against the handle. Then, to her surprise, he takes out a ziptie and quickly secures her hands in place.

"What the fuck, Jack" she whines, "I wasn't going anywhere."

"Well, shouldn't be a problem," Jack says, "cuz you sure ain't going anywhere now.

Keely's facing the dumpster, her beautiful ass towards me. I'm as yet unseen. I scan the other people in the courtyard. Club owner Big Ben is here, regarding the sight of a scantily clad Keely tethered to the dumpster with a look of approval. I'm surprised to see Anna has stuck around, now with a coat wrapped over her underwear. For a moment I wonder why she's here, but then realize she doesn't like Keely any more than I do, and is eager to witness her nightly humiliation.

"Let's get you out of these clothes," Jack says, and unclips Keely's bra strap, the black lace falling away to once again reveal two of the finest tits I've ever seen. Then he pulls down her knickers, revealing the entirety of that perfect ass and a pussy with just a neat strip of pubic hair. Keely has to step forward to untangle her feet from her panties. She's utterly naked now, save for the high heels that keep her ass raised at the perfect height for entry.

"Let the fun begin!" Ben announces, and all but Keely snigger. "Don't look around," Ben tells her, "see if you can guess whose dick is fucking you."

Gary steps silently forwards, his trousers around his knees, his erection already clad in a condom. He positions himself behind Keely, placing a hand on each cheek of that perfectly formed ass, and parts her legs just enough to let him slide his dick up into her pussy, taking her doggy style. And then the pounding begins.

"So who is it?" Anna shouts.

Keely glares straight ahead at the dumpster as she rocks back and forth from the fucking. "Jesus, I don't know, Jack I think."

Jack bursts out laughing. "Gary, your dick must feel like it's the same size as mine. That's a hell of a compliment!"

Gary just laughs as he continues to hump her. "Hurry up, Gaz," Keely complains, "I'm cold."

It doesn't feel cold to me. It's a mild a summer night as we get up here, but then I'm not start naked.

"Keely, babes," Gary says, "we're just getting warmed up."

Gary doesn't hurry up. He continues pounding her at a leisurely pace, clearly enjoying every moment of it. Which is more than can be said of Keely, who remains with wrists tied to the dumpster, face looking at the floor, clearly wondering just how her life got to this point. Gary finally finishes a good ten minutes later, letting out a deep groan of satisfaction before he slides out to make way for the new man. "Here you go mate," Gary says as Jack takes his place, "warmed her up for you."

Jack grasps her ass and plunges his dick right in, instantly taking her hard. Keely rocks back and forth, her tits swaying like a fantastic booby pendulum.

"Now whose dick are you on?" Anna called out, "and don't look around or you'll get fucked in the ass too."

"Uh, jeez, I dunno, is that Ben?"

"Damn, bitch," Jack laughed, "stop getting our dicks mixed up! I'm going to have to nail you extra hard just so you don't forget the feel of me!"

Jack is as good as his word. I'm still in the shadows, as yet unseen by Keely. It should have felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable, seeing a friend I've known since school having sex. But all I can do was admire just how thoroughly Keely was getting the dignity fucked out of her. It made all the treatment I received from her at school, every cruel remark, every pin on the chair or thrown pencil, seem almost worth it to witness this moment. Jack moves his hands over Keely as he continues to fuck her, gripping her ass, then her shoulders, then fondling those famously massive boobs before cumming with a huge satisfied groan.

Finally, Ben steps up. "Thank you gentlemen," he says to Jack and Gary, before adjusting the condom on his own erection and sliding right in. "I think you can guess whose fucking you, this time."

He leans in close to speak into Keely's ear as he continues to pound away. "How's it working out for you, trying to steal from my bar?"

"Oh fuck you guys," she snaps at him.

Laughter echoes through all the group except Keely. "Oh, you are fucking us guys," Ben laughs, "or more accurately, being fucked by us guys. But do yourself a favor. Show a bit less attitude and next time you'll find yourself getting fucked against the sofa instead of against a trash can. Is that a deal?"

"Whatever," she mutters resignedly.

Ben continues to pound her, one hand on the ass while the other fumbles a cigarette from his pocket. He holds it up. "Gentlemen, please." Gary steps forward and lights it. Ben smokes with one hand while gripping Keely's shoulders with the other. He's clearly having the time of his life, but unexpectedly, even Keely is groaning a little now, her expression turning to one of someone not totally hating the treatment she's getting. And finally, five minutes in, she gasps out the groan of an orgasm. Laughter and a round of applause echo around the courtyard. Ben soon answers with a groan of his own, and then playfully slaps Keely's ass as he pulls out. "And that, gentlemen, is how we do that."

But we're not quite finished yet. Jack beckons to me. It's my time. I silently approach, my cock already wrapped in a condom. Keely's bent over ass looks as inviting as I can imagine.

"Just one more," Jack says to her, and gives me the nod. I place both my hands on Keely's wonderfully soft yet firm butt, gently push her legs open, and slide my cock inside her. And with that, I am having sex with Keely Michael, and it feels just as good as I'd always imagined. Her pussy is neither too tight or lose, my dick growing even harder with every thrust.

But of course I can't stay in disguise forever. "Who's that?" she squawks, and turns around. Her eyes go wide with recognition. It's the perfect moment.

"Surprise, bitch!"

Keely is staring at me in horror. "What the fuck," she squeals, "oh fuck off". Her hands tug helplessly at the zip tie that holds her to the dumpster. She swings and thrusts her hips around, trying to throw me off. But my cock is deep inside her, and my hands keep her hips pressed against mine. "Wahey," I shout, "Rodeo sex!" If anything her struggles are just adding to the wonderful sensation.

"Ben, this wasn't part of the deal," she spits out.

"It wasn't part of the deal for you to swipe from my till," Ben says, "deals change".

"But like, this, this is...rape."

"Don't be so dramatic," Ben says before taking a drag on his cigarette, "it's just a little surprise sex. Let the lad have his fun."

"I could go to the police," Keely says, and for the first time this evening I worry that I could be in trouble, though I'm not so worried that I don't keep pounding away.

"They'll never believe you," Ben said, "not with your history of lying to the courts, but they will believe our CCTV tapes."

I can see from the look in Keely's face that she knows it's true, and resignedly, she stops struggling. I place both hands on her shoulders, and continue to thrust away.

"How, you feeling, Darren?" Jack asks.

"I can't believe I'm fucking Keely Michaels," I say ecstatically.

"I can't believe I'm being fucked by Darren Walker," she replies dejectedly.

I continue to hump away, each thrust bouncing against Keely's ass, enjoying the very best minutes of my life, and hoping I don't cum too soon. "Hey, Keely," I say, "what's the rule about no touching?"

"Still applies," she mutters, with my dick firmly inside her.

"So what if I ask for permission, can I touch your tits?"

"No," she snaps.

I lean forwards anyway, cupping both those melon sized breasts, impossibly soft and firm at the same time, and giving them a good squeeze,

"I said no," she growls.

"I heard you the first time," I said, and then lean in closer. "It's just more fun when you say no."

"Oh fuck you, you rapey bastard," she spits. Her mascara is running.

"Oh, attitude," Anna snaps back at her.

"Yeah, attitude," I repeat, and then a memory from ten years ago surfaces. Keely Michaels slapping me for no reason, just for the casual cruelty of it, just because she could. And now I look at her, tethered to a dumpster, my cock pounding in and out of her pussy, her hair hanging down towards the ground.

"You know," she says, "you're still the pathetic..."

"Shut up, bitch," I reply and slap one hand firmly across her face. Her whole body tenses, which feels fantastic against my dick, almost making me cum right then.

She looks up incredulously. "You slapped me..."

"I did, you want another one." For a few seconds there's fire in her eyes, but then she slowly shakes her head.

I'm very close to cumming. Cumming in a condom while fucking Keely would be a very fine thing indeed. But I want better than fine. I want outstanding. I'm very unlikely to be shagging her again, so I've got to make this one count. I'd love to unload my balls down her throat, but I'm not risking her biting my cock off. Still, I've got an idea. I pull out.


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